2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Agus Sulaeman
2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 223
Musa Ismail

Indonesian language (IN) is one of the obligatory lessons in Senior High  School. The learning of Indonesian language is pointed to the  increasing ability of students. This aim  to increase students’ ability to communicate in Indonesian language well and properly. The communication ability is expected especially in oral and written. Besides, students are hoped to  be  able  to  appreciate  literary works. The objective of this research is to identify and to describe the implementation of role play method in the efforts to increase the activity of Indonesian language  learning  in speaking aspects and to identify and to get  the description whether  the implementation of the method can increase process and result speaking aspect of Indonesian language learning of students class XI IPS 1, Semester 1, SMAN 3 Bengkalis. The method used was classroom action method and the subject was class XII IPS 1, semester 1, SMAN 3 Bengkalis. The collection of data and information were carried out by observation, journal and document study. The result of the research showed that (1) The implementation of of  role play method can increase  the activities of  speaking aspects  in   Indonesian  language learning. On the  1st cycle1, 1st meeting, the percentage of students’ activities was 73% with the good category (3,6), while on the second meeting, it was 82% with the very good category (3,7). On the first meeting of the second cycle, the percentage of students’ activities became 83% with the very good category (4,3), while on the second meeting was 96% with the  very good category (5,0), (2) The implementation of role play method is able to increase the result of speaking aspect in learning Indonesian language. On the first cycle, the students’ reserved effort was 73% while on the second cycle was 77%. Meanwhile, based on attachment 3, the classical completeness on cycle 1 reached 86%, on cycle 2,  it  increased 96%. Based on the result  of  the  research,  the  researcher proposed that it would be better for the Indonesian language  teachers to implement role play method for the materials  that  are  suitable  with . speaking aspects. The reason is that this method is proved to be able to increase the process and result of students  learning. When implementing  this method,  teachers are hoped to give guidance, motivation, and explanation that more focused so that students can learn optimally.Abstrak  Bahasa Indonesia (BI) merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran wajib di SMA. Pembelajaran BI diarahkan  untuk  meningkatkan  kemampuan  peserta  didik.  Hal  ini  bertujuan  untuk meningkatkan  kemampuan  siswa  berkomunikasi  dalam  BI  dengan  baik  dan  benar. Kemampuan  berkomunikasi  yang  diharapkan  terutama  secara  lisan maupun  tulisan.  Selain itu,  siswa  diharapkan  juga  sanggup mengapresiasi  hasil  karya  sastra.  Tujuan  penelitian  ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan bagaimana penerapan metode bermain peran dalam upaya meningkatkan aktivitas pembelajaran BI aspek berbicara dan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan  apakah  penerapan metode  bermain  peran  dapat meningkatkan  proses dan  hasil  pembelajaran  BI  aspek  berbicara  siswa  kelas  XI  IPS  1,  Semester  1,  SMAN  3 Bengkalis. Metode  penelitian  ini  adalah  penelitian  tindakan  kelas  dengan  subjek  penelitian siswa  kelas  XII  IPS  1,  semester  1,  SMAN  3  Bengkalis.  Pengumpulan  data  dan  informasi dilakukan melalui observasi/pengamatan,  jurnal, dan telaah dokumen. Hasil penelitian, yaitu  (1)  Penerapan  metode  bermain  peran  dapat  meningkatkan  aktivitas  pembelajaran  Bahasa Indonesia aspek berbicara pada  siswa kelas XI  IPS  1, Semester  1, SMAN  3 Bengkalis T.P. 2013/2014.  Pada  siklus  1  pertemuan  1,  persentase  aktivitas  belajar  siswa  adalah  73  persen dengan kategori  baik  (3,6),  sedangkan pertemuan  2  sebesar 82 persen dengan kategori  baik (3,7). Pada siklus 2 pertemuan 1, persentase aktivitas belajar siswa menjadi 83 persen dengan kategori sangat baik (4,3), sedangkan pertemuan 2 sebesar 96 persen dengan kategori sangat baik  (5,0);  (2)  Penerapan  metode  bermain  peran  dapat  meningkatkan  hasil  pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia aspek berbicara siswa kelas XI IPS 1, Semester 1, SMAN 3 Bengkalis T.P 2013/2014. Pada siklus 1, daya serap siswa sebesar 73 persen, sedangkan siklus 2 sebesar 77 persen. Sementara itu, berdasarkan Lampiran 3, ketuntasan klasikal pada  siklus  1 mencapai 86  persen,  sedangkan pada siklus 2 meningkat  menjadi  96  persen. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, peneliti menyarankan agar guru mata pelajaran, khususnya Bahasa Indonesia sebaiknya menerapkan metode bermain  peran untuk materi yang sesuai dengan aspek berbicara. Alasannya, metode ini terbukti mampu meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa. Ketika menerapkan metode bermain peran untuk aspek  berbicara, guru dituntut memberikan bimbingan, motivasi, dan penjelasan yang  lebih  terfokus agar siswa dapat melaksanakan pembelajaran dengan maksimal.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Laili Etika Rahmawati ◽  
Putri Octaviani ◽  
Hari Kusmanto ◽  
Yakub Nasucha ◽  
Miftakhul Huda

