scholarly journals Operating experience of a multidisciplinary medical hospital under the conditions of reprofiling to receive patients with the new coronavirus infection COVID-19

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 203-210
Yulia Shikhova ◽  
Alexey Nikitin ◽  
Inna Velichko ◽  

The purpose of our work was to increase the efficiency of medical care provided to patients with the new coronavirus infection COVID-19 who were admitted to a multidisciplinary hospital, based on a retrospective analysis of the work carried out to reorganise material-technical and personnel support, organise operations in an unfavourable epidemiological situation in the period from 16.05–06.11.2020. During the specified work period, data on 677 hospitalised patients were analysed. The practical experience of the FGBUZ CCH RAS demonstrated the feasibility of a quick response to unfavourable development of the epidemiological situation associated with the spread of COVID-19 via solving the problem of reorganising a multidisciplinary hospital, taking into account the implementation of organisational measures that provide the material and technical basis for the diagnosis and treatment of patients and measures aimed at preventing the spread of infection among medical personnel and patients. Our data confirmed that complications related to infection with COVID-19 and which led to the need to use intensive care measures were more typical for people in the older age group: with an average age of 57 ± 6 years for men and 64 ± 7 years for women that were admitted to the hospital. A set of measures to ensure the safety of personnel involved in providing medical care to patients with the new coronavirus infection minimises the risks of personnel infection.

2020 ◽  
pp. 30-33
E. V. Panina ◽  
M. V. Pugachev ◽  
A. G. Shchesiu

The article shows that in the daily activities of nursing staff of functional diagnostics departments (offices), it is necessary to strictly observe the requirements and rules for the prevention of infections associated with medical care, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. The types of personal protective equipment (PPE) of medical personnel (MP), as well as current effective methods of disinfection, rules for collecting medical waste in a complex epidemiological situation are presented.

Temirov Nemat Moidunovich ◽  
Mamyrova Kanykey Kanybekovna ◽  
Abdimomunova Begimay Toktobolotovna ◽  
Satybaldieva Ayzirek Topchubaevna ◽  
Zholdoshev Saparbay Tezekbaevich

The commonality of mechanisms and ways of transmission of new coronavirus infection and tuberculosis increases the risk of spreading pathogens and determines common preventive approaches. The aim of the work was to assess the effectiveness of preventive and anti-epidemic measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among patients and medical personnel of an antitubercular hospital during the pandemic. Given the specifics of TB hospital developed and implemented a complex of measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, which includes the identification and isolation of sources of infection, disinfection of air and adequate ventilation, disinfection of surfaces, use of personal protective equipment. The article describes the group morbidity of COVID-19 patients in an antitubercular hospital, which was caused by the introduction of infection into the hospital by patients in the incubation period. Timely measures made it possible to localize the situation and prevent the widespread spread of infection. The complex of measures for the protection of medical personnel has shown its high efficiency, which was manifested in the absence of cases of illness of personnel working in the «red zone». The absence of a consistent epidemic spread of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19 among patients and hospital staff of the R.G. Bauer Jalal-Abad Regional Tuberculosis Control Center allows us to use the described experience of conducting preventive and anti-epidemic measures in medical organizations of this type.

Sergey A. Suslin ◽  
Maiia L. Sirotko ◽  
Marina N. Bochkareva ◽  
Sergey A. Babanov

Currently, work in any medical organization carries a risk of coronavirus infection, and, first of all, this applies to medical organizations dealing with the treatment of patients infected with coronavirus. Medical workers are a group at increased risk of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the provision of medical care in modern conditions, which determines their incidence of COVID-19 [1-3]. The aim of the study is to explore the prevalence of cases of COVID-19 infection in medical workers providing medical care on an outpatient basis. Materials and methods. The analysis of the incidence of COVID-19 medical workers in one of the large medical organizations of the Samara region during the period of the pandemic was carried out. The medical staff of the medical organization includes 207 doctors. There are 11 subdivisions in the structure of the medical and prophylactic institution. Research methods: content analysis of the modern regulatory framework (2020-2021), statistical, expert. For the period from May 2020 to March 2021 71 cases of infection of medical workers on an outpatient basis with SARS-CoV-2 were identified, of which 32 doctors (45%) and 39 people (55%) nurses. Based on the results of the expert assessment, the insurance nature of the infection case was established in 50 people (70%). Among the medical and nursing categories of medical workers, the largest number of cases was made by doctors and nurses of primary contact - specialists of the district service: general practitioners (40%), pediatricians (32%), doctors - obstetricians-gynecologists (12%), nurses adults (76%) and children (20%) polyclinic departments. A third of health workers received inpatient treatment for severe COVID-19, an average of 60 days. Conclusion. Medical workers are a risk group of COVID-19 who need support measures, since the possibility of occupational infection has been sufficiently proven, and the risk probably depends on the work performed and the conditions of direct contact of medical personnel, which requires further study in the current persisting epidemic conditions.

