Hendwiko Kuncoro Putra ◽  
Dedi Irfan

Computer technology has increasingly developed in its use. Along with the times, computers are widely used in various fields. One of the uses of technology is that it can be used as an information system for the community and those who need it. This information system does not only collect data from Kotogadang residents in various regions, but also provides up-to-date information about the situation occurring in the Kotogadang area in Bukittinggi and the activities that will be held in the Kotogadang area. So that Kotogadang residents who are in various regions can find out the information there. One method that is quite easy and efficient in the development of information system applications is to strengthen the relationship between fellow citizens of Kotogadang wherever located. Kotogadang citizen association information system is designed using the PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) programming language with the CodeIgniter Framework, JavaScript, and using the MYSQL database. With this system can help Kotogadang residents in various regions in getting the latest information about meetings, sad news, and news of what is happening in the Kotogadang area in Bukittinggi. Keywords: Information System, PHP, CodeIgniter, MySQL. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 7-12
Larissa Navia Rani ◽  
Hari Marfalino ◽  
Putri Asysyura Yuska

The rapid development of computer technology and information greatly helps work in storing, accessing to data processing becomes faster and easier, this has triggered various fields in utilizing this with the use of computer-based information systems, especially for intelligence units in western security police. The system that will be created uses access to the virtual host-based client server. Modeling used UML modeling, this system is built using PHP programming language and MYSQL database. The results of the study show that the information system designed can process criminal data and is able to be implemented at the research site..

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 183-194
Bambang Eko Sumbono ◽  
Deni Erlansyah ◽  
Rasmila Rasmila

Pempek is a typical Palembang food that is much in demand by the local community and outside the city of Palembang. The increasing number of pempek sales in Palembang city, for example Mau Pempek which currently does not have media that can help customers outside the city to make transactions easily. Therefore, to facilitate the relationship between the company and the customer, the company requires web-based transactions. Where the purpose of writing this essay itself is to build a web-based sales information system that can provide information for both the company and its customers. The methodology used to design this system is the RUP methodology, the programming language and database used in making this system are PHP and MySQL. With the construction of this system, it can expand the sales promotion of Pempek, making it easier for customers who feel outside of Palembang to make sales transactions and increase revenue. Pempek merupakan makanan khas Palembang yang banyak diminati oleh masyarakat setempat maupun diluar kota Palembang. Makin banyaknya penjualan pempek yang ada di kota palembang, misalnya Mau Pempek yang saat ini belum memiliki media yang dapat membantu para pelanggan yang berada diluar kota untuk melakukan transaksi dengan mudah. Maka dari itu untuk mempermudah hubungan antara perusahaan dengan pelanggan, perusahaan memerlukan transaksi berbasis web. Dimana tujuan dari penulisan skripsi ini sendiri adalah membangun sistem informasi penjualan berbasis web yang dapat memberikan informasi baik untuk pihak perusahaan maupun pelanggannya itu sendiri. Metodologi yang digunakan untuk merancang sistem ini adalah metodologi RUP, bahasa pemrograman dan database yang di gunakan pada pembuatan sistem ini adalah PHP dan MySQL. Dengan dibangunnya sistem ini dapat memperluas promosi penjualan pempek, mempermudah agar pelanggan yang berasa diluar kota Palembang dapar melakukan transaksi penjualan dan meningkatkan pendapatan.

Respati ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 84
Yeffriansjah Salim

