scholarly journals Kajian Pemasangan Pipa Air Bersih Melayang dalam Air Laut untuk Mendukung Perkembangan Pariwisata di Nusa Ceningan dan Lembongan

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Made Suarda ◽  
I Gusti Komang Dwijana

ir bersih merupakan kebutuhan dasar untuk kehidupan manusia. Demikian pula aktivitas kehidupan di pulau Nusa Ceningan dan Lembongan membutuhkan air bersih. Mengingat kedua pulau tersebut merupakan destinasi wisata pavorit dan berkembang pesat, maka disamping untuk kehidupan masyarakat sehari-harinya (7153 jiwa), ketersediaan air bersih sangat dibutuhkan untuk hotel dan aktivitas pendukung pariwisata. Namun, di kedua pulau tersebut tidak tersedia sumber air bersih. Oleh sebab itu salah satu alternative solusinya adalah menyalurkan air bersih dari pulau terdekatnya yaitu Nusa Penida. Di Nusa Penida terdapat dua mata air yang cukup besar yaitu mata air Guyangan (78 lt/dt) dan Penida (173 lt/dt). Proyeksi kebutuhan air dengan debit harian maksimum 30 lt/dt. Pada kajian ini, kebutuhan air bersih tersebut akan disuplai dari mata air Penida. Pada umumnya pemasangan pipa menyebrang laut dipasang pada dasar laut (seabed) atau mengapung di permukaan air laut. Namun lautan antara pulau Nusa Penida dan Ceningan merupakan jalur pelayaran kapal, dan lautan tersebut merupakan palung curam dengan kedalaman 200 meter maka kedua metode pemasangan pipa tersebut tidak dapat dilakukan. Oleh sebab itu satu-satunya cara adalah memasang pipa melayang pada kedalaman 20 meter di bawah permukaan air laut. Pipa akan menerima berbagai macam gaya-gaya luar akibat tekanan hidrostatis air laut, hydrodinamik arus dan gelombang. Sesuai hasil kajian, pipa menyeberang lautan dengan bentang 1500 meter terdiri dari tiga pipa HDPE berdiameter 140 mm yang dipasang parallel. Setiap pipa menerima gaya hidrodinamik pada arah vertikal 64.050 Newton arah keatas dan horizontal 71.550 N/m. Oleh sebab itu untuk mengamankan pipa dari beban gaya-gaya tersebut maka pipa diikat pada jembatan sling baja stainless berdiameter 110 mm. Disamping itu pada setiap jarak 6 meter pada sling jembatan pipa tersebut dipasangi beton ballast load 350 kg dengan sling penggantung diameter 6 mm. Metode ini pelaksanaannya rumit dan membutuhkan berbagai peralatan pendukung sehingga dibutuhkan biaya kontruksi yang mahal pula. Namun, hal ini perlu dilakukan untuk menyediakan air bersih di Nusa Ceningan dan Lembongan guna meningkatkan perkembangan pariwisata di daerah tersebut. Clean water is a basic need for human life. Likewise the activities of life on the island of Nusa Ceningan and Lembongan need clean water. Considering that the both islands are favorite tourist destinations and are growing rapidly, in addition to the daily life of the community (7153 people), the availability of clean water is needed for hotels and tourism supporting activities. However, on both islands there are no sources of clean water. Therefore, one alternative solution is to distribute clean water from the nearest island, Nusa Penida. On the Nusa Penida there are two fairly large springs, namely the Guyangan spring (78 lt/sec) and Penida (173 lt/sec). The projection of water demand until 2043 at daily maximum capacity is 30 lt/sec. In this study, the need for clean water will be supplied from the Penida spring. In general, the installation of crossing pipeline is installed on the seabed or floating on the sea water surface. However, the sea between the Nusa Penida and Ceningan islands is a ship's shipping lane, and the sea is a steep trough with a depth of 200 meters, so the both methods of mounting the pipe cannot be performed. Therefore the only way is drifting the pipeline at a depth of 20 meters below sea level. The pipe will receive various external forces due to the hydrostatic pressure of seawater, hydrodynamic of currents and waves. According to the results of the study, the pipeline crossing the ocean with a span of 1500 meters consists of three HDPE pipes with a diameter of 140 mm which are installed parallel. Each pipe receives hydrodynamic forces that are vertical force of 64,050 Newton in upper direction and horizontal force of 71,550 Newton. Therefore to secure the pipeline from the load of these forces, the pipe is tied to a stainless steel sling bridge with a diameter of 110 mm. Besides that, at every distance of 6 meters the pipe bridge sling is fitted with a ballast concrete load of 350 kg with a hanging sling of 6 mm. This method is complicated and requires a variety of supporting equipment, so its construction cost is expensive. However, this should be done to provide clean water in the Nusa Ceningan and Lembongan in order to increase the development of tourism in the area.

