scholarly journals Manajemen Strategik Mutu Sekolah

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 192-203
Agus Tardian

School quality is currently being improved to build a more dignified education. The implementation of strategic management in educational institutions is the right choice because the approach is systematic, logical and rational. The focus of this research is how the strategy of Al Irsyad Al Islamiyyah Elementary School 02 Purwokerto to improve quality? (2) What is the school implementation strategy in improving quality? (3) What is the school evaluation strategy in improving quality? In this research the researcher used a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection is done by observation and documentation interviews. Data were analyzed using data reduction techniques, followed by data presentations, and conclusions. The results of this research are (1) Formulation of strategy at Al Irsyad Al Islamiyyah Elementary School 02 Purwokerto is carried out by first formulating a vision and mission by considering the internal and external environment, setting goals and targets and continued by determining the strategy (2) Implementation of the strategy at Al Irsyad Al Islamiyyah Elementary School 02 Purwokerto is carried out by outlining the strategy with the principal as the coordinator. The monitoring system is carried out by applying intensive communication and routine control to the activity coordinator (3) The evaluation strategy at Al Irsyad Al Islamiyyah Elementary School 02 Purwokerto is conducted through formal and informal meetings. Formal meetings are held mutinally at the internal level and in the overall field. with this meeting, actions for the future were formulated. Abstrak: Mutu sekolah saat ini terus ditingkatkan untuk membangun pendidikan yang lebih bermartabat. Penerapan manajemen strategik pada lembaga pendidikan menjadi pilihan tepat karena pendekatannya sistematis, logis, dan rasional. Fokus penelitian ini adalah: 1) Bagaimana strategi formulasi SD Al Irsyad Al Islamiyyah 02 Purwokerto sekolah dalam meningkatkan mutu, 2) Bagaimana strategi implementasi sekolah dalam meningkatkan mutu, 3) Bagaimana strategi evaluasi sekolah dalam meningkatkan mutu. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik reduksi data, diikuti oleh presentasi data, dan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan: 1) Perumusan strategi di SD Al Irsyad Al Islamiyyah 02 Purwokerto dilakukan dengan terlebih dahulu merumuskan visi dan misi dengan mempertimbangkan lingkungan internal dan eksternal, penetapan tujuan dan target dan dilanjutkan dengan menentukan strategi, 2) Implementasi strategi di SD Al Irsyad Al Islamiyyah 02 Purwokerto dilakukan dengan menguraikan strategi dengan kepala sekolah sebagai koordinator. Sistem pemantauan dilakukan dengan menerapkan komunikasi intensif dan kontrol rutin ke koordinator kegiatan, 3) Strategi evaluasi di SD Al Irsyad Al Islamiyyah 02 Purwokerto dilakukan melalui pertemuan formal dan informal. Pertemuan formal dilakukan secara rutin di tingkat internal dan bidang keseluruhan. Dengan pertemuan ini, maka dirumuskan tindakan selanjutnya.

At-Taqaddum ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 113
Etik Kurniawati

<p>The quality of education in Islamic educational institutions today is encouraged unmediately by the various strategies and approaches. It is underpinned based on a strong desire to build a more dignified education. A strong desire is unfortunately not based on good management so that some Islamic educational institutions should decline. Eventually some Islamic educational institutions today are often considered as an institution that has not been able to manage and produce out put that satisfy customers. The focus of this research is: (1) How is the formulation strategy Islamic educational institutions in improving the quality of education in MA NU Gondang Sragen? (2) How is the implementation strategy of Islamic educational institutions in improving the quality of education in MA NU Gondang Sragen? (3) How is the evaluation strategy of Islamic educational institutions in improving the quality of education in MA NU Gondang Sragen?. In this study, researchers used a qualitative approach with case study design. The data collection conducted by interview, observation and documentation. Data were analyzed by using data reduction techniques, followed by a presentation of data, and drawing conclusions. Results of this research are: (1) Formulation of strategies in MA NU Gondang Sragen done by first formulating the vision and mission of taking into account the internal and external environment, followed by setting goals and targets and continued by the determining strategies. (2) Implementation of the strategy at MA NU Gondang Sragen done by outlining strategies have been formulated in the form of activities. Technical implementation is submitted to the coordinator of activities in coordination with the principal. System monitoring is done by applying an intensive communication and routine control to the coordinator of activities. (3) Evaluation strategies in MA NU Gondang Sragen done through formal and informal meetings. Formal meetings are routinely performed both at the internal level and overall field. By this meeting, then formulated corrective measures forward.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-64
Ferdian Achsani

