scholarly journals Aplikasi Program HEC-RAS 5.0.3 Pada Studi Penanganan Banjir

Elkawnie ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Ichsan Syahputra ◽  
Cut Rahmawati

Sungai Krueng Tukah memiliki DAS 59,51 Km2 dan panjang 25 Km serta bermuara di Selat Malaka. Sungai Krueng Tukah mengalami perubahan  kondisi sungai, tataguna lahan dan pertumbuhan penduduk sehingga sungai tidak lagi berfungsi secara optimal. Banjir pada Sungai Krueng Tukah menimbulkan kerusakan bangunan, lahan pertanian, dan lingkungan hidup. Hal ini terjadi di Kabupaten Pidie, khususnya di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Krueng Tukah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemampuan volume tampang sungai Krueng Tukah dalam menampung debit periode ulang Q2, Q5, Q10, Q25 sampai Q50 tahun dengan menggunakan Program HEC-RAS 5.0.3 dan memberikan solusi persoalan banjir yang ada di sepanjang sungai. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi kasus. Lokasi penelitian adalah Sungai Krueng Tukah, Kota Sigli, Kabupaten Pidie, Aceh Data primer diperoleh dengan melakukan survei topografi dan pengamatan langsung kondisi sungai dan wawancara. Data sekunder berupa data curah hujan dari stasiun Keumala, Kota Bakti dan Padang Tiji. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Curah hujan R2 sebesar 94,85 mm, R5=125,56 mm, R10= 48.65 mm, R25=181,21 mm dan R50=211,82 mm. Debit banjir diperoleh sebesar Q2=59,28 m3/det, Q5=96,05 m3/det, Q10=123,71 m3/det, Q25=155,52 m3/det dan Q50=201,47 m3/det. Dari hasil perhitungan terlihat Sungai Krueng Tukah tidak mampu menampung banjir lebih dari Q25 tahun. Penanganan normalisasi sungai dan kolam retensi adalah upaya penanganan banjir sungai Krueng Tukah yang harus dilakukan.Krueng Tukah River with a catchment area 59.51 Km2 and length is 25 km and downstream into the Malacca Strait. The Krueng Tukah River experienced changes in river conditions, land use, and population growth so that the river no longer functioned optimally. Floods on the Krueng Tukah River caused damage to buildings, agricultural land, and the environment. This happened in Pidie District, especially in the Krueng Tukah catchment area. This study aims to analyze the bankfull capacity of the Krueng Tukah river to accommodate return period Q2, Q5, Q10, Q25 to Q50 years with the HEC-RAS 5.0.3 Program and provide solutions to flood problems the river. The method used is a case study. The research locations were the Krueng Tukah River, Sigli City, Pidie District, Aceh. Primary data was obtained by topographic surveys and field observation of river conditions and interviews. Secondary data in the form of rainfall data from Keumala Station, Bakti City, and Padang Tiji. The results showed that R2 rainfall was 94.85 mm, R5 = 125.56 mm, R10 = 48.65 mm, R25 = 181.21 mm and R50 = 211.82 mm. Flow discharge was obtained at Q2 = 59.28 m3 / sec, Q5 = 96.05 m3 / sec, Q10 = 123.71 m3 / sec, Q25 = 155.52 m3 / sec and Q50 = 201.47 m3 / sec. The calculation results, it was that the Krueng Tukah River was unable to accommodate floods for more than Q25 years. Handling the normalization of rivers and retention ponds is an effort to handle the floods of the Krueng Tukah river that must be done.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 171-181
Pungky Dharma Saputra