2013 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Aldi Mukaddim ◽  
Made Wirawan ◽  
Ida Bagus Alit

Clean water is a requirements of very important human life. Indonesia is a maritime country that has many islands surrounded by ocean, had a decreased clean water problem. One of the method to be used for obtain clean water is sea water distillation process. One of the most important tools is absorber distillation. occurs heat transfer from the absorber to the sea water causing, rising sea temperatures cause sea water to evaporate. The rising temperature of the sea water increases the amount of evaporation that occurs. The more the amount of evaporation generated will increase the number of fresh water produced. Increased seawater temperatures by increasing the temperature absorber, so it needs to be analyzed shape of the absorber which one can be produce more clean water than the others, a conclusion of the study indicated that solar distillation plat shape with a huge wave absorber produces more clean water than the others , the average amount of water that is more of 908 ml, compared with a small wave absorber plate only produce 764.4 ml  average a day and a flat plate absorber only produce 599 ml average a day, it is not independent of heat absorption by absorber, solar distillation plat shape with a huge wave absorber absorbs more heat than the other two absorber plates, this has resulted in solar distillation  shape with a huge wave  absorber plate  very well produce more water than the otehrs. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 159 ◽  
pp. 02013 ◽  
Mulyanef ◽  
Duskiardi ◽  
Rahmad Hidayat

Fresh Water and salt are the most important necessities in human life. The scarcity and the difficulty to get fresh water and salt became main problems that emerge in many places such as for people who live in coastal areas and small islands where their main source of water and salt is the sea water. In order to obtain fresh water, people needs to process seawater into fresh water and salt. The term of fresh water used here means water which is free from dirt, bacteria, and other substances that are harmful for human health. To process the sea water into fresh water and salt has been done by distillation technic. The distillation technic requires heat to evaporate seawater before condensed and produce clean water. Heat for distillation process can be derived from a variety of sources, one of them is solar energy. The purpose of this study is to compare between a flat plate with one slope cover and two slope cover to produce fresh water and salt. The distilled water was tested in laboratory to determine whether the quality of water and salt after distillation meets the consumable requirements. The working principle of the distillator is by filled the basin with sea water and then heated with solar power. The water will be evaporated and due to the different of temperature between inside and out side of cover so that the condensation accurs at inside of cover. The condensed water will flow through surface of glass cover and then the distilled freshwater gathered in storage. The process will continue until water runs out and creates salt crystals in the basin. Solar distillation testing by using one slope cover with a size of 140 cm x 220 cm produce 3,482 ml / day of clean water and 322 grams of salt / 4 days at average intensity of 697 W/m2. While solar distillation by using two-slope cover with size of 80 cm x 50 cm produce 1,551 ml clean water/day and 199.9 grams of salt / 4 days.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Muhammad Nadzir

Water plays a very important role in supporting human life and other living beings as goods that meet public needs. Water is one of the declared goods controlled by the state as mentioned in the constitution of the republic of Indonesia. The state control over water indicated that water management can bring justice and prosperity for all Indonesian people. However, in fact, water currently becomes a product commercialized by individuals and corporations. It raised a question on how the government responsibility to protect the people's right to clean water. This study found that in normative context, the government had been responsible in protecting the people’s right over the clean water. However, in practical context, it found that the government had not fully protected people's right over clean water. The government still interpreted the state control over water in the form of creating policies, establishing a set of regulations, conducting management, and also supervision.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (02) ◽  
pp. 62-83
Isdarmanto Isdarmanto ◽  
Christantius Dwiatmaja ◽  
Hari Sunarto ◽  
Antonius Suryo Abdi

The Climate change in world tourism can change the system of human life and its influence on nature. The development of the global digital tourism climate, selfi tourism is able to change the attitude of individual behavior in response to the demands of competitive life. The development of tourist destinations in the world, primarily from natural factors, the demands of a sharp competitive climate require tourism managers to create artificial innovations that are developed from natural potentials that are more attractive in design so that they become alternative ecotourism idols capable of boosting tourism growth that is more conducive and attractive. This research develops river ecotourism areas which are oriented to aspects of environmental development, nature preservation and local community development. This study uses qualitative research so that it can explore various aspects of the natural and humanity of the region in depth through the empirical phenomena that exist in the field. The real condition of river area which is not well managed is not in accordance with the development of Smart city, community awareness and tourism activists who are less focused. Hence, it needs community empowerment and encouraging the role of tourism activists to play more in the development of urban areas, and the use of river as ecotourism.   Keywords: Ecotourism, Waterfront, Natural Resources

