scholarly journals Biz birgemiz, or Revisiting the Diversification of Russian Language in Kazakhstan

Eleonora D. Suleimenova ◽  
Dana Kh. Akanova ◽  
Malika M. Aimagambetova

The criteria for pluricentric languages, generalized by the Working Group on NonDominant Varieties of Pluricentric Languages (WGNDV), as well as our earlier condition of tightness, opacity, incomprehensibility of Kazakh Russian were used to discuss the possibility of its gradual formation. Two main conclusions were made: a) the Russian language of the post-Soviet space currently meets the criteria for pluricentric languages; b) the Russian language in Kazakhstan is going through rapid and noticeable diversification processes. The arguments of Kazakhstani linguists who assert (B.Kh. Khasanov, E.A. Zhuravleva, D.D. Shaibakova, etc.) or deny (Z.K. Sabitova, A.K. Kazkenova, etc.) the qualifications of the Russian language as variant in Kazakhstan - a country of long-term and massive Kazakh-Russian bilingualism. Generations of Russian speakers (monolinguals - ethnic Russians, Koreans, Ukrainians and others and bilinguals - Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Uighurs and others) with a dominant Russian or a dominant ethnic language - are involved in the processes of Soviet Russification and modern Kazakhization with different effects. Nowadays the diversification of the Russian language in Kazakhstan is taking place against the background of a fundamental change in the status and functional state of the Kazakh and Russian languages; reducing the number of native Russian speakers; fundamental changes in Kazakh-Russian bilingualism, reflected in the crisis of the linguistic identity of a part of Kazakhstanis, in a linguistic shift towards the Russian language (Koreans, part of Kazakhs, Ukrainians, small ethnic groups, etc.) and a turn of the linguistic shift of Kazakhs; strengthening the position of the Kazakh language in business, culture, education, mass media, interethnic communication; the changed vector of influence of languages (Kazakh Russian) and the openness of the Russian language for oral and written borrowings, especially in media texts; finally, new communication needs of Kazakhstanis. The long-term linguistic and cultural borderland, which forms the internalized conceptual-mental picture of the world inherent in Kazakhstanis, has become a fundamental factor stimulating the diversification processes of the Russian language in Kazakhstan.

E.A. Chelak ◽  
K.R. Russu

The article is devoted to the analysis of associative reactions to the phrase-stimulus “crow’s day”, obtained in the framework of a free associative experiment conducted from 23 April to 30 April, 2020 on 133 subjects. The material for the study was 665 associative reactions from native speakers of the Russian language to the stimulus phrase “crow’s day”. Nuclear and peripheral meanings in the short and long term are presented, semantic groups ranked first and second in frequency of use among all associative reactions. The method of a free associative experiment made it possible to obtain data that led to the formulation of the conclusions: in the minds of Russian speakers familiar with the culture of the Ob Ugrians, the concept of “crow’s day” is fixed.

Г. Кульбаева

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается вопрос о функционировании русского языка в образовательном пространстве КГМА. Большое место в работе занимает роль русского языка в учебной деятельности студентов-медиков. Мотивацией к изучению именно, русского языка являются следующие факторы: статус официального языка; возможность привлечь внимание широкого круга специалистов к своим исследованиям; понимание престижности русского языка. В статье нашли отражение различные формы работы по расширению сферы использования русского языка в медицинской академии. В работе уделено внимание и профильным учебным пособиям, разработанным автором статьи. Анализ некоторых заданий позволяет констатировать тот факт, что содержание пособии определено через компетенции, одной из которых является языковая. Ключевые слова:язык обучения, фундаментальные науки, соматические ФЕ, компетентностная основа, профессиональная направленность, жаргонная лексика. Аннотация. Макалада КММАнын билим берүү мейкиндеги орус тилин өздөштүү маселеси каралат. Орус тили студент-медиктердин окуу ишмердигинде чоң роль ойнойт. Расмий тил статусу, өз изилдөөлөрүнө көпчүлүк адистердин көңүлүн буруу мүмкүнчүлүгү, орус тилинин баркын түшүнүү, өзгөчөлөп билүүгө далил болуп эсептелет. Макалада медициналык академияда орус тили колдонуу чөйрөсүн кеңейтүү боюнча иштөөнү ар кандай формалары көрсөтүлгөн. Эмгекте макаланын автору иштеп чыккан адистик окуу колдонмолорго да көңул бурулган. Кээ бир тапшырмалардын анализи колдонмонун мазмуну компетенция, анын бирөөсү тил аркылуу аныкталганын факт катары көрсөтүүгө мүмкүндүк түзөт. Түйүндүү сөздөр: фундаменталдык илимдер, соматикалык фразеологизмдер, компетенттик негиз, профессионалдык багытталыш, жаргондук лексика. Summary. The article discusses the Russian language functioning in the of the KSMA’s educational space. Russian language plays a big role in the educational activity of the medical students. The main motivation of learning the Russian language has the following points: the status of the official language; the opportunity to attract the attention of a wide range of specialists to their research; understanding of the prestige of the Russian language. The article reflected various forms of work to expand the scope of the use of the Russian language at the medical academy. The work focuses on specialized textbooks developed by the author of the article. An analysis of some tasks allows us to state the fact that the content of the manual is determined through competencies, one of which is the language. Key words: teaching language, fundamental sciences, somatic phraseological unit, slang vocabulary.

