scholarly journals Perilaku Masyarakat dalam Pelestarian Hutan Mangrove di Kabupaten Pangkep Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Zainudin Zainudin ◽  
Sumardjo Sumardjo ◽  
Djoko Susanto

<p>Mangrove forest is one natural resource which essential for the life of living creatures that lives on its surrounding. The existence of mangrove forests has become an integral part of the lives of coastal communities; hence the existence of mangrove forests should be maintained and preserved. Mangrove forest sustainability cannot be separated from the behavior of the people who live around that forest. The objective of this research was (1) to examine the behavior of the coastal communities conserving mangrove forests, (2) to examine the factors related to coastal communities’ behavior in managing and conserving mangrove forest. The populations were the 100 heads of fisherman households taken from Tekolabbua and Pundata Baji Village of Pangkep District. This research was correlational research. This data was analyzed using Spearman Rank correlation by using SPSS programming. The result shows that the behavior of coastal communities in the preservation Pangkep mangrove forests is in the middle level. Factors related to this are behavior is the intensity of extension activities and environmental support.</p><p>Keywords: coastal community behavior, managing and conserving mangrove forests</p>

Roger R Tabalessy

Coastal areas can either meet the human needs or give great contribution to the development. However, rapid infrastrural development in Sorong, west Papua, has been followed by high demand for mangrove timber and caused mangrove forest degradation due to exploitation. This exploitation could also result from high economic value of the mangrove timber. This study was done to analyze the economic value of mangrove wood utilized by the people to support the development process in Sorong. This study used primary data obtained through interviews and the economic value calculation of mangrove forests. It found that Sorong had mangrove economic value of IDR 165,197,833, 491. Wilayah pesisir selain dapat memenuhi kebutuhan hidup manusia juga memberikan kontribusi yang besar bagi pembangunan. Cepatnya pembangunan infrastruktur di Kota Sorong diikuti pula dengan tingginya permintaan akan kayu mangrove dan menyebabkan terjadinya degradasi hutan mangrove akibat eksploitasi. Eksploitasi ini disebabkan juga akibat kayu mangrove memiliki nilai ekonomi. Penelitian yang dilakukan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis nilai ekonomi kayu mangrove yang dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat Kota Sorong dalam proses menunjang pembangunan. Penelitian ini menggunakkan data primer yang diperoleh melalui hasil wawancara dan perhitungan nilai ekonomi hutan mangrove. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan nilai ekonomi ekosistem hutan mangrove yang berada di Kota Sorong adalah Rp165.197.833.491.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
Irwan Djumat

School autonomy with its local curriculum as a sign for an area will provide opportunities for the region to develop its regional potential, including North Maluku, where most of the people live in coastal areas. Regional autonomy opens up space for the region to improve its education, and the coastal communities of North Maluku must be of special concern because of the potential of fisheries, coral reefs, mangrove forests, marine tourism islands, and others not touched by skilled hands, because they are not taught in education . Not to mention the local potential and cultural values of the people who are very very diverse which tend to be ignored. Even though all of this is the foundation supporting the national strength and integrity of the NKRI. Over time, the ASEAN Ecconomy Community (AEC) or the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) was present and became a challenge for the people of North Maluku. If the education of the people of North Maluku is not qualified and ignores local values, then the output of education will be spectators and slaves in their own country. Ki Hadjar Dewantara has reminded us that "our culture is pressured by European culture; this is good, but even the big language seems to be hanging up ... The tools for reducing that language are: ... education, education for our children, for many people in our society.Key Words: Otonomi, local curriculum, asean ecconomy community 

