2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 607

This research aimed to find out the factors affecting the autonomous learners in learning English and how these factors can influence the autonomous learners in learning English. This research employed qualitative narrative research. Narrative research was deemed to be relevant for this research since it deals with the specific phenomenon of the autonomous learner which analyzed life experience from the participants in learning English. The research subjects were two identified of autonomous learners. The data was taken by conducted interviews. In analyzing the data, the researcher used some procedures; data condensation, data display, and drawing conclusion/verification. The research revealed a finding related to the research question indicating that (1) internal and external factors were the factors affecting autonomous learners in learning English. From internal factors, it was argued that self- motivation (passion and willingness) was the biggest factor effecting autonomous learners eager to learn English. In addition, they also mentioned several external factors such as the family environment, school environment, and teachers as other factors that affected them in learning English (2) from several factors affecting autonomous learners in learning English, the participants also explained how these factors could encourage them in learning English, because of there were self-initiation, self-direction, and self-realization in themselves that stimulate them to become autonomous in learning. From these findings, it can be inferred that teachers or lecturers could play a role to promote students learning autonomy in order to stimulate students’ others positive psychological behavior, English proficiency and academic achievement.

Mimbar Ilmu ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 232
Ahmad Pujo Sugiarto ◽  
Tri Suyati ◽  
Padmi Dhyah Yulianti

AbstrakPenelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh pentingnya kedisiplinan belajar siswa. Faktor kedisiplinan belajar siswa antara lain: Faktor internal adalah faktor yang ada dalam dirinya sendiri antara lain meliputi kesadaran diri, motivasi belajar, dan tidak mampu menyesuaikan diri dalam belajar. Sedangkan faktor eksternal adalah faktor dari luar yang meliputi faktor keluarga, lingkungan sekolah, teman sebaya dan masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus yang dilakukan dengan cara mendeskripsikan atau memaparkan fakta-fakta atau data-data yang diperoleh dari sumber data. Data-data tersebut bersifat kualitatif karena tidak berupa angka, tetapi berupa kalimat-kalimat atau pernyataan-pernyataan yang berasal dari hasil metode observasi dan wawancara. Data-data tersebut selanjutnya dianalisis atau diuraikan untuk menemukan faktor kedisiplinan belajar siswa siswa. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari subjek penelitian, menunjukan bahwa faktor kedisiplinan belajar siswa ada dua yaitu faktor intrinsik dan faktor ekstrinsik. Faktor intrinsik yaitu faktor yang berasal dari dirinya sendiri yaitu siswa yang malas, malas untuk belajar, tidak pernah mengerjakan PR atau tugas, malas untuk mencatat dan membaca buku pelajaran,kurangnya kesadaran untuk belajar, belum terbiasa dengan disiplin belajar. Kedua adalah faktor ekstrinsik merupakan faktor yang berasal dari luar individu berupa lingkungan keluarga, orangtua yang tidak pernah memberikan perhatian dan kasih sayang terhadap anak mengakibatkan anak menjadi tidak disiplin belajar, selain itu pendidikan orang tua juga mempengaruhi kedisiplinan belajar siswa, faktor lain adalah dari guru, guru yang galak dan cara mengajar yang membosankan menyebabkan siswa malas belajar, dan faktor terakhir yang mengakibatkan siswa tidak disiplin belajar karena faktor lingkungan seperti teman bergaul di rumah dan lingkungan sekolah. Kata-kata kunci : Kedisiplinan Belajar, Siswa, Studi Kasus AbstractThis research is motivated by the importance of student learning discipline. Factors of student learning discipline include: Internal factors are factors that exist in themselves include self-awareness, motivation to learn, and not being able to adjust to learning. While external factors are external factors which include family, school environment, peers and the community. This research uses a case study approach which is done by describing or describing facts or data obtained from data sources. The data is qualitative because it is not in the form of numbers, but in the form of sentences or statements derived from the results of observation and interview methods. These data are then analyzed or elaborated to find the factors of student learning discipline. Based on data obtained from research subjects, it shows that there are two factors for student learning discipline namely intrinsic factor and extrinsic factor. Intrinsic factor is a factor that originates from itself, namely students who are lazy, lazy to learn, never do homework or assignments, lazy to take notes and read textbooks, lack of awareness to learn, not accustomed to the discipline of learning. Second is the extrinsic factor is a factor that comes from outside the individual in the form of a family environment, parents who never give attention and affection towards children cause children to become undisciplined in learning, in addition to that parental education also affects student learning discipline, other factors are from the teacher, teachers who are fierce and boring teaching methods make students lazy to learn, and the last factor that causes students to be undisciplined in learning because of environmental factors such as friends hanging out at home and school environment. Keywords: Learning Discipline, Students, Case Studies

