scholarly journals Implementasi Metode Profile Matching Untuk Menentukan Penerima Beasiswa Bidikmisi

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 54
Elvis Pawan ◽  
Wahyu Wijaya Widianto ◽  
Patmawati Hasan

Proses seleksi beasiswa bidikmisi secara manual, mulai dari pengajuan formulir sampai penetuan mahasiswa penerima beasiswa semua dikerjakan secara manual sehingga pada proses pemberian bantuan pendidikan kepada mahasiswa terkdang tidak objektif karena banyaknya minat mahasiswa dari tahun ke tahun yang mengajukan permohonan beasiswa bidikmisi, keterbatasan waktu yang dimiliki kerap menyulitkan tim dalam menentukan mahasiswa yang tepat untuk menerima beasiswa. Diperlukan sebuah SPK yang dapat mempermudah pekerjaan tim dan dapat membantu memperoleh penerima beasiswa secara objektif. Sistem pendukung keputusan yang diusulkan dengan menggunakan metode profile matching dengan mempertimbangkan beberapa kriteria seperti potensi akademik, ekonomi keluarga, jumlah tanggungan orang tua, kelengkapan berkas, dan transportasi ke kampus. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah sistem pendukung keputusan dan berdasarkan data yang dimasukkan pada sistem jika nilai core factor (CF) sebesar 65% dan secondary factor sebesar 35%, maka dari data yang ada terdapat lima orang yang berhak memperoleh beasiswa menurut rangking satu sampai lima yaitu M03, M09, M06, M07, dan M08. Dari pengujian yang dilakukan sebanyak 84% responden menjawab positif terhadap hasil sistem pendukung keputusan karena dapat membantu mereka untuk menjalakan tugas dan tanggungjawab sebagai tim seleksi. Kata kunci— Profile_Matching; Beasiswa; SPK; BidikmisiThe manual selection process for Bidikmisi scholarships, starting from submitting forms to determining scholarship recipients, is all done manually so that the process of providing educational assistance to students is sometimes not objective because of the high interest of students who apply for Bidikmisi scholarships from year to year. makes it difficult for the team to determine the right student to receive the scholarship. A DSS is needed that can facilitate the team and can help objectively obtain scholarship recipients. The proposed decision support system uses the profile matching method by considering several criteria such as academic potential, family economy, number of dependents of parents, completeness of files, and transportation to campus. This research produces a decision support system and based on the data entered in the system if the core factor (CF) value is 65% and the secondary factor is 35%, then from the existing data, five people are entitled to receive scholarships according to rank one to five, namely M03, M09, M06, M07, and M08. From the tests carried out, 84% of respondents answered positively to the results of the decision support system because it can help them carry out their duties and responsibilities as a selection team.Keywords— Profile Matching; scholarships; DSS; Bidikmisi

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 262-269
Khoirun Nisa ◽  
Entin Sutinah

AbstrakMemilih pemasok  yang  tepat atau vendor diantara pemasok  yang  ada  adalah  isu  penting  bagi  top manajemen. Proses penentuan vendor pada PT. Gema Graha Sarana dilakukan secara manual, yang diawali dengan pengumpulan informasi melalui presentasi dari setiap calon vendor. Setelah itu dilakukan rapat pimpinan untuk membahas tentang kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing vendor. Rapat pimpinan perusahaan menggunakan sistem votting sehingga cara tersebut dinilai masih kurang objektif dan tidak menutup kemungkinan penilaian dilakukan secara subjektif. Saat ini sudah berkembang pesat teknologi dalam segala bidang salah satunya teknologi dalam penentuan pengambilan keputusan, oleh karena itu untuk membantu dalam pemecahan masalah tersebut perlu dilakukan sebuah  pendekatan dengan menggunakan sebuah metode sistem pendukung keputusan salah satu nya dengan menggunakan metode Profile Matching dengan tahapan yaitu menentukan kriteria, perhitungan pemetaan gap, melakukan pembobotan, perhitungan core factor dan secondary factor, perhitungan nilai total, dan perhitungan untuk menentukan perangkingan.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan vendor  yang cocok agar mampu menyediakan layanan jasa maintenance server dan jaringan sesuai kebutuhan. Sehingga dari tahapan-tahapan tersebut diperoleh sebuah hasil keputusan untuk memilih vendor yang akan diajak kerja sama dalam melakukan pekerjaan maintenance server dan jaringan dengan memilih PT. Nusa Network Prakarsa. Kata Kunci: Pemilihan Vendor, Profile Matching, Sistem Pendukung Keputusan. AbstractSelecting the right supplier or vendor among existing suppliers is an important issue for top management. The process of determining vendor at PT. GemaGrahaSarana, Tbk is done manually, which begins with the collection of information through the presentation of each potential vendor. After that conducted a leadership meeting to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each vendor. Company leadership meeting using the voting system so that way is considered still less objective and did not rule out the assessment is done subjectively. Nowadays, technology has been developed in all fields, one of them is technology in determining decision making, therefore to assist in solving the problem it is necessary to do an approach by using a method of decision support system of one of them by using method matching profile with stages that is Determining Criteria , Gap Mapping Calculation, Weighting, Calculation of Core Factor and Secondary Factor, Total Value Period, and Calculation for Determining Ranking. The purpose of this research is to determine the suitable vendors to be able to provide server and network maintenance services as needed. So from these stages obtained a decision to select a vendor who will be invited to work together in doing maintenance work server and network by choosing PT. Nusa Network Prakarsa. Keywords: Vendor Selection, Profile Matching, Decision Support System.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Muchamad Zainul Rohman

