2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 78-88
Hani Latifah

Karya-karya sastra umumnya memiliki tanda atau simbol yang merepresentasikan makna tertentu yang perlu dipecahkan. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan telaah kode-kode yang terdapat dalam cerpen “Tak Ada yang Gila di Kota Ini” karya Eka Kurniawan dengan menggunakan analisis semiotik yang dikemukakan oleh Roland Barthes yang mencakup beberapa sistem kode yaitu kode aksi, kode teka-teki, kode budaya, kode konotatif, dan kode simbolik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Data diperoleh dengan mengaplikasikan teknik baca dan catat. Data berupa, kata, frasa, klausa, dan atau kalimat. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kelima kode digunakan dalam cerpen diatas. Ada delapan bagian yang merepresentasikan kode aksi. Sementara itu, kode teka-teki digunakan untuk menggambarkan salah satu tokoh. Kode budaya digunakan untuk menggambarkan nilai-nilai yang dianut dan dipercayai para tokoh dalam cerpen. Dan dua kode terakhir yaitu kode konotatif dan simbolik, merupakan dua kode yang saling melengkapi satu sama lain, dimana kode konotatif menyiratkan suatu makna tertentu yang kemudian di di dalam novel tersebut direpresentasikan dalam bentuk symbol-simbol. A SEMIOTIC ANALYSIS OF THE SHORT STORY ENTITLED “NOTHING IS CRAZY IN THIS CITY”Literary works generally decode signs or symbols that represent certain meanings which need to be interpretated. This study reported the analysis of codes contained in the short story entitled “Nothing is Crazy in This City” written by Eka Kurniawan using a semiotic analysis proposed by Roland Barthes which comprised several code systems, namely code of action, code of puzzle, code of culture, connotative code, and symbolic code. The method used in this research was descriptive qualitative research method. The data were obtained by applying reading and note-taking techniques. Data were in the form of words, phrases, clauses, and or sentences. The analysis results showed that the five codes were all used in the short story. Within the story code of actions could be found in eight sections. Meanwhile, a puzzle code was used to describe one of the characters. Cultural codes were used to describe the values upheld and believed by the characters. Lastly, the connotative and symbolic codes were the two codes that complemented each other. The connotative codes implied certain meanings which were then represented in the form of symbols within the short story.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 189
Wildan Wahyudinata ◽  
Irsyad Maulana Al Faruq

<p>This research aims to reveal the visual meanings behind Cak Cuk product designs. Cak Cuk is a brand of clothing and accessories from Surabaya City. Its products such as T-shirts or bags typically display various designs with Surabaya-related themes. This research used the qualitative research method by gathering and analyzing the designs displayed on various Cak Cuk products. The data, which consisted of various visual texts<br />and verbal texts, were analyzed using concepts from Roland Barthes’ semiotic theory: denotation, connotation, and myth. The results show that both visual texts and verbal texts contained in those Cak Cuk designs represent the condition and identity of Surabaya City. These visual meanings include Surabaya’s historical association with heroism,<br />preservation of cultural objects such as historical buildings, the tough characteristic of the Surabayans and their great sense of brotherhood, and appreciation to Surabaya’s culinary traditions.</p>

Koneksi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 194
Orville Yonathan ◽  
Sinta Paramita

Games as a form of mass communication carry messages for the audience. One of the games called marginalization was Player Unknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG). This study aims to identify the existence of marginalization in minority cultures in the PUBG game. The PUBG game is a survival game against 100 people where the players are placed on an island. How to survive is done by killing opposing players using the weapons that have been provided. This game can be done alone or in groups of four. The research method used by researchers is qualitative research methods. The research technique used is the Semiotic analysis of Roland Barthes. The data collection technique used was the observation technique. Observations made by researchers include how the characters in this game are made and how the forms of communication performed by the players while playing so that the marginalization of the minority culture appears. This study found that in an online game it has the potential to bring bad things to the intercultural society which is described by Roland Barthes that a bad habit will become a habit that is tolerated.Permainan atau game sebagai bentuk komunikasi massa membawa pesan bagi audiens. Salah satu game yang disebut melakukan marginalisasi adalah game PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG). Penelitian ini ingin mengidentifikasi adanya marginalisasi pada budaya minoritas dalam game PUBG. Permainan PUBG merupakan permainan bertahan hidup dengan melawan 100 orang di mana para pemainnya ditempatkan di sebuah pulau. Cara bertahan hidup dilakukan dengan membunuh pemain lawan menggunakan senjata yang sudah disediakan. Permainan ini dapat dilakukan sendiri atau berkelompok dengan anggota empat orang. Metode penelitian yang dipakai peneliti adalah metode penelitian kualitatif. Teknik penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik observasi. Pengamatan yang dilakukan peneliti meliputi bagaimana karakter dalam game ini dibuat dan bagaimana bentuk komunikasi yang dilakukan para pemain pada saat bermain sehingga muncul marginalisasi budaya minoritas tersebut. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa di dalam sebuah game online memiliki potensi memunculkan hal buruk untuk masyarakat antar budaya yang digambarkan menurut Roland Barthes bahwa sebuah kebiasaan buruk akan menjadi suatu kebiasaan yang ditoleransi.

