2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Luh Ayu Tirtayani, S.Psi.,M.Psi. . ◽  
Dra. Ni Nyoman Ganing, M.Hum. .

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode bercerita berbasis kearifan lokal terhadap kemampuan empati anak kelompok B1. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Pre-Experimental Design dengan desain One-group pretest-posttest. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh anak kelompok B1 TK Tunas Daud Kecamatan Denpasar Barat jumlah 20 anak. Sampel penelitian ditentukan dengan teknik purposive sampling, sehingga diperoleh kelompok B1 sebanyak 19 anak. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu data kemampuan empati anak menunjukkan rata-rata pre-test 54,31 , sedangkan nilai rata-rata post-test 89,63 dan diperoleh nilai thitung sebesar 14,07. Pada ttabel dengan kriteria signifikansi 5% dengan dk = 18 menunjukkan nilai 2,101. Sehingga data kemampuan empati menunjukkan bahwa thitung > ttabel. Maka dapat disimpulkan metode bercerita berbasis kearifan lokal berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan empati anak kelompok B1 TK Tunas Daud Kecamatan Denpasar Barat Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019. Berdasarkan simpulan tersebut, maka disarankan kepada peneliti lain agar dapat menggunakan metode bercerita berasis kearifan lokal sebagai metode pembelajaran dalam membentuk kemampuan empati anak.Kata Kunci : Kata kunci : metode bercerita, berbasis kearifan lokal, kemampuan empati, anak usia dini This study refers to an understanding of the methods described based on local wisdom on the ability of empathy for children in group B1. This research design study is Pre-Experimental with a One-group pretest-posttest design. The population in this study were all children in group B1 TK Tunas Daud West Denpasar Subdistrict, there were 20 children. The research sample was determined by purposive sampling technique, so that B1 group was obtained as many as 19 children. The results of this study are data on children's empathy ability showing an average pre-test of 54,31, while the average value of post-test is 89.63 and the value of tcount is 14,07. At ttable with a significance criterion of 5% with dk = 18 indicating the value of 2.101. So the data on empathy ability shows that t count> t table. Then it can be concluded that the method of storytelling based on local wisdom influences the ability of empathy in the children of B1 group TK Tunas Daud, West Denpasar District, Academic Year 2018/2019. Based on these conclusions, it is recommended that other researchers be able to use the method of storytelling based on local wisdom as a learning method in shaping children's empathy abilities. keyword : Keywords: stories telling method, based on local wisdom, empathy ability, early childhood

