scholarly journals Sanksi Pidana Terhadap Pelaku Tindak Pidana Pemilu di Indonesia

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 192-196
I Gusti Bagus Yoga Sastera ◽  
I Made Minggu Widyantara ◽  
Luh Putu Suryani

In a general election, election crime is bound to occur, in the handling of election criminal acts, it is necessary to have regulations regarding the regulation and sanctions against election criminal offenders to achieve legal certainty regarding the handling of election crimes. The purpose of this research is to find out the regulation of election criminal acts and sanctions against election criminal offenders. The research method used is normative research by examining the sources of law from various aspects and using primary legal sources. The results of the research show that election criminal acts are divided into 2 (two) things, namely violations and crimes, however the law does not clearly regulate the qualifications of violations and crimes, which should be made by law to regulate more clearly so that we can know more about the actions that are involved. how it is said to be violations and what actions are called crimes. Furthermore, regarding sanctions and institutions authorized in handling criminal cases, both violations and crimes in criminal elections, are also listed in Law No.7 of 2017 concerning elections. So that with this research the procedures for qualifying the violation, who feel that their rights are being violated, can report to the right institution to handle the case.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 481
Arif Budi Pamungkas ◽  
Djauhari Djauhari

An auction is an activity of selling of goods in public by means of a verbal-bid to get the higher price or to get lower prices and the price quote can be done in a closed and written. This is done by the way of collecting the prospective buyers of the auction led by officials of the auction. In this case, the intended auction was the sale of goods that are held publicly. The auction, according to the regulations of security right, is when the debtor made a breach, the holder of the security rights have the right to sell the security rights’ objects over its own power through a public auction as well as taking payment of account receivable from the sale proceeds. An auction is an alternative to the sale of an undertaken asset by way of inviting prospective buyers at a particular time and place in which the last highest bidder in writing or orally is determined as the winner. The author used socio-legal research as his research method. To meet the forth standards set by the law, the auction should be widely announced to the public, either through printed file, electronic or visual. A legal certainty as a basis which concerned with propriety and justice is very closely related to the principle of auction sales in another. As the formulation of the problem of the form of identification of the problem, namely how the legal protection of the auction buyers encountered the obstacles as well as the solution.Keywords: Auction; Legal Protection; Mortgage Right

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 379-383
I Komang Edy Susanto ◽  
Ida Ayu Putu Widiati ◽  
Ni Gusti Ketut Sri Astiti

Basically, notaries also serve as Land Deed Making Official (hereafter called PPAT) after they carry out a test. Thus, in carrying out their role as PPAT, they are entitled to make deeds of transferring land rights. Based on this background, this research was conducted with the aim of describing how the position of the notary and PPAT in transferring land rights and how legal protection for parties who transfer land through sale and purchase. The research method used in this research was a normative legal method. The results of this study indicated that the position of a notary in the transfer of land rights as an official deed maker is mentioned in article 2 paragraph (1) of Law No. 2/2014 concerning the Position of Notary, which states that a notary is a public official who is authorized to make authentic deeds and has other powers as referred to in this Law or based on other Prevailing Laws. The position of the PPAT in essence has the task of carrying out land registration by making deeds as evidence and having carried out certain legal actions regarding land rights. Legal protection for parties transferring land through sale and purchase is stated in the 1945 Constitution, namely Article 27 paragraph (1) which states that each person has the right to recognition, guarantee, protection, and legal certainty that is just and equal treatment before the law.

Nahdiya Sabrina ◽  
Thohir Luth ◽  
Masruchin Rubai ◽  
Nurini Aprilianda

The protection of Indonesian children as the nation's next-generation that is free from discrimination has not been fully implemented, it is evident in our society that there are still many children who do not get enough attention in protecting and fulfilling their rights. Children born out of wedlock are sometimes not recognized and neglected by their biological father. Unlike legitimate children whose rights are guaranteed and there are sanctions if these rights are not fulfilled by the father, for children born outside of marriage there is no penalty if the biological father neglects them. The method used in this research is the normative legal research method. This paper discusses the conditions of children born outside of marriage in Indonesia, discrimination against children born outside of marriage in Indonesia, and expectations for children born outside of marriage in Indonesia. Currently, there are no laws and regulations that state sanctions if the biological father does not want to be responsible for the birth of this child. This is certainly not in accordance with the mandate of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Article 28D paragraph (1) which reads: “Everyone has the right to recognition, guarantee, protection and legal certainty that is just and equal treatment before the law.

