scholarly journals The Effectiveness of Law Enforcement on Illegal Logging Based on the Value of Justice

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Diding Rahmat

Forests are the lungs of the earth that contribute to environmental balance. In practice, the enforcement of environmental law through various regulations, such as Forestry Law, has brought both positive and negative impacts. This study aims to find out the regulations on illegal logging and to identify the effectiveness of law enforcement on illegal logging based on the value of justice. This study was conducted in Kuningan District Regional Government, Ciremai Mountain National Park (TNGC), Kuningan District Forestry Service, Kuningan District Court, Kuningan District Police Office, and Kuningan District Prosecutors Office. This qualitative study applied an empirical juridical or socio-legal approach in order to find data relating to law enforcement on illegal logging as well as preventive and repressive actions based on justice values carried out by law enforcement officials in Kuningan District. The results showed that Illegal logging is regulated in Law No. 41 of 1999 concerning Forestry and Law No. 18 of 2013 concerning Prevention and Eradication of Forests Destruction as well as the Supreme Court Circular No. 01 of 2008 concerning Guidelines for Handling Forestry Criminal Cases. Yet, there is no Kuningan District regulation that specifically regulates illegal logging. Further, the effectiveness of law enforcement on illegal logging in Kuningan District can be seen in terms of its legal substance, structure and culture.�Efektivitas Penegakan Hukum Illegal Logging Berbasis Nilai Keadilan�Hutan merupakan paru paru dunia yang berkontribusi terhadap keseimbangan lingkungan. Penegakan hukum lingkungan melalui berbagi regulasi seperti undang undang kehutanan telah banyak memiliki nilai positif dalam prakteknya, akan tetapi juga ada nilai negatifnya Peneliti melakukan penelitian yang berjudul � Efektivitas Penegakan Hukum Illegal Logging Berbasis Nilai Keadilan (Studi Di Kabupaten Kuningan) � Lokasi penelitian dilakukan Kabupaten Kuningan yaitu pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Kuningan, TNGC,� Dinas Kehutanan Kabupaten Kuningan, Pengadilan Negeri Kuningan, Kepolisian dan Kejaksaan Negeri Kuningan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaturan mengenai illegal logging� saat ini serta bagaimana penegakan hukum illeggal loging Kabupaten Kuningan. Metode yang dipakai oleh peneliti dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan yuridis empiris atau sosio legal dengan cara melakukan penelitian lapangan untuk mencari data mengenai penegakan hukum illeggal logging di Kabupaten Kuningan serta tindakan preventif dan represif yang dilakukan oleh aparat hukum berbasis nilai keadilan. Hasil Penelitian yaitu pengaturan Illegal logging diatur dalam Undang Undang Undang Undang No.41 Tahun 1999 Tentang Kehutanan dan Undang Undang No.18 Tahun 2013� Tentang Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan dan Perusakan Hutan sedangkan dalam peraturan lainya juga terdapat dalam Surat Edaran Mahkamah Agung No.01 Tahun 2008 Tentang Petunjuk Penanganan Perkara Tindak Pidana Kehutanan Sedangkan di Kabupaten Kuniningan belum ada perda tentang Illegal logging, Selanjutnya Efektivitas penegakan hukum illegal loging di Kabupaten Kuningan berdasarkan hasil penelitan dapat dilihat Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 74
Alnan Marchelita Pradewi ◽  
Firman Wijaya

Evidence is the important instrument to decide criminal cases and Its began from investigation, prosecution, until court decisions. Evidence is arrange in article 184 and explanation of KUHAP. Police investigating to determine someone be a suspect or unknown through investigation about entanglement according to evidence any goods and the evidence available. In fact many law enforcement officials such as police used power revenue and their authority to quickly resolve the cases with no accordance to the procedure. Therefore to minimize those things law enforcement need supervision as pretrial. Pretrial have authority to judge about legal or failure arrest, detention termination investigation or termination prosecution; compensation and or rehabilitation for criminal cases stopped at the investigation or prosecution. Related to the verdict of South Jakarta District Court number 97/Pid.prap/2017/Pn.Jkt.Sel, judge Cepi Iskandar said that the same evidence cannot be used as evidence in other criminal cases brought many different polemics. Generally judge decide on criminal cases based to article 183 KUHAP and in fact many criminal cases was using the same evidence especially to cases with more than one defendant or participation cases. Judge Cepi Iskandar decision have given uncertainty law in the public, so it needs analysis and further discussion about the evidence and the consideration on that judicial decisions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  