ABSTRACTThe Government of Indonesia is accelerating the development of railway infrastructures. MRT is a milestone in the development of railway infrastructures in Indonesia since 2013. The elevated construction uses a single pier structure with a main reinforcement bar diameter of 40 mm. However, the conventional overlapping connection is unsuitable; hence it used a mechanical coupler connection. This research focused on the quality and cost comparison of using a mechanical coupler as a reinforcing connection in the MRT CP 103 Project's pier construction. The variables which would be studied were conventional connection and mechanical coupler connection. There were two stages in this research: quality testing in an independent laboratory and a cost comparison analysis. The data used were primary data from quality testing results, and secondary data were the project volume and unit price. The project sample in this research was MRT CP 103 Project with Pier AP 29 as the case study. The analytical approach used was descriptive analysis by making a comparison of the two variables. According to the quality test results, the tensile strength of the reinforcement was 665.56 N/mm2 and the mechanical coupler tensile strength was 626.33 N/mm2 . According to the calculation results of the case study on Pier AP29, it was found that the price difference was IDR2,246,622 or 6.17% cheaper than conventional connection. Further analysis showed that the mechanical coupler connection with 40 mm diameter was very effective because it was cheap. This research can be used as a reference in the alternative selection of reinforcement connection.Keywords : Quality, Cost, Mechanical Coupler; Pier; MRT CP 103 ProjectABSTRAKPembangunan infrastruktur kereta api sedang dipercepat oleh Pemerintah Indonesia. MRT merupakan tonggak sejarah perkembangan infrastruktur kereta api di Indonesia sejak tahun 2013. Pada konstruksi layang digunakan struktur single pier dengan diameter tulangan utama 40 mm. Namun, penyambungan tulangan dengan sambungan konvensional dianggap tidak tepat, sehingga menggunakan sambungan mechanical coupler. Penelitian ini berfokus pada perbandingan kualitas dan biaya penggunaan mechanical coupler sebagai sambungan tulangan pada konstruksi pier Proyek MRT CP 103.Variabel yang akan diteliti adalah sambungan tulangan konvensional dan sambungan mechanical coupler. Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua tahap yaitu pengujian kualitas pada laboratorium independent dan tahap kedua adalah dengan melakukan analisis perbandingan biaya. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer hasil pengujian kualitas dan data sekunder yaitu volume dan harga satuan dasar proyek. Sampel proyek penelitian ini adalah Proyek MRT CP 103 dengan Pier AP29 sebagai studi kasusnya. Pendekatan analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dengan mencari perbandingan kedua variabel. Dari hasil pengujian kualitas didapat nilai kuat tarik tulangan sebesar 665.56 N/mm2 dan kuat tarik mechanical coupler sebesar 626.33 N/mm2 . Dari hasil perhitungan studi kasus pada Pier AP 29 didapat selisih sebesar IDR2,246,622 atau 6.17% lebih murah dari sambungan tulangan konvensional. Hasil analisis selanjutnya menunjukkan sambungan mechanical coupler sangat efektif bila digunakan diameter 40 mm karena murah. Penelitian ini dapat dijadikan referensi dalam alternatif pemilihan sambungan tulangan.Kata kunci : Kualitas; Biaya; Mechanical Coupler; Pier; Proyek MRT CP 103.

Subash Ghimire

Many developing countries do not focus on land use planning in hydropower development. As a result hydropower projects are not sustainable. The aim of the study is to analyze the cause and effects of land use planning in hydropower development. The primary and secondary data were collected in a case study site at the Upper Tamakoshi Hydroelectric Project (UTHEP) in Dolakha district of Nepal. Household questionnaire, key informants? interviews and field observation were conducted to collect primary data while the relevant documents such as detailed feasibility report, property valuation report and spatial data (cadastral data, image etc.) were also collected for the study. The primary and secondary data reveals that Land use changes involved in the UTHEP implementation is basically due to the permanent and temporary land acquisition for project structures, facilities and reservoir area. The total land acquired for various project components like access road, powerhouse, desanding basin, reservoir as well as construction borrow pits and quarries, temporary and permanent work camps and construction of access road is estimated to be 182 ha. The secondary data reveals that 66 ha are allocated in agricultural land, 78 ha in forest land and 38 ha in the barren and cliff land. The results from secondary data and interviews confirm that UTHEP has planned to distribute 10% share to the residents of Dolakha district to promote local level investment. Finally, the study finds that land use planning has very important role for minimizing negative social and environmental effects thus create sustainability of the hydropower projects. It is also found that overall environmental impacts are limited because of technological development such as tunnel and underground powerhouse in UTHEP. The land tenure, Land use planning stakeholders and their role, Governance, policy, social structure etc. are the basic requirements of land use planning for sustainable development of hydropower projects. DOI: KUSET 2012; 8(1): 134-141