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 400
Venti Verlia ◽  
Sahlan Sahlan

Abstract : This study aims to determine the effect of the School Literacy Movement program on the Indonesian language learning achievement of grade IX students at SMP Negeri 10 Kendari. In this study using ex post facto method and sampling technique, namely stratified sampling. The instrument used was in the form of a questionnaire. Based on the results of the research data analysis, it is known that there is a significant positive effect between the School Literacy Movement program on the Indonesian language learning achievement of grade IX students of SMP Negeri 10 Kendari. Hypothesis test results show that the significance value (Sig.) Is 0.039. When compared with the probability value or α = 0.05, then 0.039 <0.05, which means that H₀ is rejected and Hₐ is accepted. If seen from the tcount value, it is obtained a value of 2.110> t table 1.994, so it can be concluded that the School Literacy Movement program variable (X) affects the Indonesian learning achievement variable (Y). This can also be seen from the results of the determination coefficient test which reveals the contribution of the School Literacy Movement program to Indonesian language learning achievement is 6.1%. Although the contribution made is still very low, if the program is implemented very well by looking at the factors that influence its implementation, the impact on Indonesian learning achievement can be increased. The factors that influence the implementation of the School Literacy Movement program consist of two factors, namely inhibiting factors consisting of the family environment and the lack of literacy officers, and supporting factors, namely the support from the school and the provision of adequate books. Factors that affect students' Indonesian learning achievement consist of internal and external factors. Internal factors that affect student achievement are psychological aspects consisting of reading interest and student willingness, while external factors that influence are the school environment and the existence of social media. Keywords: literacy movement; Learning achievement

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Taufik Suprihatini

AbstractStudents less fully aware of the existence of themselves as the next generation and the future of the nation reflection. Consciousness as an independent, full responsibility mature human yet fully visible in the figure ofthe students, so the motivation for achievement sometimes not realized. They are often seen involved in the demonstrations, fights, involved in the activities of political organizations, even unconsciously they entered inforbidden religious organizations. The sample of this research is the students of Communication Science FISIP Undip class in 2013 and 2014 with a sampling technique using proportional random sampling technique, which will take 15% of the number of students. The researcher conducted a sample calculation using the formula of Frank Lynch.1The variable research are the Lecturer Communication Competence and Self-Concept of Student as independent variables, the Student Academic Achievement as the dependent variable. Based on statistical test by using Pearson correlation and multiple correlation using SPSS version 21 indicates that there is no relationship between the variables of communication competence of lecturers, and students’ academic achievement. It can be seen from the significant value of both variables showed the 0.784> 0.05. So Ho accepted and Ha rejected. Student self-concept variables are not related to students’ academic achievement. It can be seen from the significant value of both variables that showed the number 0.998> 0.05. Then Ho accepted and Ha rejected. From the results of research conducted by Erli Zaenal about the factors were associated with grade point of Third Semester Midwifery Student of Health Polytechnic Bengkulu, it is known that academic achievements are influenced by internal factors and external factors. Internal factors include intelligence, motivation, habits, anxiety, interests and so on. While external factors include a family environment, school environment, community, socio-economic situation, and so on.Keywords: Communication Competence, Self-Concept, Academic Achievement