Lanni Anggun Puspita ◽  
Melia Dewi Judiasri ◽  
Herniwati Herniwati

Penelitian ini mencoba menerapkan teknik shadowing dalam pembelajaran kaiwa, terhadap mahasiswa tingkat II bahasa Jepang UPI. Bagi pembelajar bahasa Jepang, berbicara bahasa Jepang dengan lancar cukup menyulitkan karena perlu pembiasaan. Selain itu, saat berbicara perlu memperhatikan beberapa hal seperti, aksen, intonasi, panjang pendeknya pengucapan, juga pelafalan konsonan rangkap. Mengacu pada hal tersebut, teknik shadowing diterapkan agar mahasiswa terbiasa melatih mulutnya mengucapkan kata-kata dalam bahasa Jepang, sehingga dapat membantu meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara dan juga dapat menciptakan situasi kelas yang aktif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh hasil tentang keefektivitasan dan tanggapan mahasiswa terhadap teknik shadowing untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara dalam pembelajaran kaiwa. Kemudian, desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah pre-experimental design, yaitu dengan jenis yang dipilih one group pre-test – post-test design. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 10 orang mahasiswa tingkat II tahun akademik 2014/2015 dengan teknik nonprobability purposive sampling. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan ialah tes lisan (oral) dan angket. Hasil analisis data yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini ialah nilai mean pre-test 39 dan nilai mean post-test 70. Sehingga terdapat peningkatan setelah diberikan treatment sebesar 31.  Dari hasil tersebut didapat nilai thitung 11,2 dengan db= 9. Maka, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ttabel 2,26 < thitung 11,2 untuk taraf signifikansi 5% dan nilai ttabel 3,25 < thitung 11,2 untuk taraf signifikansi 1%. Kemudian hasil dari analisis angket dapat dikatakan bahwa respon mahasiswa positif dan teknik shadowing menarik juga menyenangkan diterapkan dalam pembelajaran kaiwa. Dengan demikian, teknik shadowing dirasa perlu diterapkan dalam pembelajaran kaiwa di kelas.  This study tried to apply shadowing techniques in kaiwa learning, toward the II degree Japanese students of FPBS UPI. For Japanese language learners, speaks Japanese fluently quite difficult because it needs to habituation. Additionally, when speaking need to consider several things like, accent, intonation, pronunciation short length, the pronunciation of consonant cluster. Referring to these, shadowing techniques applied to ensure that the students get used to train his mouth out the words in Japanese, so it can help improve the ability to speak and create a situation of active class. The purpose of this study is to obtain results about the effectiveness and student responses to the shadowing technique in enhancing the ability to speak in kaiwa learning. Then, the design of the study was used pre-experimental design, with the selected type one group pre-test - post-test design. These samples included 10 students II degree academic year 2014/2015 with nonprobability purposive sampling technique. The research instrument was used oral tests and questionnaires. The results of analysis of data obtained from this study are the mean value of pre-test 39 and mean value of post-test 70. So there was increased after being given treatment for 31. From the results obtained with tcount 11.2 db = 9. Thus, it can be concluded that ttable 2.26 <tcount 11.2 for a significance level of 5% and value ttable 3.25 <tcount 11.2 to 1% significance level. Then the results of the analysis of the questionnaire can be said that the students had positive response and shadowing techniques are also fun exciting applied in kaiwa learning. Thus, it is necessary shadowing techniques applied in kaiwa learning in the class.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 153
Andini Santoso ◽  
Mazarina Devi ◽  
Agung Kurniawan

Abstract: Snacks are holding an important role in providing energy and nutrients intake among school-aged children. Snacks at school that is health less well-guaranteed will potentially bring some effects, which are poisoning, indigestion, and in a long time causing malnutrition. Knowledge enhancement in healthy snacks around children can be done through the health education by using nutritional counseling methods. Nutrition counseling methods in this research were given through the minicard media that is flashcard media that has been modified its size to 12 cm x 10 cm. This research aims to determine students’ knowledge in healthy snacks in SDN 02 Mulyoagung, and also created minicard as a counseling media. This research is a quantitative research by using pre-experiment in one group pre-test post-test model. The sample totals are 30 students, whose are 16 students in V grade and 14 students in IV grade that obtained by purposive sampling technique. Data collection that was used is a questionnaire and data analysis which utilized a sample test of nonparametric 2 methods related to Wilcoxon. The results obtained Sig. (2-tailed) of 0,000 which means less than α (0.025). The average value is increased on post-test after giving intervention in nutritional counseling by using minicard media, so it can be concluded that counseling with the minicard media can improve students’ knowledge in healthy snacks in SDN 02 Mulyoagung, Kecamatan Dau, Kabupaten Malang.Keywords: Minicard Media, Knowledge, Healthy Snacks, Elementary StudentsAbstrak: Makanan jajanan memegang peranan yang cukup penting dalam memberikan asupan energi dan zat gizi lain bagi anak-anak usia sekolah. Peningkatan pengetahuan tentang jajanan sehat pada anak dapat dilakukan melalui pendidikan kesehatan dengan metode penyuluhan gizi. Metode penyuluhan gizi pada penelitian ini diberikan melalui media minicard, yaitu media flashcard yang telah dimodifikasi ukurannya menjadi 12 cm × 10 cm. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengetahuan siswa mengenai jajanan sehat di SDN 02 Mulyoagung, serta menciptakan media penyuluhan minicard. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan pre experiment dengan model one grup pre-test post-test. Sampel berjumlah 30 siswa 16 siswa kelas V dan 14 siswa kelas IV yang diperoleh dengan teknik purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan analisis data menggunakan metode nonparametrik uji 2 sampel berhubungan Wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian didapatkan Sig. (2-tailed) sebesar 0,000 yang berarti kurang dari α (0,025). Terjadi peningkatan rata-rata nilai pengetahuan pada ¬post-test setelah diberikan intervensi berupa penyuluhan gizi dengan minicard, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penyuluhan menggunakan media minicard efektif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa tentang jajanan sehat di SDN 02 Mulyoagung Kecamatan Dau Kabupaten Malang. Setelah diadakannya penyuluhan ini diharapkan siswa dapat mengingat informasi yang telah diberikan sehingga mengurangi paparan anak sekolah terhadap makanan jajanan yang tidak sehat dan tidak aman.Kata Kunci: Media Minicard, Pengetahuan, Jajanan Sehat, Siswa Sekolah Dasar