Margaret Kamau ◽  
Isabella Sile

Absrtact This study investigated the influence of business environment efficiency on competitiveness of locally manufactured goods by Autosterile East Africa, Kenya. This study used case study design. This study sampled 69 respondents, including 8 top level employees, 22 middle level employees and 39 lower level employees in Autosterile East Africa. Census sampling was used to select the respondents. Secondary data was obtained from the Autosterile East Africa publications that touches on determinants of competitiveness. Questionnaires used in the survey formed the primary data and was analyzed by use of Statistical Packages for Social Science version 23. Linear regression analysis was done to test the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. The study findings led to the conclusion that business environment efficiency have a positive relationship with competitiveness of locally manufactured goods. The findings revealed that business environment efficiency is significant determinant of competitiveness of locally manufactured goods. It was found out that the demand for goods and services and political stability influences competition of goods and services. The regulations dictate the competition among companies and supply of goods and services controls a firm's competitive advantage. Keywords: Business environment efficiency, competitiveness, Locally manufactured goods, Autosterile East Africa.

2021 ◽  
Abdu Kamil

Abstract Background: Entrepreneurship is essential in creating, fulfilling and forming a healthy economy. This study is conducted to investigate Factor Affecting on Entrepreneurial Intention: The case study on Wollo University Students. Some studies have been done in this area but only a few were conducted in Ethiopia. This research aims to address the gap that exists due to the weakness of previous studies to verify the factors that affect entrepreneurial intention and provide more clarification on the topic. Methods: For the purpose of this study explanatory research design was employed. The researcher used stratified random sampling to classify all participants into seven colleges and one school of law. From each stratum proportionally by using purposive sampling to select 226 respondents with graduate students from college of business and economics for the desire of the study. Both primary and secondary data were collected. Primary data were collected through structured questionnaire from 210 students. Secondary data were collected from previous studies and used as reference. Results: The correlation and regression analysis has been applied to see the relationship and how independent variables influence entrepreneurial intention. From the analyses it is confirmed that demographic factors have statistically insignificant effect on entrepreneurial intention, while personal factors, environmental factors and family background have a statistically significant effect on entrepreneurial intention. Conclusions: Based on the findings it is concluded that demographic factor does not affect entrepreneurial intention while personal factors, environmental factors and family background affect entrepreneurial intention.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 123 ◽  
Carolina Sofya Werembinan ◽  
Caroline B. D. Pakasi ◽  
Lyndon R. J. Pangemanan

This study aims to determine the perceptions of the younger generation of agricultural activities in the Buha Sub-District of Mapanget District. This research was carried out from August 2017 to May 2018. Primary data was collected through interviews of 15 generations of young people with the help of filling out questionnaires. Secondary data was obtained from the Buha Village Office, Mapanget District. This analysis uses descriptive analysis. The results of this study indicate that the perception of the younger generation of agricultural activities in the Buha Sub-District is overall negative for agricultural activities. Viewed from internal factors include education, employment, gender and age. The higher the level of education, the wider the insight of the younger generation so that the lack of interest in the younger generation in agricultural activities is getting bigger. The younger generation who already have permanent jobs in the non-agricultural sector look down on agricultural activities because they assume that agricultural activities have a low social level. Women have a low interest in agricultural activities because they assume that agricultural activities are not suitable for women because it will damage their appearance. Respondents aged 21-30 years have a low interest in agricultural activities, in addition to reduced agricultural land. External factors include socialization, parental work status and land ownership status. The younger generation with a low level of socialization results in a lack of interest in the younger generation in agricultural activities. Parents of respondents who work in agriculture or non-agriculture do not want their children to make agricultural activities the main job. The young generation whose parents still own agricultural land is still doing agricultural activities to help their parents work on their farms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 987
Devi Merina Tuz Sa’diyah ◽  
Ahmad Ahmad ◽  
Nilna Sa’adayah

