Central Ukrainian Scientific Bulletin. Economic Sciences
Latest Publications





Published By Central Ukrainian National Technical University

2663-1636, 2663-1644

Ljudmila Romaniuk ◽  

International economic activity occupies a special place in a complex system of the global economic relations. It reflects the mutual economic dependence of trade and economic activities of different countries of the world. The significance of the development of international economic performance of each country is growing. The purpose of the article is to determine the current state and trends of international economic performance of Ukraine, taking into account changes in the external environment. SWOT-analysis was introduced to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and ways to overcome weaknesses, solve problems in international economic activity, use strengths and opportunities. International economic activity is a powerful factor in the development of the country's economy and has a significant potential in regard of natural, economic and human resources, but the study has also revealed problems and negative trends. To identify trends in the effectiveness of the country's international economic activity, export-import performance indicators for 2019, 2020 and similar indicators for 2013 were analyzed. In 2020 a decline in exports in the machine-building industry is observed. Furthermore, the exports are dominated by the raw material component. The growth rate of exported goods refers to industries with a small share of value added. At the same time, imports are dominated by high-tech products, indicating a lack of strategy of technical and technological development, which leads to the deindustrialization of the country, which is a significant threat to the economy of Ukraine as a whole and its international economic activity. In the context of economic globalization, the importance of international economic relations is growing. To increase the efficiency of international economic performance it is crucial to address a number of domestic issues: stabilization of political situation, termination of military actions in the east of the country, overcoming corruption, ensuring technical and technological development, implementation of innovations at enterprises, development and implementation of multi-vector strategy, implementation of the strategy of public diplomacy in order to build a positive image of Ukraine. Further research will focus on assessing the effectiveness of international economic activity, identifying threats to national competitiveness and elaborating recommendations for overcoming them.

Natalia Gavrilova ◽  
Larysa Petrenko ◽  
Natalia Pitel ◽  

The level of national security of the country directly depends on the needs of enterprises of the defense-industrial complex, their scientific, technical, financial and economic development. The financial security of defense enterprises and the financial security of the state as a whole is in a state of direct mutual influence. Thus, there is an urgent need to study the peculiarities of ensuring financial security at the enterprises of the defense industry and in the defense-industrial complex. The purpose of the work is to study the modern aspects of an international partnership of enterprises of the defense-industrial complex, the principles of their activities, and the financial aspects of development. The article considers the interpretations of scientists on the concepts of defense spending and financing of law enforcement agencies, considers the structure of the defense budget of Ukraine. The article considers the defense-industrial complex as an integral part of the entire military potential of the country and the industrial basis of the national security of the state. The article states that the enterprises of the defense-industrial complex produce high technologies, know-how, which can later be used in civilian sectors of the economy. International partnership of enterprises of the defense-industrial complex with NATO and the EU becomes a factor in the reform and development of the entire military-industrial complex of Ukraine. However, given the needs of the domestic defense-industrial complex, along with the processes of its structural restructuring, cooperation on technological modernization of the enterprises of the sector and the renewal of the manufactured armaments should deepen. It is also advisable to intensify cooperation in the field of space, both for military and civilian security-related purposes. A separate direction of cooperation should be the creation of a joint innovative infrastructure in the defense-industrial complex.

Oleksii Hutsaliuk ◽  
Tatiana Obniavko ◽  

Since the beginning of the third millennium, ecological safety has become of paramount importance for Ukraine. The cumulative deterioration of the environment, fixed by the annual official reports on the ecological situation in the country, is fraught with irreparable consequences not only for the present generations, but also for descendants. The authors propose to consider the enterprises of the defence-industrial complex (DIC) of Ukraine as those that make a significant contribution to the development of the economy of the country, while not only not destroying the environment, but also contributing to sustainable development. The defence-industrial complex of Ukraine is the basis of the high-tech sector of the Ukrainian economy, which determines its key importance for the functioning and development of the entire national economy, in the current period of change of technological modes, as the enterprises of the Ukrainian defence-industrial complex have a high level of innovation. One of the key features of the domestic defence-industrial complex is that it has the potential to concentrate various types of resources to achieve breakthrough results not only in addressing the issues of creating the latest weapons and military equipment, but also for implementing large-scale projects of national economic importance. This potential for breakthrough development currently remains underutilized, requiring adjustments not only in industrial, but also in state economic policy as a whole. The current state of development of defence industry enterprises is characterized by insufficient economic and environmental sustainability and requires modernization based on global experience in the greening of the military-defence sphere and NATO environmental standards, which will have environmental and economic effects. The obstacles of economic and ecological transformation of enterprises of the defence-industrial complex of Ukraine were identified and a number of managerial decisions that can become drivers to accelerate the economic and ecological transformation of the defence-industrial complex of Ukraine were proposed.