2019 ◽  
Vol IV (I) ◽  
pp. 248-254
Abdul Khaliq Shams ◽  
Muhammad Arshad ◽  
Gulzar Ahmed

An experimental research study was designed to analyze the efficiency of accelerated learning to facilitate the understanding of the English language at secondary level. The population of the present study consists of all students of grade 9 who were enrolled in Government High School Heir, Bedian Road Lahore in academic year 2018-2019. By applying simple random sampling technique, sixty-four (64) students were preferred as a sample. Data were collected by conducting pre-test and post-test and analyzed by SPSS software version 21. The analysis pointed out that the students taught through accelerated learning perform better as compared to the students taught via traditional method. Furthermore, it was also found that the students who were taught via accelerated learning method of teaching can perform maximum learning levels of domains as compared to others. The study recommended that subject English should be taught with accelerated learning method of teaching at secondary level.

Valeri Lumongga

Introduction: Most of the students knowledge of preventing COVID-19 is still a little less good. One of the effort to break the chain of transmission of the COVID-19 virus is by provoding audio-visual health education. Methods: The research design used Quasi Eksperimental with one-group pre-post test design. The sample taken in this study were 34 respondents who used purposive sampling technique, the instrument used was a questionnaire sheet with a Guttman scale. Results: This study describes the majority of the distribution on knowledge before being given treatment as many as 18 responden (52,9%) lacking knowledge and the frequency distribution of knowledge after being given treatment as many as 18 respondent (52,9%) having good knowledge, this study describes the effect of health education with audio visuals on knowledge of COVID-19 in grade 3 (p = 0,000). Discussion: From the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded that there is an increase in knowledge about COVID-19 after being given audio visual health education.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-77
Santi Afrilia Sari ◽  
Nurul Astuty Yensy ◽  
Ringki Agustinsa

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan hasil belajar siswa antara model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Numbered Heads Together (NHT) berbasis kontekstual lebih dari pembelajaran Ekspositori pada materi segiempat Kelas VII SMP Negeri 6 Kota Bengkulu. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Quasy experiment (Eksperimen semu). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 6 Kota Bengkulu Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018. Sampel diambil dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling sehingga diperoleh kelas VII.G sebagai kelas Eksperimen dan kelas VII.F sebagai kelas Kontrol dan kelas VII.A sebagai kelas uji coba. Pengambilan data penelitian hanya dengan menggunakan instrumen posttest (tes hasil belajar). Instrumen penelitian telah di validasi dengan uji Ahli. Instrumen posttest di uji cobakan di kelas uji coba, kemudian dilakukan analisis dengan Uji Validasi, Uji Reliabilitas, Uji Daya Beda Soal dan Uji Taraf Kesukaran untuk memilih soal yang dianggap baik untuk dijadikan soal posttest. Hasil posttest menunjukkan kelas eksperimen dengan jumlah siswa 28 orang, memperoleh rata-rata hasil belajar matematika adalah 62,61 dan varians adalah 82,618. Sedangkan kelas kontrol dengan jumlah siswa 29 orang, memperoleh rata-rata hasil belajar matematika adalah 51,79 dan varians adalah 147,804. Uji prasyarat analisis dengan menggunakan Uji-t untuk sampel independen, diperoleh bahwa rata-rata hasil belajar matematika siswa model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Numbered Heads Together (NHT) berbasis kontekstual lebih dari pembelajaran Ekspositori. Kata Kunci :    Hasil belajar matematika, Model Pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Numbered Heads Together (NHT) berbasis kontekstual, Pembelajaran Ekspositori.ABSTRACTThis research is aimed to know the comparison of the students’ learning result between using cooperative learning model with Numbered Heads Together (NHT) contextual based more than Expository learning on rectangular material in class VII SMP Negeri 6 Bengkulu City. This research uses Quasy Experiment. The population of this research is all students’ in class VII SMP Negeri 6 Bengkulu City in 2017/2018 academic year. The sample of this research is taken by using purposive sampling technique so that it is gained that class VII.G as the class Experimental and Class VII.F as the Control class and Class VII.A as the trial class. The data area taken using only posttest instrument (learning result test). The instrument of the research is validated by Expert. Posttest instrument has tested in trial class, then it is done an analysis with validation test, reliability test, different question capacity test and difficulties standard test to choose the questions that are assumed better to be posttest question. The result of the post test question shows that the Experimental class with 28 students get mean of the result of learning mathematics is 62,61 and varians is about 82,618. Meanwhile, control class with 29 students get mean  of the result of learning mathematics is 51,79 and variance is about 147,804. An analysis Pra-condition test by using t-test for independent sample shows that mean of the result of students’ learning mathematics in cooperative learning model with Numbered Heads Together (NHT) contextual based more than Expository learning. Keywords:      The Result of learning mathematics, cooperative learning model with Numbered Heads Together (NHT) contextual based, Expository learning.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Devi Budi Wijaya ◽  
Suwandi Suwandi ◽  
Sukma Nur Ardini

