Just Labour ◽  
1969 ◽  
Geoff Bickerton ◽  
Catherine Stearns

In most communities the relationship between trade unions and social activist organizations is usually underdeveloped and uneven. Likewise trade unions usually have no organic connections to unorganized workers and contribute little to the task of representing these workers in their struggles against employers and government agencies. The Workers Organizing and Resource Centre (WORC), a collective administered by trade unionists and social activists, is an attempt to bridge this solitude. Since it was established in 1998, WORC has been the home to numerous working class advocacy organizations and a hub of progressive activity in Winnipeg. Its mandate is to facilitate the development of community organizations, provide advocacy work for non union workers, and to assist in organizing the unorganized. This paper describes the function that WORC plays in the Winnipeg progressive community and discusses the relationship to its sole source of funding, the national office of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers. Dans la plupart des communautés, les relations entre les syndicats et les autres organisations d’action sociale sont habituellement sous-développées et inégales. Les syndicats n’ont habituellement pas de lien organique avec les travailleurs et les travailleuses non syndiqués et ne contribuent guère à leur représentation dans les luttes qu’ils livrent aux employeurs et aux organismes gouvernementaux. Le Workers Organizing and Resource Centre (WORC), collectif administré par des militantes et militants syndicaux et sociaux, tente de combler cette lacune. Depuis sa création, en 1998, le WORC a accueilli de nombreuses organisations militantes de la classe travailleuse et a constitué une plaque tournante de l’activité progressiste à Winnipeg. Il a pour mandat de faciliter le développement d’organisations communautaires, d’attribuer des tâches de défense de cause aux travailleurs et travailleuses non syndiqués et d’aider à la syndicalisation des personnes non syndiquées. L’article décrit le rôle que le WORC joue dans la communauté progressiste de Winnipeg et le rapport qu’il entretient avec son unique source de fonds, qui est le bureau national du Syndicat des travailleurs et travailleuses des postes

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-46
Maarten Keune

In the context of rising inequality between capital and labour and among wage-earners in Europe, this state-of-the-art article reviews the literature concerning the relationship between collective bargaining and inequality. It focuses on two main questions: (i) what is the relationship between collective bargaining, union bargaining power and inequality between capital and labour? and (ii) what is the relationship between collective bargaining, union bargaining power and wage inequality among wage-earners? Both questions are discussed in general terms and for single- and multi-employer bargaining systems. It is argued that collective bargaining coverage and union density are negatively related to both types of inequality. These relationships are however qualified by four additional factors: who unions represent, the weight of union objectives other than wages, the statutory minimum wage, and extensions of collective agreements by governments.

2001 ◽  
Vol 176 ◽  
pp. 105-116 ◽  
Mike Noon ◽  
Kim Hoque

The article examines whether ethnic minority employees report poorer treatment at work than white employees, and evaluates the impact of three key features — gender differences, formal equal opportunities policies and trade union recognition. The analysis reveals that ethnic minority men and women receive poorer treatment than their white counterparts. In addition, there is evidence to suggest that ethnic minority women receive poorer treatment than ethnic minority men. Equal opportunities policies are effective in ensuring equal treatment, but the presence of a recognised trade union is not. White men and women in unionised workplaces enjoy better treatment than their white counterparts in non-union workplaces, but the same is not true for ethnic minorities. By contrast, there is very little evidence of unequal treatment in non-union workplaces.

1987 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 160-164 ◽  
Stephen D. Bluen ◽  
Caroline van Zwam

The relationship between union membership and job satisfaction, and the moderating role of race and sex is considered in this study. Results show that both race and sex interact with union membership in predicting job satisfaction. A significant 2 × 2 × 2 (union membership × race × sex) interaction showed that white, non-unionized females were less satisfied with their work than black, non-unionized females. In addition, sex moderated the relationship between union membership and co-worker satisfaction: Whereas unionized males were more satisfied with their co-workers than unionized females, the opposite was true for the non-unionized subjects. Finally, union members and non-members differed regarding promotion opportunities: Union members were more satisfied with their promotion opportunities than non-union members. On the basis of the findings, implications and future research priorities are discussed.

Richard Whiting

In assessing the relationship between trade unions and British politics, this chapter has two focuses. First, it examines the role of trade unions as significant intermediate associations within the political system. They have been significant as the means for the development of citizenship and involvement in society, as well as a restraint upon the power of the state. Their power has also raised questions about the relationship between the role of associations and the freedom of the individual. Second, the chapter considers critical moments when the trade unions challenged the authority of governments, especially in the periods 1918–26 and 1979–85. Both of these lines of inquiry underline the importance of conservatism in the achievement of stability in modern Britain.