The scholarship selection process of Politeknik Negeri Samarinda are constraints on the decision-making process. This is because there is no objective method to determine quickly and precisely. To assist in the determination of the set someone worthy scholarship in this study will be design DSS (Decision Support System) with model of Multi-Criteria Decision Making. The method used is the method Profile Matching. Profile Matching methods have been able to select the best alternative from a number of alternatives, in this case meant that alternatives are eligible to receive scholarships based on the criteria specified. Research carried out by finding the weights for each sub-aspect, then carried ranking process that will determine the optimal alternative, the best students will be considered by decisionmakersto get a scholarship. Proses seleksi beasiswa di Politeknik Negeri Samarinda banyak terdapat kendala pada proses pengambilan keputusan. Hal ini dikarenakan belum ada metode objektif yang dapat memutuskan dengan cepat dan tepat. Untuk membantu penentuan dalam menetapkan seseorang yang layak menerima beasiswa maka dalam penelitian ini akan didesainkan DSS (Decision Support System) dengan model Multi Criteria Decision Making. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode Profile Matching. Metode Profile Matching dipilih karena mampu menyeleksi alternatif terbaik dari sejumlah alternatif, dalam hal ini alternatif yang dimaksudkan yaitu yang berhak menerima beasiswa berdasarkan kriteria-kriteria yang ditentukan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mencari nilai bobot untuk setiap sub aspek, kemudian dilakukan proses perankingan yang akan menentukan alternatif yang optimal, yaitu mahasiswa terbaik yang akan dipertimbangkan oleh pengambil keputusan untuk mendapatkan beasiswa.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 262-269
Khoirun Nisa ◽  
Entin Sutinah