Elena L. Berezovich ◽  
Valeria S. Kuchko ◽  

The authors investigate the phenomenon of species substitution in official and unofficial names of stones, minerals and metals in the Russian language. Examples of species substitutions are the cases when the designation of a particular mineral (stone, metal) contains the name of a mineral or a metal of another type (class, category), e. g. the Ural emerald ‘demantoid’, the cat's gold ‘mica of golden colour’, pseudomalachite ‘water-phosphate of copper’ etc. As a rule, the objects chosen as a standard for comparing the nominated object with another one are those that were identified earlier than the nominated object and to which a greater value was attributed in many cases (most often the standards are the most valuable precious stones or precious metals (diamond, ruby, emerald, gold). The article presents some typical categories of mineralogical vocabulary which often include nominations with species substitution (for example, trade and everyday names that ‘raise the status’ of a mineral – Siberian diamond ‘colourless topaz’; pejorative names that indicate a false relationship between minerals – false diamond ‘rock crystal’; neutral names that capture the actual external or chemical similarity of objects – black amber ‘jet’, etc.). Separately, the authors focus on combinations with the lexeme gold which denote both substances not related to gold and alloys of gold and other metals – this allows us to trace in detail the possibilities of the separate lexeme’s participation in word formation resulting in nominations with species substitution. The authors propose their own motivational reconstructions for a number of ‘golden’ cases (for example, for mouse gold ‘marcasite’, frog gold ‘platinum’, etc.).

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (9) ◽  
pp. 23-33
Galina I. Panova ◽  
Tatiana V. Viktorina ◽  
Antonina E. Kuzmina

The concept of “morphological / grammatical means” is widely used in studies on the Russian language, although there is no generally accepted interpretation. This work analyzes the reflection of this concept in Russian studies and clarifies the status of those linguistic units that are traditionally referred to as morphological means: form-building affixes, alternating sounds (internal inflection), stress, supplementary word stems, auxiliary words, intonation, as well as word order. Our research has shown that these linguistic units have different functional status in the morphological structure of the Russian language. First, these are categorical, or actually morphological, means, represented by formative affixes and auxiliary words. They are carriers of morphological meanings in the structure of abstracted morphological forms – the basic units of inflectional Russian morphology. Secondly, a non-categorical means, syncretic and accidental for morphology, are supplementary stems that contain not only lexical, but also morphological meaning and thus duplicate the expression of morphological information in a word form with a form-building affix. Thirdly, these are linguistic units that are not elements of the morphological structure, but have morphological significance, which is manifested in their ability to differentiate homonymous morphological forms in the structure of word forms (alternating sounds and stress) or utterances (intonation). Word order can also perform a similar function. The study allows us to clarify the definition of the concept under consideration: morphological means are linguistic units that are carriers of morphological meanings and constituents of morphological forms.

Natalya Vasilievna Artamonova ◽  

Communion as part of speech occupies a special place in the structure of the Russian language, since it represents a problematic aspect of grammar. Already when determining the grammatical status of participle, the first difficulties appear, which is associated with hybrid features of participle, since it combines the features of two independent parts of speech - the adjective and the verb. The works of linguists describe different approaches to determining the status of communion. At present, it is possible to state the existence in Russian grammar of several points of view on the definition of the nature of communion.