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 123
Adam Adam

Kelurahan Tangjung Sengkuang berada di pinggir pantai dengan luas pantai 120,6 km², yang mana di pinggir pantai Tanjung Sengkuang ini ditumbuhi pohon mangrove. Berdasarkan data Badan Pengendalian Dampak Lingkungan Kota Batam menyatakan wilayah Batam kehilangan sekitar 800 hektar hutan mangrove sepanjang tahun 2015. Hal ini senada dengan kondisi pohon mangrove di Kelurahan Tanjung Sengkuang yang kelihatan sudah mulai punah dan tidak terpelihara akibat perusahaan-perusahaan yang berada disekitar pantai Tanjung Sengkuang menebang hutan bakau semena-mena ditambah warga yang mempunyai kapal-kapal menebang pohon mangrove untuk dijadikan lahan tempat bersandarnya kapal. Tujuan dari Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini diantaranya, untuk menanamkan rasa peduli masyarakat terhadap lingkungan hidup khususnya pohon mangrove, disamping itu juga kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan membangkitkan motivasi  masyarakat akan pentingnya pelestarian hutan bakau untuk keberlangsungan hidup habitat laut dan juga untuk kesehatan warga sekitar pantai. Adapun metode kegiatan yang diterapkan dalam kegiatan ini menggunakan metode, ceramah, diskusi, simulasi, dan penyuluhan. Sasaran dari kegiatan ini yaitu KSM Tanjung Sengkuang Bersih, Karang Taruna Tanjung Sengkuang, Anak-anak sekolah, dan masyarakat sekitar pantai. Dari hasil kegiatan tersebut, penanaman pohon mangrove berjalan dengan lancar sesuai dengan yang direncanakan, hal ini terlihat jumlah pohon mangrove yang 1.200 batang 1 bulan setelah selesai kegiatan terlihat tumbuh dengan baik. Disamping itu juga masyarakat terlihat sangat antusias dalam menjaga lingkungan setelah kegiatan selesai.  Kata Kunci : Konservasi pantai, Penanaman Mangrove, Tanjung Riau       Abstract                    Tangjung Sengkuang is located on the beach with an area of 120.6 km², which on the coast of Tanjung Sengkuang is overgrown with mangrove trees. Based on the data from the Environmental Impact Management Agency of Batam City, the Batam area lost about 800 hectares of mangrove forest throughout 2015. This is in line with the condition of mangrove trees in Tanjung Sengkuang Village which appear to have become extinct and not maintained due to companies located around Tanjung Sengkuang cutting down the mangrove forests arbitrarily and the residents who have ships cutting down mangrove trees to be used as land for ships to lean on.                    The aims of this programs are, to instill a sense of community care for the environment, especially mangrove trees, in addition to to provide knowledge and generate community motivation for the importance of preserving mangrove forests for the survival of marine habitats and also for the health of coastal communities .                    The method used in this activity are, lectures, discussions, simulations, and counseling. The targets of this activity are KSM Tanjung Sengkuang Bersih, Tanjung Sengkuang Youth Organization, students, and the community around the beach.                    From the results of these programs, planting mangrove trees went smoothly as planned, it was seen that the number of mangrove trees 1,200 stems 1 month after the completion of the activities seemed to grow well along the beach. Besides that, the community looks very enthusiastic in protecting the environment after the activities are finished. Keywords: Beach Conservation, Mangrove Planting, Tanjung Riau Village

2021 ◽  
Vol 328 ◽  
pp. 08002
Astaman Amir ◽  
Sajriawati Sajriawati

The implementation of the coastal resource management model must be adjusted to the characteristics of the coastal communities in the coastal area. This study aims to analyze the management model of mangrove forests in Payum Beach. The research location is Payum coastal area, samkai village, Merauke district. The population in this study are coastal communities, traditional leaders and stakeholders associated with mangrove forest management. Sampling uses a purposive sampling technique, which will be adjusted to the information needs of the study. Data collected includes mangrove forest management. Data analysis using descriptive qualitative. The results showed that there was cooperation between coastal communities and the government in carrying out mangrove rehabilitation in the process the government tended to only inform the community about the decisions that would be made. The management of mangrove forests on Payum beach adopts an instructive co-management management model.