PT. RIG Tender Indonesia merupakan perusahaan nasional berdiri tahun 1981 pada perkembangannya tahun 2007 sudah go public hal ini terlihat hampir 97% saham kepemilikannya sudah dibeli oleh grup Schumi Sdn Bhd yang notabene perusahaan Malaysia yang berkantor pusat di London, Inggris. PT. RIG Tender Indonesia Banjarmasin yang menangani angkutan jasa pelayaran. Terhitung dari bulan pebruari 2018 ini berdasarkan hasil data yang disebutkan bagian kepegawaian PT. RIG Tender Indonesia Banjarmasin memiliki karyawan kurang lebih 500 orang, dengan jumlah kapal yang dikelola sebanyak 35 kapal, dimana kapal tersebut tersebar dalam 4 (empat) buah nama perusahaan, yaitu : PT. Batuah Abadi Lines berkantor di jalan Belitung Darat 88 Banjarmasin, PT. Altus Lines Indonesia, PT. Masada Jaya Lines, dan PT. Cahaya Samudra Perkasa Lines. Permasalahan yang ditemukenali Pengiriman berkas perhitungan gaji dan pajak sering terlambat dikarenakan jauhnya jarak Banjarmasin-Singapura-Banjarmasi, dengan dibuatnya sistem informasi gaji dan pajak, maka pengiriman berkas akan menjadi lebih mudah dengan rute Banjarmasin-Singapura, Perhitungan ulang / rekonsiliasi gaji dan pajak sering terjadi dikarenakan perhitungan pajak pegawai dengan sistem indonesia dan luar negeri tidaklah sama, Proses klarifikasi dan penyesuaian sistem pembukuan antara kantor pusat Banjarmasin dengan para auditor publik sering terkendala masalah komunikasi antara Banjarmasin-Singapura-Auditor Publik. Perhitungan pembayaran gaji, dan pajak mengalami permasalahan berhubungan dengan tingginya pegawai yang masuk dan keluar, berdasarkan hasil pemantauan di lapangan ada sekitar 30 (tiga puluh) orang yang berhenti dan masuk kembali bekerja dalam waktu 1 (satu) bulan. Tujuan Penelitian ini hakekatnya menghasilkan desain sistem basis data beserta diagram hubungan antara tabel basis data disajikan dalam bentuk perancangan desain input dan output menggunakan bahasa pemrograman visual foxpro. Pembuatan sistem informasi gaji dan pajak pada jaringan intranet merupakan salah satu upaya meningkatkan pelayanan PT. Rig Tender Indonesia site Banjarmasin dalam proses perhitungan pajak kepada pegawainya, dimana hasil yang diinginkan adanya peningkatan proses pembuatan laporan yang cepat, akurat dan relevan. Dengan adanya sistem informasi ini diharapkan meningkatnya kepercayaan pegawai terhadap perusahaan dengan adanya sistem komputerisasi perhitungan gaji dan pajakKata kunci – Sistem Informasi, Gaji, dan Pajak                                                                    Abstract PT. RIG Tender Indonesia is a national company established in 1981 in its development in 2007 has gone public it is seen almost 97% of its ownership shares have been purchased by the group Schumi Sdn Bhd which in fact the Malaysian company headquartered in London, England. PT. RIG Tender Indonesia Banjarmasin which handles shipping services. Counting from February 2018 is based on the results of the data mentioned the personnel section of PT. Render Tender Indonesia Banjarmasin has approximately 500 employees, with the number of vessels managed by 35 vessels, where the ship is spread in 4 (four) pieces of company name, namely: PT. Batuah Abadi Lines has offices in Belitung Darat 88, Banjarmasin, PT. Altus Lines Indonesia, PT. Masada Jaya Lines, and PT. Light of the Mighty Ocean Lines. Identified problems Delivery of salary and tax file records is often delayed due to the distance of Banjarmasin-Singapore-Banjarmasi, with the making of salary and tax information systems, the sending of files will become easier with the Banjarmasin-Singapore route, recalculation / reconciliation of salaries and taxes are frequent because the tax calculation of employees with Indonesian and foreign systems is not the same, Clarification process and adjustment of bookkeeping system between Banjarmasin head office and public auditors are often constrained communication problem between Banjarmasin-Singapore-Public Auditor. The calculation of salary payments, and taxes experienced problems related to the high number of incoming and outgoing employees, based on the results of monitoring in the field there are about 30 (thirty) people who stop and re-enter work within 1 (one) month. The purpose of this study essentially resulted in the design of the database system along with the relationship diagram between database tables presented in the form of input design and output design using visual programming language foxpro. Making information system of salary and tax on intranet network is one effort to improve service of PT. Rig Tender Indonesia Banjarmasin website in the process of calculating taxes to employees, where the desired results of an increase in the process of making reports fast, accurate and relevant. Keywords - Information Systems, Salaries, and Taxes