2021 ◽  
pp. 422-433
M.V. Presnyakov

Public Civil Service Act to establish such a mechanism for the exercise of the right to growth. This law provides for a competitive procedure for the replacement of all posts, including in the order of post growth, and at the same time establishes the principle of forming a personnel reserve on a competitive basis. In addition, the law contains an exhaustive list of exceptions to the competitive procedure for the placement of posts, one of which is the appointment of a civil servant in the personnel reserve. This is justified, since the personnel reserve itself is formed on a competitive basis. However, the law provides for the possibility of enrolling a civil servant in the personnel reserve based on the results of certification, which, in our opinion, does not comply with the principle of legal certainty, does not fully realize the right of equal access to public service, and also does not ensure the filling of posts according to the principle of competence. However, the potential of this law is not fully realized, as it contains a number of uncertain provisions that overextend the discretion of the employer's representative.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-70
Muhammad Ja’far

As an institution that is presented to oversee the implementation of elections, the General Election Supervisory Board is expected the role and integrity so that the implementation of elections can run as expected and running smoothly. The formulation of the issues raised is how the role of Election Supervisory Body in handling election disputes in Indonesia. The research method used is juridical normative with primary law material. The result of the research is that the Election Supervisory Board has an important role as the guard of the general election as mandated in the Law on the Implementation of General Election, it is mentioned that the function of Election Supervisor is as described in the duties, authorities and obligations of General Election Supervision

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-55
Irman Widi Kurniawan ◽  
Etty Mulyati ◽  
Betty Rubiati

ABSTRAKDi dalam bagian kedua UUPA mengatur tentang pelaksanaan konversi hak atas tanah menjadi wujud kepastian hukum sebagaimana ketentuan Pasal 33 ayat (3) UUD 1945. Namun kepastian hukum terhadap konversi Hak atas tanah barat terutama sertifikat Hak Eigendom Verponding masih menjadi problematika tersendiri bagi masyarakat yang memiliki bukti kepemilikan hak atas tanah barat tersebut apabila dijadikan sebuah jaminan guna memperoleh fasilitas kredit. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah yuridis normatif dengan kajian bahan hukum primer, sekunder serta tersier. Berdasarkan pembahasan tersebut bahwa Kepastian Hukum terkait konversi hak Eigendom Verponding telah memiliki kekuatan hukum mengikat dengan ketentuan diperlukan konversi sehingga dapat dijadikan objek jaminan namun dalam prakteknya masih terdapat objek jaminan dengan tidak memperhatikan asal mula objek jaminan tersebut serta akibat hukum terhadap konversi hak atas tanah tersebut adalah pemberlakuan UUPA menjadi dasar bahwasanya prinsip status quo hak atas tanah terdahulu memberikan jaminan kepastian hukum dengan ketentuan hak-hak lama menjadi tidak diakui keberadaannya. Kata Kunci: hak atas tanah; hak barat; kepastian hukum jaminan; konversi ABSTRACTIn the second section of the UUPA regulates the conversion of land rights into a form of legal certainty as stipulated in Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution. But the legal certainty of the conversion of the Right to western land, especially the Eigendom Verponding Rights certificate, remains a problem for people who have proof of ownership of the western land if it is used as a guarantee to obtain credit facilities. The research method used is normative juridical with the study of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. Based on the discussion that legal certainty related to the conversion of rights Eigendom Verponding has had a binding legal force with the necessary provisions of conversion so that it can be used as an object of guarantee but in practice there is still an object of guarantee by not taking into account the origin of the object of the guarantee and the legal consequences of the conversion of the right to land is the enactment of the UUPA being the basis that the principle of the status quo of the former land rights provides a guarantee of legal certainty with the provisions of old rights to be unclaimed civility. Keywords: conversion; guarantee legal certainty; land rights; western rights