The settlement of criminal offenses with mild motives can be carried out by reasoning penal mediation called the restorative justice approach, which focuses on the direct participation of perpetrators, victims and the community. The research that use in this study is sociological legal research (social legal research). The concept of restorative justice through reasoning penal mediation in the settlement of a mildly criminal case for the indigenous people of village kuala gasib in koto gasib siak, was carried out with the intermediary of the headman. Headman as customary village heads and as government administrators have an important role in creating peace efforts in resolving disputes that occur in the community, one of which is through the settlement of criminal cases by reasoning penal mediation with the concept of restorative justice. The constraints of the concept of restorative justice through reasoning penal mediation in the settlement of mildly criminal cases for the indigenous people of village kuala gasib in koto gasib siak are: a) The absence of a special law mediation of regulation, b) Lack of facilities and infrastructure in mediating, c) Lack of mediator skills for village head to reconcile the parties to the dispute, d) There are differences of opinion among law enforcement officials about the concept of restorative justice through penal mediation

Arena Hukum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-66
Teddy Putra ◽  

Abstract This paper examines the deviations of law enforcement in land conflicts in East Java based on the decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia No.38/Pra.Pe /2015.PN.Sby (case of Notary Nora Maria Lidwina, SH). This empirical or socio legal research uses a case study approach. The results show that irregularities in law enforcement in land conflicts by public service providers and law enforcement officials are generally based on corrupt behavior and violations of ethical codes, such as abuse of power, maladministration, case brokers, accepting bribes from certain parties, violence, intervening in cases, and other human rights violations. Mitigation efforts are improving the law enforcement officers isntitutions; improving the judicial administration and justice management systems; imposing strict sanctions; conducting supervision; conducting a transparent service and treatment; socializing anti-corruption movement; and creating an anti-corruption culture and excellent public services.

2021 ◽  
Vladislav Antonov

The textbook examines the theoretical aspects of the qualification of crimes, highlights the problems of practical application of the norms and institutions of criminal legislation. The paper analyzes the concepts and categories of criminal law, reveals the organizational and methodological aspects of the legal assessment of criminal encroachments. When preparing the manual, materials of judicial and investigative practice, guiding explanations of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the USSR, the Russian Federation were used. The manual is addressed to law enforcement officials, lawyers, investigators, law students and anyone interested in the qualification of crimes.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3.21) ◽  
pp. 317
M Zamroni ◽  
. .

Hope to have legislation that specifically set while an umbrella in running materialize advocate profession, lawyers are more confident in addition to other law enforcement officials, such as judges, prosecutors and police, as well as respected as an equal partner in the law enforcement process. But the big question is how the existence of the profession of advocate Indonesia before and after the enlawment of Act Number 18 of 2003 concerning the Advocate, as well as any constraints that occur in their implementation. The rule of law relating to the profession of advocate before the enLawment of Act Number 18 of 2003 concerning The Advocate, scattered in various laws, such as Act Number 1 of 1946 on the Law of Criminal Code, Act Number 1 of 1950 on the Supreme Court, Emergency Act Number 1 of 1951 governing temporary measures to organize the unity of the pecking order and civil court events, and Herziene Indlandsch Regalement (HIR). Before the release of Act Number 18 of 2003 concerning Advocates, advocate the use of the term in prLawice there has been no standard for the profession. In various provisions of the legislation of any inconsistency pr. For example Act Number 14 of 1970, as has been replaced by Act Number 35 of 1999, and was replaced again by Act Number 4 of 2004 as well as the latter is replaced by Act Number 48 of 2009, regarding the power of Justice, to use the term legal aid and lawyers. Birth of the Act of the Republic of Indonesia Number 18 of 2003 concerning The Advocate is the expectation of a long delayed during the 58 years since the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, the laws governing the profession of advocate a free, independent and responsible for the implementation of a judicial honest, fair, and legal certainty for all seekers of justice in upholding the law, truth, justice, and human rights.  