AbstrakMemilih pemasok  yang  tepat atau vendor diantara pemasok  yang  ada  adalah  isu  penting  bagi  top manajemen. Proses penentuan vendor pada PT. Gema Graha Sarana dilakukan secara manual, yang diawali dengan pengumpulan informasi melalui presentasi dari setiap calon vendor. Setelah itu dilakukan rapat pimpinan untuk membahas tentang kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing vendor. Rapat pimpinan perusahaan menggunakan sistem votting sehingga cara tersebut dinilai masih kurang objektif dan tidak menutup kemungkinan penilaian dilakukan secara subjektif. Saat ini sudah berkembang pesat teknologi dalam segala bidang salah satunya teknologi dalam penentuan pengambilan keputusan, oleh karena itu untuk membantu dalam pemecahan masalah tersebut perlu dilakukan sebuah  pendekatan dengan menggunakan sebuah metode sistem pendukung keputusan salah satu nya dengan menggunakan metode Profile Matching dengan tahapan yaitu menentukan kriteria, perhitungan pemetaan gap, melakukan pembobotan, perhitungan core factor dan secondary factor, perhitungan nilai total, dan perhitungan untuk menentukan perangkingan.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan vendor  yang cocok agar mampu menyediakan layanan jasa maintenance server dan jaringan sesuai kebutuhan. Sehingga dari tahapan-tahapan tersebut diperoleh sebuah hasil keputusan untuk memilih vendor yang akan diajak kerja sama dalam melakukan pekerjaan maintenance server dan jaringan dengan memilih PT. Nusa Network Prakarsa. Kata Kunci: Pemilihan Vendor, Profile Matching, Sistem Pendukung Keputusan. AbstractSelecting the right supplier or vendor among existing suppliers is an important issue for top management. The process of determining vendor at PT. GemaGrahaSarana, Tbk is done manually, which begins with the collection of information through the presentation of each potential vendor. After that conducted a leadership meeting to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each vendor. Company leadership meeting using the voting system so that way is considered still less objective and did not rule out the assessment is done subjectively. Nowadays, technology has been developed in all fields, one of them is technology in determining decision making, therefore to assist in solving the problem it is necessary to do an approach by using a method of decision support system of one of them by using method matching profile with stages that is Determining Criteria , Gap Mapping Calculation, Weighting, Calculation of Core Factor and Secondary Factor, Total Value Period, and Calculation for Determining Ranking. The purpose of this research is to determine the suitable vendors to be able to provide server and network maintenance services as needed. So from these stages obtained a decision to select a vendor who will be invited to work together in doing maintenance work server and network by choosing PT. Nusa Network Prakarsa. Keywords: Vendor Selection, Profile Matching, Decision Support System.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-40
Ronny Addenan ◽  
Wilda Susanti ◽  

PT.Yanmarindo Perkasa is a company in the sale of diesel engines, generators, tooling tools and engine spare parts. Many suppliers want to distribute their goods through PT.Yanmarindo Perkasa, thus demanding the company to choose the right supplier, in order to ensure the smooth fulfillment of stock items. The process of selecting suppliers is still done manually with criteria limited to quantitative criteria, so that the process takes a long time and the results are not precise. The purpose of this study is to build a decision support system for supplier recommendations quickly and precisely in meeting the company's needs. The supplier selection process uses the Rank-Order Centroid (ROC) method in weighting the criteria and the Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) for ranking. ARAS value obtained is the K value that is ranked to get the best supplier by using a computerized decision support system. The application of these two methods can speed up the results of decisions, does not take a long time and the results obtained are also maximum.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 309-318
Dwi Krisbiantoro ◽  
Wiga Maulana Baihaqi

The rehabilitation program is one of the programs given to people who have homes that are not habitable. They are usually from poor families with low economic income. In this program, the family will receive funds to rehabilitate their home. However, as long as the program is running, various problems have been encountered, including those who received fund sometimes received back the fund for rehabilitation funds. This is of course not in accordance with regulations that only allow applicants to receive the fund once. Based on this problem, a decision support system was made to select potential recipients of rehabilitation funds for uninhabitable house. By using the SAW method which is based on the value of criteria and preference weights, an appropriate assessment and ranking can be obtained after going through the selection process of assessing the weight of each attribute. The support for the selection decision for receiving uninhabitable rehabilitation fund was generated in this study. Decision making to determine beneficiaries was facilitated by the existence of a decision support system that was submitted, so that the fund provided was targeted at those entitled to receive uninhabitable rehabilitation fund.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-118
Ebet Tri Cahyanu ◽  
Siska Dewi Lestari ◽  
Herry Hermawan

Raren Batuah 1 High School is a senior high school education level located at Unsum Village, Raren Batuah District, East Barito Regency, at Raren Batuah 1 High School, assistance is provided in the form of subsidies for Poor Student Assistance for the smooth teaching and learning process for students less fortunate. To help the selection process for recipients of Poor Student Assistance, a decision support system has been designed using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method by prioritizing the criteria of parental income, the number of dependents of parents, and the value of student report cards that will be used for a reference decision making for the right recipient of Poor Student Assistance. Decision Support System Application (DSS) for Poor Student Assistance Recipients was designed using Flowchart and implemented using the Microsoft Visual Basic.Net 2010 programming language.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-97
Arief Herdiansah ◽  
Nurdiana Handayani ◽  
Alfan Kurniawan

