scholarly journals Sengkulun as Betawi Traditional Cake Philosophy, Historical and Cultural Review

2018 ◽  
pp. 9
Billy Tanius ◽  
Tiurma Sinaga ◽  
Himawan Brahmantyo

Betawi has a diversity of traditional food. One of the diversity of traditional foods of Betawi’s type of cake is Sengkulun cake. This rare cake is made from glutinous rice flour. Study was designed to recognize the Sengkulun cake from history, culture and philosophy as well as documenting the original way of making the cake which has begun to be forgotten. Descriptive qualitative approach was used to analyse data and information. Respondent were elders, i.e. Betawi cultural experts and Sengkulun cake makers. Experiment was conducted to obtain documentation in the form of photo and video which could make the cake more interesting to become Betawi ‘s snacks. Results show that the Sengkulun cake has existed for a long time but cannot be known with certainty the year of the creation of this cake. This cake began to be created because of the abundant availability of glutinous rice and also due to the influence of Chinese ethnic in the processing the snacks. The cake has a high position in ancient times because this cake can only be found in certain events such as Eid al-Fitr. From the Sengkulun's philosophy, it can be said that sticky texture of the Sengkulun cake has a symbol of respect each other. Keywords: philosophy, Sengkulun, traditional cake

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 10-15
Emilda Firdaus ◽  
Firdaus Firdaus ◽  
Hengky Firmanda ◽  
Deby Kurnia ◽  
Sukamarriko Andrikasmi

Palung Raya village has culinary potential that can be developed such as lopek bugih, lopek bugih which is a traditional food belonging to Kampar Regency, this meal is a meal of processed glutinous rice flour which is filled with grated coconut filled with sugar. The purpose of this activity is to support higher education programs through realizing the three principles of higher education as well as improving the economy of lopek bugih business actors. The method of application is provided by providing socialization and assistance in managing business legality, and creating the latest innovative taste of lopek bugih which so far only consists of one taste, these activities are carried out by directly involving business groups that have met the elements. The empowerment of lopek bugih business actors resulted in business legality and innovation in variations of lopek bugih.

Hestiyana Hestiyana

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan konsep penamaan makanan tradisional dalam leksikon ritual aruh baharin suku Dayak Halong dan makna semiotisnya. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnolinguistik. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa leksikon nama-nama makanan tradisional dalam ritual aruh baharin suku Dayak Halong dan makna semiotis makanan tradisional tersebut yang diperoleh dari tatuha adat suku Dayak Halong di Kabupaten Balangan. Penyediaan data diperoleh melalui metode simak, metode catat, studi dokumen, dan pustaka. Analisis data mencakup pendeskripsian konsep penamaan makanan tradisional dalam leksikon ritual aruh baharin dan makna semiotisnya serta membuat simpulan. Penyajian hasil analisis data menggunakan metode informal. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data ditemukan 27 leksikon nama makanan tradisional. Pemberian konsep penamaan makanan tradisional berdasarkan pada bahan-bahan utama yang digunakan, yakni gula merah, santan kelapa, beras ketan, dan telur sekaligus menjadi cerminan kultural suku Dayak Halong. Makna semiotis makanan tradisional dalam ritual aruh baharin mengacu kepada bahan-bahan dasar yang digunakan dan diperoleh dari hasil alam. Gula merah dimaknai sebagai makanan untuk darah manusia atau dianggap sebagai pengganti darah manusia. Air santan dipercayai sebagai lambang kesucian yang mengalir dalam darah manusia. Beras ketan merupakan simbol kedekatan hubungan sesama manusia. Kemudian, daun pisang dan daun kelapa muda dimaknai sebagai lambang kehidupan suku Dayak Halong yang akan menuntun kehidupan manusia sebelum menuju kematian atau menghadap Sang Bahatara. Abstract: This study aims to describe the concept of naming traditional foods in the ritual lexicon of aruh baharin Dayak Halong tribe and its semiotic meaning. The method used is a descriptive qualitative method with ethnolinguistic approach. The data in this study are a lexicon of  traditional food names in the aruh baharin ritual of the Dayak Halong tribe and the semiotic meaning of the traditional food obtained from the custom of the Dayak Halong tribe in Balangan Regency. Provision of data is obtained through listening, note taking, document study and literature. Data analysis includes describing the concept of naming traditional food in the aruh baharin ritual lexicon and its semiotic meaning and making conclusions. Presentation of the results of data analysis using informal methods. Based on the results of data analysis found 27 lexicon names of traditional foods. The concept of naming traditional food is based on the main ingredients used, namely brown sugar, coconut milk, glutinous rice, and eggs as well as a reflection of the Dayak Halong culture. The meaning of semiotic traditional food in the aruh baharin ritual refers to the basic ingredients used and obtained from natural products. Brown sugar is interpreted as food for human blood or considered as a substitute for human blood. Coconut water is believed to be a symbol of purity that flows in human blood. Sticky rice is a symbol of the closeness of human relations. Then, banana leaves and young coconut leaves are interpreted as a symbol of the life of the Dayak Halong tribe that will guide human life before dying or facing the Bahatara. 