Iwan Rois ◽  
Ratna Herawati

This study aims to analyze the need to establish a special election court which has the authority to solve various election law cases in order to realize elections with integrity; and analyzing the formulation of election special justice in order to realize the integrity of the election. The research method used is the method of normative legal research and the implementation of this research collects data from various sources in order to get an answer to the issues that have been formulated. The results of the study shows that  the purpose of the need for the formation of special judicial elections; First, to meet the growing demands of increasingly complex justice in society and more election law enforcement so as to realize the integrity of the elections; Second, To handle the election law cases quickly and simply so as to obey the integrity of the election. Formulation; First, the election special justice to be able to work quickly and simply in handling election law cases, domiciled at the central and provincial level, then entering the District Court or the High Court; Secondly, the Guidelines for the election special judicial law shall be based on Supreme Court Regulation Number 4 Year 2017 on Procedures for the Settlement of Administrative Offenses of the General Elections in the Supreme Court. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perlunya membentuk peradilan khusus pemilu yang mempunyai kewenangan menyelesaikan berbagai perkara hukum pemilu agar terwujud pemilu yang berintegritas; dan menganalisis formulasi pembentukan peradilan khusus pemilu dalam rangka mewujudkan integritas pemilu. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah metode penelitian hukum normatif dan pelaksanaan dari penelitian ini mengumpulkan bahan hukum dari berbagai sumber guna mendapatkan suatu jawaban atas pokok-pokok permasalahan yang telah dirumuskan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tujuan perlunya pembentukan peradilan khusus pemilu; Pertama, Untuk memenuhi tuntutan perkembangan akan keadilan yang semakin kompleks dalam masyarakat dan lebih penegakan hukum pemilu sehingga mewujudkan integritas pemilu; Kedua, Untuk menangani perkara hukum pemilu dengan cepat dan sederhana sehingga mewudkan integritas pemilu. Formulasi; Pertama, Peradilan khusus pemilu agar bisa bekerja cepat dan sederhana dalam menangani perkara hukum pemilu, berkedudukan di tingkat pusat dan provinsi, selanjutnya masuk pada Pengadilan Negeri atau Pengadilan Tinggi; Kedua, Pedoman beracara pada peradilan khusus pemilu berdasarkan pada Peraturan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 4 Tahun 2017 tentang Tata Cara Penyelesaian Pelanggaran Administratif Pemilihan Umum Di Mahkamah Agung.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 14-21
Sukmawati Sukmawati

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan menjelaskan hukum dan peraturan dalam mendukung penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi, upaya penegakan hukum dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penegakan hukum korupsi di Sulawesi Barat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian Hukum Empiris. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: pertama, instrumen yuridis normatif yang mengatur penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi sudah memadai, tetapi membutuhkan komitmen yang kuat oleh petugas penegak hukum dalam mengimplementasikan artikel yang relevan, LSM dan dukungan masyarakat untuk penegakan hukum bagi korupsi dan kurangnya pemahaman untuk semua elemen penegakan hukum. kedua, upaya penegakan hukum untuk korupsi di Sulawesi Barat terdiri dari Partisipasi Masyarakat, Profesionalisme Aparat Penegak Hukum, Kemauan Politik Pemerintah Daerah dan Dukungan DPRD Sulawesi Barat. Ketiga, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penegakan hukum korupsi di Sulawesi Barat adalah faktor hukum, faktor penegakan hukum, fasilitas atau fasilitas, faktor masyarakat, dan faktor budaya. This study aims to analyze and explain the laws and regulations in supporting law enforcement of criminal acts of corruption, law enforcement efforts and the factors that influence law enforcement of corruption in West Sulawesi. The research method used is Empirical Law research. The results of this study indicate that: first, a normative juridical instrument that regulates the law enforcement of criminal acts of corruption is adequate, but it requires a firm commitment by law enforcement officials in implementing relevant articles, NGO and community support for law enforcement of corruption and lack of understanding for all law enforcement elements. second, law enforcement efforts for corruption in West Sulawesi consist of Community Participation, Professionalism of Law Enforcement Officials, Political Will of Regional Government and West Sulawesi DPRD Support. Third, the factors that influence law enforcement of corruption in West Sulawesi are legal factors, law enforcement factors, facilities or facilities, community factors, and cultural factors.

