
Статья посвящена анализу работы видного общественного деятеля и публициста до- революционной Осетии, просветителя Г.В. (Гаппо) Баева «Народное продовольствие в Тер- ской области». Этот труд является одним из лучших в его экономической публицистике. Он обосновывает необходимость становления новой хозяйственной культуры в крае как важнейшую проблему. Частью этой проблемы являлась организация продовольственной системы в Терской области, учитывающая климат в регионе, его экономику, менталитет его народов. Баев рассматривает историю продовольственного вопроса в России, разра- ботку продовольственного законодательства, основные модели продовольственного обе- спечения в российской деревне, сложившиеся к началу ХХ в. Констатирует отсутствие страховых зерновых запасов у всех народов области (за исключением казаков). С учетом этих обстоятельств автор предлагает модель продовольственного обеспечения в обла- сти, опирающуюся на собственный хозяйственный опыт – формирование хлебозапасной системы в осетинском селе Ольгинское. Эта модель могла стать основой смешанной на- турально-денежной системы народного продовольствия в крае. Хлебозапасную систему публицист рассматривает как натуральный кредитный институт, способный прино- сить доходы сельскому населению, стать основой самофинансирования и самоинвестиро- вания горской деревни. В преамбуле новой хозяйственной культуры должны лежать идеи сбережения и накопления, формирование общественных фондов и капиталов, являвшихся основой процветания ведущих экономик тогдашней Европы. Проведенный анализ статьи Баева дает возможность заключить, что она является ярким примером постановки в об- щественном сознании горских народов Северного Кавказа проблемы реформации традици- онной хозяйственной культуры, модернизации экономики и формирования современного хозяйственного менталитета. The article is devoted to the analysis of the work of a prominent public figure and publicist of pre-revolutionary Ossetia, educator G. V. (Gappo) Baev “National food in the Terek region”. This work is one of the best in his heritage in economic journalism and solves an important problem – the need for establishing new economic culture in the region. Part of this problem was the organization of the food system in the Terek region, taking into account the climate in the region, its economy, the mentality of its people. The author examines the history of the food issue in Russia, the development of food legislation, the main models of food supply in the Russian village, formed by the beginning of the twentieth century. Absence of insurance grain stocks of all the peoples in the region (except for Cossacks) is stated. Taking into account these circumstances, G. V. Baev offers a model of food supply in the region, based on his own economic experience – the formation of a grain-storage system in the Ossetian village of Оlginskoye. This model could become the basis of the mixed natural-monetary system of the national food in the region. The publicist considers the bread-and-butter system as a natural credit institution capable of bringing income to the rural population, and becoming the basis of self-financing and self-investment of the mountain village. The idea of saving and accumulation should lie in the preamble of the new economic culture; as well as the formation of public funds and capital, which are the bases for the prosperity of the leading economies of Europe of that time. The author came to the conclusion that the reviewed article is a vivid example of the problem of reforming traditional economic culture, modernizing the economy and forming a modern economic mentality in the public consciousness of the mountain peoples of the North Caucasus.

