scholarly journals Pengukuran Kualitas Website Pemerintah Desa Jagalempeni Menggunakan Metode Webqual 4.0

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 139 ◽  
Warjiyono Warjiyono ◽  
Corie Mei Hellyana

<p class="Judul2">Undang-Undang RI no. 6/2016 tentang desa menyatakan bahwa Pemerintah Daerah berkewajiban mengembangkan sistem informasi desa dalam menjalankan <em>e-government </em>menuju<em> good governance</em>.  Website Desa Jagalempeni yang telah dikembangkan pada tanggal 22 Februari 2017 akan menjadi wajah desa di dunia maya dengan menyediakan informasi untuk publik, promosi potensi desa dan terciptanya interaksi layanan masyarakat dengan perangkat desa tanpa sekat tempat dan waktu baik untuk masyarakat di dalam maupun luar lingkungan Desa Jagalempeni. E<em>-government</em> di Indonesia hingga saat ini jumlahnya terus meningkat, tetapi secara kualitas masih banyak yang belum memenuhi standar kualitas yang baik. Padahal faktor layanan mempunyai pengaruh yang sangat besar dari keberhasilan sebuah <em>e-goverment</em>. Begitu pula dengan website Desa Jagalempeni di alamat <a href=""></a> untuk mencapai cita-cita pemerintah desa menuju <em>good governance</em> tentu harus memenuhi standar kualitas yang baik dari kualitas kegunaan, kualitas informasi, kualitas layanan dan kualitas visual, oleh karenanya pengukuran kualitas website desa perlu dilakukan. Penelitian ini mengukur kualitas website Pemerintah Desa Jagalempeni dengan menggunakan metode Webqual 4.0 dan menggunakan 4 (empat) instrumen yaitu <em>Usability Quality, Information Quality, Service Interaction Quality</em> dan <em>Visual Quality</em>. Data penelitian ini menggunakan 122 data dan diolah dengan software SPSS melalui uji validitas, reliabilitas, analisis deskriptif, korelasi dan regresi linier. Hasil pengukuran memberikan kesimpulan bahwa website Desa Jagalempeni saat ini dari sisi <em>Usability Quality</em>, <em>Information Quality, </em>dan <em>Visual Quality</em> sudah mempunyai kualitas yang baik, sedangkan dari sisi <em>Service Interaction Quality</em> belum mempunyai kualitas yang baik, karena kepuasan pengguna (<em>user satisfaction</em>) belum terpenuhi. Dengan demikian maka website Desa Jagalempeni perlu adanya pengembangan khususnya di kualitas layanan interaksi, agar website Desa Jagalempeni menjadi lebih baik, berkualitas, mempunyai daya saing dan kebanggaan Desa Jagalempeni sesuai dengan cita-cita menuju <em>good governance</em>.</p><p class="Abstrak"> </p><p><strong>Kata kunci</strong>: <em>Kualitas Website, Usability Quality, Information Quality, Service Interaction Quality, Visual Quality, User Satisfaction,  Webqual</em><em></em></p><p class="Judul2"> </p><p class="Judul2"><em>Abstract</em></p><p class="Judul2"><em>Laws of the Republic Indonesia 6/2016 about the village said that the local government is obliged to develop village information system in running e-government towards good governance. The Jagalempeni Village site built on February 22, 2017 will be the face of the village in cyberspace by providing information for the community, promoting village potential and creating interaction services with village apparatus with no space and time for people inside and outside Jagalempeni Village. E-government in Indonesia to date is still increasing in number, but still very many who do not meet the standards of good quality. The service factor has a major influence on the success of an e-Government. Similarly, the Jagalempeni Village website at address to achieve the ideals of village governance of good governance must meet good standards of  quality of use, quality of information, service quality and visual quality, so the quality of website measurement should be do. This study measures the quality of the Jagalempeni Village Government website using the Webqual 4.0 method and uses 4 (four) instruments of Quality, Quality of Information, Quality of Service Interaction and Visual Quality. This research data uses 122 data and processed with SPSS software through test of validity, reliability, descriptive analysis, and linear regression. The result of the measurement gives conclusion that the website of Jagalempeni Village now from the side of Quality, Information Quality, and Visual Quality have good quality, while the Quality of Service Interaction does not have good quality, because the user satisfaction (user satisfaction) has not been fulfilled. Thus, the website of Jagalempeni Village needs to be developed especially in the quality of service interaction, so that the website of Jagalempeni Village become better, qualified, have the competitiveness and pride of Jagalempeni Village in accordance with the ideals towards good governance.</em></p><p class="Judul2"> </p><p class="Abstrak"><strong>Keywords</strong>: W<em>ebsite Quality, Usability Quality, Information Quality, Service Interaction Quality, Visual Quality, User Satisfaction,  Webqual</em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 105
Anisa Yulandari ◽  
Wing Wahyu Winarno ◽  
Asro Nasiri