I Pande Ketut Arya Yarsita ◽  
Rodliyah ◽  
RR. Cahyowati

This study aims to examine and analyze the concept of decision making in the diversion process for children facing the law who are not yet 12 years old; and law enforcement decision making in the diversion process for children who are faced with a law that is not yet 12 years old (Study of the Chairperson of the Mataram District Court Number: 22/Pen.Div/2017/PN Mtr). The concept of decision making in the diversion process for children facing the law that is not yet 12 years old is the judge in imposing sanctions for children considering recommendations in the social research report made by community counselors to express and find data and information objectively about the development and background of life children from various sociological, psychological and other aspects while still paying attention to the best interests of the child. Law enforcement of decision making in the diversion process against children who are faced with a law that is not yet 12 years old emphasizes restorative justice which is the goal in the implementation of the diversion of cases of children facing the law. Law enforcement officials both Investigators, Community Guidance and Professional Social Workers conduct deliberations to reach a decision based on restorative justice that prioritizes the best interests of children.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 197
Asmah Asmah

ABSTRAKKomisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) dalam Putusan Nomor 09/KPPU-L/2013 menyatakan bahwa terlapor I, terlapor II, terlapor III, terlapor IV, terlapor V, terlapor VI, terlapor VII, terlapor VIII, terlapor IX, dan terlapor X terbukti secara sah dan meyakinkan melakukan persekongkolan tender. Pengadilan Negeri Makassar menjatuhkan Putusan Nomor 238/PDT. SUS-KPPU/2014/PN.MKS yang amarnya menolak permohonan keberatan para pemohon. Pada tingkat kasasi, Mahkamah Agung dalam Putusan Nomor 430 K/PDT.SUS-KPPU/2015 menguatkan Putusan Nomor 238/PDT.SUS-KPPU/2014/PN.MKS dan Putusan Nomor 09/KPPU-L/2013. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah bagaimana analisis penerapan sanksi hukum dalam kasus persekongkolan tender pada Putusan Nomor 430 K/PDT.SUS-KPPU/2015 tingkat kasasi di Mahkamah Agung. Metode yang digunakan adalah normatif empiris. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah pertimbangan hakim pada Putusan Nomor 430 K/PDT. SUS-KPPU/2015, yang pada dasarnya menguatkan Putusan Nomor 238/PDT.SUS-KPPU/2014/PN.MKS dan Putusan Nomor 09/KPPU-L/2013 yang menyatakan bahwa terlapor telah terbukti memenuhi unsur-unsur Pasal 22 Undnag-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 terkait persekongkolan tender, sehingga merefleksikan nilai-nilai dan norma-norma yang terkandung dalam proses penegakan hukum di bidang persaingan usaha, dengan memberikan jaminan kesempatan berusaha yang sama bagi setiap pelaku usaha melalui pencegahan terjadinya praktik persekongkolan tender.Kata kunci: sanksi, persekongkolan, KPPU.  ABSTRACTThe Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) in Decision Number 09/KPPU-L/2013 states that reported party I up to reported party X were proven legally and convincingly to conduct tender conspiracy. Makassar District Court imposed Decision Number 238/PDT.SUS-KPPU/2014/PN.MKS that refused the petition of petitioners' objections. At the cassation level, the Supreme Court in Decision Number 430 K/PDT.SUS-KPPU/2015 reinforces Decision Number 238/PDT.SUS-KPPU/2014/PN.MKS and Decision Number 09/KPPU-L/2013. The formulation of this research problem is how the analysis of the application of legal sanctions in the case of tender conspiracy in Decision Number 430 K/PDT.SUS-KPPU/2015 cassation level in the Supreme Court. The method used in this analysis is normative. The conclusion of this research is that consideration of the judge on the Decision of the Supreme Court Number 430 K/PDT.SUS-KPPU/2015 that reinforces Decision Number 238/PDT.SUSKPPU/2014/PN.MKS and KPPU Decision Number 09/KPPU-L/2013, which states that the reported party has been proven to fulfill the elements of Article 22 of Law 5 of 1999 related to the tender conspiracy. So that it reflects, the values and norms that contained in the process of law enforcement in the field of business competition, by providing guarantees of equal business opportunities for each business actor through the prevention of the practice of tender conspiracy. Keywords: sanctions, conspiracy, KPPU.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 199-202
Rosmalinda Rosmalinda ◽  
Arif Arif ◽  
Ainul Mardiyah

