Restructuring of State Enterprises as a Prerequisite for Economic Growth in the Republic of Serbia

2021 ◽  
Vol 59 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-22
Edvard Jakopin ◽  
Aleksandar Gračanac ◽  
Jugoslav Aničić

AbstractThis study of the performance of state-owned enterprises in Serbia has shown that the state has great difficulties managing the enterprises that are in its portfolio and under its control. The adaptation of state-owned enterprises to exogenous shocks unfolds at a slow pace and is faced with many problems. The institutional environment for the strategic restructuring of the state sector is not in the service of strengthening the efficiency of its business operation. The study has shown that the economic performance of state-owned enterprises exerts a direct influence on economic growth, the budget, government balance sheets, and debt. While the “healthy” enterprises (the ones conducting their business successfully) are valuable state-owned property, enterprises with a loss or over indebted enterprises are obligations which demand intervention through the injection of additional capital or through other forms of help from the state. The main goal of restructuring state-owned enterprises is to improve responsibility and efficiency. The array of measures for improving efficiency ranges from modifications of the legal framework and corporate governance of socially owned enterprises (including corporatization and separation of activities) to the sale of property to the private sector or complete privatization. Reforms are aimed at improving the transparency and responsibility of state-owned enterprises, not just for the purpose of efficiency, but also for the purpose of harmonization with the ethical and deontological requirements.

Yasmin Sungkar

The survival of state-owned enterprises and continued investment by the state was assisted by high rates of economic growth in Indonesia throughout the 1980s. The currency crisis in the region, which began in mid-1997, destroyed the expectation that rapid growth would continue. In this climate, the loss-making state companies were a serious financial burden, and privatisation has been promoted as a quick solution. It appears that the crisis reintroduced momentum for reform in the huge state-enterprise sector. In response to IMF pressure and its own fiscal difficulties, the government took several measures to reform the state sector. The economic crisis provided a catalyst because it forced the government to assess more seriously the value of state companies. There was an urgent need to sell state-owned assets to relieve the state budget when economic recovery slowed. This paper examines the efforts to reform the state sector during ten years of Reformasi, including the debate over privatisation and the emergence of strong resistance to reform. It appears that the crisis has strengthened the hand of reformers seeking to privatise the state sector. However, despite the logic of government efforts to reform inefficient state companies, there has been a battle with each step towards privatisation.

А. И. Прокофьева

В статье автор раскрывает перспективные направления партнерства между государственным и частным секторами на основе привлечения дополнительного финансирования в отрасли социальной сферы, где частный бизнес отсутствовал или принимал участие в минимальной степени. Вместе с тем, автор обозначил направления развития муниципально-частного партнерства в Республике Башкортостан на базе совершенствования нормативно-правовой базы и развития институциональной среды. In the article, the author reveals promising areas of partnership between the public and private sectors on the basis of attracting additional funding in the social sector, where private business was absent or participated to a minimum degree. At the same time, the author outlined the directions of development of municipal-private partnership in the Republic of Bashkortostan on the basis of improving the legal framework and the development of the institutional environment.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (s2) ◽  
pp. 37-48
Artan Spahiu

Abstract The protection of the public interest is the main principle governing the activity regulation of the administrative bodies. This activity, traditionally, has been developed through administrative acts, as an expression of the unilateral and authoritarian willpower of public authority, which creates legal consequences. The administrative act has been and remains the most important instrument for the administration bodies to accomplish their mission, but it is no longer effective. Particularly this lack of efficiency is noticed in recent years when the development of the economy and the needs of the evergrowing society have prompted the administration to adapt its activity by making use of other mechanisms “borrowed” from private law. An important part of public activity can also be achieved through the contract as a way that brings the state closer to the private, mitigating its dominant position and leaving space for the efficiency of private activity to fulfil public engagements. Such contracts today are known as “administrative contracts” or “public contracts”. The terms mentioned above are instruments that establish legal relations, for the regulation of which the principle of public interest is opposed and competes with the principle of freedom of the contractual willpower. The regulation of these types of contracts is reached through the private law, which constitutes the general normative framework of contracts (lex generalis) even for the administrative contracts. But this general arrangement will have effect for as long as it does not contradict the imperative provisions of the specific act of public law (lex specialis), which regulates the administrative procedure for the completion of these contracts. This paper aims to bring to the spotlight the way our legislation predict and regulates administrative contracts, by emphasising particularly the features of their dualistic nature. The coexistence and competition of the principles of the freedom of contractual willpower and the protection of the public interest, evidenced in administrative contracts, is presented in this paper through the legal analysis of the Albanian legal framework which regulates these contracts. Under the terms when the role of the state in providing public services tends to increase and our legislation aims the harmonization in accord with the European legislation, it is necessary to improve the administrative contract regulation and extend its scope of action.