Saim Aksnudin

In the national development the role of land for the fulfillment of various purposes will increase, either as a place to live or for business activities. In relation to that will also increase the need for support in the form of guarantee of legal certainty in the field of land. The result of the research is the conception of the state of Indonesia is a state law, which contains the meaning in the administration of government and the state based on the law, the protection of the law is a universal concept of the rule of law. The legal certainty on land rights as intended by the UUPA encompasses three things, namely the certainty of the object of land rights, certainty on the subject of land rights and certainty about the status of landrights. Legal conception of land title certificate is a proof that issued by authorized legal institution, containing juridical data and physical data which isused as evidence of ownership of land rights in order to provide assurance of legal certainty and certainty of rights to a plot of land owned or possessed by a person or legal entity. With the certificate of rights, it is expected that the juridical can guarantee the legal certainty and the right by the state for the holder of the right to the land. This country's guarantee is granted to the owner or the holder of the certificate may be granted because the land is already registered in the state land administration system.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 138
Fakhrurrazi M.Yunus ◽  
Zahratul Aini

Abstrak: Dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2006 tentang Administrasi Kependudukan adanya Pasal yang mengatur tentang perkawinan beda agama, dalam Pasal 35 huruf (a) yang menyatakan bahwa perkawinan yang ditetapkan oleh pengadilan. Namun dalam Undang-Undang tersebut tidak diatur secara jelas, sehingga memberi peluang timbulnya dampak negatif. Namun yang diakui di Indonesia jika pasangan suami istri yang berbeda agama harus memeluk agama yang sama di salah satu pasangan dengan maksud mereka harus pindah agama baik memeluk agama istri maupun suami. Dengan adanya berbagai kemudharatan yang timbul, maka hal itu tidak sesuai dengan hukum Islam. Oleh karena itu, penulis ingin mengetahui dampak perkawinan beda agama yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2006 tentang administrasi  kependudukan dan tinjuan hukum Islam terhadap perkawinan beda agama dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 tahun 2006. Dalam penelitian ini, metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Kualitatif. Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian, dampak dari perkawinan beda agama yaitu dampak terhadap rumah tangga yang tidak harmonis menimbulkan kegelisahan, dan sulitnya berkomunikasi. Dampak terhadap anak yang membuat hubungan antara keluarga yaitu anak dan orang tua menjadi kacau dan tidak utuh karena mengetahui kedua orang tuanya berbeda keyakinan. Dampak terhadap harta warisan yang mengakibatkan anak yang lahir dari perkawinan beda agama tidak mempunyai hak untuk mendapatkan harta warisan apabila tidak seagama dengan pewaris yang dalam hal ini pewaris beragama Islam. Adapun tinjauan hukum Islam menyatakan bahwa perkawinan beda agama itu tidak sah, karena menurut fatwa MUI Nomor:4/MUNASVII/MUI/8/2005 menetapkan bahwa nikah beda agama hukumnya haram yang diperkuat dengan firmannya dalam surat al-mumtahanah ayat 10 dan al-baqarah ayat 221.Abstract: in Law No. 23 of 2006 on the administration of the population of the article governing the marriage of different religions, in article 35 letter (a) stating that the marriage is established by the court. But the law is not regulated, so it allows causing negative impacts. But it is recognized in Indonesia if different couples of religion must embrace the same religion in one partner with the intention they have to move religion both embrace the religion of the wife and husband. With the various blessings that arise, it is not under Islamic law. Therefore, the author wants to know the impact of the marriage of different religions organized in law Number 23 the year 2006 about the administration of population and the Islamic law to the marriage of different religions in the law Number 23 the year 2006. In this study, the research method used was qualitative. Based on the results of the study, the impact of the marriage of different religions is the impact on the unharmonious households raises anxiety, and difficulty communicating. The impact on the child who makes the relationship between the family is the child and the parent becomes chaotic and not intact because knowing both parents are different beliefs. The impact on the inheritance that resulted in children born from the marriage of different religions does not have the right to obtain inheritance if not as religious as the heir, in this case, Muslim heirs. The review of Islamic law states that the marriage of different religions is not valid, because according to fatwa MUI number: 4/MUNASVII/MUI/8/2005 stipulates that the marriage of different religious religion is haram strengthened by his word in Sura al-Mumtahanah verse 10 and al-Baqarah verses 221.

