scholarly journals Peran Masyarakat Dalam Pendidikan perspektif Pendidikan Islam

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 117
Heru Juabdin Sada

Education is a shared responsibility starting from the government, parents, then the community. Society plays a very important role in the development of children's education. Therefore, the community should participate in participating in children's education activities either directly or indirectly. The implementation of education itself will certainly have an impact on the community itself, thus there is a positive correlation between society and education. The better education is held, the better will be the quality of the community. Vice versa, the better the quality and the better the community, the better and better quality of education held. Therefore, community education must receive serious attention in the system of implementing Islamic education. The results of this study found that the role of the community in Islamic education can improve quality and superior management.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 251-266
Noer Aziza

The role of mothers in the family environment plays a quite dominant role in terms of children's education that makes a mother hold high responsibility in the progress of a nation. Therefore, a mother is required to have high self-quality to be able to educate future generations. But in reality in Indonesia there are still many quality mothers who still do not meet the needs and eligibility as a teacher in a household. For this reason, this study wants to find the level of quality of children's education from the role of a mother by conducting a study of the data obtained and found solutions to improve the quality of the mother. The results of this study indicate that with some actions will provide a positive thing for the quality and role of mothers in realizing the future of the nation through the future of a child as the successor generation of his nation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-106
Solahudin Solahudin

This paper is aimed at discussing the strategic role of school (madrasah) in the country. Madrasah is one of the Islamic educational institutions that have an important role for the development of Islamic education in Indonesia. Madrasah is a place to galvanize the mental, moral, and spiritual of the young generation to educate students to be useful beings for the religion, state, and nation. Private Madrasahs as one of the Islamic Education Institutions in Indonesia have a strategic role in the participation of the nation's intellectuals. In the next developments, private madrasahs face complex issues. In one hand, there is a demand to improve the quality in order to compete with state Islamic education institutions and public schools, but on the other hand, the attention of the government, both central and local, to Islamic educational institutions is still low, even they are still placed not as the main class, but the second class of education institutions. The Ministry of Religious Affairs, which became the central policy, began to formulate serious efforts to improve the quality of madrasahs, such as through the Ministry's Strategic Plan.

Umul Hidayati

In an effort to increase the quality of education in Madrasah, the government (the Minister of Religious Affairs through Islamic Education General Director), since 1995, has performed a supportive program in science laboratories by providing for needs in several MTsN (Islamic public junior high schools). In the year 1998, support was given to 35 MAN (Islamic public senior high schools) and in the year 2005 to several considerably superior MA (Islamic private high schools). In the year 2010 support was given to 400 private MA in 19 provinces. In the same year, support was given to 100 MA laboratory facilities in 11 provinces. The massive amount of support has not yet been able to be used optimally in order to increase the quality of education by the Madrasah(s) because of many obstacles such as: the low quantity of human resources (teacher and laboratory staff), the fact that several MA do not possess a laboratory building (Science and Linguistic major), and the fact that science and linguistic majors do not exist in several Madrasah. On the other hand, distribution of funds also experienced many difficulties. The result of the research of the Center of Research and Development Islamic Education and Religion in the year 2012 entitled the “Use of the laboratory facilities in Madrasah (the study of the well-funded science and linguistic laboratory Madrasah Aliyah)” indicates that the use of laboratory facilities has not yet been maximized by the Madrasah and support for implementation has experienced many difficulties. Dalam upaya meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di Madrasah, pemerintah (Kementerian Agama melalui Dirjen Pendis) mengeluarkan program bantuan sarana laboratorium IPA yang dimulai tahun 1995 dengan memberikan bantuan pada beberapa MTsN. Pada tahun 1998, bantuan diberikan kepada 35 MAN dan pada tahun 2005 bantuan diberikan kepada beberapa MA Unggulan. Pada tahun 2010 bantuan diberikan kepada 400 MA swasta di 19 propinsi. Pada tahun yang sama, juga diberikan bantuan sarana laboratorium bahasa pada 100 MA swasta di 11 propinsi. Besarnya bantuan yang diberikan selama ini ternyata belum dapat dimanfaatkan madrasah secara maksimal untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan karena terkendala oleh banyak hal antara lain terbatasnya SDM (pendidik dan tenaga laboran), sebagian MA belum memiliki gedung laboratorium (IPA dan bahasa); tidak memiliki jurusan IPA dan bahasa. Di samping itu, dalam pelaksanaannya pemberian bantuan ini juga masih menuai banyak masalah.Hasil penelitian Puslitbang Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan tahun 2012 berjudul Pemanfaatan Sarana Laboratorium Pada Pendidikan di Madrasah (Studi Pada Madrasah Aliyah Penerima Bantuan Laboratorium IPA dan Bahasa)”menunjukkan bahwapemanfaatan sarana laboratorium oleh madrasah belum maksimal dan pemberian bantuan tersebut dalam pelaksanaannya banyak menuai masalah.

