scholarly journals Pessoa em situação de rua e desigualdade social: uma questão de políticas públicas

Luiz Faustino dos Santos Maia ◽  
Ana Maria Sanches ◽  
Cidia Vasconcellos

O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever sobre a pessoa em situação de rua, desigualdade social e pobreza, baseado na falta ou ineficiência do Estado em propor políticas públicas eficazes. Realizou-se um levantamento da produção científica publicadas a partir de 2009, nas bases de dados da SCIELO, LATINDEX, REDALYC, LILACS, pela escassez ainda de literatura sobre o assunto, foram também utilizadas, dissertação, anais, livros, TCC e decretos. No Brasil a desigualdade já se tornou histórica, desde o tempo colonial, a situação de rua é um assunto que se trata por diferentes políticas públicas. As pessoas que vivenciam a situação de rua vem acrescentado por diferentes causas, tais como: condição de pobreza, desemprego estrutural, migração, estado de conflitos familiares, entre outros. Viver em situação de rua é um enigma, não só social, mas de saúde pública. Conclui-se que a pessoa em situação de rua convive em uma espécie de pobreza ou extrema pobreza, miséria e exclusão social com prejuízo progressivo da condição de vida e sofrem com a negatividade do Estado dos seus direitos fundamentais.Descritores: Pessoa em Situação de Rua, Desigualdade Social, Pobreza e Políticas Públicas. People in the street situation and social inequality: a public policy issueAbstract: The aim of this study was to describe the homeless person, social inequality and poverty, based on the State's lack or inefficiency in proposing effective public policies. A survey of the scientific production published from 2009, in the databases of SCIELO, LATINDEX, REDALYC, LILACS, due to the lack of literature on the subject, were also used, dissertation, annals, books, TCC and decrees. In Brazil, inequality has already become historical, since colonial times, the street situation is a matter that is dealt with by different public policies. People who experience homelessness have been added by different causes, such as: poverty condition, structural unemployment, migration, family conflict status, among others. Living on the streets is not only a social but a public health conundrum. It is concluded that the homeless person lives in a kind of poverty or extreme poverty, misery and social exclusion with progressive loss of living conditions and suffer from the negativity of the State of their fundamental rights.Descriptors: Homeless People, Social Inequality, Poverty and Public Policy. Persona en la situación de la calle y desigualdad social: un problema de política públicaResumen: El objetivo de este estudio fue describir a las personas sin hogar, la desigualdad social y la pobreza, en función de la falta o ineficiencia del Estado al proponer políticas públicas efectivas. También se utilizó una encuesta sobre la producción científica publicada desde 2009, en las bases de datos de SCIELO, LATINDEX, REDALYC, LILACS, debido a la falta de literatura sobre el tema, dissertación, anales, libros, TCC y decretos. En Brasil, la desigualdad ya se ha vuelto histórica, desde la época de la colonia, la situación de la calle es un asunto que se aborda con diferentes políticas públicas. Las personas que experimentan la falta de vivienda han sido agregadas por diferentes causas, tales como: condición de pobreza, desempleo estructural, migración, situación de conflicto familiar, entre otras. Vivir en la calle no es solo un enigma social sino también de salud pública. Se concluye que la persona sin hogar vive en una especie de pobreza o extrema pobreza, miseria y exclusión social con pérdida progresiva de las condiciones de vida y sufre la negatividad del Estado de sus derechos fundamentales.Descriptores: Personas sin hogar, Desigualdad social, Pobreza y Políticas Públicas.

