2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 74
Alnan Marchelita Pradewi ◽  
Firman Wijaya

Evidence is the important instrument to decide criminal cases and Its began from investigation, prosecution, until court decisions. Evidence is arrange in article 184 and explanation of KUHAP. Police investigating to determine someone be a suspect or unknown through investigation about entanglement according to evidence any goods and the evidence available. In fact many law enforcement officials such as police used power revenue and their authority to quickly resolve the cases with no accordance to the procedure. Therefore to minimize those things law enforcement need supervision as pretrial. Pretrial have authority to judge about legal or failure arrest, detention termination investigation or termination prosecution; compensation and or rehabilitation for criminal cases stopped at the investigation or prosecution. Related to the verdict of South Jakarta District Court number 97/Pid.prap/2017/Pn.Jkt.Sel, judge Cepi Iskandar said that the same evidence cannot be used as evidence in other criminal cases brought many different polemics. Generally judge decide on criminal cases based to article 183 KUHAP and in fact many criminal cases was using the same evidence especially to cases with more than one defendant or participation cases. Judge Cepi Iskandar decision have given uncertainty law in the public, so it needs analysis and further discussion about the evidence and the consideration on that judicial decisions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Diding Rahmat

Forests are the lungs of the earth that contribute to environmental balance. In practice, the enforcement of environmental law through various regulations, such as Forestry Law, has brought both positive and negative impacts. This study aims to find out the regulations on illegal logging and to identify the effectiveness of law enforcement on illegal logging based on the value of justice. This study was conducted in Kuningan District Regional Government, Ciremai Mountain National Park (TNGC), Kuningan District Forestry Service, Kuningan District Court, Kuningan District Police Office, and Kuningan District Prosecutors Office. This qualitative study applied an empirical juridical or socio-legal approach in order to find data relating to law enforcement on illegal logging as well as preventive and repressive actions based on justice values carried out by law enforcement officials in Kuningan District. The results showed that Illegal logging is regulated in Law No. 41 of 1999 concerning Forestry and Law No. 18 of 2013 concerning Prevention and Eradication of Forests Destruction as well as the Supreme Court Circular No. 01 of 2008 concerning Guidelines for Handling Forestry Criminal Cases. Yet, there is no Kuningan District regulation that specifically regulates illegal logging. Further, the effectiveness of law enforcement on illegal logging in Kuningan District can be seen in terms of its legal substance, structure and culture.�Efektivitas Penegakan Hukum Illegal Logging Berbasis Nilai Keadilan�Hutan merupakan paru paru dunia yang berkontribusi terhadap keseimbangan lingkungan. Penegakan hukum lingkungan melalui berbagi regulasi seperti undang undang kehutanan telah banyak memiliki nilai positif dalam prakteknya, akan tetapi juga ada nilai negatifnya Peneliti melakukan penelitian yang berjudul � Efektivitas Penegakan Hukum Illegal Logging Berbasis Nilai Keadilan (Studi Di Kabupaten Kuningan) � Lokasi penelitian dilakukan Kabupaten Kuningan yaitu pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Kuningan, TNGC,� Dinas Kehutanan Kabupaten Kuningan, Pengadilan Negeri Kuningan, Kepolisian dan Kejaksaan Negeri Kuningan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaturan mengenai illegal logging� saat ini serta bagaimana penegakan hukum illeggal loging Kabupaten Kuningan. Metode yang dipakai oleh peneliti dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan yuridis empiris atau sosio legal dengan cara melakukan penelitian lapangan untuk mencari data mengenai penegakan hukum illeggal logging di Kabupaten Kuningan serta tindakan preventif dan represif yang dilakukan oleh aparat hukum berbasis nilai keadilan. Hasil Penelitian yaitu pengaturan Illegal logging diatur dalam Undang Undang Undang Undang No.41 Tahun 1999 Tentang Kehutanan dan Undang Undang No.18 Tahun 2013� Tentang Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan dan Perusakan Hutan sedangkan dalam peraturan lainya juga terdapat dalam Surat Edaran Mahkamah Agung No.01 Tahun 2008 Tentang Petunjuk Penanganan Perkara Tindak Pidana Kehutanan Sedangkan di Kabupaten Kuniningan belum ada perda tentang Illegal logging, Selanjutnya Efektivitas penegakan hukum illegal loging di Kabupaten Kuningan berdasarkan hasil penelitan dapat dilihat Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 243-250
Anak Agung Gede Wiweka Narendra ◽  
I Gusti Bagus Suryawan ◽  
I Made Minggu Widyantara

