Public Service Radio: Development and Evaluation of a Campaign

1977 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-161 ◽  
Michael S. Goodstadt ◽  
Reena Kronitz

An eight week public service radio campaign dealing with drugs and alcohol was distributed throughout Ontario, Canada. Evaluation indicated acceptance and exposure by the majority of (118) radio stations. Average exposure was 13 airings per week, with no apparent bias in favor of non-prime time periods. Interviews with staff from 17 stations identified factors influencing decisions concerning public service spots, and led to guidelines for their production and distribution.

Sven Stollfuß

This article investigates how platformisation changes the practices of content production and distribution through the case of the web series, Druck (tr. Pressure (2018–), for the public service content network ‘funk’ (ARD and ZDF). An analysis of the German adaptation of the Norwegian television and web series Skam (tr. Shame) (NRK3, 2015–2017) shows how public service broadcasting (PSB) in Germany is changing due to the influence of social media. To reach a younger audience, PSB has to meet them on third-party platforms. Consequently, PSB must provide content that fits the mobile media environment of social media.

2021 ◽  
Tessa Sproule

"The audience wants to be able to watch a program when they want - in fact most every technological innovation adopted by the television industry has had some aspect in its design to fulfil that desire. I'm interested in how technologies facilitate audiences in finding a way to watch what they want to, when they want to. I'm also interested in (and to be frank, somewhat anxious since I work in television) what new pitfalls and possibilities the latest technologies pose for the future of television production and distribution in Canada. As we'll lean later, there are technological changes afoot that could sideswipe the effort of generations of Canadian broadcast policymakers and topple the Canadian television industry in their wake. Ours is a fragile television broadcasting system, crippled by a deeply divided policy framework based on two opposing philosophies -- one that puts an emphasis on television's role as a public service and another that emphasizes its commercial purposes and profitability. I will evaluate whether that policy framework is equipped to safeguard Canada's precarious television industry against what some say is an inevitable tidal wave of American domination heading our way. But first I want to investigate whether American domination of our TV sets is such a horror. If television doesn't really matter when it comes to our cultural and national sovereignty, I might as well stop writing right now. But as we'll learn, it does matter. While there is much debate over how television plays a role in our functioning as a sovereign society there is a general consensus that something is happening when we watch TV. It is to the problem of what that something is that I turn to first."--Pages 1-2.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Ahmad Jubaidi

The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of KK, KTP, and AK services in Samarinda Kota sub district and its factors influencing the effectiveness of KK, KTP, AKservices.The research used field research method which gives an overview on the effectiveness of KK, KTP, and AK services in Samarinda Kota sub district. Data collection techniques use observation techniques, interviews, and media questionnaires by selecting informants who play a role and are involved technically and functionally in service delivery to the community. The data obtained are then analyzed qualitatively and supported by quantitative data.The results showed that service implementation in Samarinda Kota sub-district, especially in the field of population administration and civil registration is done in accordance with existing mechanism and regulation which have been determined by seeing some service indicator such as simplicity is in very safe category with 6.67% and certainty of service procedure and tariff cost are in accordance with the value of 88.33% and 70% respectively, the security and convenience of facilities and infrastructure are in safe and comfortable category with 65% and 73.33% respectively, openness about the ease of obtaining information and provisions services in the categories easy and explained if requested with the value of 71.67% and 63.33% respectively, economical about the cost of KK rates, ID cards, AK category Rp 10,000 - Rp 15,000, equitable fairness with a value of 60%, the timeliness is in category 1 - 2 days, and the efficiency is an exact category with a value of 80%.  And the factors that affect the service is the resources apparatus, facilities and infrastructure, and public awareness. Keywords: Effectiveness, Public Service

Bakti Budaya ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 152-160
Gusti Eva Tavita ◽  
Warsidah Warsidah ◽  
Anthoni B. Aritonang ◽  
Asri Mulya Ashari

Entikong is one of Indonesia's land border areas with Sarawak Malaysia, which is the gateway for economic and business activities. Despite being the front porch of a country, the fact is that the border areas of the State are very conditioned with lag. Limited access to public service resources and the inadequate community ability in processing natural resources including agriculture and plantations are the dominant factors influencing the lag of a border area. Bamboo is one of the abundant forest products in Entikong. The use of bamboo in the community is still limited to its use as building materials (scaffolding) and as a protective fence for plants in the gardens of the citizens. Bamboo Rope (Gigantochloa hasskarliana Kurz) species of bamboo found in the Entikong region, where elsewhere it generally makes it as a household handicraft material, but has not been used effectively in the entikong region. Community service activities aim to improve the skills of the Entikong community in processing bamboo plants as handicrafts of household goods of economic value so that it can be an additional source of income for the people on the border ===== Entikong adalah wilayah perbatasan darat Indonesia dengan Sarawak Malaysia, yang menjadi gerbang kegiatan ekonomi dan perniagaan. Meskipun menjadi beranda depan dari suatu negara, kenyataannya bahwa wilayah batas negara sangat sarat dengan ketertinggalan. Keterbatasan mengakses sumber-sumber pelayanan masyarakat dan kemampuan masyarakat yang tidak memadai dalam mengolah sumber daya alam termasuk pertanian dan perkebunan merupakan faktor yang dominan memengaruhi ketertinggalan sebuah wilayah perbatasan. Bambu adalah salah satu hasil hutan yang kelimpahannya besar di daerah Entikong. Pemanfaatan bambu dalam masyarakat masih terbatas pada penggunaannya sebagai bahan bangunan (perancah) dan sebagai pagar pelindung tanaman di kebun-kebun warga. Bambu tali (Gigantochloa hasskarliana Kurz.) adalah salah satu spesies bambu yang terdapat di wilayah Entikong. Di tempat lain umumnya menjadikannya sebagai bahan kerajinan rumah tangga, tetapi belum dimanfaatkan secara efektif di wilayah Entikong. Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan warga masyarakat Entikong dalam mengolah tanaman bambu sebagai kerajinan alat-alat rumah tangga yang bernilai ekonomis sehingga dapat menjadi sumber penghasilan tambahan masyarakat di perbatasan tersebut.

2013 ◽  
Vol 146 (1) ◽  
pp. 123-132 ◽  
Mark Andrejevic

Far from being relegated to history's dustbin by technological developments, a public service rationale is as pertinent as ever in the digital era, the capabilities of which lend themselves to the development of public service media. This article explores calls to regulate digital media platforms like Facebook and Google as public utilities, but concludes that, with the exception of regulations to facilitate user mobility and platform/network neutrality, it makes more sense to focus on the development of a robust public service media sector for the digital era. Such a sector would broaden the scope of public service beyond content production and distribution to include social media, search and other information-sorting and communication utilities. The article considers the rationale and scope for such a program, arguing that an era of information glut poses challenges that are distinct from those associated with the broadcast era of relative content scarcity.

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