2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-113
Sekar Wiji Rahayu ◽  
Fajar Sugianto ◽  
Vivi Velicya

That a child as a Human Resources holder of the future of the nation, should get strong protection from exposure to radicalism that can interfere with growth and development. The greatness of the mindset and memory of a child in absorbing information as well as his ability to imitate everything that is shown, becomes a separate opportunity for the elements involved to spread the teachings of radicalism. There are several factors that cause a person, especially a child, to fall into Radicalism, such as internal factors, external factors, domestic factors, foreign factors and religious factors. The closeness between parents and children, as well as the closeness of children with their teachers, does not guarantee that a child will be free from the spread of radicalism. Children are being targeted as new recruits by extremist groups that spread radicalism as a goal of 'planting seeds' which then gives birth to new seeds to spread radicalism. The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and other statutory regulations have committed to continue to provide protection to children as the future of the nation. The commitment then gave birth to a mandate addressed to all levels of society, including but not limited to the government, related institutions, parents, and the child's closest relatives.Bahwa seorang anak sebagai Sumber Daya Manusia pemegang masa depan bangsa, sudah selayaknya mendapatkan perlindungan yang kuat dari paparan radikalisme yang dapat menganggu tumbuh kembangnya. Kehebatan pola pikir dan daya ingat seorang anak dalam menyerap informasi sekaligus kemampuannya dalam meniru segala hal yang ditunjukkan, menjadi kesempatan tersendiri bagi oknum-oknum terkait untuk menyebarkan ajaran radikalisme. Terdapat beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan seseorang, khususnya seorang anak terjerumus ke dalam Paham Radikalisme, seperti faktor internal, faktor eksternal, faktor domestik, faktor luar negeri dan faktor agama. Kedekatan antara orang tua dengan anak, begitupun kedekatan anak dengan gurunya, tidak menjamin bahwa seorang anak akan terbebas dari penyebaran paham Radikalisme. Anak dijadikan sebagai target perekrutan baru oleh kelompok ekstrimis penyebar paham radikalisme sebagai tujuan ‘menanam benih’ yang kemudian melahirkan bibit-bibit baru untuk menyebarkan paham radikalisme. Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia serta peraturan perundang-undangan lainnya telah berkomitmen untuk tetap memberikan Perlindungan kepada Anak sebagai masa depan bangsa. Komitmen tersebut kemudian melahirkan amanat yang ditujukan kepada seluruh lapisan masyarakat, termasuk namun tidak terbatas, kepada pemerintah, lembaga-lembaga terkait, orang tua, dan kerabat terdekat anak.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 81
Nasrianti N ◽  
Muhibbuddin M

Abuse of Narcotics among the younger generation which can damage health and destroy the future of the younger generation and also the continuation of the future of the State then in legal considerations the birth of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics is, to create a prosperous, just and prosperous Indonesian society that is evenly material and spiritual based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, the quality of Indonesia's human resources as one of the assets for national development needs to be continuously maintained and improved, including the degree of health; Therefore, to improve the health status of Indonesian human resources in the context of realizing the welfare of the people, it is necessary to make efforts to improve in the field of treatment and health services, among others by seeking the availability of certain types of Narcotics which are urgently needed as drugs and to prevent and eradicate the dangers of abuse and illicit Narcotics trafficking and Narcotics Precursor. The method used in this research is a qualitative normative juridical research method, namely a research method that refers to the legal norms contained in legislation. The conclusion of Articles 18 and 19 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health, states that the Government is responsible for empowering and encouraging the active role of the community in all forms of health efforts, and the Government is responsible for the availability of all forms of quality, safe health efforts.  efficient, and affordable.

Mia Alfin Dahana ◽  
. Ermwati

This study aims to analyse the process of budgeting planning and budget execution. This research was conducted by the Service of the Empowerment and Protection of Children and Population Control (DPPAPP) of the DKI Jakarta Province. The method used in this research is qualitative with an ethnomethodology approach. The result of this study is that the process of planning and implementing the budget carried out by the DPPAPP, in accordance with existing procedures and regulations. However, although it has been carried out in accordance with procedures and regulations, which are fixed, there is still a suboptimal absorption of the budget, which occurs due to internal factors and external factors. The internal factors consist of human resources, while external factors consist of the auction process and regulatory changes. It is hoped that the DPPAPP can increase the competence of the human resources it possesses, especially with regards to the budget planning process and the budget execution process. These processes can be done through socializations for the human resources, with regards to the budget planning process and the budget execution process, in order to minimalize inconsistencies between budget planning and budget execution in the future. Aside from that, in order to mitigate the external factors, each work unit must identify issues that may to arise in the next budget execution.