Luiz Faustino dos Santos Maia ◽  
Ana Maria Sanches ◽  
Cidia Vasconcellos

O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever sobre a pessoa em situação de rua, desigualdade social e pobreza, baseado na falta ou ineficiência do Estado em propor políticas públicas eficazes. Realizou-se um levantamento da produção científica publicadas a partir de 2009, nas bases de dados da SCIELO, LATINDEX, REDALYC, LILACS, pela escassez ainda de literatura sobre o assunto, foram também utilizadas, dissertação, anais, livros, TCC e decretos. No Brasil a desigualdade já se tornou histórica, desde o tempo colonial, a situação de rua é um assunto que se trata por diferentes políticas públicas. As pessoas que vivenciam a situação de rua vem acrescentado por diferentes causas, tais como: condição de pobreza, desemprego estrutural, migração, estado de conflitos familiares, entre outros. Viver em situação de rua é um enigma, não só social, mas de saúde pública. Conclui-se que a pessoa em situação de rua convive em uma espécie de pobreza ou extrema pobreza, miséria e exclusão social com prejuízo progressivo da condição de vida e sofrem com a negatividade do Estado dos seus direitos fundamentais.Descritores: Pessoa em Situação de Rua, Desigualdade Social, Pobreza e Políticas Públicas. People in the street situation and social inequality: a public policy issueAbstract: The aim of this study was to describe the homeless person, social inequality and poverty, based on the State's lack or inefficiency in proposing effective public policies. A survey of the scientific production published from 2009, in the databases of SCIELO, LATINDEX, REDALYC, LILACS, due to the lack of literature on the subject, were also used, dissertation, annals, books, TCC and decrees. In Brazil, inequality has already become historical, since colonial times, the street situation is a matter that is dealt with by different public policies. People who experience homelessness have been added by different causes, such as: poverty condition, structural unemployment, migration, family conflict status, among others. Living on the streets is not only a social but a public health conundrum. It is concluded that the homeless person lives in a kind of poverty or extreme poverty, misery and social exclusion with progressive loss of living conditions and suffer from the negativity of the State of their fundamental rights.Descriptors: Homeless People, Social Inequality, Poverty and Public Policy. Persona en la situación de la calle y desigualdad social: un problema de política públicaResumen: El objetivo de este estudio fue describir a las personas sin hogar, la desigualdad social y la pobreza, en función de la falta o ineficiencia del Estado al proponer políticas públicas efectivas. También se utilizó una encuesta sobre la producción científica publicada desde 2009, en las bases de datos de SCIELO, LATINDEX, REDALYC, LILACS, debido a la falta de literatura sobre el tema, dissertación, anales, libros, TCC y decretos. En Brasil, la desigualdad ya se ha vuelto histórica, desde la época de la colonia, la situación de la calle es un asunto que se aborda con diferentes políticas públicas. Las personas que experimentan la falta de vivienda han sido agregadas por diferentes causas, tales como: condición de pobreza, desempleo estructural, migración, situación de conflicto familiar, entre otras. Vivir en la calle no es solo un enigma social sino también de salud pública. Se concluye que la persona sin hogar vive en una especie de pobreza o extrema pobreza, miseria y exclusión social con pérdida progresiva de las condiciones de vida y sufre la negatividad del Estado de sus derechos fundamentales.Descriptores: Personas sin hogar, Desigualdad social, Pobreza y Políticas Públicas.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 173
Andre C. S. Batalhao ◽  
Denilson Teixeira ◽  
Maria de Fatima Martins ◽  
Hans Michael van Bellen ◽  
Adriana Cristina Ferreira Caldana

Sustainability is a topic that has gained importance in several fields of knowledge, including the public, private and society spheres, based on the discussions that involve the definition of several public policies. Sustainability Indicators (SI) are metrics that seek to measure the level of sustainability and compile information for better decision-making concerning policies, programs, projects and actions related to sustainability. Demonstrated their relevance to public policies the SI appears as an essential tool for evaluating development goals as a sustainable proposal. In this way, this research aimed to discuss the main challenges and methodological limitations found in the use of SI, emphasizing the main fragilities identified in the literature. In methodological terms, the research has exploratory characteristics, supported by the mixed methods approach using a theoretical-empirical analysis, from the available literature on the subject and the methodologies used and the experience of researchers about the topic addressed. The main results demonstrated that Sustainability Indicators are tools that should be used to define, implement, evaluate and monitor public policies at all levels, considering the potentialities/weaknesses and priorities of each context.

Mauricio Amorim ◽  
Monica Sousa

Resumo: O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar o controle judicial das políticas públicas. Para tanto, será explanado o conceito doutrinário dessas políticas, bem como a delimitação da seara política na qual se desenvolvem. Uma breve abordagem da divisão dos poderes será necessária, com vistas a melhor definir o que pode ser considerado como ativismo judicial. Sobre este mesmo tema do ativismo, será demonstrado que não existe um consenso em sua classificação, mas que esta depende do tempo e lugar a ser analisado. Uma relevante discussão sobre a Teoria da Reserva do Possível é demonstrada, bem como a possibilidade ou não da sua utilização quando da análise da legitimidade da intervenção judicial na esfera de atuação dos demais poderes da república. Por fim, será estudado o tema da intervenção judicial na atualidade, e suas possíveis consequências para a democracia.Palavras-chave: Políticas públicas; Ativismo judicial; Reserva do possível.                                Abstract:This study aims to analyze the judicial control of public policies. Thus, the doctrinal concept of these policies will be explained, and the delimitation of political harvest and develops. A brief overview of the division of powers is necessary, in order to better define what can be considered as judicial activism. About this same theme of activism, will be shown that there is no consensus on their classification, but it depends on the time and place to be analyzed. A relevant discussion on the possible Reserve Theory is demonstrated, as well as whether or not their use when analyzing the legitimacy of judicial intervention in the sphere of activities of the other two branches of government. Finally, the subject of judicial intervention at the present time will be studied, and their possible consequences for democracy.Keywords: Public policy; Judicial activism; Possible reserve theory. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 1552
Elton Pereira da Silva ◽  
Claudio Jorge Moura de Castilho