Volodymyr Zaichenko ◽  
Volodymyr Popov ◽  

The purpose of the article is to consider the modern scientific discourse on agricultural lending in Naddnieper Ukraine in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries and to identify promising areas for further research on this issue. The authors used empirical and theoretical methods of scientific research in particular methods of analysis and synthesis, the method of scientific abstraction, and others characteristic methods of research on economic history to achieve this goal and implement the corresponding research tasks. In recent years, a body of diverse scientific research of historians, economists and lawyers has appeared in Ukraine in which these problems are considered. These works differ both in the depth of study of the problem of agricultural lending and in the range of studied issues. The entire body of works of modern Ukrainian scientists, which forms the modern scientific discourse on the history of agricultural lending in Naddnieper Ukraine in the second half of the 19th - early 20th century, consists of three groups including in particular : 1) research, which are devoted to outstanding economists and theorists of lending of the 19th - early 20th century; 2) works on the history of the Peasant and Noble banks, branches and offices of which operated on the territory of the Ukrainian governorates; 3) research of cooperative crediting. We are obliged to note that despite a significant amount of scientific research on the history of lending (including agricultural lending) in Naddnieper Ukraine in the second half of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, today prevail works devoted only to certain aspects of this complex and important scientific problem, without proper cooperation between representatives of various branches of knowledge. In the authors' view, synectics that is scientific cooperation of representatives of various specialties: economists, historians and lawyers, should become promising in studying the history of agricultural lending in Naddnieper Ukraine in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. It allows to solve such a complex scientific problem comprehensively and considering the economic component (determination of the most optimal scientifically grounded lending methods) and the historical as well as anthropological approach and the study of the legal regulation of credit relations. In our opinion, it is exactly the kind of approach, that allows not only to study the problem of the history of agricultural lending in Naddnieper Ukraine in the second half of the 19th and early 20th century comprehensively, but also to offer modern lenders a mechanism for developing balanced and affordable credit products that will stimulate the development of the agricultural sector and the economy of Ukraine as a whole.

Ella Sheludko ◽  
Mariia Zavgorodnia ◽  

The object of this study is the further development of eco-innovations for the rise of industry and the economy. Emphasis is placed on the growing relevance of "green" incentives in line with climate challenges, the economical use of natural resources, as well as the need for a systematic vision of environmental issues and the implementation of international requirements. The study is based on the work of foreign scientists, international rankings and world best practices for the introduction of modern economic mechanisms of state incentives for greening the economy, green modernization, the transition to a circular model of the economy. There is a difference in the implementation of environmental policy - some local projects in Ukraine and the European approach - with the assessment of eco-innovation, systemic change, the formation of ecosystems, scaling technological solutions. The main methods used in the study are: methods of system-structural analysis, analysis and synthesis, grouping - for preliminary analysis and selection of appropriate tools in the study of the implementation of eco-innovation in Ukraine and EU countries; index valuation method and method of comparative analysis - used in the analysis of public policy to stimulate the company to "green" growth; abstract-logical method - used to establish the relationship between the need to introduce new instruments of public policy in the environmental sphere with elements of large-scale reform in the context of climate modernization of industry and to form a systematic vision of major achievements in implementing international requirements for eco-modernization of industrial enterprises. The paper analyzes the forms of international assistance that can compensate for the lack of available financial resources for the purposes of green modernization of the economy in conditions of limited financial capabilities of the state, intensification of competition for European and international environmental investments. The obtained result - a set of possible tools to stimulate Ukrainian industry - allows more systematic implementation of "greening" of Ukrainian industry, and their implementation and combination in a specific mechanism will determine the success of an industrial socially-oriented economy.