Dessy Andiwijaya ◽  
Franky Liauw

Self-confidence is a very important aspect of our lives. Everyone is different from one another, each has a unique character attached to him. From that difference, it can be seen that there are people who are confident, but there are also people who lack confidence. Because with us lacking in confidence, we will miss the opportunities that exist in this life, such as work. Self-confidence also makes a person nervous, anxious, difficult to interact socially and unable to find self-concept. From the above, as if self-confidence is the root of life because it determines the thoughts and activities that we will do everyday. Self-confidence is influenced by internal factors and external factors. External factors are family environment, friend environment and work. A person's confidence and character influences all aspects of a person's life, such as finance, work, social life and others. Internal factors of lack of confidence are self-concept, self-esteem, and life experience. Confidence (confidence) determines how a person will judge and respect him personally. Self-confidence is a belief in the ability of yourself to achieve something and can accept self-deficiencies so that these deficiencies become a strength in us. Whereas according to Hurlocks, Confidence (self-confidence) is an attitude in someone who can / can accept reality, develop self-awareness, think positively, have independence, & have the ability to have everything that is desired. To develop self-confidence, we need to improve self concept, ability and social interaction. AbstrakKepercayaan diri merupakan aspek yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan kita. Setiap orang berbeda satu dan lainnya, masing-masing memiliki karakter yang khas melekat pada dirinya. Dari perbedaan itulah, dapat diketahui bahwa terdapat orang yang percaya diri, namun ada pula orang yang kurang percaya diri. Karena dengan kita kurang percaya diri, kita akan melewatkan kesempatan-kesempatan yang ada dalam kehidupan ini, misalnya pekerjaan. Kepercayaan diri juga membuat seseorang bersikap gugup, cemas, sulit untuk berinteraksi sosial dan tidak dapat untuk menemukan konsep diri. Dari hal di atas, seakan-akan kepercayaan diri merupakan akar dari kehidupan karena hal ini menentukan pikiran dan aktivitas yang akan kita lakukan sehari-hari. Kepercayaan diri diperngaruhi oleh faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. Faktor eksternal yaitu  lingkungan keluarga, lingkungan teman dan pekerjaan. Kepercayaan diri dan karakter seseorang mempengaruhi segala aspek kehidupan seseorang, misalnya finansial, pekerjaan, kehidupan sosial dan lain-lain. Faktor internal dari kurangnya kepercayaan diri yaitu konsep diri, harga diri, dan pengalaman hidup. Rasa percaya diri(confidence) menentukan bagaimana seseorang akan menilai dan menghargai dirinya pribadi. Kepercayaan diri merupakan keyakinan akan kemampuan diri sendiri untuk mencapai suatu hal dan dapat menerima kekurangan diri sehingga menjadikan kekurangan tersebut menjadi kekuatan dalam diri kita. Sedangkan menurut Hurlocks, Confidence(kepercayaan diri) merupakan sikap pada diri seseorang yang dapat/ bisa menerima kenyataan, mengembangkan kesadaran diri, berpikir positif, memiliki kemandirian,& mempunyai kemampuan untuk memiliki segala sesuatu yang diinginkan.Untuk mengembangkan kepercayaan diri, kita perlu meningkatkan meningkatkan konsep diri, kemampuan dan interaksi sosial.  

Basri Basri

The background of this research is related to the development of the direction of the ability of school supervisors, especially school principals at the junior secondary level, which are influenced by internal factors including: the level of readiness of supervisors, principals, curriculum devices, administration and management, then the readiness of external factors which include: lack of available amenities; the lack of disciplines in accordance with the situation in the field as an effort to support the achievement of better education and teaching. The method used is descriptive meaning to describe the factors that affect the ability of school supervisors competency of the Principal in Pidie District. Data collection techniques used were observation, interview and documentary study techniques, while the research subjects were supervisors, principals, totaling 20 people. The results showed that there were several factors that could influence the performance of school principals including: internal factors affecting the ability of supervisors, principals' competencies, among others, their level of education, experience and years of work, because this affected the level of readiness of school supervisors and principals in carrying out the activity. Then proceed with external factors that are considered to affect the ability of school supervisors, the competency of school principals, namely the availability of facilities and infrastructure as evidence to support the learning process, the achievement of learning directions as desired, improving the performance and supervision of school principals as well as adequate levels of welfare around 85,65%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 43-52
Ram Bahadur Shrestha

More than two-thirds of young people in developed nations have sexual intercourse while still in their teens. The most vulnerable group of premarital sexual behaviour are youths and adolescents. The aim of the study is to assess factors affecting premarital sex behaviours among adolescents and its impact on health. This study is based on the review of secondary information published by the relevant organization and authors in Nepal and beyond. Study materials were primarily identified searching through Electronic databases and Software bases. Age group of 10-19 called as adolescents during the period, there is drastic development in physical, cognitive, social and emotional development. There are multidimensional factors that leads to premarital sexual behaviour. Parent relationship withtheir children and family environment, societal environment, cultural and traditional rules and values, economic condition, school environment, peer's relationship, love and affairs, communications (mobiles, internet-pone movies etc.) and rules and regulation are the risk factors that affect in premarital sexual behaviour of the adolescents. Sex after marriage is fruitful but having a premarital sex with mutual understanding with full protection is not a big issue. Unwanted pregnancy, teenage pregnancy, abortion, STIs, HIV/AIDS, regrets, guilt, loss of self-respect, depression, loss of family support, substance abuse and even suicidal death  are the health impact of premarital sexual behaviour among adolescents.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 199
Verdana islami Alwi Syahrilla putri ◽  
Syahrul Syahrul ◽  
M. Melani