This study is based on the research which attempted to examine the effectiveness of realia in writing descriptive text by the seventh grade students. The objectives of the research were (1) to analyze and find out  the students’ ability in writing descriptive text who are taught by using realia, (2) to analyze and find out  the students’ ability in writing descriptive text who are taught without using realia, (3) also to analyze and find out whether there is significant difference between students who are taught by using realia and those taught without using realia. Quasi experimental design was used with the population of 256 seventh grade students of SMP N 4 Semarang in the academic year 2017/2018. By using purposive sampling technique, there were two classes chosen as the sample of this study; vii a and vii b. The instruments of collecting data used were tests; pre-test and post-test. After the data were collected, they were analysed using t-test. The findings were as follows: (1) the ability in writing descriptive text by the students taught using realia was good with the mean of the post-test was 80.21. (2) the ability in writing descriptive text by the students taught without using realia was adequate with the mean of the post-test was 74.44. (3) there was significant difference of the two group students. t-test 4.89 > t-table 2.00. therefore, ha was accepted that realia was effective as a media in teaching writing of descriptive text.

Al-Lisan ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-78
Markus Deli Girik allo ◽  
Herni Pabisa

The objective of the research is to find out the student's priority skill of English needs by the eleventh grade students of SMK Toraja Wisata. This research employed non-experimental design. The population of this research was the eleventh grade students of SMK Toraja Wisata academic year 2015/2016, there were 20 students as a population and divided into two department are Perhotelan and Kesehatan department, the sample of the research was the students of Perhotelan department, the researcher used random sampling technique with the numbers of sample was 10 students of Perhotelan department from the eleventh grade students and the writer used one only instrument, namely questionnaire. The result of data analysis collected through the questionnaire showed that from the15 items questionnaire, there are 12 items which speaking occupy the first priority with average value: for questionnaire 1 until 6 with average values 4.50 was important, 4.70, 4.60, 4.50, 4.80 and 4.75 were very important. In the questionnaire 7 and 8 speaking not occupy the first priority because listening and reading occupy the first priority with the average value of 4.70 was very important, and questionnaire 8 with average value 4.60 was very important. Then questionnaire 9 until 12 with average values 4.55 of 4.80, 4.70 were very important, and 4.10 were important. Next questionnaire 13 speaking also not occupy the first priority because listening is occupy the first priority with average value of 4.70 was very important. And the last questionnaire 14 and 15 speaking occupy the first priority with average values 4.90 and 4.90 were very important classification. Based on the data analysis above, it is inferred that the student's priority skill of English needs by the eleventh grade students at SMK Toraja Wisata is speaking.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Eka Hesti Safitri ◽  
Jeckson Siahaan ◽  
Syarifa Wahidah Al Idrus