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 315
Ria Intani T.

AbstrakMemasuki zaman globalisasi dapat dikatakan segalanya serba modern. Tidak heran kalau kemudian orang mulai meninggalkan hal-hal yang berbau tradisional. Fenomena yang cukup menonjol terjadi pada makanan. Makanan dengan nama-nama asing booming hingga menomorduakan makanan tradisional. Itu dulu. Belakangan, beberapa makanan tradisional kembali bangkit dan bahkan booming di kalangan anak muda khususnya. Makanan yang dimaksud adalah seblak.  Penelitian tentang fenomena ini sangat penting untuk mengetahui kiat-kiat apa yang dilakukan pegiat makanan tradisional hingga makanan yang diproduksinya dapat diterima kembali di era sekarang ini. Dari kiat-kiat tersebut bukan tidak mungkin dapat dijadikan model untuk membangkitkan kembali jenis makanan tradisional lainnya dari keterpurukannya. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa makanan tradisional, dalam hal ini  seblak, dapat diterima  kembali kehadirannya di tengah-tengah makanan modern. Keberterimaan tersebut tidak lain karena pelaku usaha mau terus belajar, membuat inovasi, dan melihat budaya sebagai sesuatu yang dinamis. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kebudayaan merupakan sebuah aktivitas, merupakan sebuah  produk dan ide, sekaligus proses belajar.  AbstractEntering the era of globalization can be said of everything modern department. No wonder then people started leaving things that related to the traditional thing. The phenomenon is quite prevalent in the food. Foods with foreign names booming until subordinated the traditional food. That was then. Later, some of the traditional foods arise and even boom among young people in particular. The food in question is seblak. Research on this phenomenon is very important to know what tips do traditional food producer to produced acceptable food in this era. From the tips it is not possible that the models could be used to revive other types of traditional food. This is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The results showed that the traditional food, in this case seblak, be welcomed back its presence in the midst of modern food. Acceptance is not because businesses want to continue to learn, to innovate, and to see culture as something dynamic. This suggests that culture is an activity, is a product and ideas, as well as the process of learning.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (02) ◽  
pp. 772-796 ◽  
NFN Refisrul

Lamang is a typical food of Minangkabau society made from puluik rice with container from gutters(bamboo). Making lamang become the tradition of Minangkabau society since ancient times andcommonly referred to as nightang tradition. Lamang and night traditions are interesting and need toknow more in deep relationship in Minangkabau society life. This study uses a qualitative approach todata and information that is complete and in-depth. Nighttime tradition is the expression of Minangkabausociety towards the form of biological fulfillment and their fellow social relation, both within the widercircle of relatives and society. The existence of the night tradition is stronger the bonds of kinship,solidarity and symbols between peers. That is, the food lamang (lemang), as one of traditional food,and night traditions related to the culture of its people Minangkabau culture.

2019 ◽  
Ayu Dwi Utami

Abstract Sweet potato is an annual (short-lived) plant and is classified into a type of sweet potato plant. After one production, this plant will die. Sweet potato as a carbohydrate-producing agricultural commodity has no doubt existed among the people. Even sweet potatoes are used as food reserves if the production of rice and corn is not sufficient. Sweet potatoes can meet the nutritional needs of the body's health due to its complete nutritional content. So that sweet potatoes can be used as raw material innovations for making dumplings. Besides this innovation also aims that these dumplings also have their own uniqueness. Onde-onde is a traditional food made from wheat flour or glutinous rice flour that is fried or boiled and the surface is sprinkled with rice. This traditional food came from Mojokerto, East Java, so Mojokerto was dubbed the "onde-onde city".