Mariia Buhaieva ◽  
Sofia Demchenko ◽  

The development of any economic system involves the transformation of the basic characteristics of its participants. In this case, the development itself can be both traditional and innovative. Currently, it is important to consider the innovative type of development at the enterprise level, which means a purposeful process of finding ideas, preparing innovations and their implementation, to increase their efficiency, and for society - to increase needs, the state - to increase the competitiveness of national products in the international market. It is obvious that the development of innovative activity of the enterprise is one of the decisive factors of its successful development. The purpose of this study is a comprehensive study of the theoretical origins of management of innovative entrepreneurship, the formation of a systematic view of the features of innovation management of the enterprise in modern business conditions. A comprehensive study of the theoretical origins of management of innovative entrepreneurship development was carried out, in particular, the emergence of views on the essence of such concepts as “innovation”, “innovative enterprise”, “innovative entrepreneurship”, “development of innovative entrepreneurship” were analyzed in the article. The authors suggest their own interpretation of such categories taking into account the analysis of domestic and foreign approaches and theoretical provisions for this problems in the modern understanding. Also, a systematic presentation of the features of management of the innovative activity of an enterprise in modern economic conditions was formed. The authors believe that for successful management of innovative development of the enterprise there should be a "smart" management system of innovative development of the enterprise. The purpose of the IDE management is to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise - the stable market position for continuous development in a constantly changing external and internal environment. Features of managing the development of innovative entrepreneurship at the present stage are the following: the ability and readiness of the economic entity to positive change, progress; the sequence of management actions that realize the innovation potential; quantitative changes in the relevant "growth points"; qualitative changes based on cooperation and rivalry between market participants for better conditions of production, purchase and sale of goods. It should be noted that management of innovation entrepreneurship development should have the support of the state in the context of Ukraine's innovation policy. The prospects for further research are related to the improvement of the innovation entrepreneurship management system as a key element for increasing the competitiveness of modern enterprises in a constantly changing external and internal environment.

Alla Tkachenko ◽  
Dmytro Plinokos ◽  

The article examines the conditions and features of the formation of an idea for the development of a modern product, modern technology or a new vector of development of entrepreneurial activity on the platform of design thinking. This category - design thinking should become one of the main areas of business development, startups and creating a comfortable environment not only in business but also in the organization of public programs and decisions, the organization of municipal economy, as well as management at the state level. Any startup begins with the formation of the idea. It should not be just an idea, but the idea that can change the world, change people's lives for the better. A mandatory condition for the development of the country's economic system is the development of the entrepreneurship. During the political reorientation of our country, changes in the economy are taking place primarily through the introduction of new ideas. Based on the existing issues of business organization, entrepreneurship development and especially the creation of startup projects in Ukraine, requires clarification of the peculiarities of the development of startups based on a new approach - design thinking. Requires research and further clarification of the application of design thinking in the work of enterprises, the use of innovative approaches to the organization of both new forms of business and the improvement of existing relationships and business processes. The purpose of the article is to study the conditions and features of the formation of the idea for the development of a modern product, modern technology or a new vector of business development on the platform of design thinking. Of course, these changes require the promotion of more competitive products created using innovative approaches, there is the implementation of a startup. Many methods can be used to understand the real problem and its causes. It is worth to analyze the problem. The analysis of the problem better provides understanding of the problem before starting work with it. Even at the stage of the problem formulation, may arise a lot of questions connecting with people perception, misunderstanding, and vision of its solutions. A fundamentally new approach of solving the problem is the design thinking. The design thinking is a method of creating products and services that are focused on the person. It is the process when researchers try to understand the consumer problems, to make assumptions and to check them, to change the problem statement and try to find alternative strategies and solutions. The design thinking basis is the empathy and the ability to form schematic images in the imagination to further identify patterns and generate ideas with emotional and functional content. Empathy is a broad concept that refers to a person's cognitive and emotional reactions to another's experience. The empathy benefits to build and rebuild relationships. On the other hand, through support we acquire the skills of better regulation of personal emotions, especially using such useful and valuable experiense in stressful circumstances. This determines another property of empathy - it promotes the development of healthier and more meaningful behavior. Implementing business ideas creates additional opportunities for businesses. This process begins with a specific problem - a task for design thinking. This task must be accessible, understandable and feasible. Solving this problem will meet the needs of consumers, solve their problem, and create a new, unique product that is in demand. The development of startups, business organizations, the work of enterprises on this principle will provide significant benefits, and will be more successful and competitive.