Л.А. Балыкова ◽  
Л.Ф. Сабиров ◽  
Е.В. Семелева

Возникновение нового варианта вируса и эпидемический потенциал, проявленный возбудителем COVID-19, поставили перед специалистами здравоохранения задачи, связанные с быстрой разработкой диагностики и профилактики новой инфекции, а также тактики оказания медицинской помощи больным. Активное распространение коронавирусной инфекции заставило активно вносить изменения в систему медицинского образования. Целью данной работы был анализ эпидемиологической ситуации по COVID-19 в Республике Мордовия для понимания особенностей развития эпидемического процесса и составления его прогноза, а также рассмотрения перестройки образовательного процесса в условиях пандемии. Проведен ретроспективный анализ эпидемиологической ситуации по заболеваемости COVID-19 в Республике Мордовия, проанализирована эффективность реализации профилактических и противоэпидемических мероприятий, приведены данные по динамике заболеваемости, выздоровлению и летальности пациентов. Изучены элементы перестройки образовательного процесса. Проанализирована эпидемиологическая ситуация в сравнении с некоторыми регионами РФ, изучены данные по проведению вакцинации, по динамике коечного фонда за период пандемии. Вероятность смерти от коронавируса COVID-19 в Республике Мордовия аналогична мировым показателям. Можно предположить, что дистанционное обучение займет одну из лидирующих позиций в высшей школе. Благополучная ситуация в Республике Мордовия с заболеваемостью и летальностью от новой коронавирусной инфекции складывалась благодаря реализации научно обоснованной стратегии опережающего реагирования – на основе постоянной оценки масштабов распространения новой коронавирусной инфекции, анализа тенденций эпидемического процесса, моделирования развития эпидемической ситуации и проводимых превентивных мероприятий. Непосредственное участие преподавателей университета в лечебной работе, использование их опыта и знаний в решении практических задач будут способствовать повышению качества медицинской помощи и развитию системы здравоохранения Республики Мордовия не только в условиях пандемии COVID-19, но и в дальнейшем. The emergence of a new variant of the virus and the epidemic potential manifested by the causative agent of COVID-19 have set health professionals tasks related to the rapid development of diagnostics and prevention of a new infection, as well as tactics for providing medical care to patients. The active spread of coronavirus infection has forced active changes to the system of medical education. The goal is to analyze the epidemiological situation of COVID-19 in the Republic of Mordovia in order to understand the development of the epidemic process and make a forecast, consideration of the restructuring of the educational process in the context of a pandemic. In this article, a retrospective analysis of the epidemiological situation on the incidence of COVID-19 in the Republic of Mordovia is carried out, the effectiveness of the implementation of preventive and anti-epidemic measures is analyzed, data on the dynamics of morbidity, recovery and mortality of patients are presented. The elements of the restructuring of the educational process are studied. The epidemiological situation was analyzed in comparison with some regions of the Russian Federation, data on vaccination, on the dynamics of the bed fund during the pandemic period were studied. The probability of death from the COVID-19 coronavirus in the Republic of Mordovia is similar to the indicators around the world. It can be assumed that distance learning will take one of the leading positions in the process of studying in higher education. A favorable situation in the Republic of Mordovia with morbidity and mortality from a new coronavirus infection was formed positive to the implementation of a scientifically grounded strategy of proactive response – based on a constant assessment of the scale of the spread of a new coronavirus infection, analysis of trends in the epidemic process, modeling the development of the epidemic situation and ongoing preventive measures. The direct participation of university teachers in medical work, the use of their experience and knowledge in solving practical problems will contribute to improving the quality of medical care and the development of the healthcare system of the Republic of Mordovia not only in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, but also in the future.

Bioethics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-62
I.A. Serova ◽  
A.U. Yagodina ◽  
O.A. Kostenko ◽  

The article presents a reflexive technology for conducting a survey among residents on the problem of health of medical workers during pandemic. Content analysis of reminiscences about the peculiarities of providing medical care during pandemic of coronavirus showed the need for the early implementation of rapid testing for SARS-cov-2 before personnel in order to stop the spread of infection by medical workers. There is a clear need to analyze the effectiveness of ways of dividing contagious patient groups from other patients in primary medical care. The return to the workplace of doctors after a coronavirus infection is connected with their preliminary examination and rehabilitation – it is a thesis for current human rights issues.