It is obvious that the textbooks play a key role in enhancing the quality of teaching and learning. The good quality textbooks must meet the criteria or standard as a textbook. This paper aims to describe the accuracy of materials provided in the Bahasa Indonesia textbook for the first grade of Senior High School curriculum of 2013. This study adopted the content analysis method to analyze the data. The findings deriving from this study reveal that the accuracy of learning material provided in Bahasa Indonesia textbook for the first grade of Senior High School (Sekolah Menengah Atas) curriculum of 2013 published by Erlangga has adequately met the standard requirements of Board of National Education Standards (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan, BSNP) for the accuracy of learning material of a textbook. However, this study found some weaknesses in the textbook as follows: (1) The textbook has not provided a ‘Competency Map’ containing principles used by students to achieve their learning goals and understand the learning materials provided in each chapter in order that the materials delivered can be well-structured. (2) The examples provided in the textbook are less relevant to the characteristics of diverse backgrounds and social statuses; contain the issues of ethnicity, religion, race, intergroup relations; and do not suit the needs.   Keywords: Curriculum of 2013, The accuracy of learning materials, Textbooks.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Rosinawati - Dewi

Kesantunan merupakan hal penting yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan pematuhan prinsip-prinsip kesantunan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia dan skala kesantunan yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI SMA Al Abidin Bilingual Boarding School Surakarta. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskripsi kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan data berdasarkan fenomena yang ada secara empiris dan hasil bersifat apa adanya. Data penelitian berupa peristiwa tutur dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di SMA Al Abidin Bilingual Boarding School Surakarta. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik simak bebas libat cakap, teknik catat, dan rekam. Validitas data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik triangulasi sumber data dan triangulasi metode. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prinsip kesantunan yang mendominasi dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di SMA Al Abidin Bilingual Boarding School Surakarta adalah (1) maksim kebijaksanaan, (2) skala jarak sosial yang digunakan siswa dengan siswa lainnya, (3) skala status sosial yang digunakan siswa dengan guru, dan (4) skala kedudukan relatif tuturan dalam pembelajaran terjadi dalam situasi resmi yang menggunakan bahasa Indonesia saat berinteraksi antar siswa dengan guru.  Politeness are two important things that cannot be separated in learning activities. The purpose of this research is to explain the adherence to the principles of politeness in learning Indonesian dan the scale of politeness used in Indonesian language learning. The subject of this research is the students of grade 2 Al Abidin Bilingual Boarding Senior High School, Surakarta. Research methodology is descriptive qualitative which aims to generate data based on existing phenomenon empirically and the result is what it is. Research data is speech in learning Indonesian at Al Abidin Bilingual Boarding Senior High School Surakarta. Data collection methods that used in this research were uninvolved conversation observation, note taking, and recording technique. Validity of data in this research used triangulation technique of data source and triangulation method. The results of this research indicate that the dominant principle of politeness in Indonesian language learning in SMA Al Abidin Bilingual Boarding School Surakarta is (1) maxim of wisdom, (2) social distance scale used by students with other students, (3) social status scale used by students with teacher, (4) relative position scale of speech in learning occurs in official situations using Indonesian when interact between students and teachers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 161
Asep Muhyidin

