scholarly journals Keterkaitan Asupan Makanan dan Sedentari dengan Kejadian Obesitas Pada Anak Sekolah Da sar di Kota Banda Aceh

2019 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-76
Agus Hendra Al Rahmad

Prevalence of obesity among children aged 6-14 years in Aceh Province was 5.9%. The high prevalencecontinues to increase from 2007 to 2013. The purpose of the study was to measure the effect of fiber intake,snack foods and sedentary on the prevalence of obesity in elementary school children. Case-controldesign research was conducted in August - September 2017 with a sample of 84 children. Data collectionwas conducted through interviews with parents and observations using the GPAQ questionnaire, 24-hour recall, and anthropometric mesurements. The results showed that food intake from daily snacks(p=0.001 and OR=5) and fiber intake (p=0.017 and OR=3.3) were associated with the incidence ofobesity (p<0.05), while breakfast was not significant. Sedentary showed a significant relationship withthe prevalence of obesity in elementary school children (p=0.002 and OR=4.6). The study concluded thatthe risk of primary school children to get obese was five times caused relatedwith byfood intake fromunhealthy snacks and 3,3 times due to low fiber intake, and 4.6 times caused by sedentary. Keywords: fiber intake, snacks food, obesity, sedentary Prevalensi obesitas pada anak 6-14 tahun di Provinsi Aceh sebesar 5,9%. Prevalensi obesitas tersebutterus meningkat sejak tahun 2007 sampai 2013. Obesitas pada anak mencapai 7,3%, dan meningkat9,5% pada tahun 2015. Beberapa hasil penelitian menguatkan pergeseran pola konsumsi pangan sepertirendahnya konsumsi serat dan tingginya konsumsi makanan jajanan cepat saji, serta perubahan gayahidup termasuk sedentari lifestyle diduga sebagai faktor pemicu tingginya obesitas pada anak usia 6-14tahun. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengukur hubungan antara asupan serat, makanan jajanan dan sedentariterhadap kejadian obesitas pada anak sekolah dasar. Penelitian dengan disain case-control dilakukan padabulan Agustus – September 2017 dengan sampel anak sekolah dasar sebanyak 84 orang. Pengumpulandata dilakukan melalui wawancara kepada anak dan responden didukung observasi aktivitas anakmenggunakan kuesioner GPAQ, Recall 24 jam, dan pengukuran antropometri. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa asupan makanan dari jajanan sehari (p= 0,001, OR= 5 pada 95% CI: 1,98-12,64)dan konsumsi serat (p= 0,017, OR= 3,3 pada 95% CI: 1,33-1,82) berhubungan dengan kejadian obesitas(p < 0,05), sedangkan sarapan pagi tidak signifikan. Sedentari menunjukkan hubungan bermakna dengankejadian obesitas pada anak sekolah dasar (p= 0,002, OR= 4,6 pada 95% CI: 1,81-11,58). Kesimpulan,kejadian obesitas pada anak sekolah dasar disebabkan sebesar 5,0 kali oleh asupan makanan dari jajananyang tidak sehat dan 3,3 kali akibat rendahnya konsumsi serat, serta sedentari yang tidak baik berisikosebesar 4,6 kali terhadap kejadian obesitas. Kata kunci: asupan serat, makanan jajanan, obesitas, sedentari

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (10) ◽  
Abdulrahman Nasser Alshahrany ◽  
Halijah Bt Ibrahim

Over recent decades, the common understanding of hearing impairment has improved.  People are more concerned with hearing impairment and have come to a consensus that care and positivity must be addressed. Therefore, recent trends in children with hearing disabilities inclusion have started in regular schools. The holistic training program provides opportunities for everyday people to learn about their abilities and special skills. The teacher needs to take care of the locomotive and object control skills of the child through the development of necessary motor skills to meet life requirements, such as walking, running, throwing, etc. The current study explores the ability of primary school children with hearing loss to incorporate an exergame to improve fundamental motor skills within an inclusive physical education classroom in Saudi Arabia. The study used a Qualitative Method and carried out a content analysis together with a Systematic Literature Review to understand the research carried out in this field. A detailed analysis was carried out of secondary data from articles indexed in Scopus and the websites of the scientific databases and other related documents in the field of study.  This study would expand the research awareness related to the success of vital engine skills in elementary school children with hearing impairment through the use of an exergame in comprehensive physical education.