Darman Umagapi ◽  
Syahril Hasan

Abstrak: Perkembangan teknologi komputer dibuktikan dengan mekanisme kerja yang panjang lebih efektif dan efisien. Baik dalam sumber daya hardware (perangkat keras), software (perangkat lunak) dan brainware (manusia). Dari hasil observasi yaitu masalah yang dihadapi oleh petugas Kantor kecamatan tersebut adalah pada penyusunan laporan pertanggungjawabnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan Untuk membuat suatu sistem informasi penyusunan Laporan Pertanggungjawaban Bendahara Pengeluaran di Kecamatan Oba Selatan dengan menggunakan bahasa pemograman Visual Studio dan Ms. Access sebgagai databasenya. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menerapkan beberapa metode diantaranya analisis, perancangan dan implementasi dari suatu sistem tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini adalah untuk Memberi kemudahan dalam memasukan data belajan barang, mengolah data gaji pegawai, serta pembuatan laporan pengeluaran bendahara pengeluaran berdasarkan periode.Kata Kunci: Laporan, Pertanggungjawaban, Bendahara, PengeluaranAbstract: The development of computer technology is proven by a long working mechanism that is more effective and efficient. Both in hardware (hardware), software (software) and brain-ware (human) resources. From the observation results, the problems faced by the sub-district office officers are in the preparation of their accountability reports. This study aims to create an information system for preparing the Treasurer Expenditure Accountability Report in South Oba District, using Visual Studio programming language and Ms. Access as the database. In this study, the authors applied several methods including analysis, design, and implementation of a system. The results of this study are to provide convenience in entering data learning items, processing employee salary data, and making treasury expenditure reports based on period.Keyword: Reports, Responsibility, Treasurer, Expenditures

2011 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 78-88 ◽  
Janneke K. Oostrom ◽  
Marise Ph. Born ◽  
Alec W. Serlie ◽  
Henk T. van der Molen

Advances in computer technology have created opportunities for the development of a multimedia situational test in which responses are filmed with a webcam. This paper examined the relationship of a so-called webcam test with personality, cognitive ability, job experience, and academic performance. Data were collected among 153 psychology students. In line with our expectations, scores on the webcam test, intended to measure interpersonally oriented leadership, were related to extraversion, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and job experience. Furthermore, the webcam tests significantly predicted students’ learning activities during group meetings over and above a cognitive ability test and a personality questionnaire. Overall, this study demonstrates that webcam tests can be a valid complement to traditional predictors in selection contexts.

2013 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 563
Suhaimi Suhaimi

In line with the times demand, nationlism changes as a dynamic of dialectics proceeds with changes in social, political, and ekonomic in the country and global levels. Based on a review of historical chronology, this paper analyzed descriptively the relationship between Islam and nationalism in Indonesia. Since the early growth of nationalism and the Dutch colonization period in Indonesia, Islam became the spirit of sacrifice of lives and property of the Indonesian people's fighting to get independence and on the Japanese colonial period and the early days of independence, Islam through the muslim leaders founction as base of departure and developer awareness of nasionalism, patriotism and unity to defend the independence. Despite the authoritarian New Order ruler cope with Islam through the establishment of the Association of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals (ICMI), but awareness of national Muslim leaders to build Indonesia managed to push governance reforms. And in this era of reform, the spirit of nationalism and the spirit of sacrifice of the Indonesian leaders increasingly eroded by corruption. Key words: proto-nationalism, political nationalism, cultural nationalism.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 227-237
Fathorazi Nur Fajri ◽  
Wali Ja’far Shudiq ◽  
Nurul Hidayattun Nasyihin

New Santri Admission (Penerimaan Santri Baru) is an administrative process for the selection of new student candidates. The PSB process is always carried out manually at each school institution, especially the Islamic Boarding Schools, which will cause various difficulties from several related parties. Therefore the New Santri Admission System was created online or the term can be called the online PSB. . An idea emerged to create a new student admission information system based on the SQL database. With this system, pesantren or administrators can manage the implementation of student registration for web technology using the PHP programming language and new languages. such as rapid registration and announcements.