<p>The focus of this research is to describe the strategy of adversity quotient for the management of the Community Learning Activity Center (PKBM) to develop innovations in turning barriers into opportunities for non-formal education programs. Qualitative research with this type of case study was carried out at PKBM Mentari, using structured interviews as the primary data collection method, in order to obtain primary data and document matrix methods to obtain secondary data. the data were analyzed using interactive techniques belonging to Miles and Huberman with the stages of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of this study are the adversity quotient strategy that generally implemented by PKBM is very good, this can be seen from the indicators including: 1) Organizing learning activities flexibly in terms of time, so that it does not interfere with the daily activities of the community; 2) Provide learning at affordable costs so as not to burden the community in participating in learning; 3) Making the community the main partner in the continuation of teaching and learning activities at PKBM and 4) Building synergies with local village officials. The relatively short research time is the main limitation in compiling this study, so that it only maximizes the statements of the main informants. </p><p><strong> </strong></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Ahmad Dimyati

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) metode identifikasi masalah Public Relations pada LAZ Dompet Dhuafa; (2) proses perencanaan dan pemrograman LAZ Dompet Dhuafa; (3) strategi aksi dan komunikasi LAZ Dompet Dhuafa; dan (4) proses evaluasi program LAZ Dompet Dhuafa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus eksploratif jenis single case holistic. Data primer dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam, sementara data sekunder bersumber dari studi pustaka dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa LAZ Dompet Dhuafa tidak melakukan riset khusus terkait perencanaan program; riset yang dilakukan hanya melalui fakta-fakta baru di lapangan melalui program-program yang sudah ada sebelumnya. Perencanaan program tematik dan nontematik LAZ Dompet Dhuafa dilakukan melalui rapat kerja tahunan, sementara pesan utama yang ingin disampaikan kepada pihak eksternal disampaikan melalui website resmi dan media sosial. Adapun evalusi program yang dilakukan tidak melibatkan publik eksternal. Kata Kunci: Manajemen Public Relations, zakat, Dompet Dhuafa ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine (1) the method of identifying problems of Public Relations at LAZ Dompet Dhuafa; (2) the planning and programming process of LAZ Dompet Dhuafa; (3) the strategy of action and communication of LAZ Dompet Dhuafa; and (4) the evaluation process of the LAZ Dompet Dhuafa program. This study uses a qualitative method with an explorative case study approach and single case holistic. The primary data in this study were obtained through in-depth interviews, while the secondary data were obtained from literature and documentation. The results of the study show that LAZ Dompet Dhuafa does not conduct specific research related to program planning; the research only carried out through new facts in the field through the pre-existing programs. The planning of thematic and non-thematic program is carried out through annual work meetings, while the main message to be conveyed to public (external) is delivered through the official website and social media. Meanwhile, the evaluation of the program did not involve the external public. Keywords: Public Relations management, zakat, Dompet Dhuafa

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 109
Verell Rengga Harsvardan ◽  
Anissa Noor Tajudin

