scholarly journals Improving Student Internalization of Disaster Knowledge by Participating in Learning Package Development

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
Rina Suryani Oktari ◽  
Intan Dewi Kumala

In the subject of disaster education, it is crucial to establish a practical approach to give an impactful impression for the student so that it can increase self-awareness as well as for it to be applicable in daily life and memorized longer in each individual. This community services program titled "Development of Learning Packages by and for Students towards a Smart and Resilience Generations in dealing with Disaster." aims at developing creative and innovative disaster education learning packages that meet the needs and characteristics of students. This activity was carried out using a participatory method, through three (3) stages, namely: i) design phase, ii) production stage, and iii) evaluation phase. This activity adopts the experiential learning process, to assist the students in internalizing disaster knowledge in order for them to be able to apply the principles and develop the characters and competencies needed when disasters occur. The implementation of the program has resulted in the compilation of creative and innovative disaster education learning packages that meet the needs and characteristics of students, namely posters, poems, short stories, videos, and dances.

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 89
Nanny Sri Lestari

<p>Sebuah peristiwa, dalam kehidupan manusia, dapat menjadi inspirasi bagi penulisan sebuah cerita. Pengarang, sebagai bagian dari masyarakatnya, mengangkat relung-relung kehidupan manusia, ke dalam sebuah cerita. Namun harus dipahami, bahwa pengalaman pengarang dalam kehidupannya sehari-hari, juga mempengaruhi subjek yang ditulisnya. Saat ini tidak dapat dipungkiri lagi, bahwa teknologi komunikasi yang sangat canggih, telah mempengaruhi perkembangan karya sastra. Media penulisan karya sastra, tidak lagi melalui media cetak seperti kertas tetapi sudah melalui peralatan modern yang sesuai jamannya. Namun demikian ragam karya sastra prosa, seperti cerita pendek, justru mampu mengisi ruang media kommunikasi tersebut. Dua orang pengarang, yang menulis cerita pendek di media masa, berusaha mengangkat isu tentang lingkungan. Isu yang diangkat, lebih menekankan kepada masalah lingkungan alam dengan mengangkat isu tentang pohon sebagai bagian dari kehidupan manusia. Tujuan penelitian ini, untuk menelusuri struktur cerita pendek yang mengangkat isu lingkungan dalam jalinan ceritanya. Untuk memenuhi tujuan penelitian, langkah awal dari penelitian ini, adalah melakukan pendekatan struktur cerita, yang kemudian dikaitkan dengan pencarian makna cerita tersebut. Sering sekali di balik sebuah cerita ada pesan yang ingin disampaikan kepada masyarakat pembacanya. Bentuk pesan tersebut tersirat, dalam jalinan struktur cerita pendek tersebut. Pesan yang disampaikan, dalam kedua cerita pendek tersebut,  adalah pesan tentang lingkungan alam, yang  saat ini tidak pernah diperhatikan oleh masyarakat. Dengan alasan, kebutuhan ekonomi yang sangat dominan.</p><p><em>An event, in human life, can be an inspiration for writing a story. The author, as a part of his society, lifts the niches of human life, into a story. But it must be understood, that the author's experience in everyday life, also affects the subject he wrote.</em><em> </em><em>Today it is undeniable, that highly sophisticated communication technology, has influenced the development of literary works. Media writing literature, no longer through print media such as paper but have been through modern equipment that fit his era.</em><em> </em><em>However, the variety of prose literary works, such as short stories, is able to fill the media space communications. Two authors, who write short stories in the mass media, try to raise issues about the environment. Issues raised, more emphasis on the issue of the natural environment by raising the issue, about the tree as part of human life. The purpose of this research, is to trace the structure of short stories, which raised environmental issues in the composition of the story. To fulfill the purpose of research, the first step of this research, is to approach the structure of the story, which is then linked with the search for the meaning of the story. Very often, behind a story, there is a message to be conveyed to the readers. The form of the message is implied, in the composition of the short story structure. The message conveyed, in both short stories, is a message about the natural environment, which today is never noticed by society. The message conveyed, in both short stories, is a message about the natural environment, which today is never noticed by society.</em></p>

Matatu ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 49 (2) ◽  
pp. 280-292
Obari Gomba

Abstract The Nigerian civil war has left a lasting impact on the politics of Nigeria. It has also provided material for I.N.C. Aniebo’s Rearguard Actions. Given the prior success of his novel The Anonymity of Sacrifice, this collection of short stories expands his creative portfolio on the subject of war. Over and above the predilection of Biafran discourse for blaming others for Biafra’s failure, Aniebo’s depiction of the war calls attention to the failings of Biafra itself. On the strength of Aniebo’s stories, this paper seeks to examine the nature of the abuse of power in Biafra and to show how such abuse helped precipitate the collapse of the breakaway nation-state.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 409

