online teachers
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2022 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Hava Sason ◽  
Egoza Wasserman ◽  
Mordechai Zvi Safrai ◽  
Shlomo Romi

Social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic forced the education system to instantly transition to online learning and teaching. Studies show that the challenges of emergency remote teaching (ERT) differ from those of online learning during routine times. Do student’s perceptions of teachers’ roles during online learning differ between ERT and routine online classes as well? Addressing this question can illuminate different aspects of the role of a teacher at different times, thus facilitating the improvement of online learning. This study compares students’ perceptions of their teachers’ roles in the online courses they attended during the pandemic, with perceptions of students who attended online courses in routine times when distance learning was a regular part of the academic program. The participants who attended online courses during routine times were 520 undergraduates in a teacher-education college. A second group of 475 undergraduates from the same college responded at the end of a semester of emergency online learning during the pandemic. Both groups answered questionnaires regarding their perception of four aspects of the role of online teachers: pedagogical, technical, affective, and differentiating. The findings showed that during emergency times, students had significantly higher expectations for teachers’ technical and affective roles than in routine times. However, students had lower expectations regarding teachers’ differentiating role during emergencies, and similar expectations for teachers’ pedagogical role in both situations. These findings highlight the need to plan curricula to suit different situations and different needs, and emphasize the different characteristics of the teachers’ role in different situations, in order to optimally address students’ needs in times of routine and emergency alike.

2022 ◽  
pp. 110-154

In a pandemic, when schools have either closed, gone “blended” or “hybrid” (part-in-person and part-online), or gone fully online, teachers have to master online teaching quickly. At these moments, various online and published resources are referred to and used as guides. Some are willing to offer open-shared learning resources on the Social Web. This work involves an environmental scan of open-shared learning resources for pre-K12 and K12 on (1) an online teaching repository/referatory, (2) slideshow-sharing site, and (3) a social video sharing site. This includes bottom-up thematic coding of the journalistic literature (of COVID-19 and children), a review of the available recent open learning resources, and analytical observations about how to improve the available contents.

Almudena Castellanos ◽  
Beatriz Ortega-Ruipérez ◽  
David Aparisi

The aim of this work is to analyze the perceptions of Colombian, Spanish, and Ecuadorian teachers regarding cyberbullying from a cross-cultural perspective. A descriptive and analytical method was used with a quantitative approach and 240 teachers answered an ad hoc questionnaire. Most teachers in the three countries say that they do not know how to deal with this type of bullying and have not received training in this respect, with the percentages in the three countries being very similar. Spanish teachers have the highest percentage of lack of concern about cyberbullying and Colombian teachers are the ones who admit to having had the most cases of cyberbullying. In terms of reaction, the majority acted, but among those who did not, Ecuadorian teachers did not due to lack of knowledge. Forced by the pandemic to teach their classes online, teachers are increasingly concerned about cyberbullying. For the three countries, it is considered necessary to take measures in terms of legislating specific protocols to deal with cyberbullying at school and that the training plans for the degrees that give access to this profession include the competencies that allow teachers to develop appropriate strategies to respond to cyberbullying.

2021 ◽  
pp. 089202062110662
Dawn Gilmore ◽  
Chinh Nguyen

This paper illustrates how unbundling has progressed from university-controlled approaches to incorporating partnership organisations into the delivery of university functions, specifically teaching. In this paper, we limit the scope of unbundling to the management of online teachers using three Australian case studies. In the first section, we review the literature for reasons that support unbundling the teaching approach, the effectiveness of this approach, and criticisms posed. Then we use aspects of the literature to present an unbundled teaching hierarchy. We use three examples from the hierarchy in the context of three Australian case studies that are illustrative of how online teachers are managed in Australian higher education. As discussed in this paper, the opportunities and challenges associated with unbundling university teaching have implications for the quality of the student experience, teacher experience, and cost effectiveness for institutions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 416-422
Luu Nguyen Quoc Hung