This research will redesign the flexible pavement on the Kalihurip-Cikampek toll road using three flexible pavement design methods, namely the 2002, 2013 and 2017 methods, and analyze the structural responses that occur in the form of horizontal and vertical strain, the main components. In calculating the value of repetition of permits against fatigue damage (Nf) and groove cracks (Nd), it is processed using the KENPAVE program. Furthermore, the calculation results of the flexible pavement thickness, the value of repetition of permits against fatigue damage (Nf) and groove crack damage (Nd) were compared from the three methods. The method used is mechanistic-empirical. Primary data is obtained from the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing and LHR0 starting in 2020, taking into account traffic growth from 2020 to 2035, as well as secondary data assumptions by referring to previous regulations and research. The results of this study indicate that the 2002 method produced the largest pavement thickness, while the 2013 and 2017 methods produced relatively the same pavement thickness. However, the 2002 method produced the largest repetition of permits against fatigue damage (Nf) and groove cracks (Nd). So it can be concluded that the 2017 method produces a better design. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini akan mendesain ulang perkerasan lentur pada Jalan Tol Jakarta-Cikampek ruas Kalihurip-Cikampek menggunakan tiga metode desain perkerasan lentur yaitu metode 2002, 2013, dan 2017, serta menganalisis respons struktral yang terjadi berupa regangan horisontal dan vertikal, komponen utama dalam menghitung nilai repetisi izin terhadap kerusakan fatik (Nf) dan retak alur (Nd), diolah menggunakan program KENPAVE. Selanjutnya dibandingkan hasil perhitungan tebal perkerasan lentur, nilai repetisi izin terhadap kerusakan fatik (Nf) dan kerusakan retak alur (Nd) dari ketiga metode tersebut. Metode yang digunakan mekanistik-empiris. Data primer didapat dari Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) dan LHR0 dimulai pada tahun 2020, memperhitungkan pertumbuhan lalu lintas dari tahun 2020 sampai 2035, serta data sekunder asumsi dengan tetap mengacu pada peraturan dan penelitian sebelumnya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa metode 2002 menghasilkan tebal perkerasan terbesar, sedangkan metode 2013 dan 2017 menghasilkan tebal perkerasan yang relatif sama. Namun metode 2002 menghasilkan repetisi izin terhadap kerusakan fatik (Nf) dan retak alur (Nd) terbesar. Sehingga disimpulkan metode 2017 menghasilkan desain lebih baik.

2018 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 235 ◽  
Wiwit Hasan ◽  
A H.S Salendu ◽  
N M Santa ◽  
F N.S Oroh

ABSTRACT ANALYSIS OF PROFIT AND BREAK-EVEN ON BROILER FARM WITH BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP PATTERN (Case Study at Tetey village, Dimembe District of North Minahasa Regency). The objectives of this study were 1) to determine the pattern of partnerships business broiler farm at Tetey village with   DMC company, 2) to analyze the profit of  broiler farms run through a partnership pattern, 3) to analyze the breakeven point on a broiler farm run through a partnership pattern. Case study method was used on broiler chicken farm with the partnership model. The primary data obtained through observation and direct interviews with business owners of broiler chicken farms by using a questionaire. Secondary data were obtained from agencies associated with this research such as the Office of Agriculture, District Office. The results of study revealed that 1) Partnership pattern run by broiler breeders at Tetey village provided the doc, as many as 10,000 heads / period, including feed, vitamins and medicines, while farmers supplied cage and supplies, water, electricity, as well as labor and land. In addition, Broiler prices were IDR 18,000 / kg as fix price, 2) total profit of broiler farm at Tetey village through a partnership pattern were IDR 53,159,675 / period or IDR 22,149,685 / month, and 3) the number of breakeven point on broiler farm at Tetey village run with a partnership pattern were 18,691 head, or on the sale of IDR 958,644, 442.Keywords: breakeven point, partnership pattern, broiler farm.

2021 ◽  
Vol 905 (1) ◽  
pp. 012122
H P Pramana ◽  
S Hastjarjo ◽  

Abstract This study explains millennial and Gen-Z attitudes, perspectives, and behaviors in implementing the eco-office concept. As a qualitative method study, the study uses primary data through semi-structured interviews and secondary data collected from reports, public/private publications, and census results, using the Yin case study model as data analysis. The study results reveal that the biggest challenge in implementing new policies is self-thinking. Leaders, as change agents, play an essential role in penetrating messages that make them act pro-environment. The reward system will be very effective, especially providing satisfaction for self-actualization. The findings of this study have implications for policymakers as input. For example, the results show that social media plays a crucial role in increasing environmental awareness. In addition, simple shifts such as electronic media use at work will cut the file chain, making it more effective and favored by young people. They understand the consequences of their actions on the environment and have the education, motivation, and social awareness to participate in the green movement. However, beliefs and actions are not fully integrated, and investigating and understanding their behavior and unique needs in the workplace will lead employees to integrate and succeed together to support the environment.

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