Abstrak: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi experimental (eksperimen semu) menggunakan Post-test Only Nonequivalent Control Group Design yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya perbedaan hasil belajar kimia siswa menggunakan model pembelajaran berbasis proyek dan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah di kelas XI IPA MAN 2 Mataram Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014.Sampel penelitian diambil dengan teknik Purposive Sampling dan terpilih dua kelas sebagai kelas eksperimen, yaitu kelas XI IPA U1 (kelas ekperimen 1) dan kelas XI IPA U2 (kelas ekperimen 2).Data hasil belajar kognitif diperoleh melalui tes tertulis (post test) yang dianalisis menggunakan uji beda (uji t). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada kelas eksperimen I diperoleh nilai rata-rata 67 dengan ketuntasan klasikal 7,69%sedangkan pada kelas eksperimen II diperoleh nilai rata-rata 70 dengan ketuntasan klasikal 28,57%. Hasil uji-t dua pihak pada taraf signifikan 5% diperoleh thitung = -0,4709dan ttabel = 2,060, sehingga thitungberada pada daerah penerimaan adalah Ho diantara -2,060 dan +2,060 yang berarti Ho pada penelitian ini diterima. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan hasil belajar kimia antara siswa yang diterapkan model pembelajaran berbasis proyek dan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah siswa kelas XI IPA MAN 2 Mataram Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014.Kata kunci: Koloid, Model pembelajaran berbasis proyek,Model pembelajaran berbasis masalah Abstract: The aims of this quasi experimental research  is  to compare the chemistry study result by using the project based learning model and problem based learning model at class XI science of MAN 2 Mataram in academic year 2013/2014. Sample of this research were class XI science U1 as experiment I class and class XI science U2 as experiment II class which taken by using purposive sampling technique.Data cognitive of the result study obtained through a written test (post-test) were analyzed using a different test (t test). The results showed that the experimental class I obtained an average value of 67 with classical completeness of 7.69% while the experimental class II obtained an average value of 70 with classical completeness 28.57%. T-test results of the unequal sample at the significant level of 5% was obtained  tcalculation =-0,4709 andttable= 2,060, with the result that tcalculationin the range from to -2,060 and +2,060which means that the Ho in this research is approved. In conclusion, there is no significant difference in result study between students who are taught chemistry using project-based learning model and the problem based learning model students of class XI IPA 2 Mataram MAN in  Academic Year 2013/2014.Key words: Colloid, project based learning model, the problem based learning model.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Aji Tulus Prasetyo ◽  
Sutrisno Sutrisno. ◽  
Mudzanatun Mudzanatun.

This study aims to determine the effect of learning model Think Pair Share assisted puzzle game chain to result learn some vital lessons thematic graders V theme 6 "Human Organs and Animals" subthema 3 "Living Humans, Animals and Plants" in SDN Gayamsari 01 Semarang year 2017/2018 lesson. This type of research is a quantitative research study design Pre-ExperimentalDesign.Forms Pre-Experimental Design used in this research is the One-group pretest-posttestdesign.The population in this study were all students in grade 01 VB SDN Gayamsari Semarang academic year 2017/2018. The samples taken were 22 students of class VB using saturation sampling technique. The data in this study were obtained through testing. The results of the average value of pretest and posttest increased. On the pretest value that has been implemented is obtained an average value of 63,00 and the average post-test score of 90,00. Thus, an increase in thematic learning outcomes of students in using learning model Think Pair Share assisted puzzle game chain. Results of testing the hypothesis on the cognitive aspects of student learning outcomes showed thatt tcount7,930 andttable 2,074 with significance level of 5%. Because tcountttable is 7,930 2,074 then Ha acceptable means learning model Think Pair Share assisted puzzle game chain affects the outcome of the thematic learning VB grade students of SDN 01 Gayamsari Semarang. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 6
Esti Widiani ◽  
Doddy Indrawan

Depression is a problem that is associated with the natural feeling. Depression should be handled appropriately and accurately so as to provide healing benefits. Tahajud prayers, prayers are held in the evening is very beneficial for the body. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of depression on praying tahajjud on students in pesantren An-Nur 2 Bululawang Malang. This research design using pre experimental design approach one group pre test post test design. Sampling was done by purposive sampling as many as 6 people. Analysis of the data used is the Wilcoxon test with α = 0.05. Levels of depression before treatment as much as 17% of respondents experiencing severe levels of depression and very heavy, and as much as 66% of respondents experienced moderate depression. Given the results obtained after treatment by 17% of respondents experiencing severe levels of depression, depression levels as much as 66% lighter and 33% of respondents did not have depression. From the analysis results obtained p-value of 0.027

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