2019 ◽  
helmi rahmawati ◽  
Hade Afriansyah ◽  

This writing is done to find out what factors influence in making a decision,as for the factors that are internal factors and external factors. Internal factors that influence decision making such as person character or personality and external factors such organization environment and also the lack of human resources that can help find a way out of the problem. Beside that one leadership stly can also influence the process of making a decision the result will have a good impact on what will be achieved in the future, so it can be said tha the leadership stly of a leader can also influence the taking decision.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 98-99
Vyacheslav Bobkov

The author overviews the International economic Forum held in the Republic of Poland in 2019 dedicated to the future of Europe. The topics of the discussions are presented and the participation of Russian representatives analyzed, the contents of the two discussion panels «The Crisis of the middle classes: transformation or erosion?» and «Fast, cheap and substandard-the state of modern human resources» being given in detail.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 79
Julia ., Lendombela ◽  
Melsje Y. Memah ◽  
Agnes E. Loho

This study aims to identify internal factors and external factors of UD Betris, as well as to determine the strategy for developing the business of bamboo batik handicraft industry UD Betris. Betris in Meras Village. This research was conducted from April to June 2018. The data used were primary data and secondary data. Primary data is obtained through observation and interviews which are divided into two parties, namely internal parties (business owners and labor) and external parties (local government and consumers) with 8 (eight) respondents. Meanwhile, secondary data was obtained from literature studies. Analysis of the data used is by using a SWOT analysis. The results showed that internal factors include: raw materials, quality of raw materials, price of raw materials, product uniqueness, business spirit and craftsman skills, product prices, product durability and quality, not having financial records, traditional production equipment, product arrangement that has not been arranged neat, promotion is not efficient, does not have a special place of business, and there is no parking space. external factors include: high market opportunities, government support, opportunities for training, opportunities to participate in exhibitions, plastic substitute goods, interest in business successors, and the existence of competitors using modern production tools. Based on the SWOT diagram, the chosen strategy is a combination of SO, namely: 1) Maintaining product quality and continuing to develop products by innovating to create bamboo handicraft products with new designs. 2) Continue to work with the government and related agencies to develop and expand marketing areas so that products are better known to local and foreign communities through training and exhibition events. *jnkd*.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 47
Sujud Sujud

Murder is an inhuman crime, where the perpetrator of the crime kills with the intention of being planned in advance because it will kill other people's lives for a specific purpose, this crime is a crime of enmity between individuals and groups so that the victim is helpless, so the police investigator reveals his identity. Carefulness is needed. The problems discussed are what are the factors causing the crime of murder and how are the efforts to overcome the crime of murder. The research method used is normative juridical research. Data collection is based on literature study, based on the results of the research that the author has done, the factors that cause murder are internal and external factors. Internal factors, namely internal factors, and external factors, namely economic, environmental, and family factors. Efforts to tackle the crime of murder, namely penal and non-penal measures, are efforts to reduce the space for movement and opportunities for the committing of crimes. The suggestion in this research is that there is a need for cooperation between legal institutions and the government through police and military officers to prevent and cope with future premeditated murder, prosecutors and judges are requested to be able to prosecute and impose the maximum possible punishment on the perpetrators of the murder guided by the Criminal Code.

Fransisca Desiana Pranata Sari ◽  
Sri Nathasya Br Sitepu

Business Competition encourages entrepreneurs to have competence in managing the business. Start-up businesses will grow if it is able to manage the internal factors and external factors well. This study focuses on internal factors from the perspective of companies consisting of four components, namely marketing, human resources, finance, and operations. The second focus of this study is the external factor of a business seen from the approach five forces Porter lists five essential components of the external factors, namely: barriers to entry in the industry, threat from substitute products, threat from suppliers bargaining power, threat from buyers bargaining power, Among existing industry and rival firms. The object of this study is a start-up business in the city of Surabaya. This study used descriptive qualitative method with the aim of optimizing the management view of internal and external factors in the success of a start-up business seen from the perspective of the company. Validation of the results using triangulation techniques using: parisipatif observation, interview, and documentation (photos and interviews) to the informant (object) research. The results showed the management of internal factors (marketing, human resources, finance, and operational) and external (barriers to entry in the industry, threat from substitute products, threat from suppliers bargaining power, threat from buyers bargaining power, and rival Among existing industry firms ) is an important component that must be optimized in order to support the success of start-up businesses.