2016 ◽  
Vol 50 (5) ◽  
pp. 522-533 ◽  
Juan E. Jiménez ◽  
Isaac Marco ◽  
Natalia Suárez ◽  
Desirée González

This study had two purposes: examining the internal structure of the Test Estandarizado para la Evaluación Inicial de la Escritura con Teclado (TEVET; Spanish Keyboarding Writing Test), and analyzing the development of keyboarding skills in Spanish elementary school children with and without learning disabilities (LD) in writing. A group of 1,168 elementary school children carried out the following writing tasks: writing the alphabet in order from memory, allograph selection, word copying, writing dictated words with inconsistent spelling, writing pseudowords from dictation, and independent composition of sentence. For this purpose, exploratory factor analysis for the TEVET was conducted. Principal component analysis with a varimax rotation identified three factors with eigenvalues greater than 1.0. Based on factorial analysis, we analyzed the keyboarding skills across grades in Spanish elementary school children with and without LD (i.e., poor handwriters compared with poor spellers, who in turn were compared with mixed compared with typically achieving writers). The results indicated that poor handwriters did not differ from typically achieving writers in phonological processing, visual-orthographic processing, and sentence production components by keyboarding. The educational implications of the findings are analyzed with regard to acquisition of keyboarding skills in children with and without LD in transcription.

2016 ◽  
Vol 35 ◽  
pp. S222-S223
S. Kabaran ◽  
M. Yurt ◽  
B. Barbaros ◽  
S. Dal ◽  
G. Okburan ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 325
Sakinah Ramadhani ◽  
Luki Mundiastuti ◽  
Trias Mahmudiono

Background: obesity prevalence in elementary school student increased due to low physical activity rate also excessive food intake. The habit of watching tv, using computer and smartphone is also related to this obesity prevalence.Objective: Analyze physical activity at recess, intensity of smartphone use, and incidence of obesity among students at Full Day Elementary SchoolMethod: Using a case control with 110 elementary school children consisting of two groups, namely the normal nutritional status group of 55 respondents and the obesity status group of 55 respondents.Sampling was done by propotional random sampling. This study will compare physical activity at rest, and the intensity of smartphone use on obesity status and normal nutritional status. Analysis of this study data using chi-square test and logistic regression.Results : The results showed that there was a relationship between physical activity during the first break with obesity (p=0.010) and an OR value of 0.059 with a 95% CI (0.011-0.509) which meant that students who did physical activity first break by sitting at risk 0.059 times less to be obese. As for physical activity at the second rest (p=0.748), intensity of smartphone usage during weekdays (p=0.225), and intensity of smartphone use when there was no correlation with the incidence of obesity.Conclusion: Physical activity at the first break was related to the incidence of obesity in elementary school children Full Day School. As for the second resting activity, the intensity of smartphone usage during weekdays and weekends is not related to the incidence of obesity in elementary school children Full Day School.ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Peningkatan obesitas disebabkan kurang melakukan aktivitas fisik dan kelebihan asupan makanan. Kebiasaan menonton tv, bermain komputer, dan smartphone yang dikaitkan dengan prevalensi obesitas saat ini.Tujuan:  Menganalisis hubungan aktivitas fisik saat istirahat dan intensitas penggunaan smartphone, pada anak dengan status obesitas dan status gizi normal di SD Full Day School.Metode: Mengunakan case control dengan 110 anak Sekolah Dasar yang terdiri dari dua kelompok yaitu kelompok status gizi normal sebanyak 55 responden dan kelompok status obesitas sebanyak 55 responden. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan propotional random sampling. Penelitian ini akan membandingkan aktivitas fisik saat istirahat, dan intensitas penggunaan smartphone pada status obesitas dan status gizi normal. Analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan uji chi-square dan regresi logistik.Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara aktivitas fisik saat istirahat pertama dengan obesitas (p=0,010) dan didapatkan nilai OR sebesar 0,059 dengan CI 95% (0,011-0,509) yang berarti bahwa siswa yang melakukan aktivitas fisik istirahat pertama berisiko 0,059 kali lebih kecil untuk mengalami obesitas. Sedangkan untuk aktivitas fisik saat istirahat kedua (p=0,748), intensitas penggunaan smartphone saat weekdays (p=0,225), dan intensitas penggunaan smartphone saat weekend (p=0,246) tidak terdapat hubungan dengan kejadian obesitas.Kesimpulan: Aktivitas fisik saat istirahat pertama berhubungan dengan kejadian obesitas pada anak SD Full Day School. Sedangkan untuk aktivitas istirahat kedua, intensitas penggunaan smartphone saat weekdays dan weekend tidak berhubungan dengan kejadian obesitas pada anak SD Full Day School.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 86 ◽  
Natalia Yuwono ◽  
Dominicus Husada ◽  
Sukmawati Basuki