This study aimed to analyze the mood and modality used in the short stories of Willem Iskander’s Si Bulus-Bulus Si Rumbuk-Rumbuk, elaborating and explaining the interpersonal meaning realized in each short story. The source of data was taken from a book authored by Willem Iskander, entitled “Si Bulus- Bulus Si Rumbuk-Rumbuk”. This research showed that : (1) there were 157 clauses in the short stories with three mood types and two degrees of modality. (2) interpersonal meaning is realized based on the order of the subject and the finite. (3) the reason why the interpersonal meaning is realized in the way they are is that the author wants to share his thoughts and experiences of Mandailingnese by classifying each clause and finding the dominant use of declarative mood as the most direct and soft way of conveying the author’s thought

Saif bin Darwish bin Said Al - Harasi - Michael Ibrahim

The current study aimed at revealing the relationship of the dimensions of emotional intelligence according to the theory of Golman on the achievement of the study of the subject of social studies for students of South Batinah province in the Sultanate of Oman. The researchers used the descriptive correlation approach. The tool consisted of a questionnaire consisting of (50) Questions. Has been applied to all the states of South Batinah province consisting of six states, using the simple random method of (380) students. Using statistical methods in the SPSS program, the results of the study showed a statistically significant relationship at the level of (0.001 = α) for all dimensions of emotional intelligence towards the scholastic achievement of the subject of social studies, with the correlation between them (0.26). Emotional intelligence was associated with empathy after 0.89, emotional management of 0.89, social skills of 0.87, self-awareness of 0.83, and self-motivation of 0.81. The results showed that there were no statistically significant differences at (α = 0.05) between scholastic achievement according to gender variable. The statistical function was 0.000 for the seventh grade with an average of (4.2), while the average grade was (3.7).

Balcanica ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 437-452
Bogoljub Sijakovic

The culture of ancient Greece, and particularly its philosophy, contains paradigms that are predetermining, binding and eternally valid for the entire body of European culture. European culture and, in its distinctive way, Serbian culture, as an important dynamic motif has the need to constantly revisit Hellenic culture. This is in fact a productive (re) interpretation as a way of acquiring cultural self-awareness and self-knowledge. The entire cosmos and human fate in it are revealed in Hellenic thought as both a riddle and a secret. Both of these relationships to reality, in the model form found already in the work of Heraclitus, still characterize human thought and creation. The world seen as a riddle to be solved is the subject of many a discipline, and the secret that reveals itself to us provides the basis of faith and all arts. Two Serbian poets (although there are more) acquired their creative self-awareness around Heraclitus? concept of fire. In his scholarly and philosophical treatises Laza Kostic (1841-1910) turned to Heraclitus in a bid to solve the riddle of reality. In his contemplative-poetic works Branko Miljkovic (1934-1961) turned to Heraclitus seeking to uncover the secret of nothingness in the latter?s fire and to learn from the Ephesian?s foretokening that poetry is hermetic and loves to hide. Is there a deeper logic linking riddle and secret? Do science, philosophy, art and faith have a deeper unity? The answers are to be sought in Laza?s and Branko?s understanding of Heraclitus? fire.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-83
Dr. Junaid Akbar ◽  
Muhammad Kamran Hoti ◽  
Dr. Muhammad Ikramullah

Mawlānā Sami’-ul-Ḥaq (Shahīd) was a renowned Islamic Scholar, journalist, writer, politician, mujahid, and at the same time he was a wonderful leader and thinker on world affairs. In addition to teaching at the Dārul ‘Ulūm Ḥaqqāniyah Akora Khattak for almost sixty (60) years, he remained in active politics for forty-eight (48) years. He remained so close to the Afghans Jihād that in the Western world he was known as the "Father of the Taliban" and his madrassa as the "University of Jihad." Because of this fame, his academic, social, political, and community services were hidden from view. Due to his commitment to Afghan jihad and being the head of various religious and political movements, he has been the subject of debate in many circles. Questions have been raised about his academic credentials, commitment to the Afghan jihad, success rate in various religious and political movements, and the actual narrative of those movements. In addition to interviewing teachers at Dārul ‘Ulūm Ḥaqqāniyah and the people close to him, his personal writings, books, and articles about him have been used to find answers to all these questions. The study concludes that he was a reformer who played his role very well in different aspects of life.