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-125
Merry Lapasau

Since ancient times traditional societies continued their practical knowledge and life experiences through language from generation to generation so that each community group has a source of behavioral rules that can be used as a guide for life. Linguists, historians, anthropologists, social observers, cultural experts or literary specialists or anyone who wants to understand the concept of community life can have it from the expression of language in the form of advice, slogans, proverbs, phrases, anecdotes, parables and proverbs. This study discusses the time concepts contained in the Indonesian and German proverbs by focusing on the functions and values of wisdom contained therein. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach and is expected to explain about the philosophy, teaching and reflection of the height of thought of the ancient Indonesian people and the values contained in the German proverb.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 156
Opah Ropiah

Abstrak Tahun 2016 masyarakat Indonesia dihadapkan pada era Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA). Era MEA merupakan penyatuan ekonomi masyarakat Asean yang berdampak pada sosial, budaya, politik, dan bahasa. Masuknya budaya luar ke Indonesia menuntut masyarakat agar kreatif dan mempunyai daya saing dengan perekonomian di Asean. Dengan berkembangnya bahasa Inggris akan menggerus bahasa daerah dikarenakan bahasa daerah dianggap tidak berkontribusi banyak di era MEA. Padahal bahasa daerah sangat penting sebagai identitas daerah dan alat pendukung kebudayaan daerah. Agar bahasa daerah tidak punah maka dibutuhkan eksistensi di masyarakat. Salah satu eksistensinya bisa dilihat dari makanan tradisional yang dipasarkan bebas di Asean. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode deskriptif. Penelitian inipun mendeskripsikan nama-nama makanan tradisional khas daerah tidak akan bisa diganti dengan bahasa Inggris. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis makanan tradisional daerah Sunda, jenis-jenis minuman tradisional daerah Sunda, dan eksistensi makanan tradisional khas Sunda di berbagai daerah di Jawa Barat. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu terdapat banyak jenis makanan tradisional dilihat dari bahan pokok pembuatnya yang meliputi: 1) tipung béas (ali agrem, apem, awug, bubur lemu, cara, cuhcur, nagasari, bibika, papais, sorabi, jrrd), 2) sampeu (comro, misro, putri noong, gegetuk, katimus, peuyeum sampeu, jrrd), 3) ketan (peuyeum ketan, gemblong, wajit,dodol, opak, raginang, sasagon, téngténg, ulén, jrrd), dan 4) béas (buras, kupat, leupeut, lontong, jrrd). Jenis minuman tradisisonal khas Sunda terdiri dari bajigur, bandrek, céndol, cingcau, goyobod, lahang, dan sakoteng. Eksistensi makanan tradisional khas Sunda di berbagai daerah di Jawa Barat masih tetap terjaga. Hal ini dilihat dari makanan khas tardisional Jawa Barat yang masih disajikan pada acara pernikahan, khitanan, kematian, upacara tradisi, dan masih dipasarkan di berbagai toko oleh-oleh maupun toko makanan di Jawa Barat. ABSTRACTStarting from 2016, Indonesia enters the era of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). The era of AEC represents the union of the ASEAN economic community that give social, cultural, political, and language impacts. The entry of foreign cultures to Indonesia requires people to be creative and competitive with ASEAN economies. English language development could potentially undermine regional languages because regional language is considered not having much contribution for the era of MEA. However, regional languages have an important function as a tool of regional identity, as well as supporting regional culture. Regional languages should exist in regional communities to avoid their extinction. A form of regional languages’ existence can be seen in traditional foods that are marketed in the ASEAN region. This research used descriptive method. This study describes names of typical traditional food of regions that cannot be translated into English. This study aimed to describe the types of traditional food, traditional beverages, and the existence of traditional Sundanese food in various regions in West Java province. The results show that types kinds of traditional food based on the material: (1) tipung beas rice flour (ali agrem, apem, awug, bubur lemu, cara, cuhcur, nagasari, bibika, papais, sorabi, etc.), (2) sampeu cassava (comro, misro, putri noong, gegetuk, katimus, peuyeum sampeu, etc.), (3) ketan glutinous rice (peuyeum ketan, gemblong, wajit, dodol, opak, raginang, sasagon, téngténg, ulén, etc.), and (4) Beas rice (buras, kupat, leupeut, lontong, etc.). The types of Sundanese traditional beverages consist of bajigur, bandrek, cendol, cingcau, goyobod, lahang, and sakoteng. The Sundanese traditional foods in various areas of West Java still exist. This is evident from the traditional foods that are still served at ceremonies of wedding, circumcision, death, traditional, and they are marketed in a variety of souvenir shops and food stores in West Java. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Ni Wayan Sukerti ◽  
Cok.Istri Marsiti ◽  
Ni Made Suriani