E-Structural ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
pp. 39-57
Ely Fathonah ◽  
Sri Mulatsih

Abstract. Conversation is a process of exchanging two variables, there are speech role and commodity exchange, the combination between them is called speech function. This thesis is entitled “Speech Function Used by All Speaker In Allison L. Randall‘s Short Story End of The Line”. This study aims at describing the kinds of speech function and interpersonal role created by all speakers in Allison L. Randall’s short story “End of The Line”. They are Liza, Frank, Noah Crawford, Postmaster, Zedekiah Smith and Caleb. This study used qualitative research   method. Qualitative research method  was used to collect and analyze data that cannot be represented by number. Descriptive research was used in the literal sense of describing situation and event. The result of this study shows that there are 10 kinds of speech functions produced by all characters (Liza, Frank, Noah Crawford, Postmaster, Zedekiah Smith and Caleb). They are 11 statements, 8 commands, 5 offers, 7 questions, 2 acknowledgements, 3 contradictions, 2 acceptances, 2 rejections, 2 answers, and 2 disclaimers. The highest speech function is ‘command’ produced by Liza because she demands the bank robber to release her from the captive. She also produced highest speech function ‘question’, because she is the main character. She is a talkative who wants to know everything. The highest speech function produced by Zedekiah Smith is ‘statement’ because he is bank robber who comes back again to release Liza.Keywords: Conversation, Short Story, Speech Function, UtterancesAbstrak. Percakapan adalah proses perubahan 2 variabel, yaitu peran berbicara dan perpindahan peran. Kombinasi di antara keduanya disebut fungs tutur. Penelitian in iberjudul Fungsi Tutur yang digunakan oleh Seluruh Karakter Pada Cerita Pendek Allison L. Randall “End of The Line. Penelitian ini berhubungan dengan analisis fungsi tutur fokus pada ujaran yang digunakan oleh semua karakter pada cerita pendek Allison L. Randall “End of The Line”. Mereka adalah Liza, Frank, Noah Crawford, Kepala kantor Pos, Zedekiah Smith, dan Caleb. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Metode penelitian kualitatif  digunakan  untuk  menyeleksi  dan  menganalisa  data  yang  tidak  dapat dipresentasikan dengan angka. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan metode deskripsi. Metode deskripsi digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan situasi dan peristiwa. Hasil penelitian  menunjukkan bahwa 10 jenis ujaran yang dibuat oleh semua karakter di dalam cerita pendek (Liza, Frank, Noah Crawford, Kepala Kantor post, Zedekiah Smith, dan Caleb) adalah 11 pernyataan, 8 perintah, 5 penawaran, 7 pertanyaan, 2 pengakuan,3 kontradiksi ,2 penerimaan, 2 penampikan, 2 jawaban, 2 penyangkalan. Pelaku yang paling banyak menghasilkan fungsi tutur perintah adalah Liza karena Liza meminta kepada perampok untuk dibebaskan dari sekapanya. Dia juga paling banyak menghasilkan fungsi tutur pertanyaan karena dia adalah peran utama di dalam cerita. Pelaku yang paling banyak menggunakan fungsi tutur pernyataan adalah Zedekiah Smith, dia adalah perampok bank yang kembali untuk menyelamatkan Liza. Kata kunci : cerita pendek, fungsi tutur, percakapan, ujaran

