scholarly journals Weaknesses of the Law Formulation in Vietnam and Solutions

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (4) ◽  
Hoang Thi Kim Que ◽  
Le Thi Phuong Nga

Since the Constitution in 2013 was enacted, Vietnam has gained important achievements in formulating the legal system that is creating the legal basis for economic, cultural, and social activities and contribute to protecting the rights and interests of the people. However, there are several defects in the law formulation in particular, and the legal system in general. The paper focuses on analyzing the typical weak points and some solutions to overcome disadvantages, ensure the quality and efficiency of law-making activities, meeting current practical requirements

Maksymilian Pazdan

The position of the executor of the will is governed by the law applicable to succession (Article 23(2)(f) of the EU Regulation 650/2012), while the position of the succession administrator of the estate of a business of a physical person located in Poland is subject to the Law of 5 July 2018 on the succession administration of the business of a physical person (the legal basis for such solution is in Article 30 of the EU Regulation 650/2012). However, if the court needs to determine the law applicable to certain aspects of appointing or functioning of these institutions, which have a nature of partial or preliminary questions, these laws will apply, as determined in line with the methods elaborated to deal with partial and preliminary questions in private international law. The rules devoted to the executors of wills are usually not self-standing. In such situations, the legislators most often call for supportive application of the rules designed for other matters existing in the same legal system (here — of the legis successionis). This is referred to as the absorption of the legal rules.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Achmad Irwan Hamzani ◽  
Kanti Rahayu ◽  
Tani Haryadi ◽  
Nur Khasanah ◽  
Havis Aravik

The political direction of the law in Indonesia in the development of national law simplifies legislation. The scope of national legal development is not only through legislation. There is the functionalization of the law that lives in society. The purpose of the research describes the political urgency of law in the development of national law and reviews the political direction of national law development law. This research uses a philosophical approach, namely to examine the law from the ideal side in the form of an idea of the direction of national law politics in the future. The results of this study show that the politics of law is necessary to provide direction in the development of national law. Each country has a legal political direction whose role as the basic policy of state organizers to determine the direction, shape, and content of the law to be established. Legal politics as a strategy of the formation process, as well as the implementation of laws based on the national legal system to achieve the goals and ideals of the state. The political direction of the law in Indonesia in the development of national law simplifies legislation. The scope of the development of the national legal system can be through legislation and functionalization of the living law. The political direction of the law in Indonesia in the development of national law simplifies the process of legislation. The impact will only be a successful legal state in law-making, but weak in law in action. The implication of this study is to expand the political direction of national law which includes the functionalization of the living law. By functionalizing "the living law", the resulting law is rooted in the legal consciousness of society.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 393-415
Jaroslav Mihálik ◽  
Bystrík Šramel

The law-making process is one of the extremely important forms of local self-government activities. By means of law-making, local self-government regulates the conditions of life and behaviour of the local community living in a particular area of local self-government. Through law-making, therefore, local self-government can significantly interfere with an individual's life. The paper is focused on the analysis of the current legal regulation of the local self-government law-making process in the Slovak Republic and the identification of its weak points. The authors examine the results of control activities of authorities performing the review of constitutionality and legality of local law-making. On this basis, we submit a number of suggestions and incentives for changing the current legal regulation of law-making competence of local self-government.

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Dani Amran Hakim

The legal political environment in Indonesia in terms of protection, management and control of environmental pollution in Indonesia and to investigate the implementation of environmental pollution control and law enforcement in Indonesia. the results of the study stated that the renewal law of Environmental management is influenced by a variety of development changes occurring in society, such as the influence of the era of democratization, industrialization, advancement of science and technology and the rise of the welfare demands of various parties. Political aspects contained in the politics of Law Number 32 of 2009 on the protection and management of the environment has not been run in accordance with the legal political objective, because there are natural resources that can not be utilized for the prosperity and welfare of the people. It is also still a lot of water pollution, air pollution, deforestation and other actions of the parties who damage the environment. It is necessary to implement environmental management to preserve the environment and develop skills which are harmonious, consistent and balanced in order to support the implementation of the development of environmentally sustainable. Law enforcement agencies in understanding the perceived environmental legal system are still experiencing difficulties. Lack of understanding of the law enforcement officers will cause rules is formed in one unified national legal system will deviate from the direction of the political objectives of the law. The need for clear law enforcement for the doer / destroyer of the environment in order to create a deterrent effect and between 3 penalties (criminal, civil and administrative) is not overlapping. Law enforcement difficult because of the difficulty of proving and determining the standard criteria of environmental damage. Keywords: Legal Politic, Environment, The Act Number 32 years 2009 on The Protection and Environmental Management

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Wahyu Mukti Beny Setiyawan ◽  
Fitriya Desi Wulandari

Law politic present at the point of encounter between living realism and the demands ofidealism. Political law concerns on an ideal or hope, then there is a legal vision that is setin advance, then the form and content of the law are built to realize that vision. Theurgency existence of administrative justice in realizing the rule of law encourages thegovernment to establish a legal system in the field of administrative justice through theestablishment of Law Number 51986 about State Administrative Courts, which is thefoundation for the establishment of a State Administrative Court in Indonesia. In theexplanation of Law Number 5 of 1986 stated that the State Administrative Court was heldin order to provide protection to the people seeking justice, which felt themselves to beharmed by a State Administrative Decision. Principly, a country is expected to giveprotection for the human rights of its citizens