Soil transmitted helminthiasis are common in the world and cause illness, especially in developing countries. It can cause infection in humans by contact with parasitic eggs or larvae that live in moist and warm soil. Soil-transmitted helminthiasis is often caused by Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, Ancylostoma duodenale, and Necator americanus. In Indonesia, Soil transmitted helminthiasis prevalence is still high in some places. The tropical climate and high humidity support for the development of worms like in Sorong District, but there was no data. The purpose of this study is to identify the presece of Soil transmitted helminthiasis in primary school children in Sorong District. A cross-sectional study was conducted in two elementary schools located in Sorong District, West Papua, Indonesia. The two elementary schools are SDN 22 in Klain village and SD  Inpres 24 in sub-district Mayamuk. Once collected, the pot that has contained stool is given formalin 10%. Stool examinattion using direct smear method to determine the presence of soil transmitted helminthiasis. Researchers get the subject as many as 147 children. The proportion of elementary school children by sex consists of 72 boys (49%) and 75 girls (51%). The prevalence of Soil transmitted helminthiasis as a whole was 30.6% (45/147) with 40.1% (18/45) single infections and 59.9% (27/45) mixed infections. The single infection that most frequent is Trichuris trichiura, then followed by Ascaris lumbricoides. Soil-transmitted helminthiasis mostly found in girl than boy and mostly found in 6-9 years age group.  The worm species that infect elementary school children in the district is Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, Hookworm, and Strongyloides stercoralis. This is probably related with the climate and low sanitation level. To eliminate soil transmitted helminthiasis among elementary school children, in addition to routine treatment also needs intensive counseling about the importance of maintaining personal hygiene and the environment.

Dian Nur Khalifah ◽  
Alfi Fairuz Asna ◽  
Afrinia Eka Sari

<p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p><strong></strong> <em><strong>Latar belakang:</strong></em> Kegemukan terjadi akibat dari asupan energi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pengeluaran energi. Faktor-faktor yang dapat menyebabkan kegemukan sering diabaikan oleh masyarakat seperti kebiasaan sarapan yang kurang baik dan rendahnya aktivitas fisik yang dilakukan oleh anak sekolah dasar.</p><p><em><strong>Tujuan:</strong> </em>Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kebiasaan konsumsi sarapan dan aktivitas fisik dengan kejadian kegemukan pada anak sekolah dasar.</p><p><strong>Metode:</strong> Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan rancangan cross sectional dengan 130 subjek dan menggunakan uji chi square pada tingkat kemaknaan 95% (α=0,05).Pengambian data kebiasaan sarapan menggunakan kuesioner ang sudah divalidasi, pengambilan data aktivitas fisik menggunakan kuesioner PAQ-C (Physical Activity Questionaire for Children) dan data status gizi diambil dengan melakukan penimbangan serta pengukuran tinggi badan kemudian diklasifikasikan menggunakan indikator IMT/U.</p><p><em><strong>Hasil:</strong> </em>Hasil analisis menggunakan uji chi square menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara kebiasaan konsumsi sarapan dengan kegemukan pada subjek (p=0,009) dan terdapat hubungan antara aktivitas fisik dengan kegemukan pada subjek (p=0,000).</p><p><em><strong>Kesimpulan:</strong></em> Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara kebiasaan konsumsi sarapan dan aktivitas fisik dengan kegemukan pada anak usia sekolah dasar.</p><p><strong>KATA KUNCI:</strong> aktivitas fisik; kebiasaan sarapan; kegemukan</p><p><strong><br /></strong></p><p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p><em><strong>Background:</strong> </em>Overweight occurs as a result of higher energy intake compared to energy expenditure. Many people often underestimate about factors that can lead to overweight, such as bad breakfast habits and low physical activity in elementary school children.</p><p><em><strong>Objectives:</strong></em> The purpose of this study is to determine a correlation between breakfast habits and physical activity of students in elementary school with overweight.</p><p><em><strong>Methods:</strong></em> This study was an observational study with a cross-sectional design with 130 of the students and tests of the significance level of 95% (α=0.05). Breakfast habits data obtained using a validated questionnaire, physical activity data collection using the PAQ-C (Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children) and nutritional status data were taken by weighing and measuring height then classified using BMI/U indicators.</p><p><em><strong>Results:</strong></em> The result of the analysis using a chi-square test showed that there was a correlation between breakfast habits and overweight (p=0,009) and there was a correlation between physical activity with overweight (p=0.000).</p><p><em><strong>Conclusions:</strong></em> The conclusion, there are correlations between breakfast habits and physical activity with overweight among primary school children.</p><p><strong>KEYWORDS</strong>: physical activity, breakfast habits, overweight</p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 70-76 ◽  
Shannon Pierson ◽  
Keiko Goto ◽  
Joan Giampaoli ◽  
Alyson Wylie ◽  
Ben Seipel ◽  