The school environment is also an inhibiting factor for students. For example, the way the lesson is presented is not good. In addition, there are still many parents who ignore the education of their students. This has an impact on students' low English skills. This study aims to analyze family and school conditions on students' English achievement. This research is a correlational study. The research subjects were all students of the class with 24 students. The method used to collect data is observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The instrument used in data collection is a questionnaire. The technique used to analyze the data is descriptive qualitative statistics, and quantitative. The study results are that family conditions have a positive effect on learning achievement in learning English. This shows that when family conditions improve, student achievement will also increase. Partial test (t-test) obtained t count variable influence of family conditions = 6.607 so that Ha X1 against Y is accepted. Variable influence of school conditions t count = 3.019 so that Ha X2 to Y is accepted. The practical contribution of family conditions is 21.316%, school conditions are 39.678%. The key is that there is a simultaneous influence of family and school conditions on learning English subjects.

Lire Journal ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 247-257
Anita Dewi Kurniasari ◽  
Yakub Nasucha ◽  
Ali Imron Al-Ma’Ruf

This article aims to describe the acquisition of language function of three-year-olds in an urban educated family environment. This research utilizes a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. The research subjects are three-year-old children in an educated family environment in the city of Surakarta with a focus on language function. Data are obtained in school, family, and home environment. Data collection uses observation, recording, and note-taking techniques. Data analysis is performed using the translational, phonetic, and referential identity methods. Data validation applies to data source triangulation. The results of the research found three language functions acquired, including information function, exploration function, and persuasion function. The information function is obtained through the stimulation of the school environment, family environment, and play environment. The exploration function is utilized to convey the results of children's learning development. The function of persuasion is used by children to invite or seduce other people. It can be concluded that the three-year-old children are capable of acquiring various language functions with enough vocabulary to utilize them and stimulations at this stage are important and thus encouraged.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 227
Yarnefi Yarnefi ◽  
Sri Kartikowati ◽  
Gimin Gimin

The low interest of students choosing social studies majors (IPS) at the National High School is thought to be a problem that originates from within students and outside the student's self. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence students' interest in choosing a social studies major at SMA 2 Tambang, in Kampar Regency, Riau Province. The population in this study were all students of class XI IPS, amounting to 170 people. The sample was determined using propotional random sampling to obtain 119 people. The data analysis technique used is Path Analysis. The results of the analysis show that the family environment and school environment have a positive and significant effect on the ideals of choosing an IPS major. School ideals and environment have a positive and significant effect on the interest in choosing an IPS major. While the family environment has a significant effect on the interest in choosing an IPS major. However, there is a negative influence of the family environment on the interest of students choosing social studies majors, due to the low level of family education. Therefore parents are expected to be able to provide support so that their children are more interested in choosing social studies majors. The school is expected to further improve socialization to add information and provide an overview to students about social studies majors.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Siti Aisah

An observation was conducted to the X MIPA students of SMA Negeri 3 Sintang indicated the low learning independence in Chemistry class. This study aimed to investigate the student learning independence and its factors in Chemistry class at SMA Negeri 3 Sintang. This study used the descriptive method of observation case design. The data were collected using direct observation, interview, and documentation. The subjects were 68 students of the X MIPA. The instruments were interview and observation sheets. Before analyzing the data, it was conducted two times observation and interview. The study revealed that the students’ learning independence was significantly increased. It could be seen from their discipline, responsibility, initiation, and motivation. Based on the internal factor for discipline aspect was excellent (90,81%) while the motivation aspect was good (72,07%). The responsibility (44,73%) and initiation (42,81%) aspects were considered satisfactory, however the self-confidence required more improvement (7,2%). In addition, the results of the interview showed that the external factors played a major role in students’ learning independence. The school environment aspect were considered satisfactory (44,60%) while the family environment (66,66%), learning facilities (69,69%), and teacher competence (71,80%) was good category. In conclusion, the students learning independence of the X MIPA student of SMA Negeri 3 Sintang based on the fifth aspect of the internal factors were satisfactory (51,52%), and the external factors were good (63,18%).

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