2007 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 43-59
Tomasz Żyro

Liberal culture and practices draw on, and are shaped by, different strands of legal positivism. Within the framework of legal positivism, the emphasis on legal institutions has been displaced by a focus on the institutions which apply the law, such as courts. Legal positivism unambiguously declares that both the very existence of the law and its content depend on social facts rather than on its value. The law is therefore a social construct and the most ‘social’ of all is the state. In this way, the philosophy of law has been dominated by the dispute between those who, following St Augustine, think that ‘an unjust law is not a law at all’ and those who, like John Austin, retort that ‘the existence of the law is one thing, its right character or the lack of it, is another’. The point of departure for liberal practice is the paucity of ethical norms, but most of all, however, the paucity of the practice of law making. Ethical dimension may be applied, at most, to the content of social conventions. Legal positivists long ago gave up on the thesis that moral norms are important only if they are rooted in God’s commandments. Such an attitude toward the law, even if ‘the voice of the people’ is not aware of these implications, leads to relativism, which may be overcome in two ways. The first finds its expression in the need to follow societal changes. Each new state of society means that a new constitution is needed, cut appropriately to that society’s needs and interests. The second reaction to relativism is the effectiveness which is related to the power held by the authorities, in this case the power to make the law. The higher the legal norm, the greater the will of the might. The drafting of a constitution is an expression of the élan vital unbound. In the taxonomy of law, everything is triangular, resembling a triangle upside down, and making for an appearance of order, with the basic law at the top and below it an ocean of acts. Law making becomes a yardstick for political activity. In the world of politics, where the very fact of existence is contingent on being noted and being seen, to act means nothing else than submitting initiatives for new legal acts. To act spectacularly means to change the basic law.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 405-428
Fatimah Al-Zahra

Kebutuhan akan pembangunan fisik semakin meningkat seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk. Problematika penyediaan tanah untuk pembangunan terjadi karena adanya pergeseran makna dan nilai tanah, sebagai akibat dari berkembangnya ideologi ekonomi kapitalis. Rakyat cenderung tidak mau melepaskan tanahnya kepada pemerintah untuk tujuan pembangunan dengan dalih bahwa besaran nilai ganti kerugian yang ditetapkan atas tanah terlalu rendah dan tidak adil. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan revisi kebijakan dalam aspek pertanahan yang mengarahkan pada mekanisme pengelolaan aset tanah negara terintegrasi yang dapat mengakomodasi keinginan semua pihak, sehingga dapat menjamin terciptanya keadilan sosial (al-‘Adalah al-Ijtima’iyyah). Penerapan konsep bank tanah sebagai sarana pengelolaan aset tanah negara dapat menjadi solusi dalam mengatasi krisis tanah untuk pembangunan yang terjadi saat ini. Konsep bank tanah yang memperoleh tanah melalui mekanisme jual beli, tukar menukar, hibah maupun lelang akan memenuhi rasa keadilan yang diidam-idamkan oleh rakyat. Sebelum menerapkan konsep bank tanah melalui suatu instrumen hukum, maka konsep tersebut harus terlebih dahulu disesuaikan dengan hukum positif nasional, khususnya dalam sistem hukum agraria. Hal ini perlu dilakukan untuk menghindari terjadinya disharmonisasi antar peraturan perundang-undangan dalam sistem hukum agraria yang saling berhubungan antara satu dan yang lainnya. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis landasan hukum mengenai konsep bank tanah sebagai pengelola aset tanah negara yang dapat mewujudkan keadilan sosial (al-‘Adalah al-Ijtima’iyyah) bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia.(The need for physical development is increasing as the increase in population. Any problems in clearing land for development are caused by shifts in land meaning and value, as a consequence of the development of the capitalist economic ideology. The people tend not to relinquish their land to the government for development purposes under the pretext that the amount of compensation paid for land is too low and unfair. Therefore, it is necessary to revise the policy in the land aspect that leads to the integrated state land asset management mechanism that can accommodate the wishes of all parties, so as to ensure the creation of social justice (al-'Adalah al-Ijtima'iyyah). Implementation of the concept of a land bank as a means of managing state land assets can be a solution in overcoming the land crisis for development that occurs today. The concept of a land bank acquiring land through buying and selling mechanisms, exchange, grants, and auctions will satisfy the sense of justice coveted by the people. Before applying the concept of the land bank through a legal instrument, the concept must be adjusted to national positive law, especially in the legal system of agrarian. This needs to be done to avoid the occurrence of dis-harmonization between laws and regulations in the agrarian legal system that is interconnected between one and the other. This article aims to analyze the legal basis for the concept of the land bank as a manager of state land assets that can realize social justice (al-'Adalah al-Ijtima'iyyah) for Indonesians)

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1/s) ◽  
pp. 292-297
Sirojiddin Abduvoitov

In the article, the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on mediation” has been studied in order to create the necessary legal ground for the settlement of the dispute in the legal system of developed foreign countries without pre-trial, that is, the mediation process, which is aimed at the solution by alternative means, plays an important role in our country.

Obiter ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
Moses Retselisitsoe Phooko

South Africa’s new constitutional democracy places a duty on various legislators to facilitate public participation in the law-making process as mandated by the principles of participatory democracy provided for in the Constitution of South Africa, 1996. This has resulted in a series of court cases wherein the electorate, inter alia, challenged the legislation on the basis that the results did not reflect the views of the people. The courts’ earlier jurisprudence seemed to be placing more emphasis on participatory democracy as opposed to representative democracy. However, recent court decisions indicate a shift towards representative democracy. The central question presented in this paper is whether the consideration of the views of the public by the provincial and national legislatures is merely a matter of procedure, or that those views are indeed considered in the law-making process. In an attempt to answer this question, the paper will evaluate and critique some of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court of Appeal decisions on public involvement in either the legislative or law-making process. The argument presented in this discourse is that, if the public’s wishes are considered by the legislature, then the outcome would be influenced by the people’s demands. An otherwise negative outcome shows that public participation in the law-making process is a procedural matter and has no substantive value.

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