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis aspek kohesi gramatikal konjungsi dalan cerita pendek Titian Pelangi karya Helvy Tiana Rosa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif -deskriptif. Berdasarkan uraian hasil dan pembahasan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa wacana cerpen berjudul Titian Pelangi karya Helvy Tiana Rosa ini memiliki tingkat kohesi yang cukup baik ditinjau dari aspek gramatikal konjungsi. Dalam wacana cerpen ini ditemukan piranti kohesi gramatikal konjungsi sebanyak 158 buah yang terdiri atas: 1) hubungan penambahan; 2) hubungan peningkatan; 3) hubungan pertentangan; 4) hubungan waktu; 5) hubungan syarat; 6)hubungan tujuan; 7) hubungan kausal atau sebab akibat; 8) hubungan pemilihan; dan 9) hubungan memperlihatkan cara. Kata Kunci: kohesi gramatika, konjungsi, analisis wacana, cerita pendekABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the aspects of conjunction grammatical cohesions in the short story of “Titian Pelangi” by Helvy Tiana Rosa. The research method is qualitative analysis technique to characterize descriptive presentation of data obtained by the research. The result showed short story “Titian Pelangi” has a fairly good degree of cohesions in terms of grammatical conjunction cohesion. In this short story discourse, the number of conjection grammatical cohesions is as many as 158 pairs of sentences. Grammatical cohesions in the aspect of conjunctions include: 1) conjunction relation additions; 2) conjunction enchancement relationship; 3) conjunction relationship contradictions ; 4) time relationship conjunction; 5) terms relationship conjunction relationship terms ; 6) conjunction relationship goals; 7) conjunction of causality; 8) conjunction of election relations ;and 9) conjunctionrelationship way.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 53
Wenny Silaban ◽  
Biner Ambarita ◽  
Usman Hadi

The development and implementation of learning material on exposition text with a process for Senior High School (SHS) students on the teaching of Bahasa Indonesia is reported. The study is aimed to develop a learning material on exposition text with a process to be used as a learning media on the teaching of writing in Bahasa Indonesia. The study is carried out at state senior high school (Sekolah Menengah Atas, SMA) Medan, Indonesia at academic year 2017/2018. The learning material is developed by enriching the topics with exposition text to meet the competence required by national curriculum in Indonesia. The learning material has been used as a media the teaching and learning activities in the experimental class and compared with ordinary book that has been used in control class on the teaching of Bahasa Indonesia. An excellent learning material has been obtained. Implementation of the learning material in the class has change students learning style moving from teacher centred to students centred learning. The developed material was found very effective as a learning media in the teaching and learning process and be able to improve students’ achievement in Bahasa Indonesia. Students’ achievements in experimental class (M=89.63±5.32) was higher than that obtained in control class (M=77.25±5.06). The students’ writing skills are improved. Students performance in experimental class (M=86.04±6.89) was higher than that in control class (M=78.60±5.42). The learning facilities provided in the learning material are found to be effective to guide the students to improve their learning ability to write texts on exposition text with a process in Bahasa Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Ahmad Sirulhaq ◽  
Mahsun ◽  
Muhammad Sukri ◽  

Abstrak: Dalam pembelajaran kekinian, penekanan dilakukan pada upaya kreatif pemanfaatan bahasa itu sendiri untuk tujuan-tujuan yang lebih praktis. Pandangan ini sering disebut sebagai pembelajaran bahasa berbasis teks. Seiring dengan berubahnya paradigma ini, salah satu kompetensi yang perlu diketahui oleh siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia adalah kemampuan memproduksi teks naratif, sebagaimana tertuang dalam silabus atau kurikulum 2013 (revisi 2017). Kemampuan memproduksi teks naratif itu sendiri tidak lepas dari kemampuan untuk menempatkan konjungsi, baik konjungsi antarkalimat maupun konjungsi antarparagraf. Ketepatan konjungsi antarkalimat maupun antarparagraf ini akan menjamin kekohesian dan kekoherensian paragraf itu sendiri, yang pada akhirnya akan melahirkan sebuah teks naratif yang baik. Akan tetapi, perlu kiranya untuk diperhatikan, apakah penggunaan konjungsi dalam buku pelajaran bahasa Indonesia dalam teks genre naratif sudah lengkap dan tepat atau tidak. Oleh karena itu, makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengelaborasi bentuk-bentuk konjungsi antarkalimat yang digunakan dalam teks genre naratif buku pelajaran bahasa Indonesia SMA Kurikulum 2013 (revisi 2017).  Abstract: In contemporary learning, emphasis is placed on creative efforts to use language itself for more practical purposes.  This view is often referred to as text-based language learning.  As this paradigm changes, one of the competencies that high school students need to know in learning Indonesian is the ability to produce narrative text, as stated in the 2013 syllabus or curriculum (2017 revision).  The ability to produce narrative text itself is inseparable from the ability to place conjunctions, both conjunctions between sentences and conjunctions between paragraphs.  The accuracy of the conjunctions between sentences and between paragraphs will ensure the cohesion and coherence of the paragraph itself, which in turn will create a good narrative text.  However, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the use of conjunctions in Indonesian language textbooks in narrative genre texts is complete and correct or not.  Therefore, this paper aims to elaborate the forms of conjunctions between sentences used in the narrative genre text of Senior High School  Indonesian language textbooks in 2013 Curriculum (2017 revision).