People’s knowledge and understanding of the community, especially law enforcement officials as the one who implement the laws and regulations, often causes mistakes in interpreting the criminal act of fraud. Evidence shows that the public or law enforcement officials who carry out their duties if a legal relationship is carried out by someone with another person, which was originally very civil in nature (individual contract), can often develop into a complex problem because it contains other juridical aspects, for example the dimension of the crime. This study aims to determine the judge's consideration in giving a decision that is free from all lawsuits as well as the legal remedies that can be made on a decision that is free from all lawsuits in criminal cases. This study uses a descriptive normative research method. Sources of data used are secondary legal materials as the basis for research. Data collection in this study was carried out by literature study (document study), namely the collection of legal materials through written legal materials with deduction analysis techniques. Deductive analysis is drawing conclusions from general matters regarding the concrete problems faced. After the analyzing the data, the results showed that the basis for the judge's consideration of giving a verdict that is free from all lawsuits is if the accused can be proven legally and convincingly and strengthened by evidence so that the judge's conviction is obtained but it is not included in a criminal act as contained in Article 191 point (2) KUHAP which requires that it be declared to be released from all legal demands.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 497
Franky Satrio Darmawan ◽  
Dian Andriawan Daeng Tawang

Gambling is a crime and can be punished for its actions. However, along with the development of the gambling era it was played with electronic media, namely online gambling. The State of the Republic of Indonesia has overcome gambling crimes with evidence such as the existence of laws contained in criminal law and if carried out online there is an Electronic Information and Transaction law. The research entitled The implementation of principle lex specialis derogat legi generalist concerning information and electronic transaction laws in online lottery gambling crimes Case Study Decision of North Jakarta Districts Courted Number 599 / PID.B / 2018 / PN.Jkt Utr, having a problem statement is why the public prosecutor did not apply the principle of lex specialis derogat legi generalist in the online lottery gambling crime Case Study of the Decision of the North Jakarta District Court Number 599 / PID.B / 2018 / PN.Jkt Utr. The purposed paper for the law enforcement officials to appllied the principled of Lex Specialise Derogat Legi Generalits in the case of prosecution of court decisions.

Tinuk Dwi Cahyani ◽  
Yohana Puspitasari Wardoyo

Corruption that still occurs a lot in Indonesia from year to year, even though it is shown in the perception index that has increased from year to year for the better, is still in a harmful situation for the country. At this time can observe, see and feel that law enforcement is in a position that is can not be trusted. The public questioned the performance of law enforcement officials in eradicating corruption, the spread of judicial mafia, violations of the law in assessing the APBN and APBD among bureaucracy. In 2018 the public was dumbfounded by the mass corruption committed by 41 members of the Malang City DPRD (Regional People's Representative Assembly) during 2018. Malang City is considered the ‘general champion' in the corruption category in the number of suspects. 6 of them have been tried at the Corruption Court at the Surabaya District Court and have been decided by the Panel of Judges as in Decision Number 119/Pid.Sus.TPK/2018/PN.Sby with different sentences. How is the application of the principle of equality before the law against perpetrators of Corruption in the jurisdiction of the corruption court at the Surabaya District Court against the Decision Number 119/Pid.Sus.TPK/2018/PN.Sby? The research method used is the normative legal research method. The results of the research show that the judicial process in handling corruption crimes is in accordance with the rules regarding the types of punishment in the Corruption Crime Court and meets the principle of equality before the law. Keywords: corruption; equality before the law; Malang

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 339-352
Puji Handoyo ◽  
Mufidah Mufidah

The existence of the Law on Eradicating Corruption (PPTK Law) became a hope for the Indonesian nation in eradicating corruption, but eradicating corruption cases continues to be difficult. Corruption is a disease that has infected the Indonesian people for a long time. Corruption has infiltrated all levels of government, including state-owned enterprises. This study investigates the risks of corruption to the Republic of Indonesia and the Corruption Eradication Commission's (KPK) strategy for reducing corruption in Indonesia. This study employs qualitative methods in conjunction with a literature and law approach. This study's data came from legislation, court decisions, legal theory, books, and legal journals. According to the findings of this study, the dangers of corruption in Indonesia resulted in four things: inefficiency, uneven distribution, stimulants (incentives) in an unproductive direction, and political alienation, community cynicism, and political instability. Strategies to reduce corruption through preventive efforts, such as law enforcement officials supervising various sectors, particularly the public sector, and establishing the National Action Plan to Eradicate Corruption (RAN-PK). Through education and religion, the prevention of criminal acts of corruption from the standpoint of Islamic law.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  

The settlement of criminal offenses with mild motives can be carried out by reasoning penal mediation called the restorative justice approach, which focuses on the direct participation of perpetrators, victims and the community. The research that use in this study is sociological legal research (social legal research). The concept of restorative justice through reasoning penal mediation in the settlement of a mildly criminal case for the indigenous people of village kuala gasib in koto gasib siak, was carried out with the intermediary of the headman. Headman as customary village heads and as government administrators have an important role in creating peace efforts in resolving disputes that occur in the community, one of which is through the settlement of criminal cases by reasoning penal mediation with the concept of restorative justice. The constraints of the concept of restorative justice through reasoning penal mediation in the settlement of mildly criminal cases for the indigenous people of village kuala gasib in koto gasib siak are: a) The absence of a special law mediation of regulation, b) Lack of facilities and infrastructure in mediating, c) Lack of mediator skills for village head to reconcile the parties to the dispute, d) There are differences of opinion among law enforcement officials about the concept of restorative justice through penal mediation

