scholarly journals Analysis of The Budget Planning Process and Budget Execution Process

Mia Alfin Dahana ◽  
. Ermwati

This study aims to analyse the process of budgeting planning and budget execution. This research was conducted by the Service of the Empowerment and Protection of Children and Population Control (DPPAPP) of the DKI Jakarta Province. The method used in this research is qualitative with an ethnomethodology approach. The result of this study is that the process of planning and implementing the budget carried out by the DPPAPP, in accordance with existing procedures and regulations. However, although it has been carried out in accordance with procedures and regulations, which are fixed, there is still a suboptimal absorption of the budget, which occurs due to internal factors and external factors. The internal factors consist of human resources, while external factors consist of the auction process and regulatory changes. It is hoped that the DPPAPP can increase the competence of the human resources it possesses, especially with regards to the budget planning process and the budget execution process. These processes can be done through socializations for the human resources, with regards to the budget planning process and the budget execution process, in order to minimalize inconsistencies between budget planning and budget execution in the future. Aside from that, in order to mitigate the external factors, each work unit must identify issues that may to arise in the next budget execution.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-113
Sekar Wiji Rahayu ◽  
Fajar Sugianto ◽  
Vivi Velicya

That a child as a Human Resources holder of the future of the nation, should get strong protection from exposure to radicalism that can interfere with growth and development. The greatness of the mindset and memory of a child in absorbing information as well as his ability to imitate everything that is shown, becomes a separate opportunity for the elements involved to spread the teachings of radicalism. There are several factors that cause a person, especially a child, to fall into Radicalism, such as internal factors, external factors, domestic factors, foreign factors and religious factors. The closeness between parents and children, as well as the closeness of children with their teachers, does not guarantee that a child will be free from the spread of radicalism. Children are being targeted as new recruits by extremist groups that spread radicalism as a goal of 'planting seeds' which then gives birth to new seeds to spread radicalism. The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and other statutory regulations have committed to continue to provide protection to children as the future of the nation. The commitment then gave birth to a mandate addressed to all levels of society, including but not limited to the government, related institutions, parents, and the child's closest relatives.Bahwa seorang anak sebagai Sumber Daya Manusia pemegang masa depan bangsa, sudah selayaknya mendapatkan perlindungan yang kuat dari paparan radikalisme yang dapat menganggu tumbuh kembangnya. Kehebatan pola pikir dan daya ingat seorang anak dalam menyerap informasi sekaligus kemampuannya dalam meniru segala hal yang ditunjukkan, menjadi kesempatan tersendiri bagi oknum-oknum terkait untuk menyebarkan ajaran radikalisme. Terdapat beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan seseorang, khususnya seorang anak terjerumus ke dalam Paham Radikalisme, seperti faktor internal, faktor eksternal, faktor domestik, faktor luar negeri dan faktor agama. Kedekatan antara orang tua dengan anak, begitupun kedekatan anak dengan gurunya, tidak menjamin bahwa seorang anak akan terbebas dari penyebaran paham Radikalisme. Anak dijadikan sebagai target perekrutan baru oleh kelompok ekstrimis penyebar paham radikalisme sebagai tujuan ‘menanam benih’ yang kemudian melahirkan bibit-bibit baru untuk menyebarkan paham radikalisme. Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia serta peraturan perundang-undangan lainnya telah berkomitmen untuk tetap memberikan Perlindungan kepada Anak sebagai masa depan bangsa. Komitmen tersebut kemudian melahirkan amanat yang ditujukan kepada seluruh lapisan masyarakat, termasuk namun tidak terbatas, kepada pemerintah, lembaga-lembaga terkait, orang tua, dan kerabat terdekat anak.

2019 ◽  
helmi rahmawati ◽  
Hade Afriansyah ◽  

This writing is done to find out what factors influence in making a decision,as for the factors that are internal factors and external factors. Internal factors that influence decision making such as person character or personality and external factors such organization environment and also the lack of human resources that can help find a way out of the problem. Beside that one leadership stly can also influence the process of making a decision the result will have a good impact on what will be achieved in the future, so it can be said tha the leadership stly of a leader can also influence the taking decision.