2011 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 29 ◽  
Benu Olfie L. Suzana ◽  
Jean Timban ◽  
Rine Kaunang ◽  
Fandi Ahmad

The purpose of this study to determine the economics value of mangrove forest ecosystems, as well asits contribution to society in the region of mangrove research sites in the Palaes Village, District of WestLikupang, North Minahasa regency. In this research, using primary and secondary data. The variablesmeasured were the direct benefit of the value generated from direct utilization of mangrove forests such asthe potential for wood (timber and firewood), palm leaves craftsmen , catching fish, shrimp and crab(Rp/year). The value of benefits Indirect value resulting from the utilization of mangrove forest indirectlynamed as breaking waves (break water) (Rp/year). Value of benefit options, namely the economic valuederived from potential direct or indirect utilization of a resource / ecosystem in the future the value ofBiodiversity (Rp/year).Based on INP calculation to determine the existence of a species in a community under study, obtainedPalaes Village mangrove forest dominated by Rhizophora at 109,499. INP data from other speciesin a row on the kind of Brugiera of 58,088, amounting to 57,492 Ceriops species, Xilocarpus of 41,491,20,860 species of Sonneratia and Avicennia species amounted to 12,860.Based on the calculations found that the benefits obtained if mangrove forests are maintained atRp10,888,218,123,/year, calculated from the sum of the direct benefits other than timber potential, indirectbenefits and benefits options. Meanwhile, if the potential for exploitation of timber obtained a profit ofRp273,617,273/year. It can be concluded that if the mangrove forest is maintained, then the benefits will39.8 times greater than exploiting the natural resources of mangrove forests Palaes Village.By considering the total economic value derived from the mangrove forest ecosystem in Palaes Village,it has the benefits of mangrove forest and an important functions as economic resources and ecologicalresources for the life of the people who are around him. Therefore, the presence of (physical condition)of mangrove forest ecosystems must be maintained as an asset development, be it by local communitiesand other parties such as government, private sector, researchers and LSM, so that development activitiescan work well and the availability of mangrove forest resources remain secure.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 14
Fifiarna Fifiarna ◽  
Sukuryadi Sukuryadi ◽  
Nurin Rochayati

Abstract: Community participation to reduce and avoid the risk of disasters is important by increasing public awareness and capacity. This study aims to describe the participation of communities and governments on the coast in reducing the risk of disaster in Lambu District, Bima Regency. The method used in this research is qualitative research method. The method of determining informants, the way of determining informants in this study is by purposive sampling. Data collection method is done through observation, interview and documentation. Data analysis used is data reduction, data presentation and data verification. The result of the research, namely (a) mangrove tree planting and greening around the beach is one of the efforts of the Local Government in NTB, especially in Nggelu Village (b) legal counseling to the people of Nggelu Village, providing knowledge to local fishermen about the legislation related to marine and fishery. The advice in the research is that the coastal communities of Nggelu Village to better maintain the coastal environment by not littering and maintaining the sustainability of mangrove forests and not cutting them down.Abstrak: Partisipasi masyarakat untuk mengurangi dan menghindari resiko bencana penting dilakukan dengan cara meningkatkan kesadaran dan kapasitas masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan partisipasi masyarakat dan pemerintah di pesisir dalam mengurangi resiko bencana di Kecamatan Lambu Kabupaten Bima. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian  kualitatif. Metode penentuan informan, cara penentuan informan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan purposive sampling. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian yaitu (a) penanaman pohon mangrove dan penghijauan di sekitar pantai merupakan salah satu upaya Pemerintah Daerah di NTB khususnya yang terjadi di Desa Nggelu (b) penyuluhan hukum terhadap masyarakat Desa Nggelu, memberikan pengetahuan terhadap para nelayan setempat tentang peraturan perundang-undagan yang berkaitan dengan kelautan dan perikanan. Adapun saran dalam penelitian yaitu masyarakat wilayah pesisir pantai Desa Nggelu agar lebih menjaga lingkungan pesisir dengan tidak membuang sampah sembarangan dan menjaga kelestarian hutan bakau (mangrove) degan tidak menebangnya.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Ahmad Redi ◽  
Tundjung Herning Sitabuana ◽  
Fakhrana Izazi Hanifati ◽  
Putri Nabila Kurnia Arsyad