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Ratna Musa ◽  
Ali Mallombassi ◽  
Masud SAR ◽  
Andi Nabilah Aizi Anri ◽  
La Ode Muh. Alamsyah

Air merupakan unsur yang sangat berperan dalam kehidupan khususnya untuk kehidupan manusia. Bukan hanya karena 80% tubuh manusia terdiri dari air, akan tetapi karena didalam air terdapat unsur mineral yang diperlukan untuk perkembangan dan tumbuh fisik manusia. Kebutuhan air menignkat seiring dengan meningkatnya pertambahan jumlah penduduk, hal ini merupakan masalah yang terjadi pada sebagian daerah yang ada di Indonesia. Proyeksi jumlah penduduk dimaksudkan untuk memperkirakan jumlah penduduk suatu daerah dimasa yang akan dating. Untuk menentukan berapa tingkat pertambahan jumlah penduduk, dapat dihitung dengan menggunakan pendekatanMatematical Method. Secara etimologi kebutuhan berasal dari kata dasar “butuh” yang mempunyai arti perlu, jadi kebutuhan air berarti keperluan air. Sedangkan menurut terminology kata kebutuhan besinonim dengan kata pemakaian, jadi kebutuhan air  dapat diartikan menjadi pemakaian air untuk keperluan hidup seseorang. Kebutuhan air bersih untuk pelayanan domestic merupakan kebutuhan yang sifatnya mendasar (pokok) atau pelayanan kebutuhan yang digunakan untuk keperluan rumah tangga. Pelayanan kebutuhan air bersih untuk pelayanan non domestic seperti: niaga, social, industry dan instansi pemerintahan merupakan kegiatan yang dominan dalam suatu kota yang membutuhkan air dalam jumlah yang cukup besar, sehingga kebutuhan air bersih untuk kegiatan ini perlu dihitung. Agar kita mendapatkan jumlah total kebutuhan non domestic.Water is a very important element in life, especially for human life. Not only because 80% of the human body is made up of water, but because in water there is a mineral element needed for the development and physical growth of humans. The need for water increases along with the increase in population, this is a problem that occurs in some regions in Indonesia. The projected population is intended to estimate the population of a region in the future. To determine the level of population growth, can be calculated using the Matematical Method approach. Etymologically, the need comes from the basic word "need" which has the necessary meaning, so the need for water means the need for water. Whereas according to the terminology the word needs besinonim with the word usage, so the need for water can be interpreted to be the use of water for the needs of one's life. The need for clean water for domestic service is a basic need (basic) or service needs that are used for household needs. The service for clean water needs for non-domestic services such as: commerce, social, industry and government agencies is the dominant activity in a city that needs a large amount of water, so the need for clean water for this activity needs to be calculated. So that we get the total amount of non-domestic needs. 

2006 ◽  
Vol 53 (10) ◽  
pp. 1-11 ◽  
Z. Chen ◽  
S.E. Grasby ◽  
K.G. Osadetz ◽  
P. Fesko

The city of Calgary has been one of fastest growing cities in Canada in recent years. Rapid population growth and a warming climate trend have raised concerns about sustainable water supply. In this study, historic climate, stream flow and population data are analyzed in order to develop models of future climate trends and river-water resource availability. Daily water demands for the next 60 years were projected using the relationship between daily maximum temperature and water demand under simulated climate and population growth scenarios. To maintain sustainable growth Calgary will require water conservation efforts that reduce per capita water use to less than half of the current level over the next 60 years, an interval when the civic population is expected to be doubled.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (16) ◽  
pp. 4494 ◽  
Carlos Baños ◽  
María Hernández ◽  
Antonio Rico ◽  
Jorge Olcina

Tourism, and particularly residential tourism, has led to a change in the urban and demographic model of towns along the European Mediterranean coastline. Water as a resource limited and limiting for the growth of tourism is a popular topic in the scientific literature. However, the incorporation of non-conventional resources (desalination) has meant, in theory, that this limitation has been overcome. The aims of this paper are: (a) to identify the different tourism models existing in coastal towns in Alicante province and characterize them according to their water consumption from 2002–2017; and (b) analyse the hydrosocial cycle, highlighting the measures aimed at satisfying water demand and identifying the limitations related to these hydrosocial systems. To this end, different types of information have been processed, and various basic indicators have been analysed. The results revealed the increase in the resilience of this region to natural aridity and drought events. This was possible because the demand management and the use of desalinated water. However, this has generated other problems associated (energetics, environmental) due to maintenance of a non-sustainable territorial model based on an accelerated real estate development.