pertama ini adalah untuk memperoleh strategi reinventarisasi makanan tradisional Buleleng sebagai salah satu upaya pelestarian seni kuliner Bali. Tujuan dapat dijabarkan sesuai tahapan pencapaian (1) Mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis makanan tradisional yang khas di Kabupaten Buleleng sejak dulu sampai sekarang (2) Menyusun pedoman/panduan resep beragam makanan tradisional khas di Kabupaten Buleleng. Jenis penelitian ini berupa penelitian survei dan pengembangan (Survei and Development Research ) yang dilaksanakan selama 2 (dua) tahun. Penelitian tahun pertama, menghasilkan rancangan sebagai berikut: (a) melakukan identifikasi terhadap jenis-jenis makanan tradisional khas Buleleng yang dikonsumsi masyarakat di Kabupaten Buleleng sebelumnya.,(b) melakukan pengkajian resep-resep berbagai jenis makanan tradisional khas Buleleng berdasarkan hasil identifikasi secara tradisional, (c) Menyusun draft pedoman resep tradisional . Lokasi penelitian ini adalah di delapan Kecamatan yang ada di kabupaten Buleleng, yang terbagi ke dalam 24 desa sebagai wilayah sampling. Metode pengumpulan data adalah metode wawancara, metode observasi partisipasi, dan metode Dokumentasi. Selanjutnya Data dianalisis secara deskriftif kualitatif yaitu pemaparan dengan kata-kata untuk menggambarkan objek yang diteliti. Penggambaran data hasil penelitian dilakukan secara objektif,sesuai dengan keadaan sebenarnya. Data hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Jenis-jenis hidangan khas tradisional kabupaten Buleleng meliputi : (a) Makanan Pokok seperti nasi tulen, nasi moran gadung, nasi moran keladi/talas, moran sele sawi, mengguh, blayag, tipat srosob; (b) Lauk Pauk meliputi : serapah, sate celeng, timbungan , dll, (c) Sayuran meliputi : urab paku, urab kacang dll, (d) Jajanan meliputi: jaja bantal, jaja kaun tulud, jaja lemu, jaja satuh ; dll, (e) Minuman meliputi loloh kunyit, loloh belimbing, es daluman, es kuud, rujak timun.;(2) tersusunnya 1 buah buku draft resep makanan tradisional Buleleng. Kata kunci: reinventarisasi, makanan tradisional, kuliner Bali Abstract The aim of research in the first year is to obtain Buleleng traditional foods re-inventory strategy as one of efforts to conserve Bali culinary arts. Goals can be outlined to the stage of achievement such as: (1) Identify the types of traditional food that is typical in Buleleng since long time ago until now (2) Develop guidelines/manual of various traditional food recipes in Buleleng. This type of research is in the form of Survey and Development Research which held for 2 (two) years. The first year, would produce the design as follows: (a) the identification of the types of Buleleng traditional food that consumed by people in Buleleng in the previous time, (b) assessing the recipes of various kinds of Buleleng traditional food based on the identification which has been conducted traditionally, (c) doing the process of testing traditional recipes. The location of this research was in the eight sub-districts in the Buleleng Regency, which were divided into 24 villages as the sampling area. Data collection methods used in this reseach were interviews, observation method of participation, and methods of documentation. Further data were analyzed by descriptive qualitative that would be presented by describing the object under study. Data depiction of the research results conducted objectively, in accordance with the actual and the real situation. The result of data showed that: (1) The types of Buleleng traditional dishes include: (a) Staple Food such as rice, gadung moran rice, taro moran rice, sweet potato moran rice, mengguh, blayag, tipat srosob; (b) the Side Dish include: serapah, pork satay, timbungan, etc., (c) Vegetables include: urab paku, urab kacang, etc., (c) Snacks include: bantal cake, Kaun tulud cake, Lemu cake, satuh cake, etc., (d) Beverages include turmeric herb, star fruit herb, daluman ice, young coconut ice, cucumber salad. Keywords: re-inventory,traditional foods, Bali Culinary arts

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