Svetlana Sergeevna Kozunova ◽  
Alla Grigorievna Kravets

The article highlights the aspects of risk management in the information system. According to the analysis of the work of Russian and foreign scientists and world practices in the field of risk management, it is stated that there is a need to improve the effectiveness of risk management of information system and to develop a method for managing the risks of the information system. As a solution to the problem of effective risk management of the information system, there has been proposed a formalized procedure for managing the risks of the information system. The scientific novelty of this solution is the use of decision space and optimization space to reduce risks. This procedure allows to assess the damage, risk and effectiveness of risk management of the information system. The risks of the information system are determined and analyzed; a pyramidal risk diagram is developed. This diagram allows you to describe the relationship of risks with the components of the information system. The negative consequences to which these risks can lead are given. The analysis of methods and approaches to risk management has been carried out. Based on the results of the analysis, the methods GRAMM, CORAS, GOST R ISO / IEC scored to the maximum. The weak points of these methods and the difficulty of applying these methods in practice are described. The developed formalized risk management procedure to control the risks of information system can be used as management system’s element of the information security quality that complies with the recommendations of GOST R ISO / IEC 27003-2012. The prospect of further development of the research results is the development of management systems of risk of information system.

Mohamed Ahmed Darwish Abdulla Larii ◽  
Fatma Ahmed Lari ◽  
Mohamed Ahmed Darwish Abdulla Lari ◽  

This study intends to find out the mediating effect of organisational culture on the relationship between information system and sustainable performance of manufacturing sector in UAE. This study used AMOS-SEM software to develop mediation model that linking the mediating relationships between Information System, Organisational Culture and Sustainable operation Performance. Data was collected through questionnaire survey among the operation staff of Abu Dhabi manufacturing companies. A total 250 questionnaires were distributed however 205 were returned and only 200 are valid which indicates a response rate of 80%. The analysis found that TPS has positive but not significant effect to SP; OIS has positive but not significant effect to SP; FMW has a positive and significant effect on SP; SDS has a negative and not significant effect to SP and SP has positive but not significant effect OC. For the path relationship between the four exogenous variables (TPS, OIS, SDS, and FMW) and the mediator variable (OC), the results are TPS has positive and significant effect to OC; OIS has positive but not significant effect to OC; FMW has positive and significant effect to OC and SDS has positive and not significant effect to OC. Collectively, the five exogenous constructs (TPS, OIS, SDS, FMW and OC) explained 89% variation in operational performance and 86% of the variation in organisational culture. However, for a mediator, it was found that OC has no significant mediating effect on the relationship between TPS and SP; OC has no significant mediating effect on the relationship between OIS and SP; OC has no significant mediating effect on the relationship between SDS and SP and OC has no significant mediating effect on the relationship between FMW and SP. it can be concluded that there is a positive relationship between information system dimensions and operational performance. However organizational culture has no contributing any mediating effect to the relationship. These findings have contributed to the body of knowledge and could be shared among the UAE manufacturing practitioners.

2020 ◽  
Dedy Agung Prabowo ◽  
Ujang Juhardi ◽  
Bambang Agus Herlambang

Recently, Information technology develops rapidly. It is possible for us to get some informationquickly, properly and efficiently. The information technology also has many advantages fo r people. Theneed for information is increasing according to the need of its users. This proves that informationtechnology can make our job easier and it can help us to save our time particularly for the job thatrelated to information and data processin g. With the increasing use of computer technology today, italso brings up some problems. One of them is security and confidentiality problem which is animportant aspect in an information system. Data security is an important thing in maintaining theconf identiality of particular data that only can be known by those who have right. RC6 is a symmetrickey algorithm which encrypts 128 bit plaintext blocks to 128 bit ciphertext blocks. The encryptionprocess involves four operations which is the critical arit hmetic operation of this block cipher. As alegal state, Indonesia has issued a regulation in a form of laws governing information and electronictransaction or commonly referred to UU ITE. Besides, Islam is a religion that comprehensively givesthe guidan ce of life for people. Islam has provided guidance in the various fields ranging from social,politics, economics and various other fields.

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