The prevalence of obesity among children in the United States is a major health concern and is associated with increased health risks. The goal of this intervention was to develop and pilot test strategies based on mindful eating practices that foster healthy eating behaviors among elementary school children and their families. Mindful eating practice engages all of ones senses and has been shown to decrease impulsive food decisions and increase awareness of hunger and fullness cues. Using Experiential Learning Theory (ELT), class interventions and take-home activities were developed to teach mindful eating strategies to Hispanic and non-Hispanic 3rd through 5th grade elementary school children and their parents. The results of this research will: 1) contribute to the scientific literature regarding the impact of mindful eating practice on children’s eating behavior, 2) provide an alternate strategy for weight loss and management among children, and 3) provide parents and teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to promote mindful eating among children and families.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 103
Desi Desi ◽  
Suaebah Suaebah ◽  
Winda Dwi Astuti

Abstract: Relations With Breakfast And Allowance Hawker Immanuel Christian Elementary School II Kubu Raya. Factors that influence the selection of snack foods in school children include school lunch, breakfast, school activities, advertising on television and the availability of snack foods in schools. The purpose research is to determine the relationship of breakfast and pocket money for snacks consumption in primary school children Christian Immanuel II Kubu Raya. Observational with cross sectional study design. The number of samples in this study were 68 children were taken by random sampling. Nutritional status data obtained by anthropometric measurements (BB and TB) and categorized by the WHO Anthro. Data breakfast, pocket money, and street food is obtained by using a questionnaire. In this study, 61.8% was found among elementary school children Christian Immanuel II Kubu Raya do breakfast. 58.8% of students bring more pocket money than average and as much as 86.8% of students bring pocket money and buy food snacks in schools.Abstrak: Hubungan Sarapan, Uang Saku  dengan Jajanan Di SD Kristen Immanuel II Kubu Raya.  Faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan makanan jajanan pada anak sekolah antara lain bekal sekolah, makan pagi, aktifitas sekolah, iklan di televisi dan ketersediaan makanan jajanan di sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan sarapan dan uang saku dengan konsumsi jajanan pada anak Sekolah Dasar Kristen Immanuel II Kubu Raya. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah Observasional dengan rancangan penelitian cross sectional. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 68 anak yang diambil secara random sampling. Data status gizi diperoleh dengan pengukuran antropometri (BB dan TB) dan dikategorikan berdasarkan WHO Anthro. Data sarapan pagi, uang saku, dan makanan jajanan diperoleh dengan menggunakan uji chi-square. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan sebanyak 61,8% anak Sekolah Dasar Kristen Immanuel II Kubu Raya melakukan sarapan pagi. 58,8% siswa/i membawa uang saku lebih dari rata-rata dan sebanyak 86,8% siswa/I membawa uang saku dan membeli makanan jajanan di sekolah. ada hubungan yang bermakna antara uang saku dengan konsumsi jajanan pada anak Sekolah Dasar Kristen Immanuel II Kubu Raya sedangkan antara sarapan dengan konsumsi jajanan pada anak di Sekolah Dasar Kristen Immanuel II Kubu Raya tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (8) ◽  
pp. 302-314
Akitoshi Uchida

It reviewed the studies on the development of the concept of decimals and fractions in Japanese children published in Japan. The Google Scholar search using the keywords "concept of decimals" and "concept of fractions" hit 59 articles published during 1982-2020 in Japan. According to the Course of Study, the guideline for elementary school education in Japan, set by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan, decimals and fractions should be taught at Arithmetic classes of elementary schools. However, only 17 studies explored the concepts of decimals and fractions and the development of those concepts of primary school children. Moreover, none of them conducted utilizing a scientific research method with empirical data of Japanese elementary school children. It concluded that the research on the education of ratio, including decimals and fractions, in Japan was still in "the stone age" without utilizing genuine scientific methods. (148 words)

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