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 26-37
Rana Wijaya ◽  
M.Ihsan Dacholfany

Reading is one of the important aspects of language learning. By reading, the learners get knowledge and information. But in reality, students are often ignoring to mastering this skill. It is the researchers found in the second grade of SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Kartikatama Metro Lampung Indonesia, where students have difficulty in reading comprehension, so this leads to lower their learning. Therefore, to improve students' reading comprehension ability, researchers used Written Retelling Strategy (WRS) in the learning process.        The purpose of this study was to determine whether the use of Retelling Written Strategy (WRS) has a positive effect on students' reading comprehension in learning English. Written Retelling Strategy (WRS) considered as one strategy that makes students more active and fun in the learning process to comprehend some text.        Forms of this research are Quantitative Research conducted in two classes. Each class is divided into the trial and reserve grade. Author implements True Experimental Design (Pure Research) by applying a pre-test and post-test as an instrument. In accordance with the method of this study, the data were analyzed using t-test that allows knowing the difference between the experimental group that used a class of written retelling strategy and the control group who did not use written retelling strategy. Finally, the research data show that t observations = 3,590 and is included in the category of high impact. Furthermore, t observation T Table consult with a significance level of 5% = 2.010 and 1% = 2,682, the data states that t observations greater than the T Table, this could mean that Hi is received. And could mean that there is a positive and significant influence between experiment class and class control on the use of written retelling strategy at second grade of Senior High School  Kartikatama Metro.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 147
Elvina Syahrir

This study was motivated by the low score of the students‘ Indonesian language in national examination that were certainly correlated with the Indonesian language teachers‘ competences. The Indonesian language techers‘ competences can be observed in doing the Indonesian language proficiency test. This study was aimed to determine the Indonesian language teachers‘ capabilities indoing UKBI and to describe about it. The data obtained describe that the Indonesian language teachers of Senior High School (SMA) have the highest scores, then the Indonesian language teachers of Junior High School (SMP), and the last ones were the teachers of elementary school (SD). Moreover, among the Indonesian language techers‘ capabilities of SMA, SMP, and SD in doing UKBI have not shown the significant differences.AbstrakPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya nilai Ujian Nasional (UN) bahasa Indonesia siswa yang tentunya berkorelasi dengan kompetensi guru bahasa Indonesianya. Kompetensi guru bahasa Indonesia dapat terlihat dari Uji Kemahiran Berbahasa Indonesia (UKBI). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan guru bahasa dan sastra Indonesia di Pekanbaru dalam menyelesaikan soal UKBI dan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan guru dalam menyelesaikan soal UKBI. Dari penganalisisan data diperoleh temuan bahwa nilai rerata UKBI guru SMA memperoleh skor paling tinggi, nilai rerata UKBI guru SMP memperoleh skor sedang, sedangkan nilai rerata UKBI guru SD memperoleh skor paling rendah. Akan tetapi, kemampuan guru bahasa dan sastra Indonesia dari ketiga tingkatan sekolah tersebut (SMA, SMP, SD) dalam menyelesaikan soal UKBI tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang berarti (tidak signifikan) pada taraf kepercayaan 5 %, hal ini terlihat dari nilai Fhitung lebih kecil dari Ftabel (Fhitung = 0,11 < Ftabel = 4,35)

Lindayana ◽  
Arifuddin ◽  
Halus Mandala

This study was conducted aiming at examining: (1) the divergent principles of politeness in students’ directive speech act (2) factors affecting politeness and impoliteness in verbal and non-verbal directive speech act produced by students at grade X in Senior High School 1 Mataram in the learning process. The subject of this study are teachers teaching Bahasa Indonesia, English, Economy, History, Math, Religion, Civic, and Science, and all students at Grade X of Science 1, Science 3 and Social 2 in Senior High School 1 Mataram. This study is a descriptive qualitative research. The data source in this study is the number of utterances produced by students and teachers in the learning process. The data were collected through observation. This study revealed that: (1) there were divergent principles of politeness in participants’ directive speech act namely single and multiple divergent principles of politeness affected by speaker intentionally accused addressees, intentionally uttered by neglecting the context, was protective to other arguments, showed emotional feeling, given critiques in impolite words and mocked at other; and (2) there were factors affecting politeness and impoliteness in verbal and non-verbal directive speech act produced by students in learning process namely linguistic factor and non-linguistic factor.

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