2005 ◽  
Vol 37 (3) ◽  
pp. 753-775
Pitman B. Potter ◽  
Li Jianyong

This paper examines the new Labour Law of the PRC, effective January 1, 1995, in the light of current and historical conditions of labour relations in China. Provisions regarding the labour contract system and dispute resolution are discussed in greater detail. Issues related to the introduction of collective bargaining and to the relationship between trade unions and the Communist Party are also examined. In their overall assessment, the authors recognize the potential significance of the Labour Law as a major step towards the legal protection of workers' rights, but point out that its effectiveness could be undermined by the preeminent policy of economic growth, by concerns about political control, and by obstacles to full implementation.

Tempo Social ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 137-156
Baptiste Giraud

This article reviews how French trade union are coping with the neo-liberal policies since the early 1980s. It shows their divergent reactions, and how these liberal reforms are implemented in a context of transformation of trade union action: the use of strikes is more difficult at the same time as the relationship between trade unions and collective bargaining is transformed in a logic of depoliticizing their strategies of action. These developments did not prevent a resurgence of strikes in the 2000s. It reveals the limits of the trade unions’ power of political influence, that implies the use of collective action. However, strikes have declined further in recent years, revealing the weakening of trade union mobilisation power.

Denise Peth ◽  
Katrin Drastig ◽  
Annette Prochnow

The German wine sector has encountered new challenges in water management recently. To manage water resources responsibly, it is necessary to understand the relationship between the input of water and the output of wine, in terms of quantity and quality. The objectives of this study are to examine water use at the farm scale at three German wineries, and to develop and apply, for the first time, a quality-based indicator. Water use is analyzed in terms of wine production and wine-making over three years. After the spatial and temporal boundaries of the wineries and the water flows are defined, the farm water productivity indicator is calculated to assess water use at the winery scale. Farm water productivity is calculated using the AgroHyd Farmmodel modeling software. Average productivity on a quantity basis is 3.91 L wine per m3 of water. Productivity on a quality basis is 329.24 °Oechsle per m3 of water. Water input from transpiration for wine production accounts for 99.4–99.7% of total water input in the wineries, and, because irrigation is not used, precipitation is the sole source of transpired water. Future studies should use both quality-based and mass-based indicators of productivity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-100
Udi Iswadi ◽  
Mahfudoh Haerani