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 196
Faizal Risdianto

The title of this paper is a conversational implicature analysis on Oscar Wilde’s “Happy Prince”. In this paper, the writer discusses conversational implicature in one of Oscar Wilde’s short stories entitled “Happy Prince”. The objectives of the study are to identify the implicature utterances conveyed by the characters in Oscar Wilde’s “Happy Prince” and to describe the implied meaning uttered by the characters in Oscar Wilde’s “Happy Prince”. In this study, the writer applies qualitative research method. The objects of this study are ten utterances of conversational implicature in Oscar Wilde’s “Happy Prince”. Those conversational implicature are obtained through frequent reading and analysis. This study employed the researcher as the instrument to find adequate and profound data and analyze them. The procedures and steps that have been used in this research are: (1) the provision of data, (2) data classification, (3) and data analysis. In analyzing the data, the writer uses Gricean theory. It is a theory about conversational implicature generated by four maxims. Those are maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of relation and maxim of manner. Then the last step is (4) the presentation of data analysis. After conducting the research, the writer found ten conversational implicatures in Oscar Wilde’s short story “Happy Prince”. In the short story, there are some variation’s meanings of the conversational implicature used in the short story which closely related to the conversational implicature; they are cooperative, politeness and ironical principle. In Oscar Wilde’s short story “Happy Prince”, there are six maxims of politeness principle, two maxims of cooperative principles and two maxims of ironical principles. Besides that, the reasons of the conversational implicature used in Oscar Wilde’s short story “Happy Prince” are to make us easyly understand the dialogue in the short story conversations and it is aimed at minimizing misunderstanding among the readers and literary critics.Keywords: Conversational Implicature; Maxims; Gricean Theory; Short Story

Said Mohammed Al-Fayoumi ◽  
Nadira Brioua

The aim of this study is to investigate the semiotics of the cover, title, characters and the settings of Faces in Hot Water (1996) by the Palestinian writer Abdallah Tayeh. The study shows how important is semiotics in aesthetically and cognitively shaping the novel. The study adopts a qualitative research method by applying semiotic analysis to create a new understanding of the literary text and its interpretations. Built on semiotic analysis, the writer embodies the prevailing norms, traditions and culture of the Palestinian society. The writer also reveals semantic signs that are not visible. He in fact captured the implied meaning behind the semiotic text. The research shows that Tayeh uses many semiotic signs to refer to the various concepts of issues related to the Palestinian culture, society and beliefs.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Ni Nyoman Ayu Suciartini

AbstrakDalam penciptaannya, sebuah lirik lagu berasal atau terbentuk dari bahasa yang dihasilkan sebagai akibat komunikasi antara pencipta lagu dengan masyarakat penikmat lagu. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana perspektif antiperundungan atau anti-bullying dalam lirik lagu “Sikap Duniawi” Isyana Sarasvati. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan makna perspektif antiperundungan atau anti-bullying dalam lirik lagu “Sikap Duniawi” Isyana Sarasvati. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deksriptif kualitatif dengan perspektif semiotika model Roland Barthes. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa di setiap lirik, baik pilihan kata maupun pilihan kalimat yang digunakan pengarang dalam lagu “Sikap Duniawi” ini kaya akan motivasi dan inspirasi untuk bangkit dari cemooh, dari hinaan, dan rasa rendah diri akibat perilaku perundungan atau bullying. Kata kunci: antiperundungan, lagu sastra, Sikap Duniawi AbstractIn its creation, a song’s lyrics originate or are formed from the language produced as a result of communication between the songwriter and the song-loving community. The formulation of the problem in this research is how the perspective of anti-harassment or antibullying in the lyrics of the song “Sikap Duniawi” Isyana Sarasvati. The purpose of this study is to describe the meaning of the perspective of anti-harassment or antibullying in the lyrics of the song “Sikap Duniawi” Isyana Sarasvati. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research method with the semiotic perspective of the Roland Barthes model. The results of this study reveal that in every lyric, the choice of words and choice of sentences used by the author in the song “Sikap Duniawi” is rich in motivation and inspiration to rise from ridicule, humiliation, and low self-esteem due to harassment or bullying behavior.Keywords: bullying, literary songs, Sikap Duniawi