The article analyzes the problem of rounding the processes of formation of the state youth policy in Uzbekistan as a theoretical source of the legislative and legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan in this field. This is due to the fact that these normative documents define the content of a number of concepts that serve as a category system for research in the field. It also reveals that the period of formation of the state youth policy in Uzbekistan is considered as a determinant of the date of adoption of the Law and other legislative acts.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-68
Rinitami Njatrijani

Abstract Traditional Cultural Expressions (TCE) is all the intangible cultural heritage, developed by local communities, collectively or individually in a non-systemic manner and that are inserted in the cultural and spiritual traditions of the communities. The catagories of TK and TCE ... “expressions of folklore in the form of  tekstual fonetic or verbal, music, dances, theater, fine art, ritual ceremony”. The legal framework of TCE in Indonesia that can be implemented as contained in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (Fourth Amendment) Article 32 (1), Article 38 and 39 on Copyright Law Number 28 Year 2014 on Copyright, Law Number 5 Year 2017 on Futherance Culture, Presidential Regulation No.78 Year 2007 on the Convention on Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage), Permendikbud N0.106 of 2013 on Intangible Cultural Heritage of Indonesia. Further provisions by the state are required to immediately ratify the Traditional Knowledge Bill and EBT into a separate law in Indonesia  Defensive protection TCEin Blora community is urgent to be protected as a whole so as not to be abused by others. The process of recording, stipulating, proposing to the Indonesian Conservation Heritage Agency on ICH Unesco's list is the final process of digital documentation in the database of intangible cultural heritage as official data of the state which has a positive impact on the welfare of its supporting community. This research indicates that there are only 16 cultural works for the community in Blora Regency that have been designated as Indonesian Culture Heritage / Intangible Cultural Heritage in accordance with UNESCO Convention Year 2003. While there are still many cultural works that need to be prioritized for immediate recording for next year. (Barong, batik motif etc). Keywords : Defensive Protection, Traditional  Cultural Expressions (Tce), Misappropriation, Digital Document. Abstrak TCE/Ekspresi budaya tradisional (EBT) adalah semua warisan budaya tak benda, yang dikembangkan oleh masyarakat lokal, secara kolektif atau individual dengan cara yang tidak sistemik dan disisipkan dalam tradisi budaya dan spiritual masyarakat. Kategori warisan budaya tak benda meliputi tradisi lisan, seni pertunjukkan, praktek-praktek sosial, ritual, perayaan-perayaan, pengetahuan dan praktek mengenai alam dan semesta atau pengetahuan dan ketrampilan untuk menghasilkan kerajinan tradisional. Kerangka hukum EBT di Indonesia  yang dapat diimplementasikn sebagaimana terdapat  dalam UUD RI Tahun 1945 (Amandemen ke empat) Pasal 32(1), Pasal 38 dan 39 tentang Undang-undang Hak Cipta Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta, Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 2017 tentang Undang- Undang Pemajuan Kebudayaan yang lahir dalam rangka melindungi, memanfaatkan dan mengembangkan kebudayaan Indonesia, Perpres RI No.78 Tahun 2007 tentang Konvensi Perlindungan Warisan Budaya Takbenda), Permendikbud N0.106 Tahun 2013 tentang Warisan Budaya Takbenda Indonesia. Diperlukan ketentuan lebih lanjut oleh negara untuk segera mengesahkan RUU Pengetahuan Tradisional dan EBT menjadi Undang-Undang tersendiri di Indonesia.Perlindungan defensif EBT di masyarakat Kabupaten Blora sangat mendesak untuk dilindungi secara keseluruhan agar tidak disalahgunakan oleh pihak lain. Proses pencatatan, penetapan,  pengusulanke Badan Warisan Budaya Takbenda Indonesia dalam  daftar ICH Unesco merupakanproses akhir dokumentasi secara digital dalam database warisan budaya takbenda  sebagai data resmi negara yang memberikan dampak positif bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat pendukungnya.Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa baru ada 16 karya budaya bagi masyarakat di Kabupaten  Blora yang telah ditetapkan sebagai Warisan Budaya Tak Benda Indonesia/Intangible Cultural Heritagesesuai Konvensi UNESCO Tahun 2003.Sementara masih banyak karya-karya budaya yang perlu diprioritaskan untuk segera dilakukan pencatatan untuk tahun-tahun mendatang.(Barong, motif batik dll). Kata Kunci: Perlindungan Defensif, Ekspresi Budaya Tradisional (EBT), Penyalahgunaan,  Dokumen Digital.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (391) ◽  
pp. 14-18
A. Azimkhan ◽  
R.B. Sartova ◽  
А.К. Bakpayeva

This article has the aim to explore the policy of supporting of small and medium-sized businesses. Over the years, the independent states have managed the problems of the economy. The contribution of small businesses to the economy, the replenishment of revenue items in budgets of the different levels, and the creation of new jobs have become one of the decisive factors of the development in the states. Small and medium-sized businesses significantly contribute to the formation of the competitive environment and the establishment of market balance. Currently, small and medium-sized businesses represent fairly powerful social stratum of the society, real and serious economic force. At the present stage, the relationship between business and government has acquired the special role, improving the technology of their interaction; the problem of self-organization of the business community is relevant today as it was only few years ago. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the fundamental link that determines the state level of development in order to ensure sustainable economic growth. This sector of the economy has huge potential for solving many problems of the economic growth of the state, such as undeveloped competition, inefficient use of material and non-material resources, dependence of the domestic demand on imports, unemployment, poverty, etc. Issues of SMEs development in the Republic of Kazakhstan are among the most important and highest state level.

