scholarly journals Strategi Pemasaran Usaha Art Shop Lokal Di Desa Tegallalang Kabupaten Gianyar

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 123
Pande I Putu Angga Saputra ◽  
Saptono Nugroho

Art shop in Tegallalang is one of the businesses that were built by the community with a small capital as well as the livelihoods of local communities. The expansion of the art shop in Tegallalang causing the large number of tourists visiting Tegallalang, it is also supported by the presence of a tourism destination with the beauty of rice fields across the village that is known for its slender stones. This research uses qualitative descriptive method, i.e. by doing interviews, observation, documentation, library studies and questionnaires. The technique of determination of informants used is purposive sampling technique and determination of the sample using the quota sampling and accidental sampling. The result of this study show a marketing strategy that can be used by traders to face competition that is creating cultural tourism atttractions activities, introducing product manufacturing techniques to consumer, improving the ability in technologi, providing parking lots and transit places, providing facilities that can facilitate employes in work, improving quality or multiplaying product models, working with other in buying raw materials, make arrangement of prices agreement with other art shop and angage in English training.  Keywords: Businesses, local Art shop, marketing strategies, and competitiveness

Agus Muriawan Putra ◽  
Ida Bagus Ketut Astina

The aim of research to develop local accommodations Jatiluwih, so tourists can stay longer in Jatiluwih and the community direct can interacts with tourists and direct benefit also from the tourists who stay. In this research, using qualitative descriptive analysis and the determination of sampling is quota sampling method and method of sampling taking with Slovin method. This research took place in JatiluwihVillage, Penebel District, Tabanan Regency. Key research findings show that there are still many obstacles the development of local Jatiluwih accommodations, such as: human resources, supporting facilities, the presence of the Holy Place, a large family does not agree, and promotions. In addition, in the development of local Jatiluwih accommodations there are several criteria that must be filled according the community, such as: obey with the rules in the village, not allowed in the Holy Place, keep hygiene, improved facilities, the easy of working capital, the coaching routine of related parties and criteria according tourists, such as: hospitality, cleanliness and security, mastery of English, supporting facilities, the willingness to interact with tourists, and the easy of information. Also, some programs in the development of local Jatiluwih accommodations, such as: dissemination to the public, collect data on houses to be used as a local accomodations, training, funding, establish a local accommodations management, preparing tourism package and tourism product of Jatiluwih, and promotions.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Andi Setiawan ◽  
Muhtar Haboddin ◽  
Nila Febri Wilujeng

<p>This study describes the accountability of the management of village fund allocation (ADD) in the village Budugsidorejo Sumobito District of Jombang in 2015. The aim of this study is to describe and explain the presence or absence of accountability in the management of ADD in 2015. The theory that formed the basis of looking at accountability ADD is Rahardjo Adisasmito concept of accountability by which to see accountability in financial management can be seen from the indicators of financial accountability, accountability benefits and procedural accountability. This study uses qualitative descriptive method and determination of informants by using purposive sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that accountability in the management of ADD are in accordance with the applicable procedures and can be realized because of the internal and external oversight. Given such surveillance raises their awareness that the programs funded from ADD should be accounted for as well as possible.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Haryo Suganda ◽  
Raja Muhammad Amin

This study is motivated the identification of policies issued by the regional Governmentof Rokan Hulu in the form of Regulatory region number 1 by 2015 on the determination of thevillage and Indigenous Village. Political dynamics based on various interests against themanufacture of, and decision-making in the process of formation of the corresponding localregulations determination of Indigenous Villages in the Rokan Hulu is impacted to a verysignificantamount of changes from the initial draft of the number i.e. 21 (twenty one) the villagebecame Customary 89 (eighty-nine) the Indigenous Villages who have passed. Type of thisresearch is a qualitative descriptive data analysis techniques. The research aims to describe theState of the real situation in a systematic and accurate fact analysis unit or related research, aswell as observations of the field based on the data (information). Method of data collectionwas done with interviews, documentation, and observations through fieldwork (field research).The results of the research on the process of discussion of the draft local regulations andmutual agreement about Designation of Indigenous Villages in the Rokan Hulu is, showed thatthe political dynamics that occur due to the presence of various political interests, rejectionorally by Villagers who were judged to have met the requirements of Draft Regulations to beformulated and the area for the set to be Indigenous Villages, and also there is a desire fromsome villages in the yet to Draft local regulations in order to set the Indigenous village , there isa wide range of interests of these aspects influenced the agreement to assign the entire localVillage which is in the Rokan Hulu become Indigenous village, and the village of Transmigrationinto administrative Villages where the initiator of the changes in the number of IndigenousVillages in the Rokan Hulu it is the desire of the local Government of its own.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (7) ◽  
pp. 1450
Dias Rizqi Wardani ◽  
Siti Inayatul Faizah

