Labour Potential in War-Time

1939 ◽  
Vol 49 (196) ◽  
pp. 656
H. Makower ◽  
H. W. Robinson
2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-10
V. V. Bezugly ◽  
Z. V. Boyko ◽  
О. V. Tsvietaieva

This article examines the demographic situation in Dnipropetrovsk region and identifies the main demographic problems of the region , among which the most important are low fertility, reduced family size, high divorce rates and unregistered marriages, contimuing aging of the population, increased gender disproportion among the population, intra-regional and especially modern external migrations of the population, etc. The Dnipropetrovsk settlement system includes four industrial agglomerations: Dniprovsky-Kamianske, Kryvyi Rih, Nikopol and Pavlohrad, where more than 83.5% of the region’s population lives , indicating a high level of urbanization of the territory. It was found that the dynamics of the population of the urban agglomerations of the Dnipropetrovsk region over the past 20 years has a tendency to progressive reduction: if in 1997 the size of the existing population amounted to 3,888.8 thousand people, in 2017it amounted to 3,227.5 thousand people. It is stated that the natural replenishment of the population provides a continuous change of generations, creating the quantitative boundaries of labour resources of urban agglomerations of Dnipropetrovsk region. The current state of migration processes in the agglomerations of Dnipropetrovsk region is caused by socio-economic and political problems. This has led to an increase in labour out-migration, which now has already become catastrophic, not only in the Dnipropetrovsk region, but throughout Ukraine. Negative consequences of this are the depopulation of cities and areas of agglomerations, the outflow of high quality labour potential (and in particular qualified labour), the collapse of families, rise in crime and corruption, etc. In general, it is established that the demographic aspect, due to natural and mechanical movements, has become a determining factor inthe formation of the labour resource situation and affects not only the process of replenishmnent itself, but also the structure of the economically active population. We present the general demographic features of the population's reproduction, in the urban agglomerations of Dnipropetrovsk region from 1997 to 2017; a decrease in the total population, a negative natural population growth (mortality rates will prevail over birth rates), aging of the population, which is reflected in an increase in the number of people aged 70, disproportion in the sexual structure of the population (prevalence of women), negative balance of migration and continuous outflow of inhabitants of reproductive age, especially to the countries of the European Union.

Zinaida Smutchak ◽  

The article is devoted to the introduction of innovations in the development of labour potential of enterprises as a factor in improving the economic potential of the country. The possibility of using effective innovations used in the practice of the world's leading countries (including Germany, Great Britain, France, the United States and Japan) in the field of professional development of personnel is mentioned. Mechanisms for improving the efficiency of the system of professional development of staff are proposed. Attention is focused on the involvement of social partners in the organization and control over the quality of vocational training. In order to study effective forms and methods of professional development of staff and the introduction of social innovations in this area, developed and tested in other countries, it is necessary to take into account elements of foreign experience. This is especially justified and extremely relevant today in connection with the active processes of statehood of Ukraine and administrative reform. Contradictions between the needs of modernization of national enterprises and the lack of professional, highly qualified workers, specialists representing the newest activities (there are hundreds of them in the world every year), deteriorating quality of training - all this inevitably has a negative impact on social and labour relations. The main economic interests of the social partners in the field of labour, above all, prevents the desired income. Ukraine will quickly lose the existing advantages in personnel training in the absence of a system of continuous training of employees. The consequence of this situation is the transformation of Ukraine into a «supplier» of cheap labour for European countries and other developed countries. In Ukraine the development of vocational training is an important condition for both the provision of production with highly qualified personnel and increasing its efficiency. However, it has certain shortcomings and requires a change of approach both on the part of the state and on the part of employers, which determines the prospects for further research.

2019 ◽  
Vol 67 ◽  
pp. 06045
Maryna Savchenko ◽  
Larysa Shaulska ◽  
Olga Shkurenko ◽  
Larysa Sarkisyan

The article examines the methodological approaches to the assessment of the labour potential of the socio-economic system. On the basis of the research, it has been established that the proposed algorithm for assessing the labour potential of the socio-economic system at the micro level. The approbation of the methodology for assessing the labour potential of the socio-economic system was carried out on the basis of the performance of an industrial enterprise. To improve the methodology for assessing the labour potential of socio-economic systems, the use of an organizational and methodological model for assessing the labour potential of the system has been proposed. The use of the organizational and methodological model is carried out in several stages: the construction of the Ishikawa diagram, the rating score, the construction of the Pareto diagram and the conduct of the ABC analysis. The implementation of the organizational and methodological model for assessing the labour potential of the socio-economic will allow for the effective management of the labour potential of the system and, as a result, will increase its competitiveness in the information economy.