Setiap orang adalah sama didepan hukum tak terkecuali penyandang disabilitas. Penelitian berjudul ―Model Pendampingan Hukum Bagi Difabel (Orang Yang Berkebutuhan Khusus) Yang Berhadapan Dengan Hukum Di Kota Medan dan Binjai didukung oleh DIKTI dalam Skim Penelitian Hibah bersaing. Peneliti berharap diakhir penelitian akan diperoleh informasi; Pertama, situasi penyandang Disabilitas mengakses layanan hukum yang tersedia di masyarakat. Kedua, persfektif Organisasi atau Lembaga penyedia layanan bantuan hukum bagi Penyandang Disabilitas. Untuk memperoleh tujuan yang diharapkan penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode normatif empiris. Peneliti melakukan pengumpulan peraturan hukum dan menganalisanya dilanjutkan dengan pengumpulan data lapangan melalui Wawancara mendalam dengan beberapa informan di Kota Medan dan Binjai. Beberapa temuan awal penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa Kota Medan dan Binjai memiliki kasus pidana yang melibatkan penyandang disabilitas baik sebagai Pelaku, Korban dan Saksi. Tindak Pidana yang melibatkan penyadang disabilitas ini adalah Kekerasan seksual meliputi pelecehan seksual, perkosaan dan incest. Temuan lain penelitian adalah adanya kendala bagi Aparat Penegak Hukum dalam penanganan kasus yang melibatkan Penyandang Disabilitas ini. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa dalam penanganan kasus hukum yang melibatkan penyandang disabilitas memiliki tantangan khusus terkait keterbatasan penyandan disabilitas. Tantangan tidak hanya dihadapi oleh penyandang disabilitas dan keluarga tetapi juga Aparat Penegak Hukum (APH).   Everyone is equal before the law, including people with disabilities. The study entitled ―The Legal Assistance Model For Disabled (People Who Have Special Needs) Dealing with Law in Medan and Binjai Cities was supported by DIKTI in Competitive Research Schemes. The researcher expected that information would be obtained at the end of the study; First, the situation of persons with disabilities accessing legal services available in the community. Second, the perspective of Legal Aid Services organizations or institutions for persons with disabilities. To obtain the expected goals, the study was conducted using empirical normative methods. The researcher collected and analyzed legal regulations, followed by data collection through in-depth interviews with several informants in the cities of Medan and Binjai. Some preliminary findings of the study showed that Medan and Binjai had criminal cases involving persons with disabilities as Actors, Victims, and Witnesses. The criminal offenses involving persons with disabilities were sexual violence including sexual harassment, rape, and incest. Another finding of the research shows that there were obstacles for Law Enforcement Officials in handling cases involving this Dissability. This study concluded that there were special challenges related to the limitations of disability genders in handling legal cases involving persons with disabilities. The challenges were faced not only by persons with disabilities and families, but also by Law Enforcement Officials (APH).

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