Fransisca Desiana Pranata Sari ◽  
Sri Nathasya Br Sitepu

Business Competition encourages entrepreneurs to have competence in managing the business. Start-up businesses will grow if it is able to manage the internal factors and external factors well. This study focuses on internal factors from the perspective of companies consisting of four components, namely marketing, human resources, finance, and operations. The second focus of this study is the external factor of a business seen from the approach five forces Porter lists five essential components of the external factors, namely: barriers to entry in the industry, threat from substitute products, threat from suppliers bargaining power, threat from buyers bargaining power, Among existing industry and rival firms. The object of this study is a start-up business in the city of Surabaya. This study used descriptive qualitative method with the aim of optimizing the management view of internal and external factors in the success of a start-up business seen from the perspective of the company. Validation of the results using triangulation techniques using: parisipatif observation, interview, and documentation (photos and interviews) to the informant (object) research. The results showed the management of internal factors (marketing, human resources, finance, and operational) and external (barriers to entry in the industry, threat from substitute products, threat from suppliers bargaining power, threat from buyers bargaining power, and rival Among existing industry firms ) is an important component that must be optimized in order to support the success of start-up businesses.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Ahmad Thoharul Anwar

<p><em><span lang="IN">The purpose of this study is to know the management of productive zakat for the economic empowerment of society in LAZISNU Kudus. This study uses a qualitative approach and is described descriptively. Data collection techniques used interviews, observation, and documentation. While data analysis using data reduction, data display and verification. From the results of the study concluded that the management of productive zakat funds conducted by LAZISNU Kudus using the stages in management science. The steps in the empowerment of productive zakat by LAZISNU Kudus include data collection, supervision and supervision. There are two obstacles facing LAZISNU, internal and external factors. Among the internal factors are limited funds provided, lack of coordination, lack of adequate human resources and administrative management that is still traditional. While external factors include is still a lot of muzakki who pay zakat outside amil institutions and mustahik less know management business.</span></em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 94-106
Santun R.P. Sitorus

Abstract Since the beginning, the great idea of transmigration program has actually been directed towards exploiting, processing and development of the two major potential resource, namely: (1) the potential of natural resources and (2) the potential of human resources. Since its implementation, the transmigration program has shown success in improving the living standards and welfare of the population and the development of previously untapped areas, although in some locations and regions it also shows the lack of success caused by various problems. At least there are three major domains of transmigration areas and community development in the future, namely: (1). Develop undeveloped regions into new productive and growing areas in accordance with its natural resource potential including New Transmigration Settlements (PTB) and New Integrated Self-establishment City (KTM). (2). Developing the existing transmigration area becoming the new growth centers of the region through the development of Integrated Self-establishment City (KTM). (3). Improving the welfare of smallholders and poor farm workers through the provision and control of production assets (land). Community and transmigration areas development in the future should be based on 5 basic principles, those are : (1). Development of land and human resources. (2). Development of sustainable agriculture system. (3). Development of business activities based on agribusiness range. (4). Development of private participation, cooperatives, State Owned Enterprises (BUMN) and individual farmers / transmigrants. (5). Integrated area development. Investment in physical development and institutional innovation in development of transmigration areas should be done gradually by following the stadia of regional development which generally consists of: Stadia I, II, III, IV, V, VI. There are two conditions that can be realized through development of transmigration areas in the future, namely: (1). First, to realize a more equally and equitable development. (2). Second, to realize a competitive nation. At least six policy direction in the construction and development of society and transmigration areas in the future. First, pay particular attention to the elements of the development of the competitiveness of the region. Second, strengthening the new orientation to provide support to: (a) Increased public income, (b) food security and board needs, (c) Creation of employment opportunities. Third, the mainstreaming of Integrated Self-Establishing City (KTM) from the planning process to the development of the area. Fourth, focusing and prioritizing the development of communities and transmigration areas. Fifth, enhancing cross-sectoral and local government participation in the planning and implementation of development of communities and transmigration areas. Sixth, increasing community independence in transmigration area. Keywords: Basic principles, Integrated self-establishing city, policy direction, stadia of regional development.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Eti Yuniarti