Indonesia memiliki kekayaan sumber daya alam melimpah yang tersebar di 17.504 pulau salah satunya adalah hutan mangrove. Hutan mangrove sebaga bagian dari ekosistem memiliki banyak manfaat, diantaranya adalah sebagai penyerap karbon terbesar untuk melawan pemanasan global dan pemecah ombak sehingga meminimalisir abrasi. Salah satu wilayah Indonesia yang memiliki banyak hutan mangrove adalah Provinsi Bali. Namun, perlindungan dan pengelolaan hutan mangrove di Provisi Bali belum terlaksana dengan baik. Seperti adanya penyerobotan lahan kawasan hutan mangrove, pemanfaatan lahan untuk keperluan yang tidak sesuai peruntukkannya, perambahan, pencemaran, dan lain sebagainya. Meskipun terdapat regulasi yang membahas mengenai pengelolaan dari hutan mangrove, namun belum ada suatu payung hukum yang khusus membahas pemulihan ekosistem hutan mangrove yang mulai rusak. Sehingga diperlukan adanya suatu payung hukum dengan memperhatikan kearifan lokal masyarakat Provinsi Bali guna melindungi ekosistem hutan mangrove yang tetap sejalan dengan prinsip Tri Hita Karana. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memaparkan bagaimana urgensi pembentukan Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Bali tentang perlindungan dan pengelolaan hutan mangrove dengan menyesuaikan dengan kearifan lokal masyarakat Bali. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif empiris dengan studi literatur dan teknik wawancara In-Depth Interview. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah telah terdapat berbagai regulasi nasional untuk melindungi dan mengelola hutan mangrove namun belum terdapat peraturan ditingkat daerah Provinsi Bali yang mengatur secara khusus padahal pada Tahun 2015 sebanyak 172 Ha Hutan Mangrove pada Kabupaten Badung telah rusak, kemudian pada Kabupaten Buleleng sebanyak 128,5 Ha Hutan Mangrove telah rusak yang dalam hal ini lebih banyak daripada jumlah hutan mangrove yang tidak rusak yakni 114,5 Ha, lalu pada Kota Denpasar hutan mangrove yang telah rusak adalah sebanyak 81,4 Ha, kemudian 63,5 Ha hutan mangrove di Jembrana juga telah rusak, dan Di Kabupaten Klungkung sebanyak 9,5 Ha telah rusak. Urgensi pembentukan peraturan daerah ini dapat dinilai sebagai realisasi Pasal 28H ayat (1) Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah diperlukan untuk adanya suatu peraturan daerah yang mengatur mengenai pengelolaan dan pengawasan hutan mangrove di Bali dengan melibatkan masyarakat hukum adat, memuat ketentuan pidana, dilandaskan pada kearifan lokal Bali seperti Tri Hita Karana yang berarti tiga penyebab keharmonisan, terdiri dari parahyangan, pawongan dan palemahan. Indonesia possesses a wealth of abundant natural resources spread over 17,504 islands, one of which is mangrove forests. Mangrove forests as part of an ecosystem provides many benefits, including being the most effective carbon sink to combat global warming, and breaking incoming waves so as to minimize abrasion. One area of Indonesia with plenty of mangrove forests is the Province of Bali. However, the protection and management of mangrove forests in the Province of Bali has not been implemented well. Examples of which include land grabbing of the mangrove forest area, clearing said forest for uses that are not in accordance with its purpose, encroachment, pollution, and so forth. Despite regulations that discuss the management of mangrove forests, there is not yet a legal protection that specifically addresses the restoration of damaged mangrove forest. Therefore, legal protection with regards to the local wisdom of the people of Bali Province is necessary in order to protect the mangrove forest ecosystem which remains in line with the principles of Tri Hita Karana. The purpose of this study is to explain the urgency of the formation of the Bali Provincial Regulation concerning the protection and management of mangrove forests with regards to the local wisdom of the Balinese people. This research used empirical normative legal research method with literature studies and in-depth interview. The result of this study is that there have been various national regulations to protect and manage mangrove forests, however there is no regulation at the provincial level in Bali for similar purposes, whereas in 2015 as many as 172 Ha of Mangrove Forest in Badung Regency was damaged, and then in Buleleng Regency 128 5 Ha of mangrove forest was damaged, which is more than the 114.5 Ha of mangrove forest that is still undamaged. Then, in Denpasar, 81.4 Ha of mangrove forest, in Jembrana, 63.5 Ha of mangrove forest, and in Klungkung Regency 9.5 Ha was damaged. The urgency of establishing this regional regulation can be seen as the realization of Article 28H paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The conclusion of this study is that it is necessary for a regional regulation governing the management and supervision of mangrove forests in Bali by involving the customary law community, which contains criminal provisions, and based on Balinese local wisdom such as Tri Hita Karana which means three sources of harmony, consisting of parahyangan, pawongan and palemahan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-67
Johannes M.S. Tetelepta ◽  
Sven Loupatty ◽  
Mintje Wawo