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (76) ◽  

The purpose of this research is to analyze the reasons for the usage and positioning of writing in the field of plastic arts by using semiotic analysis. Therefore, the purposes for which the writing is used in pictorial expressions has been researched by using literature scanning techniques, and it has been exemplified over different methods of use by elaborating on a few artists. During the research, qualitative research method was used and the works of the artists who used writing in their paintings were examined by examining the research examples made in this field together with the literature review. Research; The use of images in the article is important in order to reveal the present status of the century in Turkey, it is limited by the Contemporary Turkish Painting Artists and their works using text in this important line in the works. While Contemporary Turkish Painting Art constitutes the universe of the research, he uses painting and writing together in his works as a sample; The works of Aylin Beyoğlu, Bedri Baykam, Gültekin Akengin, Kayıhan Keskinok, Özdemir Altan, Rauf Tuncer and Seyit Mehmet Buçukoğlu were selected. Undoubtedly, many artists who used writing in their works could be included in this research. However, the main purpose here is not to create a complete list of artists who use writing in their works; to reveal the existence and usage purposes of writing in contemporary Turkish painting. Keywords: Plastic arts, painting, writing, painting artist, Contemporary Turkish painting art

Yohanes Paulus Florianus Erfiani ◽  
Hesni Neno

This study aimed at investigating the meaning of Padlocks hung on the fence of Liliba Bridge in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara Province. The meaning of the padlocks was analyzed from semiotic’s approach especially Roland Barthes which meanings were seen from denotation, connotation, and myth. This study used qualitative research method. Based on the data analysis, it was concluded that the hanging padlocks had 3 main meanings, (1) the denotation meaning was the couple or teenagers wrote both their names on a padlock, then they locked and hung it on Liliba Bridge; (2) the connotation meaning was the couple or teenagers had analogy their love in a padlock which had their names in order to make their romantic love lasts forever as same as the padlock; and (3) the myth meaning was the teenagers believed and convinced that their love will last forever if they locked the padlocks on the Liliba bridge.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 122-130
Wahyu Kamil Syarifaturrahman ◽  
Sutarman ◽  
Zainudin Abdussamad

The current study analyses the morpho-phonemic in Sasak affixation especially in Ngeno-Ngene dialect. This study is a qualitative research in nature. The data were collected via field linguistic method using three techniques of data collection: observation, interview, and note-taking. The study used a qualitative research method to describe all morphophonemic process of affixation in Ngeno-Ngene dialect of Sasak language. The results of the study revealed that there are two affixes that undergo morphophonemic process, namely, prefix  be-, pe-, ng-, t-, me- and simulfix ke-an. Prefix be- can cause epenthesis (additional r ), prefix pe- causes epenthesis (additional n and mi) and assimilation ( kn),  prefix ng- causes assimilation (k ŋ), prefix t- causes epenthesis (additional e) and prefix me- causes assimilation (pm). The simulfix ke-an in this dialect causes epenthesis in which there will be lexical addition ‘r,m,n’ when the simulfix ke-an is used.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Heni Haryani

Abstract. This study analyzes how the position of women in household life in patriarchal culture in Sundanese society which was also described in a short story entitled "Si Bocokok" by Holisoh ME. The story was written in Sundanese language. The research method used was descriptive qualitative research method, so that the research results were described in the form of a description. The analysis was conducted on the texts in the short story using social semiotics theory. The results of the analysis found texts with linguistic markers in the form of phrases, clauses, proverbs and metaphors which described the excesses of the implementation of patriarchal culture in Sundanese society in the short stories.Keywords: Social Semiotics, Patriarchy, Short story.Abstrak. Penelitian ini menganalisis bagaimana posisi perempuan dalam kehidupan rumah tangga dalam budaya patriarki pada masyarakat Sunda yang digambarkan dalam cerita pendek berbahasa Sunda berjudul “Si Bocokok” karya Holisoh ME. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif sehingga hasil penelitian dijabarkan dalam bentuk deskripsi. Analisis dilakukan terhadap teks-teks dalam cerpen Sunda berjudul “Si Bocokok” dengan menggunakan teori semiotika sosial. Hasil analisis menemukan teks-teks dengan pemarkah linguistik berupa frasa, klausa, pribahasa dan metafora yang menggabarkan adanya ekses-ekses penerapan budaya patriarki dalam masyarakat sunda dalam cerpen tersebut. Kata kunci: Semiotika Sosial, Patriarki, Cerpen.

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