2020 ◽  
L.T. Agieva

Феномен абречества исследуется в русле комплекса проблем, связанных с историей национально-освободительной борьбы народов Северного Кавказа. Методологической основой явился принцип эволюционного развития, примененный к анализу социальных процессов. Материалами стали архивные источники, исследования историков, данные толковых и энциклопедических словарей. Прослежена эволюция значения термина абрек , изучено развитие самого абречества как формы социального протеста, привлечен фактографический материал, касающийся жизни одного из самых известных абреков Ингушетии Зелимхана Гушмазукаева. Термин абрек , первоначально означавший разбойника и изгоя, постепенно изменил смысл, приобретя значение борца за свободу против царских войск и администрации. Суть и внутреннее содержание абречества со временем эволюционировали аналогичным образом. Наличие у абречества социальной опоры обусловило вывод о том, что оно было ответом горского общества на политическое бесправие и экономические проблемы.The article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of abrechestvo in line with a complex of scientific problems related to the history of the national liberation struggle of the peoples of the North Caucasus against the colonialist policy of the tsarist administration. The methodological basis was the principle of evolutionary development applied to social processes. The author used a set of methods inherent in historical science (historical-chronological, historical-comparative, diachronic, and others), as well as methods related to the interpretation of texts and concepts. The materials for the research were archival sources, studies of historians and data from explanatory and encyclopedic dictionaries. The term abrek is analyzed in detail, its variations in the languages of different peoples of the North Caucasus are given. Further, the author traces the evolution of the meaning of this concept in the Russian language for more than 120 yearsfrom the dictionaries of the mid-19th century to the last edition of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. The development of abrechestvo as a phenomenon of social life is investigated. The factual material relating to the activities of one of the most famous abreks of Mountain Ingushetia, Zelimkhan Gushmazukaev, is involved. The author comes to the conclusion that the term abrek, originally meaning a robber and an outcast, changed its meaning over the century, acquiring, in addition to a romantic connotation, the meaning of a freedom fighter against the tsarist troops and administration. Similarly, over time, the essence and inner content of abrechestvo evolved: from a forced exile and vagrancy to activities of social protest and of fighting for justice. These ideals were supported by the majority of representatives of the North Caucasian ethnic communities, who openly supported abreks, not fearing the possible reprisals from the authorities. At the same time, public consciousness quite clearly separated true abreks from those who did evil under their name and authority. The author claims that abreks resorted to robberies only selectively and avoided murders. They used the stolen property for buying weapons, for helping the needy and families who lost their breadwinners. Abreks had societys support, which led the author to the conclusion that it was a response of the highlanders society to political lawlessness and economic problems that constantly accompanied its development during the pre-Soviet period.The article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of abrechestvo in line with a complex of scientific problems related to the history of the national liberation struggle of the peoples of the North Caucasus against the colonialist policy of the tsarist administration. The methodological basis was the principle of evolutionary development applied to social processes. The author used a set of methods inherent in historical science (historical-chronological, historical-comparative, diachronic, and others), as well as methods related to the interpretation of texts and concepts. The materials for the research were archival sources, studies of historians and data from explanatory and encyclopedic dictionaries. The term abrek is analyzed in detail, its variations in the languages of different peoples of the North Caucasus are given. Further, the author traces the evolution of the meaning of this concept in the Russian language for more than 120 yearsfrom the dictionaries of the mid-19th century to the last edition of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. The development of abrechestvo as a phenomenon of social life is investigated. The factual material relating to the activities of one of the most famous abreks of Mountain Ingushetia, Zelimkhan Gushmazukaev, is involved. The author comes to the conclusion that the term abrek, originally meaning a robber and an outcast, changed its meaning over the century, acquiring, in addition to a romantic connotation, the meaning of a freedom fighter against the tsarist troops and administration. Similarly, over time, the essence and inner content of abrechestvo evolved: from a forced exile and vagrancy to activities of social protest and of fighting for justice. These ideals were supported by the majority of representatives of the North Caucasian ethnic communities, who openly supported abreks, not fearing the possible reprisals from the authorities. At the same time, public consciousness quite clearly separated true abreks from those who did evil under their name and authority. The author claims that abreks resorted to robberies only selectively and avoided murders. They used the stolen property for buying weapons, for helping the needy and families who lost their breadwinners. Abreks had societys support, which led the author to the conclusion that it was a response of the highlanders society to political lawlessness and economic problems that constantly accompanied its development during the pre-Soviet period.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (12-1) ◽  
pp. 150-167
Alexey Grishchenko

The article tells about the life path and research work of the Don agricultural historian P.G. Chernopitsky. The stages of scientific creativity are determined, the main scientific works in the context of the era are considered, its position on the debatable problems of the Don and North Caucasus history, in particular, on the essence and stages of decossackization is determined. The contribution of P. G. Chernopitsky to the study of the socio -economic history of the Soviet pre -collective farm village, collectivization, the famine of 1932-1933 in the North Caucasus, the history of the Don Cossacks in the Soviet period is demonstrated. Relations with colleagues at Rostov State University are highlighted.

Valenina Mordvinceva ◽  
Sabine Reinhold

This chapter surveys the Iron Age in the region extending from the western Black Sea to the North Caucasus. As in many parts of Europe, this was the first period in which written sources named peoples, places, and historical events. The Black Sea saw Greek colonization from the seventh century BC and its northern shore later became the homeland of the important Bosporan kingdom. For a long time, researchers sought to identify tribes named by authors such as Herodotus by archaeological means, but this ethno-deterministic perspective has come under critique. Publication of important new data from across the region now permits us to draw a more coherent picture of successive cultures and of interactions between different parts of this vast area, shedding new light both on local histories and on the role ‘The East’ played in the history of Iron Age Europe.