Genealogy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 94
Jovan Jonovski

Every European country now has some distinctive heraldic conventions and traditions embodied in the designs and artistic representations of the emblems forming part of its national corpus. This paper deals with these matters in the period from independence in 1991 to the recent change of name in 2019. It deals with the successive designs proposed for the emblem of the state itself, some of which conformed to international heraldic conventions closely enough to be called “arms” or “coats of arms”, not including the emblem adopted in 2009. Special attention is given to the distinctive conventions created for municipal heraldry, including its novel legal framework, as well as those governing personal heraldry developed in the twenty-first century. The paper examines the evolution of heraldic thought and practice in Macedonia in the three decades in question, especially in the context of the Macedonian Heraldic Society and its journal, The Macedonian Herald, and its Register of Arms and the Civic Heraldic System it created.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 444-463 ◽  
Maria Lusiani ◽  
Marco Vedovato ◽  
Chiara Pancot

This article explores governance and accounting practices in hybrid organizations. Currently, hybrid organizations represent an increasingly pervasive phenomenon, but their role has also been central in the past. To achieve this aim, we consider the case of a charity, the Scuola Grande di San Rocco, as its activity grew in scope and complexity during the sixteenth century in the Republic of Venice. The Scuole Grandi represents a form of hybrid organizations because these charities were privately managed, but publicly regulated. They shared a devotional orientation and performed de facto welfare functions in progressive integration with the State. Based on an analysis of balance sheets and administrative documents, this article aims to discuss the role of governance and accounting in enabling hybrid organizations to operate through multiple logics.

Elena A. Kosovan ◽  

The article considers the process of formation of the institutional and legal framework for the local self-government system in the Republic of Moldova. Chronologically, the study covers the first decade after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The author places the formation of the national local self-government system in the context of the European vector of Moldovan foreign policy, analysing the process (especially the implementation of the so- called “decentralization reform”) from the perspective of Moldova’s interaction with the European Union and the Council of Europe. The theories of formal structure and social imitation provide the conceptual framework for the study. The author briefly describes the Soviet self-government system, the gradual abandonment of which was the essence of the reforms of the 1990s, and touches upon the organization of self-governance according to the Anglo-Sax- on and Continental models and the modern systems of self-governance existing in the European Union, to which the Republic of Moldova aspires to become a member. The article consecutively analyses the stages of work of Moldovan legislators aimed at the formation of local authorities, evaluating its results both in terms of compliance with European norms and principles of local self-government organization and in the context of the national ethno-political, institutional and legal, civil and political specificity. According to the author’s hypothesis, the Republic of Moldova builds a system of local self-government by introducing elements of its institutional environment (European principles of regionalization and deconcentration) into its formal structures, but proceeds not so much from their compliance with specific goals and objectives of the Moldovan state, its political, economic and sociocultural specificities, as from their symbolic weight and ability to legitimize Moldova on the international scene as a state successfully undergoing a democratic transition.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 1819
Meruyert DOSSANOVA ◽  
Muslim TAZABEKOV ◽  

The article considers the specific features of public services delivery in the Republic of Kazakhstan and other countries where public services are provided with the involvement of different models of electronic government. Today, state provision of public services to citizens is becoming one of the most important spheres of the functioning of government authorities. The notion of public services has become an object of focused scientific research relatively recently in the Republic of Kazakhstan, while in developed countries, the relationship between the state and society, where the state is viewed as a service provider, developed in the 1980–1990s. The aim of this paper is to analyze the current state of the sphere of public services provided to the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan and to study international experience in this area. The authors view public services delivery as a process of information interaction between the state and society, which, at the current stage of IT development, is increasingly taking an electronic form. The authors explore historical and theoretical prerequisites for the creation of the modern system of public services, the current state of the corresponding organizational and legal framework in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and international experience of development and implementation of successful patterns of public services delivery. Besides, the authors study the specific features of legal regulation pertaining to handing public services over to a competitive environment. The article assesses the possibilities of further use of advanced technologies to address the tasks for which this important element of government control has been developed. The results obtained by the authors consist in the validation of the conclusions about the assessment of the public services sphere and its organizational and legal grounds, as well as the potential for its further development. The paper includes several suggestions for improvement of the organizational and legal framework of public services delivery. The novelty of this article consists in the fact that the authors suggest ways of further development of the interaction between the state and society based on thorough analysis of world practices of public services delivery

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