Public Voices ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
Mordecai Lee

As a reform movement and an academic discipline, American public administrationgenerally coalesced during the Progressive era (1890-1920). Progressive reforms for the public sector seeped deeply into the DNA of the field, including separation of civil servants from politics, reliance on expertise, fewer elected offices, and public reporting of agency activities. However, not all of the governmental reforms proposed during this era were enacted. One of the most controversial and least known was Theodore Roosevelt’s proposal in 1912 that the voters be able to have a referendum on major court decisions, permitting them to overturn those decisions. His idea was only enacted in Colorado, where it remained on the books until 1921. This article reviews the original concept and its history in Colorado.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 177-191
Mohd Andalusia Masri ◽  
Dahlan Ali ◽  
Darmawan Darmawan

This research aims to evaluate the police's request to postpone the criminal charge reading of the blasphemy case at the North Jakarta District Court, which was not based on Indonesia's positive law. The request to postpone a trial by the police without a legal basis could be considered a form of police intervention against the trial process, which has legal criminal consequences based on Article 3 Paragraph 2 and 3 of Law Number 48 of 2009 concerning Judicial Power. Meanwhile, the request for a two-week trial postponement by the public prosecutors due to their inability to complete the criminal indictment, as well as considering the request from the police, has created an impression that the public prosecutors have complied with the request of the police. It also injured public trust that demanded a fair and transparent law enforcement process.

Ricky Darmawan

AbstractMedical actions by doctors who act not in accordance with the rules and applicable moral ethics are now beginning to emerge frequently. At this time, the problem of malpractice in health services began to be discussed by various groups in the community. This can be seen from the many indictments of malpractice cases submitted by the public about the profession of doctors who in carrying out their duties have committed wrong actions that result in losses resulting in death or disability. Medical malpractice, this is related to the task of the doctor or medical personnel under his command intentionally or negligence to do something (active or passive). The problem that the writer takes here is that the malpractice case which the writer carefully sourced from the decision of Nganjuk District Court No.288 / Pid.sus / 2018 / PN NJK, The theory used in this research is the theory of law enforcement. While the method used is empirical juridical legal research, where in analyzing the problem carried out by the method of combining legal materials (Decisions) with primary data obtained in the field. The output of this paper is that the handling of malpractice cases by doctors without the need for procedures according to medical regulations needs to be considered.Keywords: Abortion, Doctors, Law Enforcement, Malpractice.AbstrakTindakan medis oleh dokter  yang bertindak tidak sesuai dengan aturan dan etika moral yang berlaku ini kini mulai sering muncul. Pada saat ini, masalah malpraktik pelayanan kesehatan mulai dibicarakan oleh berbagai kalangan dalam masyarakat. Hal itu terlihat dari banyaknya dakwaan kasus malpraktik yang disampaikan oleh masyarakat tentang profesi dokter yang dalam melakukan tugasnya telah melakukan tindakan yang salah yang menimbulkan kerugian yang berujung pada kematian atau cacat. Malpraktik medik, hal ini berkaitan tugas dokter atau tenaga medis yang ada di bawah perintahnya dengan sengaja atau kelalaian melakukan perbuatan (aktif atau pasif). Permasalahan yang penulis ambil disini dimana Kasus malpraktek yang penulis teliti bersumber pada putusan Pengadilan Negeri Nganjuk No.288/Pid.sus/2018/PN NJK, Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah teori penegakan hukum. Sementara metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum yuridis empiris, dimana dalam menganalisis permasalahan dilakukan dengan metode memadukan bahan-bahan hukum (Putusan) dengan data primer yang diperoleh di lapangan. Adapun output dari tulisan ini, bahwa penanganan perkara malpraktek dokter yang diilakukan dokter tanpa danya prosedur sesuai aturan medis perlu di perhatikan.Kata kunci : Aborsi, Dokter, Malpraktek,Penegakan Hukum.

I Pande Ketut Arya Yarsita ◽  
Rodliyah ◽  
RR. Cahyowati

This study aims to examine and analyze the concept of decision making in the diversion process for children facing the law who are not yet 12 years old; and law enforcement decision making in the diversion process for children who are faced with a law that is not yet 12 years old (Study of the Chairperson of the Mataram District Court Number: 22/Pen.Div/2017/PN Mtr). The concept of decision making in the diversion process for children facing the law that is not yet 12 years old is the judge in imposing sanctions for children considering recommendations in the social research report made by community counselors to express and find data and information objectively about the development and background of life children from various sociological, psychological and other aspects while still paying attention to the best interests of the child. Law enforcement of decision making in the diversion process against children who are faced with a law that is not yet 12 years old emphasizes restorative justice which is the goal in the implementation of the diversion of cases of children facing the law. Law enforcement officials both Investigators, Community Guidance and Professional Social Workers conduct deliberations to reach a decision based on restorative justice that prioritizes the best interests of children.

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