Письма патриарха Константинопольского Николая Мистика архиепископу Аланскому Петру – основной документальный источник по истории христианства на Северном Кавказе в X в. Изучение «Аланского досье» патриарха Николая сохраняет актуальность в связи с ростом интереса к духовной истории народов Кавказа, находившихся на стыке цивилизаций, религий и культур и сформировавших под их влиянием собственные самобытные национально-культурные традиции. Основным методом исследования стало сопоставление лексических и семантических средств, используемых апостолом Павлом и патриархом Николаем в двух различных, но соотносимых исторических и религиозных контекстах. Цель исследования – выявление жанровых и литературных связей писем патриарха с книгами Нового Завета. Научная новизна заключается в обосновании лингвистических, семантических и богословских параллелей между письмами Николая и посланиями апостола Павла, особенно пастырскими (1-2 Тим и Тит). Хотя сравниваемые тексты хронологически разделены почти тысячелетием, отмечается типологическое сходство исторических контекстов, в которых они были написаны (духовный наставник – ученик в епископском сане – молодая христианская община из «варваров», нуждающихся в просвещении). В интерпретации Николая миссия – это именно тяжкий труд, но совершаемый по прямому повелению Бога и ради награды свыше, и в этом смысле патриарх вполне укоренен в новозаветной традиции. Как показали результаты исследования, риторическая и богословская насыщенность писем Николая Мистика не снижает их историческую ценность, однако для корректной интерпретации необходимо учитывать их литературный характер. Letters of Nicholas Mysticus, Patriarch of Constantinople, to Peter, Archbishop of Alania, remain the chief documentary source for the history of Christianity in the North Caucasus in the 10th century. The study of the "Alan Dossier" of Patriarch Nicholas remains relevant due to the growing interest in the spiritual history of the peoples of the Caucasus, who lived at the crossroads of civilizations, religions and cultures and formed their own distinctive national and cultural traditions under such diverse influence. The main research method was the comparison of lexical and semantic means used by the Apostle Paul and Patriarch Nicholas in two different, but correlated historical and religious contexts. The purpose of the study is to identify genre and literary connections between the letters of the Patriarch and the books of the New Testament. Scientific novelty lies in the substantiation of the linguistic, semantic and theological parallels between the letters of Nicholas and the letters of the Apostle Paul, especially the pastoral ones (1-2 Tim and Titus). Although the compared texts are chronologically separated by almost a millennium, there is a typological similarity in the historical contexts in which they were written (a spiritual mentor - a bishop student - a newly formed Christian community of “barbarians” in need of education). In the interpretation of Nicholas, mission is a hard work, but it is done at the direct command of the God and is rewarded from above, and in this sense, the Patriarch is completely rooted in the New Testament tradition. As the results of the study have shown, the rhetorical and theological richness of the letters of Nikolas the Mysticus does not diminish their historical value, yet for correct interpretation it is necessary to take into account their literary character.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
Egor Kotenov ◽  
Vladimir Dubyansky ◽  
Anna Volynkina ◽  
Alexander Zaitsev ◽  
Alexandr Kulichenko ◽  

Kavkaz-forum ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 82-90
Ф.С. Киреев

В статье анализируются причины строительства Владикавказской железной дороги и механизм сооружения этой важной железнодорожной артерии. Актуальность темы анализа истории развития железнодорожной сети Северо-Кавказского региона определяется необходимостью подробного изучения проблем ее социально-экономического развития. Строительство Ростово-Владикавказской железной дороги также является примером государственно-частного сотрудничества, которое хорошо себя оправдало. Дорога была построена полностью за счет средств акционеров, среди которых были как крупные промышленники, так и простые обыватели. Находясь в частной собственности, Владикавказская железная дорога хорошо функционировала и развивалась. При этом государство получило важную транспортную артерию, имевшую большое экономическое и военно-стратегическое значение. Немаловажным было и то, что за счет Владикавказской железной дороги был построен ряд социальных объектов – больницы, учебные заведения. В статье также показана заинтересованность общественности Владикавказа и региона в целом в строительстве железной дороги. Различные варианты прокладки пути, строительства станций широко обсуждались как специалистами, так и простыми горожанами. В итоге был выбран наиболее оптимальный путь и месторасположения станции Владикавказ. В свое время, благодаря открытию Владикавказской железной дороги, был дан заметный импульс дальнейшему развитию торговли и промышленности на Северном Кавказе. Последующее расширение транспортных артерий уже в наши дни может существенно оживить экономику Кавказа и России в целом, а также внести свой вклад в деле развития туризма в регионе. В связи с этим и необходимо анализировать историю строительства Владикавказской железной дороги и перенимать лучший опыт прошлого. The article analyzes the reasons for constructing Vladikavkaz railway and the mechanism of constructing this important railway artery. The topic relevance of studying the history of the railway network in the North Caucasus is determined by the necessity for further problem research of its socio-economic development. In its time Vladikavkaz railway had a huge impact on the development of trade and industry in the North Caucasus. The construction of the Rostov-Vladikavkaz railway is also an example of public-private cooperation, which has paid off well. The road was built entirely at the expense of shareholders, among whom were both large industrialists and ordinary people. Being privately owned, the Vladikavkaz railway functioned and developedwell. At the same time, the state acquired an important transport artery of great economic and military-strategic importance. It was also important that a number of social facilities were built at the expense of the Vladikavkaz railway - hospitals, educational institutions. The article also shows the interest of the public in Vladikavkaz and the region as a whole in the construction of the railway. Various options for laying the track, building stations were widely discussed by both specialists and ordinary citizens. As a result, the most optimal route and location of the Vladikavkaz station were chosen. Further expansion of transport arteries today can significantly revive the economy of the Caucasus and Russia as a whole, as well as contribute to the development of tourism in the region. In this regard, it is necessary to analyze the history of constructing Vladikavkaz railway and adopt the best experience of the past.