Literature and character education are two things that can not be separated. Literature as a reflection of the life of the community generally teaches the reader to be able to understand the wisdom of the displayed story. Literature can be used as a medium of learning, especially in the process of internalization of the value of character education to learners. The value of character education in the literary work is expected to be followed by the students. Currently, Indonesia is experiencing moral degradation. The need for moral cultivation to the learners aims to create human beings who are virtuous in the future. Each subject has the right to internalize character education to learners. So in the Indonesian language, the process of characterization of character education can be done when learning on literary materials. This study aims to describe the value of character education in Solopos children's stories. this research is included in qualitative descriptive research. The results of this study concluded that in the story Solopos child, there is a value of character education that can be taught to learners, especially at the elementary school level. The results showed that this child's story can be used as a reference for teachers, as a medium to internalize character education at the elementary school level. Sastra dan pendidikan karakter merupakan dua hal yang tidak dapat dipisahkan. Sastra sebagai cerminan kehidupan masyarakat, umumnya mengajarkan kepada pembaca untuk dapat memahami hikmah dari cerita yang ditampilkan. Sastra dapat digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran, terutama dalam proses penginternalisasian nilai pendidikan karakter kepada peserta didik. Nilai pendidikan karakter dalam karya sastra tersebut diharapkan dapat diteladani oleh peserta didik. Saat ini Indonesia sedang mengalami degradasi moral. Perlunya penanaman moral kepada peserta didik bertujuan untuk menciptakan manusia yang berbudi pekerti di masa depan. Setiap mata pelajaran memiliki hak untuk menginternalisasikan pendidikan karakter kepada peserta didik. Maka dalam bahasa Indonesia, proses penginternalisasian pendidikan karakter dapat dilakukan ketika pembelajaran pada materi kesastraan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan nilai pendidikan karakter dalam cerita anak Solopos. penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian diskrptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa dalam cerita anak Solopos, terdapat nilai pendidikan karakter yang dapat diajarkan kepada peserta didik terutama pada jenjang sekolah dasar. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa cerita anak ini dapat digunakan sebagai rujukkan bagi guru, sebagai media untuk menginternalisasikan pendidikan karakter pada jenjang sekolah dasar.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 478
Joko Winarno ◽  
Happy Fitria ◽  
Yessi Fitriani

This study aims to describe the role of the principal in the implementation of academic supervision, the results and obstacles of academic supervision in improving the professionalism of teachers of SMP Negeri in MuaraTelang, Banyuasin District. This research uses qualitative research with a qualitative descriptive approach. The location of this research is SMP Negeri in MuaraTelangBanyuasin District. Data collection was carried out using observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis using data reduction techniques, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Checking the validity of the findings is done by observing persistence, triangulation and reference adequacy. The results of this study explain the positive and significant role of principal academic supervision in improving the professionalism of teachers of SMP Negeri in MuaraTelang District, Banyuasin. Through discussion of the implementation of academic supervision, the results of academic supervision, and the inhibiting factors for academic supervision of school principals. The results of the supervision carried out by the principal of the State Junior High School in MuaraTelangBanyuasin District were able to improve teacher professionalism in pedagogic competence, personality competence, professional competence and social competence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-137
Rini Damayanti

This study describes the application of Rasa Sayange song music in improving students' understanding in learning Indonesian poetry. The research method uses qualitative descriptive. This research is based on problems in schools, especially students in third grade of Muhammadiyah Karangharjo Elementary School, who have difficulty in understanding rhymes and creating a rhymes in learning Indonesian. From this research, it can be concluded that the Music of Rasa Sayange Song is an effective method for increasing rhymes understanding for students in Indonesian subjects. The Rasa Sayange Music Method is the right method to arouse students' interest in learning, activating and creating students.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (5-1) ◽  
pp. 137-142
Cicilia Ika Rahayu Nita ◽  
Muhammad Jazuli ◽  
Sumaryanto F. Totok ◽  
Suminto A. Sayuti

Abstract Art education at elementary school can serve as the basis of education in shaping the spirit and personality of noble character. At the elementary school level, brain development of children experiences a very fast and real growth. Elementary school is seen as the right agent in the formation of character values because the development of children's brain webs is faster than adult’s. The implication of modern education can reduce the values of character, as modern education is preferred to cognitive achievement. Approaches that use local wisdom will be more easily understood by educators. One of the concepts initiated by Indonesian educational leaders, Ki Hajar Dewantara, that is Niteni, Nirokake, Nambahi (3N) is more easily understood by educators because the concept includes local wisdom values. The purpose of this research is to describe 3N in the learning of dance in elementary school. The study implemented qualitative descriptive method with the aim to reveal facts, circumstances, variables, and phenomena. This study presents the data based on the results of observation, interviews, and documentation. The techniques included data collection, data display, data reduction, and conclusion/verification. The results showed that the learning of dance in elementary school conveys 3N. In addition, teacher's experience can influence students’ learning outcomes and creativity. 3N encompasses N1, N2, and N3. If the 3N stage is not done in accordance with the flow, it will have an effect on the achievement of the learning objectives. This research is still limited to the scope of 3N concept study in the learning of dance in elementary school. Therefore, it is expected that the scope of further research can be developed in other science.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 1312-1324
Syafaruddin Syafaruddin ◽  
Mesiono Mesiono ◽  
Indrasyah Sitompul