Website Portal Alumni Amikom Yogyakarta yang dapat diakses pada alamat domain merupakan bagian dari Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta yang berfungsi sebagai sarana berbagi informasi sekaligus bertindak sebagai penghubung antara perusahaan pencari tenaga kerja dan para pencari kerja khususnya alumni Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta. Selama ini website alumni sudah berjalan belum dilakukan evaluasi terhadap kualitas layanan website yang didasarkan pada persepsi pengguna akhir sebagai umpan balik kepada pengelola website sehingga pengelola dapat mengetahui sejauh mana kepuasan pengguna dan kualitas layanan yang sudah diberikan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui kualitas layanan website alumni menggunakan tiga dimensi yang ada pada metode Webqual 4.0. Tiga dimensi itu sendiri terdiri dari Kegunaan, Kualitas Informasi, dan Kualitas Interaksi Layanan. Pendistribusian kuisioner dilakukan terhadap 200 sampel responden. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah adanya pengaruh ketiga dimensi Webqual 4.0 terhadap kepuasan pengguna. Dimensi yang paling berpengaruh yaitu Kualitas Informasi dan Kualitas Interaksi Layanan. Hal ini berarti peningkatan dapat dilakukan pada indicator yang memiliki nilai rata-rata terendah. Peningkatan pada dimensi Kualitas Informasi dapat dilakukan perbaruan secara berkala sehingga informasi yang disajikan menjadi lebih relevan. Sedangkan untuk dimensi Kualitas Interaksi Layanan dapat dilakukan dengan meningkatkan pelayanan terhadap keluhan seputar website alumni.Kata Kunci — Kualitas Layanan, Website Alumni, Webqual 4.0The Alumni Amikom Yogyakarta Website which can be accessed at the domain address is part of the Amikom University of Yogyakarta which serves as a means of sharing information while acting as a liaison between the company and job seekers, especially alumni of Yogyakarta Amikom University. So far, the alumni website has been running, yet an evaluation of the quality of website services has been carried out based on the perception of the end user as feedback to the website manager so that the manager can find out how far the user satisfaction is and the quality of the service provided. The purpose of this study is to determine the quality of the alumni website service using three dimensions that exist in the method of Webqual 4.0, there are Usability, Information Quality, and Service Interaction Quality. The conclusion of this study is the influence of the three dimensions of Webqual 4.0 on user satisfaction. The most influential dimensions are Information Quality and Service Interaction Quality. This means that an increase can be made on an indicator that has the lowest average valueKeywords— Quality of Service, Alumni Website, Webqual 4.0

Respati ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 46
Mahmud Zunus Amirudin, Mahattu Jalinka, Nur Hamid Sutanto, Kusnawi