10.12737/4880 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 55-64
Дроздова ◽  
Ekaterina Drozdova ◽  
Палагутина ◽  
N. Palagutina ◽  
Мельникова ◽  

Study of labor potential most actually from a line item of an assessment of implementation of potential of the person in the given working conditions as gives a certain idea of the strong and weaknesses of control of regional development as a whole. The characteristic of labor potential is provided in this article taking into account two pacing factors of its formation and development: 1) human potential (potential of human development), 2) potential of regional social and economic subsystems. Authors gave detail statistical data across Primorsky Krai, the population characterizing a standard of living, expected life expectancy in case of the birth, a health care status, an education level — indexes which define component values of an index of the human development, published in the annual report «About human development in the Russian Federation». The assessment of perspectives and threats of reproduction of labor capacity of Primorsky Krai has the high practical significance. Special attention is deserved by calculation of security of strategy of social and economic development of Primorsky Krai made by authors till 2025 human resources. Support of the high level of quality of life of the population is offered As the main action for increase of use and development of labor potential of the researched region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 262
Tetiana Hudima ◽  
Volodymyr Ustymenko ◽  
Ruslan Dzhabrailov ◽  
Vitalii Oliukha ◽  
Oleksandr Illarionov

Promotion of youth employment, especially in the post-conflict territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine, is one of the key global problems of a country that is a challenge to its sustainable development. Higher education institutions play an important role in this process. They form the labour potential for the development of a region. However, their activities do not always correspond to their (regional) needs. Studies on employment experience and labour mobility of graduates of higher education establishments in Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine evidence of the extremely high rate of re-profiling of young graduates and / or their migration to other regions of the country or abroad. This article proposes a number of measures, including within the framework of educational reform, to be implemented to reduce youth unemployment both in the region and in Ukraine as a whole. It is noted that it is advisable to intensify the processes of supporting the initiatives of young people in post-graduate vocational training and employment, encouraging them to actively seek employment and to acquire a profession or occupation in demand in the labour market. Attention is drawn to the need for awareness-raising and education in this regard. It is argued that measures aimed at preventing the migration of scientists should be included in national policy documents. It is suggested that special attention be given to the programme approach, which should form the basis of a legal mechanism to promote the preservation of the region’s intellectual potential.

Alexander G. Tsimbal

Everyday work of Belarusian citizens during the German occupation is explored on the basis of German trophy documents. The article is based on the materials of the Fund 378 of the National Archives of the Republic of Belarus. The documents give an idea of many aspects of occupational life through the prism of the activities of one institution – the Main Railway Directorate «Minsk» and shed light on many «white spots» of the everyday work of the population of Belarus. The presented study aims, first of all, to introduce into scientific circulation a significant set of factual material on the problem of everyday work and the use of local people labour by the occupation authorities. That shows the problem from a new perspective and creates factual basis for further conceptual study of the issue. The German occupation authorities gave exceptional importance to the issue of gaining the support of the population of Belarus. With this purpose, they developed directive documents, analyzed the mood and labour potential of local workers. Using the method of «carrots and sticks», the railway management in occupied Belarus understood that it depended on the local population, therefore, in addition to repressive methods and the organization of the control system, the issues of providing products and creating social guarantees were raised. The wage premiums, bonuses, rewards, delivery of products and delicacies, charity and assistance to the families of employees were supposed to increase productivity and stimulate the work of local railway workers. However, the occupation authorities regularly noted a low desire to work and the escape of local workers to the partisans. The introduction to the scientific turnover of the information of the unique documents of Main Railway Directorate «Minsk» can not only significantly extend the factual basis of the research of the period of German occupation of Belarus, but also pose a number of theoretical questions. New documentary sources make it possible to add to the currently existing assessment of the use of labour by the local population solely as betrayal or forced slave labor. Using new sources and modern methodological approaches, the survival strategies of ordinary people under occupation should be analyzed. Information sources of the сollection of documents of the Main Railway Directorate «Minsk» raise questions about the conditions of survival of local workers at other enterprises, in other fields of labour and regions of the occupied territory of Belarus.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 9
Ihor Vinichenko ◽  
Tetiana Shutko

The purpose of the paper is concerned with the relevant problem of regional development – the development of methodological instruments for assessing the investment attractiveness of agricultural enterprises. The article discusses the concept of “investment attractiveness” and justifies the author’s position of its content. It has been established that the enterprise is an open system, so its appeal includes both internal and external environment, so the analysis of investment attractiveness of the enterprise is proposed to be carried out in stages, revealing its real and potential opportunities and threats at every economic level. Methodology. The analysis of existing domestic and foreign approaches to assessing the investment attractiveness of agricultural enterprises was carried out and the use of an integrated approach in conducting this investigation was argued. The algorithm of forming an integral indicator for assessing the investment attractiveness of an agricultural enterprise is substantiated. Results. The authors have proposed a methodical approach, the peculiarity of which is the construction of a matrix model for assessing the investment attractiveness of agricultural enterprises on the basis of a generalized indicator of quantitative and qualitative criteria for evaluating their production and financial position and investment potential. Methodical research instruments include mathematical methods of statistical data processing and expert evaluation using the weighing coefficient theory. Practical implications. Approbation of the methodological instruments was carried out on the example of agricultural enterprises of the Dnipropetrovsk region, as a result of which the most acceptable forms of attracting investment capital were proposed. Those companies can expect investments that have high investment attractiveness, which is 10.5% of the investigated producers. Enterprises of the first group are the most preferred for all types of investors: the largest land and labour potential, high results of economic activity. Agricultural enterprises of the second group have significant resource potential and provide 48.6% of gross output; they can be attributed to “strong middle peasants.” Agricultural enterprises with low investment attractiveness can also count on investment funds. We believe that the most acceptable form of their attraction is the creation basis of unprofitable farms of enterprises with the participation of domestic and foreign capital.

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