This study aims to analyze the management of teacher career development at MAN 2 Model Medan. The research focuses on planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating teacher career development at MAN 2 Model Medan. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive-analytical study method. Obtaining data using observation techniques, interviews, and document studies. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using data reduction techniques, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or data verification. The results of this study indicate that the management of teacher career development at the MAN 2 Medan Model is carried out effectively. It can be viewed from the aspects; (1) planning for teacher career development in the form of motivation and application of a conducive organizational culture (climate); (2) organizing human resources (HR) for teachers in madrasah through leadership support, technical meetings, coordination between madrasah leaders and vice-principals involving supervisors to improve teacher qualifications; (3) the implementation of teacher career development is carried out based on promotion, transfer, and promotion; (4) evaluation of teacher career development is carried out based on online-based supervision and teacher performance assessment. This research hopes that it can be used as a reference for further research on the management of teacher career development in Islamic educational institutions. This research also has implications for teachers in Islamic educational institutions to accelerate careers as educators in madrasah.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-48
Retolia ◽  
Sitti Nadirah

An Efforts to improve the morality of learners are always conducted in education. Educational institutions are morally obligated to increase personality development of their students. SDN Inpres Bumi Bahari Kec. Palu Barat through the implementation of school rules, intends to form the character of learners. This circumstance is the basis of this research. This research based on descriptive qualitative methods. The Source of data obtained from principals, teachers, and Learners. This research used varieties methods such as observation, interviews, and documentations in data collecting process. Furthermore, data that has been netted, analyzed using data reduction techniques, data display, and data verification. The results of the study concluded that the application of school rules can shape the behavior of learners to be a good personality. The behavior of learners is directed towards moral learner. The process of character building of learners finds some barriers because learners have a different understanding of school rules order. In addition, many students have a strong influence of the habits they bring from their homes, so they are not familiar with the rules set by their school.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 261-272
Asfiya Farha ◽  
Nailal Khusnah ◽  
Puspo Nugroho

Implementation of education in the Covid-19 era still has to pay attention to the needs of children, including in formal educational institutions such as madrasah diniyah. Of course the learning that is carried out is in the corridor of health protocols and the use of online or online systems. Obstacles and obstacles are certainly the minus side of online system learning. This paper seeks to examine in detail the problems of online-based learning in non-formal educational institutions. The focus of the discussion is aimed at the problematic aspects and efforts to solve them at Madrasah Diniyah Manbaul Huda. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach, with interview techniques. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using data reduction techniques, data display and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that (1) the internet network, the cost of internet data packages, and the limited number of family smartphones are the problems of learning the online system at Madrasah Diniyah Manbaul Huda; (2) Some of the efforts that the teacher can make are preparing online learning, preparing a new schedule and socializing that the teaching and learning process will be through online learning.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-86
Antomi Saregar ◽  
Hani Mulyani ◽  
Yetri Yetri ◽  
Adyt Anugrah ◽  
Konstantinos Ravanis

Physics learning barriers have been studied quite a lot, one of which is epistemological learning barriers. This study aims to determine the epistemological learning barriers and what the percentage of epistemological learning barriers on Newton’s law material about motion in one of the engineering class at one of the vocational high school in Indonesia. Therefore, the researchers reported the results of research related to epistemological learning barriers. This research was qualitative descriptive research. The subjects of this research were 65 students with an age range of 14-15 years. The data was collected using tests and interviews, then analyzed using data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The data validity was determined using technical triangulation. The results of this research indicated that high epistemological barriers were found in two indicators, namely the incorrect calculation and the difficulty to determine the right calculation units on the Newton’s First, Second, and Third Laws with the percentages of 88.75%, 6.87%, and 98.45% respectively. The average percentage epistemological learning barriers on the Newton’s First Law was 61.7% within the moderate category and the average percentages of epistemological learning barriers on Newton’s Second and Third Laws were 70.61% and 76.50% within the high categories. Based on these results, it can be concluded that students had difficulty calculating and determining Newton’s Laws’ unit of calculation. It indicated that the students experience epistemological learning barriers with a high category.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 1723-1734
Candra Wijaya ◽  
Ilwan Mardani ◽  
Muhammad Nasir ◽  
Ishak Ishak ◽  
Ahmad Yani

This paper aims to analyze student perceptions of social distancing in education in the Covid-19 pandemic in the context of educational innovation. The focus of the discussion in this study is how students perceive social distancing in education in the Covid-19 pandemic and the learning patterns applied during the COVID-19 pandemic at the university in Labuhanbatu Utara. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The data collection techniques are structured interviews with informants (students and lecturers), observation and document study. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using data reduction techniques, descriptive data presentation and concluding. The results of this study indicate that students' perceptions of social distancing in education are a temporary policy issued by the government to anticipate the spread of the Covid-19 virus. On this basis, educational institutions (especially universities) apply online learning using the WhatsApp Group (WAG) application, and Zoom Meeting. The main purpose of using online media is as an alternative for learning, assignment and assessment of lectures during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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