Employee selection is an activity to get human resources for a company. Researchers conducted research at PT. Gajah Tunggal Tbk where currently the selection process still uses the conventional method, the current assessment of participants uses technical and non-technical tests with interview methods but at present the company does not yet have a standardized weighting of values tested, so companies sometimes have difficulty determining who should receive from the test participants. Based on the above conditions, researchers conducted decision support system design research using the Weighted Product method to assist companies in getting the right employees according to the employees' technical needs and abilities. Decision support system development refers to the results of data collection using qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. Development of decision support system is built based on the waterfall system development model using the PHP programming language. The system testing method uses the black box method. The design of decision support system from the recruitment selection generator from this study is expected to be a reference for the selection process of employees in similar industries with the place of research conducted by researchers.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Wiwit Supriyanti

Dalam setiap lembaga khususnya universitas, ada banyak beasiswa yang ditawarkan kepada mahasiswa. Ada beasiswa yang bersumber dari pemerintah serta dari pihak swasta. Beasiswa ini dapat diperoleh apabila calon penerima dinilai memenuhi syarat yang telah ditentukan, sebagai contoh: IPK, pendapatan orang tua, jumlah saudara dan jumlah tanggungan orang tua, keaktifan mengikuti organisasi mahasiswa, prestasi dan lain-lain. Saat ini diperlukan aplikasi untuk mengembangkan suatu sistem pendukung keputusan yang dapat memberikan rekomendasi beasiswa agar tepat sasaran dengan banyak kriteria yang dijadikan pertimbangan. Aplikasi yang dibangun untuk menyeleksi penerima beasiswa ini menggunakan program aplikasi lazarus. Metode yang dipilih untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan dengan banyak kriteria adalah Simple Additive Weighting (SAW), salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah Fuzzy MADM. Metode ini dipilih karena dapat menentukan bobot untuk setiap atribut, diikuti peringkat alternatif yang akan memilih penerima beasiswa berdasarkan bobot yang telah dibuat untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih akurat yang akan menerima beasiswa.In any particular university institutions, there are many scholarships are offered to students. There are scholarships from government sources as well as from the private sector. This scholarship can be obtained if considered eligible recipients who have been determined, for example : GPA, parental income, number of siblings and the number of elderly dependents, active following student organizations, and other accomplishments. Currently the application is necessary to develop a decision support system that can provide recommendations for the right target scholarships to many criteria taken into consideration. Applications built for selecting awardees lazarus application program. The method chosen to solve the problem with a lot of criteria is Simple Additive Weighting (SAW), one of the methods that can be used to solve the problem of fuzzy MADM. This method was chosen because it can determine the weights for each attribute, followed by alternative rankings will select scholarship recipients based on the weight that has been made to obtain more accurate results that will receive the scholarship.

SinkrOn ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 221-228
Kartika Mariskhana ◽  
Ita Dewi Sintawati ◽  
Widiarina Widiarina ◽  
Rusdiansyah Rusdiansyah

The more rapid growth of information technology in the world, so that more and more people are taking advantage of this advancement in information technology in various activities of life or to solve various problems. One of them is filling positions that have not been filled for promotion processes often experience problems because the submission of prospective candidates who can occupy the position by matching employee profiles and job profiles is not resolved properly. To minimize these constraints, a decision support system is needed that can analyze employee performance in accordance with existing job profiles. The Profile Matching process is carried out to determine career planning recommendations by calculating sub-criteria from each aspect (work attitude and intellectual capacity) which consists of 4 stages including the calculation of the GAP value, the calculation of the core and secondary factor values ​​and the calculation of the total value and ranking. The results of this study will produce a form in the form of employee recommendations with the highest score of 5.4163 on behalf of Ariz and Widi which has the same numerical value as the number from the calculation method used.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Slamet Rahayu

Politeknik Negeri Subang is one of the universities with a registration system for new student candidates through an independent examination path which is still offline and a decision support system that is taken based on the results of the decision of the meeting from the committee of the admission of new students, department and deputy. From the existing problems, the author tries to build a new student admission selection information system using a decision support system at the Subang State Polytechnic using the PHP programming language, and XAMPP as a web server, MySql as the database so that the process of input and data processing is faster, as well as profile matching method as a method used in decision support systems. With this system, it is hoped that it can help the Subang State Polytechnic in the new student admission selection process using a decision support system.Keywords: New Student Admission, Profile Matching Method, SPK.

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