INTISARIPondok Pesantren Imam Bukhari Surakarta merupakan lembaga pendidikan berbasis agama Islam yang menerapkan pendidikan dengan sistem boarding school, dengan jumlah siswa mencapai 2500 siswa aktif. Dalam pengelolaannya saat ini pondok pesantren telah menerapkan penggunaan sistem informasi dalam kegiatan di lembaga pendidikannya, namun dalam penggunaan sistem informasinya belum dilakukan evaluasi layanan dan kualitas website. Oleh karena itu maka sangat diperlukan sebuah evaluasi layanan dan kualitas website untuk pengembangan dan penggunaan sistem informasi yang menjadikan pondok pesantren memiliki sistem informasi yang dapat diandalkan. Tujuan penelitian yaitu melakukan evaluasi layanan dan kualitas website sistem informasi pondok pesantren Imam Bukhari menggunakan metode WebQual 4.0 yang melakukan evaluasi pada variabel independen. Yaitu 3 area meliputi usability, information quality, dan service interaction quality. Hasil dari penelitian adalah rekomendasi berupa hipotesis dan rekomendasi tentang kepuasan pengguna yang merupakan variabel dependen dari penilaian pada standar nilai area variabel independent dan ukuran kualitas website sistem informasi yang diimplementasikan di Pondok Pesantren Imam Bukhari. Kata kunci— evaluasi layanan, kualitas website, sistem informasi, webqual 4,0  ABSTRACTImam Bukhari Islamic Boarding School Surakarta is an Islamic religious-based educational institution that implements boarding school education, with a total of 2500 active students. In its current management, Islamic boarding schools have implemented the use of information systems in activities at their educational institutions, but in the use of information systems there has not been an evaluation of the service and quality of the website. Therefore, it is very necessary to evaluate the service and quality of the website for the development and use of information systems that make Islamic boarding schools have reliable information systems. The research objective is to evaluate the service and quality of the Imam Bukhari Islamic boarding school information system website using the WebQual 4.0 method which evaluates the independent variables. Namely 3 areas include usability, information quality, and service interaction quality. The results of the study are recommendations in the form of hypotheses and recommendations about user satisfaction which is the dependent variable of the assessment on the standard value of the independent variable area and the size of the quality of the information system website implemented at the Imam Bukhari Islamic Boarding School. Kata kunci—  Service evaluation, website quality, information system, webqual 4,0.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
Gabriel Firsta Adnyana ◽  
Agus Tommy Adi Prawira Kusuma

<p>ABSTRACT <br />Website is a form of electronic media that is published through an internet network connection<br />that can be accessed without knowing the time and place. The website is a<br />website that provides news information about academic activities in the form of teaching and learning<br />activities (KBM). However, the problem that occurs so far is that there are still problems in terms of<br />quality of use such as search content (searching) does not function properly, from the quality of<br />information the existence of news content that is rarely updated, from the quality of service interactions<br />such as the number of old news that is not found can be accessed. To find out the quality of a Website it<br />is necessary to measure. By measuring the quality of a Website, it can be known the user's perception of<br />the Website. There are 4 (four) main dimensions of WebQual 4.0, namely Usability, Information Quality,<br />Service Interaction, and Overal Impression. WebQual Method 4.0. is an instrument that assesses the<br />quality of a website according to the perspective of the end user. This research was conducted at the<br />University of Dhyana Pura Badung-Bali. This research was conducted using a questionnaire and the<br />data collection method used was random sampling. The population of this research is lecturers, students<br />and administrative staff. In this study, the testing method used to test the relationship between variables<br />from Webqual 4.0 to user satisfaction is the quantitative descriptive method approach by means of Chi<br />Square testing. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the best quality of use is that the<br />website provides clear interaction while the worst is that the website has no competition, then the best<br />quality of information is providing a reliable website while the worst is the website does not provide<br />detailed information and the best quality of service interaction that is website provides security while<br />the worst is that website does not provide convenience to deliver feedback and the four variables<br />Webqual 4.0, namely quality of use, quality of information and quality of service interaction have a<br />positive and significant effect on user satisfaction (user satisfaction).<br />Keywords: Webqual, Website, Information Services, Random Sampling and Teaching and Learning<br />Activities (KBM). <br /> <br />ABSTRAK <br />Website merupakan salah satu bentuk media elektronik yang dipublikasi melalui koneksi<br />jaringan internet yang dapat diakses tanpa mengenal waktu dan tempat. Website<br />merupakan website yang memberikan pelayanan informasi berita seputar kegiatan akademik berupa<br />kegiatan belajar mengajar (KBM). Namun permasalahan yang terjadi selama ini yaitu masih terdapat<br />masalah dari segi kualitas kegunaan seperti konten pencarian (searching) tidak berfungsi dengan baik,<br />dari kualitas informasi adanya konten-konten berita yang jarang diupdate, dari kualitas interaksi<br />pelayanan seperti banyaknya ditemukan berita-berita lama yang tidak bisa diakses. Untuk mengetahui<br />kualitas sebuah Website maka perlu dilakukan pengukuran. Dengan melakukan pengukuran kualitas<br />suatu Website dapat diketahui persepsi pengguna terhadap Website tersebut. Terdapat 4 (empat) dimensi<br />utama WebQual 4.0, yaitu Usability, Information Quality, Service Interaction, dan Overal Impression.<br />Metode WebQual 4.0. merupakan instrument yang menilai kualitas suatu website menurut perspektif<br />pengguna akhir. Penelitian ini dilakukan di lingkungan Universitas Dhyana Pura Badung-Bali.<br />Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan metode pengambilan data yang digunakan<br />adalah random sampling. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah dosen, mahasiswa dan tenaga administrasi. <br />Dalam penelitian ini, metode pengujian yang digunakan untuk menguji hubungan antar variabel dari </p><p>Webqual 4.0 terhadap kepuasan pengguna (user satisfaction) adalah dengan pendekatan metode<br />deskriptif kuantitatif yaitu dengan cara pengujian Chi Square. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan<br />bahwa kualitas kegunaan yang paling baik yaitu website menyediakan interaksi yang jelas sedangkan<br />yang paling buruk yaitu website tidak memiliki kompetisi, kemudian kualitas informasi yang paling baik<br />yaitu menyediakan website yang dapat dipercaya sedangkan yang paling buruk yaitu website tidak<br />menyediakan informasi yang detail serta kualitas interaksi pelayanan yang paling baik yaitu website<br />memberikan keamanan sedangkan yang paling buruk yaitu website tidak memberikan kemudahan untuk<br />menyampaikan umpan balik (feedback) dan keempat variabel Webqual 4.0, yaitu kualitas kegunaan,<br />kualitas informasi dan kualitas interaksi pelayanan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan<br />pengguna (user satisfaction).<br />Kata Kunci: Webqual, Website, Layanan Informasi,Random Sampling dan Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar<br />(KBM)</p>