O meio ambiente não é só palco, mas, ao mesmo tempo, reflexo da (in) ação humana ao logo do tempo, compreendido, portanto, a partir da dialética das questões de ordem físico-natural, sociocultural, econômica e político-institucional, sob uma perspectiva transescalar e transdisciplinar. O papel das políticas públicas de turismo deveria ser o de propiciar o desenvolvimento, garantindo a distribuição equitativa dos benefícios gerados com o turismo para todos os atores socioambientais presentes na destinação turística. Acontece, porém, que, na maioria das vezes, tem-se uma visão reducionista sobre os elementos e relações que o compõem, não se tendo muita clareza sobre o que é efetivamente uma política pública de turismo, inclusive dentro dos próprios órgãos governamentais responsáveis pelo planejamento e gestão do turismo. O objetivo deste trabalho consiste na apresentação de conceitos desenvolvidos na nossa pesquisa, buscando elucidar algumas questões relevantes referentes ao tema ora identificado no contexto da pós-modernidade e propondo um novo conceito de meio ambiente e de política pública de turismo. Para a realização deste objetivo foram feitas leituras convergentes dos principais autores que tratam da temática e chegou-se à conclusão de que o meio ambiente e políticas públicas de turismo exigem um tratamento complexo, ultrapassando as visões fragmentadas e limitadas. A B S T R A C TEnvironment is not just a stage, but at the same time a reflection of the human (in) action during the time, understood based on the dialectic of physical-natural, socio-cultural, economic and political-institutional issues, under a trans-transverse and transdisciplinary perspective. The role of tourism’s public policies should promote development, ensuring the equitable distribution of the benefits generated by tourism among all socio-environmental actors in the tourist destinations. However, it occurs, frequently, a reductionist view of the environment as well as there is not a holistic view of tourism’s public policy, including the government agencies responsible for the management of tourism. The objective of this work is to point out some concepts of development, seeking to elucidate some relevant issues related to the subject in the context of postmodernity and propose a new concept of environment and tourism’s public policy. Searching for carrying out this objective, we consulted the main authors who dealt with the theme, and we concluded that the environment and tourism’s public policies require a complex treatment, going beyond fragmented and limited point of view.Keywords: Environment; Tourism; Public Policy 

Federico VAZ ◽  

Described as units developing public policies in a design-oriented manner, Policy Labs are tasked to innovate to gain in policy effectiveness and efficiency. However, as public policymaking is a context-dependent activity, the way in which these novel organisations operate significantly differs. This study discusses the emergence of design approaches for policy innovation. The purpose is to map how Policy Labs in Europe introduce design approaches at distinct stages of the policymaking cycle. For this study, 30 organisations in Europe operating at various levels of government were surveyed. Based on the public policymaking process model, it investigates which design methods are Policy Labs deploying to innovate public policies. The study exposed a gap in the awareness of the utilised methods' nature. It also showed that the use of design methods is of less importance than the introduction of design mindsets for public policy innovation, namely ‘user-centredness’, ‘co-creation’, and ‘exploration’.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 221-235 ◽  
Daniella De Paula Chiesa ◽  
Mário Antônio Sanches ◽  
Daiane Priscila Simão-Silva