2011 ◽  
pp. 147-161
Fátima R. Nogueira

Se estudia la narrativa de Jaramillo Levi centrada en la relación entre el erotismo y la muerte, desde el intercambio de dos fuerzas que actúan en la producción del deseo: una, de naturaleza libidinosa e inconsciente, la otra de filiación social. Estos relatos exploran el vínculo entre las pulsiones sexuales y el instinto de la muerte revelando el exceso y la violencia ocultos en el erotismo; además, plasman la magnitud del deseo que al exceder los límites del cuerpo y del individuo deviene una experiencia de la sexualidad inhumana reafirmada sólo por un campo saturado de intensidades y vibraciones. Partiendo de la teoría lacaniana del deseo, y de conceptos de Deleuze y Guattari, en los relatos tal encuentro de fuerzas objetiviza el sujeto y cuestiona la noción antropomórfica de sexualidad. This study deals with Jaramillo Levi’s short stories centered on the relationship between eroticism and death, examining the exchange of two driving forces which create desire. The nature of one of these forces is unconscious and libidinous while the other is social. These stories explore the link between sexual drive and the death instinct, disclosing overindulgence and violence hidden behind eroticism. In addition, they depict the magnitude of desire, which upon exceeding the boundaries of the human body and the individual, becomes an experience of inhuman sexuality that can reaffirm itself only in a field permeated with intensity and vibrations. Considering Lacan’s theory of desire and other concepts from Deleuze and Guattari, the exchange of forces in these stories objectifies the subject and questions the anthropomorphic notion of sexuality.

Catherine Clay

This chapter examines the short fiction content of the feminist weekly Time and Tide alongside readers’ letters printed in the periodical’s correspondence columns. A basic unit of magazine production the short story is also ‘definitional to modernism’ (Armstrong 2005: 52), and during the interwar period its status as commodity or art became the subject of increasing scrutiny and debate. Drawing on examples from amateur writers and well-known figures such as E. M. Delafield, the chapter explores how Time and Tide negotiated readers’ expectations for short fiction amongst its core target audience of women readers. Building on Fionnuala Dillane’s application of affect theory to periodical studies (2016), the chapter uses her concept of ‘discursive disruption’ to consider moments of conflict between Time and Tide and its readers over the short stories it published as moments of opportunity for the periodical to expand its scope, readership and brow, and renegotiate its position in the literary marketplace.

2019 ◽  
Vol 34 (s1) ◽  
pp. s148-s148
Andrea Grimes ◽  
Christopher Rouen ◽  
Caryn West

Introduction:Nurses have long been utilized in disaster response and recovery and they possess broad skill sets, which are critical in times of crisis. However, studies show that more than 80% of nurses who volunteered in disasters settings have no disaster education.Aim:This project explored the disaster knowledge, preparedness, and resilience of 2nd and 3rd-year undergraduate student nurses in a Bachelor of Nursing Science program in a regional university to garner support for the introduction of dedicated disaster nursing education, which is currently absent from Australian undergraduate nursing curricula. Whilst disaster management processes in Australia are robust and Australian health care systems have explicit plans in place, the same cannot be said for all countries and health care systems. Australian trained nurses are highly valued and actively sought in the global health workforce market. In a world marked by increasing change and instability, the lack of dedicated disaster education and skills in the largest health workforce increases the overall vulnerability.Methods:Data were collected using the Disaster Preparedness Evaluation Tool, the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale, simple demographics, and a previous disaster experience questionnaire.Results:The results highlight important gaps in current practice and vulnerabilities in the current disaster management framework. Local students scored higher results in preparedness and resilience.Discussion:Student nurses are an underutilized resource in disaster preparation and by response teams around the world. With a global intent of shared responsibility and increased resilience in individuals and communities before, during, and after disaster events, dedicated capacity building of nursing staff has the potential to address key factors and simultaneously utilize an underappreciated demographic of student nurses. To the best of the author’s knowledge, this project is the first to explore disaster knowledge, preparedness, and resilience in undergraduate student nurses using validated disaster preparedness and resilience tools in Australia.

2020 ◽  
pp. 105256292096563
Kathy Sanderson

As the prominence of experiential learning (EL) increases in management education, so do pressures on educators to adopt new, and less defined modes of classroom instruction. The incorporation of hands-on practice with standard pedagogy places expectations on educators to include assignments with emotional or ethical aspects. It is often assumed that as subject matter experts, educators are naturally equipped to manage EL. This article challenges the idea of such competence and readiness. It presents a stepped, self-awareness framework with guiding questions that educators can use to determine their own suitability and readiness for EL. To build competence, suggestions for educator development are included with each step. Examples from practice are presented to illustrate the use of the framework.

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