The coastal area of Pelita Jaya Bay and Kotania Bay is a semi enclose estuary area having three typical most productive ecosystems i.e. mangrove, seagrasses, and coral reefs with the mangrove ecosystem being the dominant one making this area a productive in fish resources. Local community neighboring this area used mangrove ecosystem for many different purposes, some of it threatening the sustainability oh the ecosystem. The objective of this study was to analyze mangrove forest sustainability and to propose sustainable mangrove forest management. Rapfish analysis was used to analyze mangrove sustainability status. A sustainable management strategy was developed using a conceptual model framework combined with the DPSIR approach. The two most sensitive attributes affecting mangrove sustainability from Leverage analysis were used as the State component from DPSIR. The result shows that overall mangrove forest sustainability was 60% and was considered fair sustain with the ecological dimension having the highest sustainable scale (85.35%) and considered sustain, whilst institutional dimension having the lowest sustainable scale (29.10%) and considered unsustain. The sustainable mangrove management strategy proposed consists of workshops, training, vocational education concerning EAM, as well as replanting degraded mangrove forests, monitoring, surveying, and controlling. The management strategy should be conducted based on a co-management approach.   Keywords:  Mangrove forest, local community, sustainability, conceptual model framework, Kotania Bay

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 666
Adnin Musadri Asbi ◽  
Rahman Abdel Rauf

Recognizing the importance of living needs derived from natural resources, a solution is needed to integrate ecological and economic aspects in order to work in balance. This research specifically examines the perspective of the people of Desa Jaring Halus in relation to the existence of mangrove forest ecosystem based on observation method. This study also analyzed the relationship of mangrove existence with social, economy and local wisdom of local community as well as looking for solution to increase income level of society by using questionnaire. The data derived from the questionnaire were analyzed descriptively quantitative. The results show that 92.85% of people feel the positive impact of maintained mangrove forest. The people of Jaring Halus Village have an unwritten local wisdom in managing and preserving mangrove forests to maintain social and economic sustainability. In order to increase the income level of the community, it is necessary to make a permanent mangrove nursery which is managed by the government performed by the community and marketed out of the village according to its allocation to increase household income by utilizing the development of Jaring Halus Village as Ecosystem Ecotourism Area.

2018 ◽  
Vol 73 ◽  
pp. 04010
Yulizar Ihrami Rahmila ◽  
M. Arief Rahman Halim

Mangrove forest which has a primary function to prevent abrasion, protection against wind, sea water intrusion prevention, and as an energy producer, in the last few years many have been converted to non-forest land, such as agriculture and fisheries. Therefore it is necessary for an attempt to save mangrove forests one of them is by developing environmental concept based mangrove forest ecotourism. This research aims to develop the potential ecotourism of mangrove forests in Mangunharjo Village, through mangrove condition and interest of the people in Mangunharjo. The methods used were vegetation analysis, ecotourism suitability analysis, interviews, observation, and literature studies. The results of the research shows that Mangunharjo Village mangrove forests have the potential of tourist sites such as fishing, boating and enjoying the natural beauty of the mangrove forest with an ecotourism suitability index of 74.36%. The potential of flora Mangrove Mangunharjo have low biodiversity as it is an artificial mangrove ecosystem, but has the potential of abundant bird diversity that can be done for birdwatching Perception of some of the community supports the tourist development of mangrove forests in Mangunharjo Village because there motivated to improve people's welfare. This research is expected to be an information material about the ecotourism which will be expected as a mangrove conservation management

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