Kavkazologiya ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 219-288

The article examines some of the issues of the formation and evolution of the genre of the story in Circassian literature. The relevance of the study is due, on the one hand, to the insufficient development of the stated topic, on the other hand, to the need to identify trends in the development of national prose, starting from the problems of its genesis. In the center of research attention is the ideological and thematic orientation of the Circassian story mainly of the initial stage of evolution, i.e. Soviet era. In particular, the author examines the stories of S. Temirov, I. Amirokov, M. Adamokov, H. Gashokov and others, who laid the foundations of the genre in Circassian literature. During the indicated period, the Circassian tale was the first attempt to comprehend the problems of collective farms, youth brigades, the Soviet attitude to work, the range of urgent problems of young people, their aspirations, the formation of the criteria of Soviet morality. It also reflects various aspects of the Great Patriotic War, mainly as a war for independence. The research uses the method of artistic analysis. The results obtained can be used in compiling special courses on Adyghe (Kabardino-Circassian) prose, writing the history of the literature of the peoples of the North Caucasus.

Istoriya ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (10 (108)) ◽  
pp. 0
Arailym Mussagaliyeva

The article is devoted to the history of the special settlers of the North Caucasus, including their placement and living arrangements in the of Central and Northern Kazakhstan, including on of the Karaganda region. The main attention in the article is paid to a special contingent, labor settlers from the Kuban in 1932—1933. Their history in modern science has not yet been studied. The article uses archival documents of the central, regional and local archives of Kazakhstan, including the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the State Archive of the Karaganda Region, the State Archive of the Akmola Region, the State Archive of the Social and Political History of the Turkestan Region, the State Archive of the city of Temirtau, the State Archive of the Osakarovsky District of the Karaganda Region, the State archive of the Shortandy district of the Akmola region. Published documents in collections of documents from Russia and Kazakhstan were analyzed.

Anzor A. Murdalov ◽  
Rustam A. Tovsultanov

Emigration has been known to mankind for more than a century. We name the factors contributing to emigration, give examples from the history of emigration both abroad and Russia. We emphasize that at the present time, Russian citizens emigrate to other countries, using the right to freely leave the state, and can also have dual citizenship under Russian law, or renounce citizenship, and then get it again. We pay special attention to the settlement of the territory of North Caucasus, which began in the 8th – 7th – 6th – 5th thousand BC. We analyze the features of emigration of people from North Caucasus after the October Revolution of 1917. The specifics of the emigration of people from this region of country are emphasized. Thus, the majority of people emigrated to the Ottoman Empire, and then moved to Europe. We indicate that in fact, after the adoption of the Decrees of the Central Executive Committee, the SNK of RSFSR in 1921, “On the deprivation of the rights of citizenship of certain categories of persons who are abroad” many emigrants from Russia, including North Caucasians, have become disenfranchised. This circumstance greatly influenced the publication of the Nansen passport (it was introduced in 1922 and became widespread in 1924), according to which emigrants were granted a number of legal and social rights. In addition, it is applicable to emigrants from Russia, including from the North Caucasus, in 1922 and 1926. The Geneva definition of “Russian refugee” was given, and the International Convention on the International Status of Refugees of 1933 created an alternative to naturalization for refugees from Russia. Subsequently, before the outbreak of the Second World War, people received, as a rule, the citizenship of the countries in which they began to live.

Kavkazologiya ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 81-95

The published documents were found in the archives of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. These are the materials of the meetings of the Soviet and party authorities of the Mountain Republic, which were devoted to the discussion of the problem of Kabarda's secession from the polyethnic mountain autonomy. The Kabardian problem was discussed several times by the leadership of the Mountain Republic in June 1921 before and after the congress of the peoples of Kabarda that took place this month. The minutes of the meetings have not yet been published in the published thematic collections of documents dedicated to the history of the nation-building of the peoples of the North Caucasus. The documents contribute to the understanding of the position of the statesmen of the Mountain Republic on the formation of new autonomous units and the identification of the concrete historical content of these processes. The protocols make it possible to reconstruct the process of not only the disintegration of the collective mountain statehood, but also make it possible to clarify important points in the history of its creation. Party and Soviet leaders often returned to the problems of the initial stage of the formation of the Mountain Republic. Further study of the problems of the formation of a system of national autonomies in the North Caucasus in recent times will largely depend, including on the introduction of new documents into scientific circulation and their interpretation by a wide range of researchers. In this regard, the published documents and materials are of great scientific interest.

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