2012 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 223-232 ◽  
Elena Kozintseva ◽  
Anatoly Skvortsov ◽  
Anastasia Ulicheva ◽  
Anna Vlasova (Zaykova)

Acquired disorders of writing in the Russian language have been reported for more than a century. The study of these disorders reflects the history of Russian neuropsychology and is dominated by the syndrome approach most notably by the writings of Luria. Indeed, our understanding of acquired dysgraphia in Russian speakers is conceptualized according to the classical approach in Modern Russia. In this review, we describe the classical approach and compare it to the cognitive neuropsychological models of writing disorders that are developed to explain dysgraphia in English and in other Western European languages. We argue that the basic theoretical assumptions of the two approaches – cognitive and classical or syndrome approach – share similarities. It is therefore proposed that identification of acquired cases of dysgraphia in Russian could potentially benefit from taking the cognitive neuropsychological perspective. We also conclude that adopting elements of the syndrome approach would substantially enrich the understanding of acquired dysgraphia since these offer an insight into processes not described in the cognitive neuropsychological approach.

2014 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 226-255 ◽  
Bakyt Baimatov

The current status of the Russian language in modern Kyrgyzstan is vague and precarious. Historically, Russians and the Russian language have been a backbone of Kyrgyz culture that paved the way for an unprecedented rise in literacy and a socio-economic upswing in this small mountainous country during Communism. However, post-Soviet times have witnessed an advent of revisionist tendencies in rethinking of the Communist past where Russians and their language are implicitly associated with historical injustices towards titular nations. Russian lingua franca as a means of inter-ethnic communication has become a source of controversy and a matter of debates. The Kyrgyz are divided along the lines of those politically-motivated public figures, who seek to exploit the status of the Russian language in their election campaigns. A package of laws providing exclusive use of Kyrgyz language in office and administration has been recently adopted in an attempt to place limits on the Russian language. These developments are widely regarded as discriminative towards not only Russian but also other minority languages in the country. On the other hand, the overwhelming majority of Kyrgyz intellectuals still hold a strong view that Russians and the Russian language deserve better in Kyrgyzstan.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Dr.Sc. Hysni Terziu

This paper aims at analysing activities of the privatisation process in Kosovo, seeing that privatisation is treated as a fundamental factor of overall transformation of the whole society.It may be established that the primary aim of privatisation process is increasing economic efficiency, reflection of the current state and directions of development in general. Privatisation as a process has as primary aim of opening new areas of freedom, economic efficiency and individualism.Key aim of privatisation process in Kosovo must be increase of economic efficiency, preservation of the healthy economic potential created up to date, and ensuring of the long term concept, which enables growth and macroeconomic stability. The policy of privatisation should give a response related to strategic aspects of privatisation of these sectors: of models, procedures, potential investors, technological modernisation and overtaking of social barriers.Process of privatisation and transition which has now covered countries of the Eastern and Central Europe, aims at profound economic and political transformation of these countries. To achieve this, it is necessarily required to have some basic preconditions, which are related to incitement of general efficiency of the enterprises, expansion of the capital market, introduction of competition, development of business culture in private property and freedom of entrepreneurship. Impacts of privatisation in economic development of Kosovo take a considerable place compared to other countries, therefore our aim is that through this paper we analyse factors and methods of implementation in this process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (4 (202)) ◽  
pp. 293-310
Valeria S. Kuchko ◽  

This article studies Russian verbs which name the action of gratuitous material assistance to those in need, i.e. благотворить, благотворительствовать, благодетельствовать, меценатствовать, жертвовать, спонсировать, and their few derivatives. The author focuses on the history of their origin and use in the Russian language, the development of their meanings, semantic features, and functioning in the text. The analysis of these characteristics of the life of the word in the language allows the author to identify and formulate some norms of the use of these verbs in modern charity discourse for those who speak and write about charity. The study is based on historical and modern lexicographic sources, such as explanatory dictionaries of the Old Slavic Language, Old Russian Language, Russian language of different time periods, as well as examples of word usage, retrieved from The National Corpus of the Russian Language. In spite of the fact that the verbs studied realise the predicate of a situation of charity and designate the subject’s action of providing a poor or deprived object with material support, they considerably differ in terms of time of their appearance in the language, periods of usage, and semantic capacity. The analysis demonstrates that there is no verb that could claim the status of a nuclear verbal lexeme of the semantic field of charity: the word with the widest neutral semantics благотворить has almost fallen out of use, the verbs благодетельствовать and меценатствовать have a narrower application, while жертвовать imposes semantic restrictions on the choice of words for the positions of the object and the instrument of charity, and in the case of the verb спонсировать a specific context of “market” charity is important, in which the subject receives a certain benefit from their contribution.

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