M. Yu. Rykov ◽  
O. A. Manerova ◽  
I. A. Turabov ◽  
V. V. Kozlov ◽  
V. A. Reshetnikov

.Objective. To study the opinion of parents (legal representatives) on the problems of medical care for children with oncological diseases.Methods. The study was based on the Questionnaire for parents (legal representatives) on medical care children with cancer. The questionnaire consisted of 27 questions, the respondents were asked to choose one or several answers or to enter their own option.Results. This medical and social study demonstrated that 81.1±1.9% of respondents are not satisfied with the attitude of doctors and nurses towards them and their children, 15.9±1.8% of respondents are partially satisfied and only 3±0.8% of respondents are fully satisfied. The reasons for dissatisfaction were as follows: rude communication (35.8±2.4%), inadequate attention of medical personnel (21.3±2.0%) and lack of interest in the treatment success (19.7±2.0%). The combination of these options was noted by 23.2±2.0% of the respondents. 63.7±2.4% of respondents would prefer to treat their children at a medical organization of federal subordination, 33.9±2.4% – at medical organization outside the territory of the Russian Federation, of which 57.4±2.4% would like to receive a patient-oriented service and simplified routing between medical organizations during treatment. 12.7±1.6% mistrust in the qualifications of medical personnel in the Russian Federation, 11.8±1.6% of respondents indicated the lack of comfortable conditions for examination and treatment, 5.3±1.1% of respondents indicated the lack of necessary diagnostic and treatment methods and 12.8 1.6% of respondents indicated a combination of the above options.Conclusion. The results obtained indicate the need to implement patient-oriented approaches and to improve the routing of children with cancer.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 99-106
E. V. Kovalev ◽  
S. S. Slis ◽  
E. G. Yanovich ◽  
N. L. Pichurina ◽  
S. V. Volovikova ◽  

Purpose: to analyze the epidemiological situation for a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), to identify some regional features of the Rostov region that contribute to spread of infection.Materials and methods: when assessing the epidemiological situation for a new coronavirus infection in the Rostov region, we used information provided by the Department of the Federal service for supervision of consumer protection and human welfare in the Rostov region. Processing of statistical data was performed by means of generally accepted method.Results: the spreading of a new coronavirus infection in the Rostov region is uneven in nature. When differentiating the territories of the region we identified groups of municipalities with a very high, medium and low number of patients. The administrative territories division of the Rostov region into the “Rostov urban agglomeration” and cluster of municipalities in which pronounced factors and conditions determining the “pendulum” migration of the population are absent, allow analyzing the specific features of the region and identification of territory with the highest risk of epidemic process intensification of a new coronavirus infection.Conclusions: the carried out differentiation of municipalities made it possible to identify and analyze some territorial features of the Rostov region, contributing to the spread of a new coronavirus infection. The obtained results could be used for development of measures aimed at reducing intensification of the epidemic process COVID-19 in condition infection. 

2021 ◽  
pp. 65-68
E.A. Annenkova ◽  
O.A. Tikhonova ◽  
A.P. Biryukov ◽  
L.I. Baranov ◽  

The aim of the study is to develop and apply a mathematical model for assessing the risks of contamination of medical personnel involved in providing medical care to patients with COVID-19 in a "red zone" environment. Materials and methods. Based on the analysis of informative signs and information on working conditions in the infectious disease department of the A.I. Burnazyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, a decision-making support system was developed to provide an objective assessment of the risks of infection for medical personnel when providing medical care in the "red zone". Results of the study and their analysis. The influence of various risk factors for infection of medical personnel involved in the provision of medical care to patients with new coronavirus infection COVID-19 was analyzed; the most significant risk factors were identified.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (28) ◽  
pp. 86-89
V.I. Mordasova ◽  
D.V. Kopylova ◽  
I.S. Podstavkina ◽  
Е.V. Sokoltsov

In March 2020, an outbreak of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 occurred in Russia. During a pandemic, patients do not always have the opportunity to receive full-time medical care. It became necessary to choose other methods of communication "doctor-patient" to solve the problems associated with the need to maintain the availability of medical care for patients with IBD. The progressive nature of the course of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease in some cases requires careful monitoring of the patient's condition. During a pandemic, doctors are advised to make wider use of the telemedicine resource. The article presents options for using distance counseling methods during the period of coronavirus restrictions

Andrey Palyuh ◽  
Mihail Popov ◽  
Viktor Splender

At the end of January 2020, our country faced a new threat to national security, namely the infection of the population with a coronavirus infection, from which a vaccine has not yet been developed. As a result of the activity of COVID-19, there are cases of death, carriers of this virus. The main problem of the new virus is its increased level of infectivity, transmission is carried out by airborne droplets (when coughing or sneezing) and by contact (handrails in vehicles, door handles and other contaminated surfaces and objects). The epidemic, which has grown into a pandemic, does not allow maintaining the appropriate level of security of the country and the implementation of the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation, and therefore, to restore these rights and freedoms, it is necessary to use all the state's capabilities to prevent the spread of infection and develop a medicine. The process of self-isolation of citizens of our country does not give the expected results, a huge number of people are forced to continue to carry out their work, and therefore, with the help of conscious self-isolation of citizens, it will not work to stop the spread of a new infection and it is necessary to resort to other measures that regulate the movement of citizens and social activity. To this end, legislative and executive authorities introduce new measures to prevent the spread of infection. The Federal Service of the National Guard Troops does not stand aside and directs all its efforts to preventing the spread of infection.

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