O estudo do Planejamento familiar, no contexto da bioética, abre-se para diversas perspectivas, entre elas a valorização dos seus diferentes atores. Situado neste contexto o artigo tem como objetivo identificar o perfil de gênero na produção científica sobre Planejamento Familiar no Brasil, entre 2000 e 2014, assim como a área de formação e especialização dos autores. Foram utilizadas metodologias que permitiram mapear o estado da arte do tema estudado, a partir de uma revisão da literatura. O resultado da pesquisa identifica que a produção científica sobre Planejamento Familiar no Brasil se compõe de perfil destacadamente feminino (71,76%). Dos 73 artigos analisados, 42 (57,53%) o foco do tema está direcionado à mulher assim como evidencia-se a área de ciências da saúde com maior concentração das publicações do tema.  Este aspecto da pesquisa abre para uma realidade complexa onde se buscam criticamente as razões para a pesquisa em Planejamento Familiar ter ênfase na mulher e ser um tema de relevância nas ciências da saúde.Palavras-chave: Produção científica, Planejamento Familiar, Gênero.  ABSTRACT: The study of Family Planning, in the context of bioethics, opens to diverse perspectives, among them the appreciation of their different agents. Situated in this context the article aims to identify the profile of gender in scientific literature on Family Planning in Brazil, between 2000 and 2014, as well as the area of training and specialization of the authors. Methodologies were used which allowed to map the State of the art of the subject studied, from a review of the literature. The results found identify that the scientific production on Family Planning in Brazil is formed with a outstandingly female profile (71,76%). Of the 73 articles examined, 42 (57.53%) the focus of the topic is directed to women as well as showing the health sciences area with highest concentration of publications. This aspect of the research opens to a complex reality where we seek critically the reasons for Research in Family Planning have emphasis on woman and be a topic of relevance in health sciences.Keywords: Scientific Production, Family Planning, Gender.

2004 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 337-355 ◽  
Leslie Zines

This article originally was published as a Law and Policy Paper. The Law and Policy Papers series was established in 1994 by the Centre for International and Public Law in the Faculty of Law, the Australian National University. The series publishes papers contributing to understanding and discussion on matters relating to law and public policy, especially those that are the subject of contemporary debate. In 1999 the papers were published jointly by the Centre for International and Public Law and The Federation Press. This article is reproduced in the Federal Law Review with the permission of the original publishers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (Supplement_2) ◽  
pp. 1727-1727
Verónica Mundo-Rosas

Abstract Objectives To analyze the magnitude and distribution of food waste and insecurity in Mexico as a first step in designing public policies to counteract these problems. Methods Based on methodology proposed by Subirats et al. (2008), we analyzed the magnitude and distribution of food waste and insecurity in Mexico. Using scientific evidence and official data, we responded to the following guiding questions: What is the problem? What is the magnitude of the problem? Who are the population groups most affected by the problem and where do they reside? To what extent does coverage under current public policies address these problems? Results Problem: By 2050, the Mexican population will have grown by 22.9 million with respect to 2015. The country's capacity to produce the amount of food required in the future will depend largely on what proportion of the population has the necessary financial resources to acquire the food it needs, and whether food is equitably distributed. Magnitude of the problem: Mexico loses and wastes approximately 34% of the national production of items in the basic food basket while 26.4 million Mexicans lack sufficient income to acquire the quantity and quality of food they need. Those affected the most: From an environmental viewpoint, the larger cities in Mexico constitute the principal production centers of food waste, among other residues. This causes air, land and water pollution at the regional level, as well as serious health problems in the population. From an ethical and nutritional perspective, food waste indirectly affects those experiencing food insecurity. Location of the affected population: In 2012, central Mexico was the largest generator of urban solid waste including organic and, specifically, food residues. Conversely, southern Mexico was the region most affected by food insecurity. Public policy coverage: Despite the magnitude of the problem, several Mexican states have no public policy in place to combat food waste or insecurity. Conclusions The evidence provided by our study contributes to decision making in the formulation of public policies aimed at reducing food loss and waste as well as food insecurity. It also serves to monitor progress towards the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Funding Sources None.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 237802312110201
Thomas A. DiPrete ◽  
Brittany N. Fox-Williams

Social inequality is a central topic of research in the social sciences. Decades of research have deepened our understanding of the characteristics and causes of social inequality. At the same time, social inequality has markedly increased during the past 40 years, and progress on reducing poverty and improving the life chances of Americans in the bottom half of the distribution has been frustratingly slow. How useful has sociological research been to the task of reducing inequality? The authors analyze the stance taken by sociological research on the subject of reducing inequality. They identify an imbalance in the literature between the discipline’s continual efforts to motivate the plausibility of large-scale change and its lesser efforts to identify feasible strategies of change either through social policy or by enhancing individual and local agency with the potential to cumulate into meaningful progress on inequality reduction.

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