Muzara’ah is the contract between farm workers and farm owners in which, cost of cultivations, seeds, and fertilizers are provided by the farm owners, meanwhile the farm workers have responsibility in giving their best efforts on cultivating the farmland. Later then, the harvest will be shared according to the contract that has been agreed. The purpose of this research is to describe farmer’s welfare in the village of Sodo after implementing Muzara’ah Contract with the Maqashid Sharia approach. This research approach is qualitative descriptive and uses case study as its strategy. Informants in this research are administrator from Krido Tani Farmers Association, The farm workers, and the farm owners. These informants determined by using purposive sampling technique. The data collection techniques are carried out through interview and direct observation. According to the research, it was shown that agricultural cooperation with Muzara’ah Contract has a role in improving farm workers’ welfare, viewed from the indicators of Maqasid Sharia.Keywords : Muzara’ah, Welfare, Farmer, Agricultural Cooperation

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
I Nengah Edi Santika ◽  
Ida Ayu Suryasih

Pengotan Tourism Village has unique culture that being a typical of the village itself. But, Pengotan Tourism Village isn’t known widely yet. The development which is not optimum and many obstacles make it happen. Based on that problems, this research aims to identify the cultural potentials, of Pengotan Tourism Village as a culture based tourism village in Bangli Subdistrict, Bangli Regency. The method that used in this research especially on analyzing the data is qualitative descriptive analysis to determine the potentials and the obstacles of development. The datas are collected through observation, interviews, literature study, and documentation. The informants are determined using purposive sampling technique. The result of this research is Pengotan Tourism Village has many potentials that can make it as a tourist attraction in Bangli Regency. The potentials are cultural such as handicrafts, tradition, history of Pengotan, architecture, arts and musics, community livelihood, religion, and language.   Keywords : potential culture , Pengotan Tourism Village, Tourist Attraction

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 110
I Made Anom Krisna Jaya ◽  
I Nyoman Sukma Arida

Jatiluwih tourist attraction have a big opportunity to be an ecotourism object. Ecotourism can mix both between natural and cultural conservation with local participation. So important to do a research on the potential of ecotourism in the village and to the principle of ecotourism. Data colectiom technique by observation, interviews and study literature. Technique the determination of informants by purposive sampling. Technique data analysis in this research by Miles and Huberman models. Jatiluwih Village have natural and cultural potential. Based on nine ecotourism principle and criteria, Jatiluwih Village have met six ecotourism principle and criteria. The idela ecotourism development can be done by fulfillment of three other ecotorousim principle and criteria.   Keywords: ecotourism, potential, principle

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-133
Nurul Aini ◽  
Syarif Husni ◽  
Muhamad Siddik

This study aims to identify general characteristics, analyze consumer behavior, analyze consumer attitudes, analyze the purchase decision process. telapen coffee in the new normal era in North Batukliang District, Central Lombok Regency. This research uses a descriptive method. Determination of the research location is determined by purposive sampling technique. Determination of the number of consumer samples is determined by the Quota sampling technique of 30 respondents. The analytical tools used in this study are fishbein multi-attribute analysis and subjective normative analysis to measure consumer behavior and attitudes. Descriptive analysis to measure the characteristics and purchasing decision process of telapen coffee consumers. The results of this study indicate that telapen coffee consumers have the possibility to buy back telapen coffee products and have a favorable attitude towards telapen coffee products and feel satisfied with telapen coffee products. Based on the results of these studies should KVWT Kaki Rinjani should be. lower prices to increase coffee demand. telapen. must be able to maintain the attributes that can attract new customers and retain old customers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 471
Yudi P Sinulingga ◽  
N M Santa ◽  
L S Kalangi ◽  
M A.V Manese