Latifah Latifah ◽  
A. Rinto Pudyantoro

<p>Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) is an institution established by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia through Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 9 of 2013 on the Management of Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities. The task of SKK Migas is to manage the upstream oil and gas business activities based on cooperation contracts. The purpose of the establishment of this institution so that retrieval of natural resources of oil and gas owned by the State can provide maximum benefit and acceptance for the state to the greatest prosperity of the people. Based on these tasks and objectives, SKK Migas is responsible to the state and all Indonesian people to work properly, honestly, fairly, cleanly, transparently and competently in order to achieve good governance of state institutions. Therefore, internal monitoring (internal audit) and accountability of its human resources are required. This research has a purpose to test the influence of internal audit and human resource accountability to the achievement of good governance at SKK Migas institution. This research uses survey method with population of all staffs of SKK Migas. Sampling method used is sampling with purposive sampling technique. In this study, 145 samples were taken. Methods of data collection was done by using questionnaires containing several questions with the method of data analysis using multiple regression. The result of this research is to accept both hypothesis which is internal audit have positive effect toward the achievement of good governance in SKK Migas. And the accountability of human resources positively affect the achievement of good governance in SKK Migas.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-149
Intan Puspitarini ◽  
Amrie Firmansyah ◽  
Dian Handayani

This research is aimed to examine the association of human resources’ competencies and information technology on the implementation of government accrual based accounting on the state assets management. As mandated by Government Regulation No. 71 of 2010 concerning Government Accounting Standard, the Government of the Republic  of  Indonesia  should  prepare  its  financial  reports  based  on  accrual  accounting  by  2015.  This  study examines the practice of implementation of accrual  accounting in the management and administration of state asset. The examination conducted in this study is different from previous studies which gave more highlight on the preparation and the implementation of accrual accounting in general, while this stud y gives more focus on one specific object in accrual accounting, that is state assets.  This study conducts survey by using questionnaires which are then distributed to units in line ministries and government that responsible in managing state assets. 250  questionnaires  were  distributed  to  16  line  ministries  and  3  government  institutions,  234  of  those  were successfully returned. From the questionnaires returned, 188 are considered valid.  The result ot the study shows that the competence of human resources is associated with the application of accrual accounting on government assets. While, the information technology has different result, it is not associated with the application of accrual accounting on government assets. Keywords: accrual accounting, government assets

I Gusti Jaya Wiraraja ◽  
Made - Antara ◽  
Ni Wayan Sri Astiti

ABSTRACT Agricultural land has an important role as a medium to increase the income, standard of living, and welfare of farmers within. This study aims to 1) analyze the factors that influence the motivation of farmers in converting paddy fields, 2) analyze the social and economic impacts of land conversion in Subak Petangan, North Denpasar District. This research was carried out in the Subak Petangan Denpasar Utara which was chosen using  census with a population of 40 farm owner. The main instruments used in the data collection is questionnaires. Data analysis techniques used are factor analysis method and quantitative qualitative analysis. The study showed that land conversion are affected by internal and external factors. Internal factors are formed by the number of family member, level of education, life necessities (Maslow's hierarchy of needs), income from agricultural product. External factors are formed by lifestyle indicators, interest of the younger generation for farming, access to land management, availability of water irrigation. The sosial impact of land conversion are hampered on irrigation channels, the emergence of conflicts between farmers and owners of settlements, deterioration of cultural values in Subak Petangan, North Denpasar District and the economy impact are decreases in food source. All parties including the government as well as the subak member should be able to control and develop program or regulation to repress the land conversion's rate. Sosialy and economically, land conversion in Subak Petangan generate bad impact on the environment and culture around Subak Petangan rice field area.

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