Andrii Panteleimonenko ◽  
Vladyslav Honcharenko ◽  
Svitlana Kasyan ◽  

It is emphasized that at the beginning of the XXI century application of cooperative lending experience of F.W. Raiffeisen cooperatives model in Ukrainian practice allowed credit unions to abandon collateral as the main form of credit security. For many small agricultural producers, especially farmers, signing of a group agreement on joint and several liability (formation of the so-called loan circle) was almost the only opportunity to obtain loans. The main reason for stopping this practice is indicated. It was caused by the consequences of the global financial and economic crisis, the first appearances of which have been felt in Ukrainian economy since 2008. It is discovered that the content of publications presented in scientific professional journals of Ukraine only to some extent reveals the essence of F.W. Raiffeisen approaches on lending to small rural producers. The need for in-depth study of such experiences is emphasized. It is proposed to establish rural credit societies in Ukraine, which are based on the experience of F.W. Raiffeisen credit cooperatives. The important role of state and local governments in the financial support of this process is emphasized. The external financing mechanism for such cooperatives, especially at the initial stage of their activity, with the use of F.W. Raiffeisen loan circles practice is described. Establishing rural credit societies to finance peasants and farmers are indicated as promising. A model of a rural credit society is proposed. It was successfully functioning in Germany, as well as on the territory of other European countries, including Ukrainian provinces, starting from the end of the 19th century. And provided that appropriate changes are made to current Ukrainian legislation, these rural credit societies can become a source of affordable loans for the development of farming. The expediency of detailing the proposed model of a credit cooperative is indicated, taking into account all the principles typical for cooperatives of F.W. Raiffeisen model.

Liudmyla Maliuta ◽  
Roman Sherstiuk ◽  
Halyna Ostrovska ◽  

In a knowledge-based economy, the most important issues of modernity areas development – event management become especially relevant. Current trends in the development of such socio-economic activity areas as event management is directly represented in the practice of event tourism, within which the creation, planning, conduction and event management. In order to manage a modern system of event tourism, event management is called to summarize the existing experience, give practical recommendations taking into account the specifics of various events, as well as improving this system of relations. Event management becomes an innovative tool for achieving the goals of the organization at its all operation stages. It is also worthily to note the importance of using event management technologies in the formation of a positive organization image, corporate culture and increase its competitiveness in the market. The article highlights the scientific approaches to the interpretation of the category "event management" according to certain criteria and characteristics. The author's definition of the categories essences "tourism industry" and "event management" is given. It is proved that event tourism is a fast-growing industry, which in recent years occupies a dominant position in the general classification of tourism. The potential of event management in the tourism industry is revealed. The system of organization and event-management carrying out in the world practice is investigated and recommendations concerning its application in Ukrainian realities are substantiated. The state of event management in Ukraine is analyzed and perspective directions of its development within the tourist business are outlined. The practical significance of the obtained results is manifested in their usefulness for optimizing the event managers’ work in the process of creating, planning, organizing and conducting events, as well as for improving and increasing the efficiency of existing technologies in the event organization field. In addition, they contribute to the clarification of "event management" concept in Ukrainian scientific community. Prospects for further research are to develop the basic processes of event management, which form its essence.

Roman Ivanov ◽  

The article deals with certain issues of the introduction and functioning of the circular economy, the introduction of which allows you to obtain positive environmental, economic and social effects. It is noted that it is characterized by the emergence of synergistic effects in the conditions of development of ecological and economic systems, which create conditions for their advancement towards a state of sustainable development. A model of the subject of a circular economy in the context of sustainable development, which reflects the transformative essence, wave nature and cyclical nature of economic processes within the framework of the wave-particle concept of the formation of economic behavior, is proposed and analyzed. The model is formulated in accordance with the methodological principles of describing material flows, which are based on the phenomenological assumption that their kinetics is isomorphic to the dynamics of a continuous medium. The presented construct was named “economic dipole”. The model is built in the state space, the coordinates of which characterize the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the studied subject. The model reflects the self-organizing nature of the management of a circular economy entity, the balance between production and consumption and cyclical movement within the framework of such a circular economy business model as resource recovery. It minimizes the cost of resources by increasing the efficiency of production through reverse flows. The adequacy and information content of the model was checked by analyzing the fields of speed and motivation, the connection of which in the context of sustainable development is represented by the equation of maintaining overall motivation, which consists of a motivating and compensating component. It is shown that the subject of the circular economy is more motivated for sustainable development and overcoming the negative consequences of production than for maintaining the existing state, which reflects the key positive effects of introducing a circular economy.

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