Abstrak - Hubungan merupakan tindakan yang saling mempengaruhi antar pihak, saling memberi manfaat guna mencapai tujuan, hubungan dapat dikatakan pula sebuah representasi kegiatan yang dilandasi keinginan untuk saling memberi dan memenuhi keperluan masing-masing pihak. Keselarasan akan timbal balik pada sebuah hubungan yang sesuai menghasilkan kedekatan dan kenyamanan antar pihak. Konsep sebuah hubungan didasari oleh faktor internal dan eksternal organisasi atau perusahaan. Sedangkan hubungan yang terjadi dalam perusahaan yaitu hubungan Industrial, dimaknai sebuah metode dalam menyelesaikan persoalan yang timbul di antara pengusaha dan pekerjanya. Hal yang diselesaikan sudah barang tentu adalah perselisihan. Pelaksanaan metode penelitian dalam pengumpulan data berupa kuesioner. Jumlah populasi yang digunakan yaitu 35 serikat pekerja atau dengan jumlah pekerja sebanyak 5.860 pekerja sebagai populasi dari serikat pekerja sektoral yang tergabung dengan Federasi Serikat Pekerja Sektoral Kimia di kota Cilegon. Untuk mengetahui bagaimana metode hubungan Industrial yang efektif dipakai maka harus ditentukan jenis perselisihannya terlebih dahulu, dalam penelitian ini ditemukan perselisihan kepentingan kecenderungannya akan diselesaikan ditingkat hubungan Industrial bipatride. Adapun perselisihan yang banyak diselesaikan peneliti melihat waktu kejadiannya seperti perselisihan upah maka akan banyak muncul di awal tahun. Sedangkan untuk melihat seberapa kuat korelasi yang didapat antara Variabel Metode Hubungan Industrial terhadap Penyelesaian Perselisihan, maka hasil perhitungan Uji Korelasi Product Moment r hitung 0,920, dapat dikatakan bahwa pengaruhnya Sangat Kuat. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa variabel Metode Hubungan Industrial mempengaruhi variabel Penyelesaian Perselisihan sebesar 84,6% sedangkan sisanya dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor lainnya. Nilai Sig. 0,000 < 0,05, diartikan bahwa pengaruh Variabel Metode Hubungan Industrial (X) terhadap Penyelesaian Perselisihan (Y) signifikan. Dari perhitungan ttabel diperoleh nilai 1,987. Berdasarkan kriteria pengujian hipotesis terhadap nol (Ho), yaitu Ho ditolak jika thitung > ttabel. Diperoleh thitung  5,458 > ttabel 1,987 maka Hipotesis nol (Ho) di tolak, dan menerima Hipotesis alternatif (Ha). Dalam penelitian ini dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa “Terdapat Pengaruh Metode Hubungan Industrial terhadap Penyelesaian Perselisihan di Serikat Pekerja Sektoral Kimia Kota Cilegon Tahun 2019”. Dengan regresi sebagai berikut : Ÿ = 20,710 + 1,010 X.      Abstract - Relationship is an act of mutual influence between parties, mutually beneficial to achieve goals, the relationship can also be said to be a representation of activities based on the desire to give and meet the needs of each party. Alignment of reciprocity in an appropriate relationship results in closeness and comfort between parties. The concept of a relationship is based on internal and external factors of the organization or company. While the relationships that occur within a company that is industrial relations, is interpreted as a method of solving problems that arise between employers and their workers. The matter that was resolved was naturally a dispute. The implementation of research methods in collecting data in the form of a questionnaire. The population used is 35 trade unions or with a total of 5,860 workers as a population of sectoral trade unions that are members of the Federation of Chemical Sector Trade Unions in the city of Cilegon. For know, how effective industrial relations methods are used, the type of dispute must be determined first. In this study, it was found that disputes over the interests of fraud will be resolved at the bipartite industrial relations level. As for the disputes that many researchers have resolved, seeing when it occurs, such as wage disputes, many will appear at the beginning of the year. To see how strong the correlation obtained between the Industrial Relations Method Variables on Dispute Resolution, the results of the Product Moment Correlation Test r count of 0.920, it can be said that the effect is very Strong. This shows that the Industrial Relations Method variable affected 84.6% Dispute Resolution while the rest was influenced by other factors. The Sig. 0,000 <0.05, which means that the effect of the Industrial Relations Method Variable (X) on Dispute Settlement (Y) is significant. From the ttable calculation, the value is 1.987. Based on the hypothesis testing criteria for zero (Ho), i.e. Ho is rejected if tcount> ttable. Obtained tcount 5.458> t table 1.987 then the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected, and accepted the alternative hypothesis (Ha). In this study, it can be concluded that "There is an Effect of the Industrial Relations Method on the Settlement of Disputes in the Chemical Sectoral Trade Unions of Cilegon City in 2019". With the regression as follows: Ÿ = 20,710 + 1,010 X.

Two Homelands ◽  
2020 ◽  
Francesco Della Puppa

Trade unions have a crucial role in the social integration processes of migrants. Nevertheless, some aspects of this relationship are still relatively unexplored, particularly that of the relationship between trade unions and racism and that of the trade unions’ fight against racial discrimination. This paper aims to investigate the still partially unexplored link between Italian trade unions and racial discrimination within the framework of the 2008 economic crisis. Through the narratives of stakeholders, trade unions, and migrant workers, the author provides an in-depth look at the efforts of Italian trade unions to fight discrimination and examines the main barriers that prevent migrants from being involved in unions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 120 (4) ◽  
pp. 749-762
Francis Kuriakose ◽  
Deepa Kylasam Iyer

Platform capitalism has enabled digital platforms to bring producers, consumers, and workers in a multisided marketplace with the purpose of collecting data. The resulting commodification of materiality and sociality in the digital sphere and the proprietary control of data open opportunities for value creation and realization, quite distinct from the value propositions of industrial manufacturing. As the relationship between value generation and human labor becomes tenuous or invisible, management strategies to appropriate value extends beyond labor control to direct appropriation. This article explores how labor responds to such devices of control and appropriation by digital platforms. Using the typological approach, the study argues that labor resistance emerges as a direct response to the management strategies of platforms in the form of granular resistance, data activism, trade unions and workers’ organization, and collective ownership.

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