Educational systems worldwide have been affected by government restrictions imposed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, causing the temporary closure of many educational institutions. The new condition has forced teachers to make the transition from onsite to online teaching. The current study used a descriptive method to examine online teachers’ perceptions towards online teaching during the transition to online learning at a center for foreign languages in Vietnam. The results reveal that teachers have a relatively positive perception of online teaching, although many typical problems of online teaching do present themselves and the effectiveness of online teaching does not always compare favorably with traditional classroom teaching. Teachers’ suggestions are significant for improving online teaching quality. Online teaching is highly likely here to stay and will continue to improve. The transition from traditional face-to-face classrooms to online teaching can be successfully achieved and its quality can be ensured if challenges and ways of improving online learning continue to be closely examined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 160-175
Neha Anand ◽  
Abbey Bachmann

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the entire system of education around the world is living each day under rapid experimentation to grapple with unforeseen challenges. The event of the COVID-19 pandemic has not only impacted a student’s track of learning but also disrupted the everyday functioning of schools. In the case of the United States, since the beginning of March 2020, when schools were pushed into remote learning options, most teachers had minimal training and resources to teach online. Teachers faced technological challenges and suffered a severe lack of pedagogical knowledge to engage students in an online platform. The overnight switch of face-to-face to remote teaching has added to existing teacher workloads, including accommodating student learning and engagement on the virtual platform. The narrative study considers the experiences of Ally, a veteran teacher, who experienced doubts about her sense of confidence as a teacher with the overnight change of instructional formats. Qualitative analysis was conducted from two interviews, 12 written reflections, and observation notes. Following a review of relevant literature, we report the narrative account of this teacher’s lived experiences. Next, we present suggestions and implications for research and practice while addressing the following research question: What were the lived experiences of a veteran teacher while pursuing a hybrid teaching instruction format, in both the traditional and online delivery format?

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 384-392
Yanuar Dwi Prastyo ◽  
Maratus Solihah

The purpose of this research is to explore the implementation of the Edmodo learning platform in online learning. This study was conducted to determine students' perceptions about the application of the Edmodo learning platform in online learning and the benefits of using Edmodo. This research used qualitative method. The population used in this study was 20 students. Purposive sampling was used in this study. Data was collected using questionnaires and interviews. Many applications are used in online learning, but students need applications that are comfortable to use while online when learning online. So that students don't feel bored when learning online, teachers must use several methods. Edmodo is often used to help do online learning because it can be done anywhere and anytime. The result of this study showed that implementation of Edmodo is very helpful for students in doing online learning, because Edmodo is easy to use. Combining the two instruments, the Edmodo application is able to facilitate them in online English classes. Most of the respondents agreed that Edmodo is used in online learning. Keywords: Edmodo learning platform, online learning, online English classes

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 71-81
Ana Mariel A. Moreno ◽  
Constantino T. Ballena

This study explored the online Business English teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) to understand its essence in Business English teaching.  It sought to uncover what they thought about PCK in Business English lessons and how they developed their PCK as they engaged themselves in the everyday teaching of Business English. Hermeneutic phenomenology was employed since the purpose of the study concerns the reflection and interpretation of the online Business English teachers' experiences. The participants of the study were six online Business English teachers from one ESL Company in the Philippines catering to business professionals. They were chosen through homogeneous purposive sampling. The data collection included in-depth interviewing following semi-structured interviews and observations to gather rich descriptions of the participants' reflection and interpretation of their experiences. The data were analyzed using the six-step data analysis of Smith et al. (2021) due to the interpretive nature of the study. The results of the analysis revealed that the online Business English teachers thought of PCK as knowledge of strategizing, knowledge of Business English as the language in the workplace, and knowledge of Business English being distinct from General English. Additionally, the findings reported that teachers developed their PCK through several sources such as their encounter in the field, growth processes, and perceived need for further PCK development in Business English teaching. A creative synthesis captures the essential themes. Despite the online Business English teachers’ patent consciousness of their PCK in Business English, they still demonstrated the need to be exposed more to the business field and broaden their knowledge of business phrases and expressions.  Teacher interaction with various types of students, and feedback from senior colleagues helped develop and widen their PCK in Business English.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 360
Molina Olivia Odja ◽  
Wenefrida Tulit Ina ◽  
Stephanie Imelda Pella ◽  
Frans J. Likadja