2004 ◽  
Vol 55 (12) ◽  
pp. 1227 ◽  
Enli Wang ◽  
Chris J. Smith ◽  
Warren J. Bond ◽  
Kirsten Verburg

Vapour pressure deficit (VPD) has a significant effect on the amount of water required by the crop to maintain optimal growth. Data required to calculate the mean VPD on a daily basis are rarely available, and most models use approximations to estimate it. In APSIM (Agricultural Production Systems Simulator), VPD is estimated from daily maximum and minimum temperatures with the assumption that the minimum temperature equals dew point, and there is little change in vapour pressure or dew point during any one day. The accuracy of such VPD estimations was assessed using data collected every 15 min near Wagga Wagga in New South Wales, Australia. Actual vapour pressure of the air ranged from 0.5 to 2.5 kPa. For more than 75% of the time its variation was less than 20%, and the maximum variation was up to 50%. Daytime mean VPD ranged from 0 to 5.3 kPa. Daily minimum temperature was found to be a poor estimate of dew point temperature, being higher than dew point in summer and lower in winter. Thus the prediction of vapour pressure was poor. Vapour pressure at 0900 hours was a better estimate of daily mean vapour pressure. Despite the poor estimation of vapour pressure, daytime mean VPD was predicted reasonably well using daily maximum and minimum temperatures. If the vapour pressure at 0900 hours from the SILO Patched Point Dataset was used as the actual daily mean vapour pressure, the accuracy of daytime VPD estimation was further improved. Simulations using historical weather data for 1957–2002 show that such improved accuracy in daytime VPD estimation slightly increased simulated crop yield and deep drainage, while slightly reducing crop water uptake. Comparison of the APSIM RUE/TE and CERES-Wheat approaches for modelling potential transpiration revealed differences in crop water demand estimated by the two approaches. Although the differences had a small effect on the probability distribution of simulated long-term wheat yield, water uptake, and deep drainage, this finding highlights the need for a scientific re-appraisal of the APSIM RUE/TE and energy balance approaches for the estimation of crop demand, which will have implications for modelling crop growth under water-limited conditions and calculation of water required to maintain maximum growth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (5) ◽  
pp. 1243-1251
Amalia Eka

ABSTRAK Saat ini masyarakat sedang menghadapi wabah Virus Corona (Covid-19) yang sangat spesifik namun mempunyai efek kompleksitas yang tinggi, bahkan luar biasa, karena ekspektasinya tidak hanya di dunia kesehatan saja namun merambah semua sendi kehidupan manusia. Desa Kunir termasuk desa yang juga mengalami wabah Covid-19, Hal yang dapat masyarakat lakukan untuk memutus rantai penyebaran virus Covid-19 adalah dengan rajin mencuci tangan dengan sabun dan air bersih, serta menggunakan hand sanitizer secara berkala. Lidah buaya memiliki kandungan saponin yang mempunyai kemampuan untuk membersihkan dan bersifat antiseptik. Tujuan setelah pemberdayaan masyarakat desa kunir, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan dalam memanfaatkan lidah buaya yang ada disekitar tempat tinggal untuk digunakan sebagai sabun cuci tangan. Adapun kegiatan yang dilakukan berupa sosialisasi dan pemberdayaan masyarakat desa kunir dalam pembuatan dan pengaplikasian sabun cuci tangan dari lidah buaya. Terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan dan kemampuan tentang lidah buaya sebagai sabun cuci tangan yaitu 70 % diperoleh dari kuisioner sebelum dan sesudah dilaksanakan pembelajaran Kata Kunci : sabun cuci tangan, lidah buaya, desa kunir ABSTRACTCurrently, the community is facing a very specific Corona Virus (Covid-19) outbreak but has a high, even extraordinary complexity effect because the expectations are not only in the world of health but also penetrate all aspects of human life. Kunir Village is one of the villages that have also experienced the Covid-19 outbreak. What people can do to break the chain of spreading the Covid-19 virus is to diligently wash their hands with soap and clean water, and use hand sanitizers regularly. Aloe vera contains saponins which have the ability to clean and are antiseptic. The goal after empowering the people of turmeric village is expected to increase their knowledge and ability to use aloe vera around the residence to be used as hand washing soap. The activities carried out are in the form of socialization and empowerment of the village community in turmeric in the manufacture and application of handwashing soap from aloe vera. There is an increase in knowledge and abilities about aloe vera as hand washing soap, which is 70% obtained from questionnaires before and after the learning is carried out. Keywords: hand washing soap, aloe vera, kunir village

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