Accounting profession education is expected to answer the needs of the importance of human resources and competent professionals in the field of accounting. Keeping in following the requirements of the accounting profession education is SI Accounting undergraduate, or graduate D-IV Department of Accounting, hence the need for attitude, interest and motivation of students studying accounting to the accounting profession. With the attitudes, interests, and motivations, expected growth accounting student wishes to study the accounting profession, which in turn will give birth to a professional public accountants. Accounting student's decision to study the accounting profession, not in spite of various factors, both factors of student self (internal), as well as external factors (external). Internal factors among which is the attitude, interest, and motivation. While external factors, namely the title of accountant.The purpose of this study is the first, provide empirical evidence influence attitudes toward education profeesi accounting decisions (PPAk), both provide empirical evidence Effect of interest to decision akuntasni professional education (PPAk), third provides empirical evidence motiasi influence on the decision akuntasni professional education ( PPAk), kempat provide empirical evidence of the effect of accounting degree to decision akuntasni professional education (PPAk).Keywords: Attitudes, Interests, Motivation, Degree Accountant, Accounting Professional Education

2021 ◽  
Auliya Ayu Annisa ◽  
Rita Milyartini

<p>The experience of anxiety when performing music is considered problematic for musicians of various levels. Feelings of fear and nervousness when perform music in front of audience also happened in pianist. By knowing the concept of anxiety, hopes both lecturer and students can reduce this syndrome. This article aims to determine the characteristics of anxiety that appear in undergraduates piano majors. Literature review method was conduct to search information related to MPA on undergraduates piano majors. The results of this study are MPA in undergraduates piano majors occurs due to internal factors including gender, lack of practice, perfectionist student character and piano students’ perceptions of the audience and the future careers and external factors which include the piano learning process mostly uses a teacher centered approach, teacher and audience evaluations of piano student performances, and room conditions.</p>

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Diding Rahmat

Brutality motorcycle gang is due to the social phenomenon of metamorphosis and development of information technology then is not filtered and not accommodated komferhensip about how pencegahanya action , it is the analysis that the majority of gang members are children that have motors and often commit crimes and violate social norms there . As a result of the brutal and unlawful actions that ultimately the future of motorcycle gang members tend to be aged under child protection laws they are still called the future of their children because they have to face a bleak life in bars and deprived of their freedom of expression , it is different with children outside bars detainees who have the freedom to express and execute education as befits a normal child his age . Factors behind them consists of internal factors and external factors , internal factors such as for some is not healthy mental attitude of a motorcycle gang members , disharmony in the family , an outlet disappointment , the economy needs a boost , aberrant learning process , lack of attention and affection as well as low levels of education among them while external factors , namely the need for law enforcement officers to always take preventive actions in handling cases motorcycle gangs and local community participation in order to swiftly carry out Keywords: Problems , Gank , Motorcycle , Sociological

2005 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 182-186 ◽  
Mel Ainscow

The articles in this journal focus on what is, arguably, the biggest challenge facing school systems throughout the world, that of educational inclusion. It is hardly surprising that this is particularly challenging in secondary schools. Within such schools, internal factors, such as size and organisational complexity, clearly complicate attempts to foster more flexible and responsive arrangements. At the same time, external factors, not least the effects of competition between schools and parental choice, create particularly intensive pressures to achieve improved results in tests and examinations.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 171
Muhamad Ichsan Wadi ◽  
Rr. Titiek Herawati ◽  
L. Hamdani Husnan

The objective of study is to determine the causes of delays in the absorption of De-concentration (Decon) and Co-administration Task (TP) budget at the level of Work Unit. In carrying out its function as an agent of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DKP). The Work Unit has developed operational plan, nevertheless it plan could not be followed up. Such condition surely has consequences on the budget absorption at the Work Unit. This study is a qualitative study using a case study approach. The study uses a holis-tic single case study. The results indicate that there are many obstacles encountered by the Work Unit in carrying out its daily activities related to budget absorption. The obstacles may be from internal factors and external factors. The strong intervention of principal in Decon and TP budget is a key issue of the external factor that makes the Work Unit unable to be consistent to the operational plan drawn up. Besides, the procurement of goods and services through the Procurement Services Unit is also an obstacle for the Work Unit in executing the work using tender mechanism. Other external factors are the mechanisms of Money Supply (UP) and the Change of Money Supply (GUP) that cause the Work Unit to get difficulty in setting up funds for activities. Meanwhile, the internal factors that con-strain the Work Unit are issues concerning Human Resources, Standard Operating Proce-dures and Performance Evaluation that have not been implemented well in the internal Work Unit. The theoretical implication of the study is the dominant intervention of the principal (central government) to the agent (Work Unit) is a resistance to the implementa-tion of the values of effectiveness and efficiency in the concept of good governance.

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