1970 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
pp. 38-60
Dewi Maharani

This research aims to describe and analyze various aspects of children's education and find the concept of children's education in the perspective of psychology and Islamic education. This type of library research research, data collection techniques using documentation, after the data collected and then analyzed with descriptive analysis and content analysis. The results show the first: the conception of children's education in a psychological perspective has four main dimensions namely, physical, psychological, spiritual, and social-cultural. Parenting education of children must be in accordance with the psychological condition of children with authoritative style. Second: educating with the perspective of Islamic education, will make children more healthy souls namely those who have excellent physical requirements, higher intellectual mental intelligence (IQ), mental health conditions / personality that develops and is stable in their emotional emotional mentality (EQ) is high (mental-social) and have the strength of faith and Islam. Third: The important role of psychology in Islamic education is to bridge the process of delivering knowledge so that it pays more attention to the psychology of each individual or student, because this will determine the parents or educators in transferring knowledge given to children.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Kiki Maharani ◽  
Moh. Mahfud Effendi ◽  
Asep Nurjaman

Abstract: School participation is integrally an effort to achieve quality education quality. This study aims to obtain information about (1) factors that influence the level of achievement and school participation rates, constraints in increasing enrollment rates. (2) the role of regional autonomy in improving the quality of education services. The approach used is a type of qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used in the form of interviews and documents and observation. The results showed that (1) Factors influencing the low number of school participation in Merauke Regency were access to education that was difficult to reach in remote areas, limited availability of teacher numbers and uneven distribution, teacher welfare that was still lacking, educational facilities that were not yet adequate in remote areas, the level of public education, and the slow attention of the government. (2) The role of regional autonomy in improving the quality of education services has not been maximized. The principle of justice, efficiency, transparency, and public accountability in efforts to improve and improve the quality and quantity of education becomes the responsibility and concern of all parties, both the government, regional governments, and the community.Keywords: Participation Rates, Level of Achievement, Education Abstrak: Partisipasi sekolah secara integral menjadi usaha dalam mencapai mutu pendidikan yang berkualitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi tentang (1) faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat ketercapaian dan angka partisipasi sekolah, kendala dalam peningkatan angka partisipasi. (2) peran otonomi daerah dalam peningkatan mutu pelayanan pendidikan. Pendekatan yang digunakan yaitu jenis pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa wawancara dan dokumen serta observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi rendahnya angka partisipasi sekolah di Kabupaten Merauke yaitu akses pendidikan yang sulit dijangkau pada daerah terpencil, ketersediaan jumlah tenaga guru yang terbatas dan distribusinya kurang merata, kesejahteraan guru yang masih kurang, fasilitas pendidikan yang belum memadai di daerah terpencil, tingkat pendidikan masyarakat, serta lambannya perhatian dari pemerintah. (2) Peran otonomi daerah dalam peningkatan mutu pelayanan pendidikan belum maksimal. Prinsip keadilan, efisiensi, transparansi, dan akuntabilitas publik dalam upaya perbaikan dan peningkatan kualitas serta kuantitas pendidikan menjadi tanggung jawab dan perhatian bersama seluruh pihak, baik pemerintah, pemerintah daerah dan masyarakat.Kata kunci: Angka Partisipasi, Tingkat Ketercapaian, Pendidikan

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Lukman Asha

Improving the quality of education is the responsibility of all parties. One of the institutions carrying out this mandate in an area is the Education Council. This study aims to find out how the role of the Education Council in Rejang Lebong Regency in improving the quality of education so far. Through observation and interviews, it was found that the role of the Education Council in improving the quality of education in Rejang Lebong Regency was as follows: (a) consideration in determining and implementing education policies, (b) supporting both tangible financial, thought and energy in the implementation of education (c) controllers in the context of transparency and accountability in the administration and output of education, (d) mediators between the government and the Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) with the community