Petro Borovyk

Borovyk P. The partial waiver of the rights and partial invalidation of rights to the invention. In view of changes in the Law of Ukraine «About protection of rights for inventions and utility models» introduced according to the Law No. 816-IX as of 21.07.2020, it is implied that a patent owner can waive rights provided by a state registration of an invention (utility model) fully or partially, and a court can render the rights for the invention (utility model) invalid fully or partially. The partial waiver of the rights or rendering the rights invalid causes a number of issues on a rather frequent basis, in particular, regarding a certain procedure of defining the entire scope of rights according to the patent and a portion of these rights. Since the scope of rights is defined by claims, the partial waiver of the rights or the partial rendering the rights invalid substantially represents a change of the scope of rights, which are defined by the claims as published. The patent may be granted for a group of inventions. In such case, the scope of rights shall be defined by the claims that comprise several independent claims. Here, the partial waiver of the rights for the invention may be carried out by waiving one or several independent claims at the discretion of the patent owner or by rendering one or several independent claims invalid by the court. Therewith, the scope of rights that is defined during conduction of an examination for another invention of the group of inventions, which are mentioned in a single protection document (patent), is not changed. The partial waiver or the partial rendering the rights for the invention invalid for the claims having one independent claim is a more problematic case. A key aspect of this problem is an influence of the proposed amendments of the claims onto the scope of rights for the invention and its correspondence with the requirements for granting a legal protection. More specifically, it is an establishment of a fact of reduction of the scope of rights when introducing the proposed amendments into the independent claim and examination of a new version of the independent claim for compliance with the requirements of patentability. An important aspect also lies in establishment of a balance of interests of the patent owner and third parties. The patent owner will receive a mechanism of implementation of the right for protection of allowable embodiments of the invention, while the third parties will receive a right for a legal certainty by means of an analysis of the scope of rights of the new version of the claims. The article discloses grounds for waiving the rights for the invention and the mechanism for implementation of the waiver under the legislation in force both for the case of the group of inventions and for the partial waiver or the partial rendering the rights for the invention invalid with the claims having one independent claim. Keywords: scope of rights, independent and dependent claims, amendment to claims, proceedings

I Wayan Juwahyudhi

ABSTRACTOne of the police authorities is a discretionary action, where the action can also be done at the time of the investigation in dealing the juvenile offenders to protect children’s right to get justice and maximum legal protection. In the Law Number 11 of 2012 on the Juvenile Criminal Justice System stipulate about the investigator authority to carry out action of diversion, but this only applies to children under sentence of less than 7 years in prison and does not apply in children who are subject to punishments of more than 7 years in prison. This is contrary to the 1945 Constitution and the Law Number 23 of 2002 which emphasizes the protection of children before the law an the efforts to avoid imprisonment of the juvenile offenders.The thesis describes the police authority and the legal mechanisms and policies by the investigator in protecting the right on the juvenile offenders that puts the principles of legal protection. In order to avoid negative effects on children, therefore the police discretion is needed to avoid restrictions on freedom of the children’s right. The method used is a normative legal research method, where the normative or library legal research method is done by examining existing library materials.The writer suggested to the government to be more serious in dealing with the problems of children, especially for the juvenile offenders so that the welfare and right of children are protected and to avoid restrictions on freedom and minimize for juvenile offenders.

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