ABSTRAKKompetensi dan keahlian dalam menggunakan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) sangat penting terutama bagi tenaga pendidik seperti guru maupun dosen yang tugasnya sangat mulia yaitu untuk mencerdaskan kehidupan anak bangsa. Persoalan yang dihadapi oleh guru-guru pada UPTD SMP Negeri 11 Kota Kupang adalah belum memanfaatkan aplikasi google classroom dalam melakukan Pendidikan Jarak Jauh (PJJ) selama masa pandemic dengan efektif agar proses Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar (KBM) dapat tetap dilaksanakan, dengan memanfaatkan fitur-fitur yang tersedia seperti memudahkan pengajar dan murid untuk berinteraksi baik di dalam sekolah maupun di luar sekolah, penghematan kertas (paperless) dan waktu. Berdasarkan alasan tersebut, maka dibuatlah kegiatan pengabdian dengan judul “Pelatihan Google Classroom bagi Guru-Guru UPTD SMP Negeri 11 Kota Kupang”. Adapun tahapan yang digunakan adalah melalui tahap persiapan, pelaksanaan kegiatan dengan metode pelatihan dan pendampingan. Kegiatan dapat berjalan dengan efektif dan efisien hal ini dibuktikan dengan antusias peserta yang mengikuti pelatihan dengan mendapatkan semua materi yang sudah dipersiapkan dan sesuai dengan jadwal yang sudah ditetapkan. Pendampingan secara online melalui grup whatsapp yang telah dibentuk, dengan tujuan untuk kedalaman pemahaman materi melalui pemberian tugas serta diskusi dan sebagai bentuk tanggung jawab moril. Kegiatan PKM ini sangat diapresiasi oleh para peserta dengan mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan dari awal sampai akhir..Kata kunci: google classroom; pembelajaran; online; guru-guru. ABSTRACTCompetence and expertise in using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) are very important, especially for educators such as teachers and lecturers whose very noble task is to educate the lives of the nation's children. The problem faced by teachers at UPTD SMP Negeri 11 Kupang City is that they have not used the google classroom application in conducting Distance Education (PJJ) during the pandemic effectively so that the Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM) process can continue to be implemented, by utilizing the features such as making it easier for teachers and students to interact both inside and outside school, saving paper (paperless) and time. Based on these reasons, a service activity was made with the title "Google Classroom Training for UPTD Teachers at SMP Negeri 11 Kupang City". The stages used are through the preparation stage, implementation of activities with training and mentoring methods. Activities can run effectively and efficiently, this is evidenced by the enthusiasm of the participants who participated in the training by getting all the materials that had been prepared and according to the schedule that had been set. Online assistance through WhatsApp groups has been formed, with the aim of deepening understanding of the material through assignments and discussions and as a form of moral responsibility. This PKM activity was highly appreciated by the participants by participating in training activities from beginning to end. Keywords: google classroom; learning; online; teachers. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-132
Dewi Anjani ◽  
Desi Novianti ◽  
Ali Sadikin Wear

Revolution 4.0 resulted in teachers having to continue to improve their abilities, especially in making learning media. Learning media is one of the teacher's tools to transfer knowledge to students. With the suitable media, the level of student understanding of the lesson will increase. During this pandemic, the learning method used is online. Teachers only provide material in the form of files in document format. Giving such learning materials makes students less interested in learning which causes a decrease in understanding of the material. From these problems, we need a learning media that can make students understand the material, which gives students enthusiasm in learning, namely by changing the learning media used today. One of the learning media that can increase students' interest in learning is interactive media, such as QR Code technology. For this reason, teachers need knowledge and understanding of making learning media using QR codes. To support this, the school held community service activities. The activity aims to introduce and provide training on QR Code Technology in the Development of Learning Media at SDN 15 Pal Merah, West Jakarta, so learning is more exciting and interactive.  

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