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-26
Sutrisno Rachmat

Autonomy of education as a form of education decentralization results in an important concept for education implementations. One of them is School Based Management (MBS) which then forms School Committee and Education Board as society participations in the education field. Education is a shared responsibility between family, society, and government. Therefore, the school committee as an element of society affiliated in institutions of education has important and strategic roles in the implementation of education. Thus, its roles and functions need to be optimized to improve the quality of education. In general, this study aims to describe objectively the roles of the school committee in improving the quality of education in Tuban Regency. As samples, four primary schools (elementary scholls and madrasah ibtidaiyah) are observed. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research in the form of naturalistic by design or research strategy of the case study. The types of data sources are (1) events, namely the role of school committees in schools, (2) Informants or interviewees consisting of element school committee, principals, and teachers, and (3) Archives or documents. Data collection is performed by observation, in-depth interviewing and document analysis. To analyze data, the interactive analysis model is conducted. The results show that (1) In improving the quality of education, the school committee has collaborated with the school manager in various forms, as well as providing supports both morally and materially. (2) Giving considerations to the school is done through discussions of school committee members. (3) Instructions and supports are manifested by recommending to add the number of teaching staffs and educational personnel as needed. (4)  Consideration in the determination and implementation of education policy is realized by the role of the school committee in arranging RAPBS, plenary meetings or school activities. (6) The monitoring is carried out periodically by requesting accountability reports of learning activities and financial management of the school to assure the transparency and accountability. (7) The mediation role is conducted by delivering government policies in the plenary meeting regarding the education program. Based on the results mentioned, in improving the quality of education in school (madrasah), it is suggested that (1) the school committee is always active and creative in empowering the existing resources in schools and society to support the improvement of education optimally. (2) The school principal can cooperate with the school committee in synergy. (3) Teachers always take care the suggestions from school committee to improve the teaching quality and service for students. (4) Education Ministry and Education Board in Tuban as to their authorities always contribute to school committee to be more empowered in supporting government programs at the level of primary education units

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 197
I Nyoman Temon Astawa

<p><em>The development of the quality of education in Indonesia should be done together not only for the government and educators but to the community, because the community has an important role to achieve a goal of educationquality. In fact in the field of our education system fully devolved public education students or learners to teachers. This can be caused by a lack of public understanding of the importance of the role of the community in education.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 156-167
Priska Vasantan

The purpose of this study was to describe the role of knowledge transfer in the education that can improve business in Bengkayang Regency. Information management is one of the things that must be faced by disadvantaged areas, especially in industrial revolution 4.0. Bengkayang Regency is one of the areas directly adjacent to Malaysia so that there are many cross-border businesses. In the era of this industrial revolution, the government has a 4.0 making Indonesia program, namely making Indonesia becomes the 10th largest economist in the world. One of the factors to improve is the quality of human resources. However, the quality of human resources in Bengkayang Regency was is very low due to the poor education quality. This research was conducted using a phenomenological qualitative method with observation and in-depth interviews. The informants were elementary school students studying in Year 4, 5, 6. They studied in the village of Tampe and 4 students in Shanti Bhuana (ISB) institute located in Bengkayang. The results showed that the quality of human resources was strongly influenced by the quality of education and the quality of education was strongly influenced by the knowledge transfer process implemented in schools

At-Tuhfah ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-48
Ahmad Manshur

“The relationship of madrasah with society is essentially a very instrumental in fostering and developing personal growth of learners in madrasah, in this case madrasah as a social system is an integral part of the larger system of society. On the other hand, madrasah should support the achievement of community goals, especially education needs. Therefore, madrasah should also know clearly what the needs and circumstances of society, especially against madrasah. The cause of the low quality of education in Indonesia certainly can not be separated from the role and leadership of a teacher as top leadernya. The madrasah committee has an important role as a giver of balance, support, control, and as a mediator between government and society in educational units. Head of madrasah as top leader in Islamic education institution hence head of madrasah of course have role of strategy in influencing all stakeholder of madrasah to reach goal of education of Islam. Together the madrasah committee and the head of madrasah in improving the quality of Islamic education in madrasah.”

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