ANALYSIS OF PIG LIVESTOCK BUSINESS INCOME IN TOMBULU DISTRICT MINAHASA REGENCY. The study was conducted in the Tombulu District of Minahasa Regency for one month from January 2020 to February 2020.The data used in this study were primary data and secondary data. The puposive sampling method was applied to determine the sample location in Tombulu District with the number of breeders in Tombulu District were 30 breeders. Therefore, the determination of the sample applied Total Quota Sampling technique. Pigs livestock business models run by breeders were breeding, fattening, combination, and swine pigs. The result showed models that the dominant pig livestock business in Tombulu District was a combination of breeding and fattening. The income earned from the pig livestock business is Rp.39,207,785 / period or Rp3,920,778 / month. The amount of production, feed costs, and social costs are factors that were very influential on the business income of pig livestock.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
I Putu Ananda Citra

wilayah pesisir Kabupaten Buleleng dengan tujuan 1) mendeskripsikan potensi ekowisata yang dimiliki DTW wilayah pesisir Kabupaten Buleleng, 2) Menganalisis peranan masyarakat desa adat untuk pengembangan potensi ekowisata di pesisir Kabupaten Buleleng, 3) memetakan sebaran tingkat potensi ekowisata di kawasan pesisir Kabupaten Buleleng. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survai didukung dengan metode observasi. Pengambilan sampel dengan teknik purposive sampling. Analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, 1) Potensi ekowisata yang berada di wilayah pesisir Kabupaten Buleleng secara umum dapat dikembangkan sebagai ekowisata. 2) Peranan Desa Adat dalam pengembangan ekowisata pesisir dalam kategori tinggi. DTW yang dikelola oleh desa adat memberikan tanggung jawab langsung untuk mengembangkan potensi yang dimiliki. 3) Sebaran tingkat potensi ekowisata pada kawasan timur masih perlu ditingkatkan, sedangkan wilayah pesisir bagian dan bagian barat memiliki potensi tinggi. Nilai tertinggi pada pesisir bagian barat. Hal ini karena DTW biorock di Desa Pemuteran melibatkan wisatawan untuk turut menjaga lingkungan dan berpartisipasi dalam melestarikan terumbu karang sebagai daya tarik utama. Kata kunci: Pemetaan, Ekowisata, Wilayah Pesisir Abstract This research was conducted in the coastal areas of Buleleng with the purpose of 1) describe the potential of ecotourism owned DTW coastal areas of Buleleng, 2) to analyze the role of indigenous villagers for potential development of ecotourism in the coastal district of Buleleng, 3) to map the distribution of the level of potential eco-tourism in the coastal area district Buleleng. The method used in this study is a survey supported by the observation method. Sampling with purposive sampling technique. Data was analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. Results showed that 1) The potential for ecotourism in the coastal areas of Buleleng in general can be developed as an ecotourism. 2) Role of the Village People in coastal ecotourism development in the high category. DTW managed by indigenous villages provide direct responsibility for developing potential. 3) Distribution rate ecotourism potential in the eastern region still needs to be improved, while the coastal areas and western parts have a high potential. The highest value on the western coast. This is because the DTW biorock in the village of Pemuteran involving tourists to participate in maintaining the environment and participate in the preservation of coral reefs as the main attraction. Keywords: Mapping, Ecotourism, Coastal Areas

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 79
Nurhidayah Nurhidayah ◽  
Made Sutarga ◽  
Made Pasek Kardiwinata

ABSTRACTCanggu Village is an area that has experienced outbreaks of Japanese encephalitis (JE) in 2015 by JE clinical cases as many as 18 cases. This study aims to determine the environmental conditions, of JE prevention in the village of Canggu. This research is a descriptive cross-sectional design. The sampling technique using quota sampling, from 7 hamlets in the village of Canggu taken each 22 respondents to be sampled in the study to meet the minimum required quota sample. The sampling of this research are respondent that live in radius 100 meters from pig stable. The number of respondents in the interview are as many as 151 people consisting of 17 patients and 134 non JE. The results showed that 82.84% of respondents have a risky environment, whereas respondents that stay near rice terraces 14,28% get JE and respondent that around their house there is a dirty puddle 28,57% get JE. The conclusion from this study is most respondents have a risk of environmental conditions. Where the most part of them is stay close to the field. It is recommended that the government to provide education or counseling equitably to community, not only who have experienced clinical symptoms of JE but also high-risk society.Keywords: Japanese encephalitis, Environmental Conditions, Outbreak

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