SinkrOn ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 260
Acmad Nurhadi ◽  
Norma Yunita ◽  
Anna Mukhayaroh ◽  
Ahmad Sahirudin

In general, a government needs a system that can support the process of a service. where service can be interpreted as an effort to take care of what is needed by the community. In this study to measure the quality of the website by using the webqual 4.0 method. Webqual is a measurement to measure the quality of a website based on research instruments. The research instruments used in webqual 4.0 are usability, information quality, interaction quality, and user satisfaction. The results of this study that the variable information quality (quality information) and usability (usability) have an influence on website users.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 288-299
Winanda Wahana Wargadalam

Nowadays technology grow extremely fast and it is helpful in communication and transactions, this effect to human behavior that people consider using technology intentively in daily activites cause of its facilities, one of facilities is digital economic transactions or e-money. Due to increasing of technology, there are some companies run their business form e-money based applications, one of the applications is the PayTren. The purposed of this research is to examine the satisfactory of the user who apply PayTren applications, such as the influence of information quality, system quality, service quality and security. The method of the research is based on DeLone and McLean models, then it will be modified. The research’s data is quantitative data. researchers collected 89 questionnaires from the population of PayTren application users in Batam by using a purposive sampling technique.  The conclusion of the research show that there is an influence between the quality of information, service quality and security on the satisfaction of e-money users based on the PayTren application, while it is found that there is no influence between the quality of the system on the satisfaction of e-money users based on PayTren applications.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Dafid Dafid

<p class="SammaryHeader" align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em> </em><em>Academic Information System is an online and interactive learning information system owned by universities. Its function is very important to support the academic activities and to improve the quality of teaching and learning. Excelllent educational services which good quality and easy to use can be reached by improving the quality of the learning web. In an effort to optimize the contribution of information technology and ensure the web services that have been provided are appropriate, it is necessary to know the level of service provided to improve quality. This research was conducted using the IPA method (Importance-Performance Analysis) which is used to measure the level of user satisfaction with the services provided and using the WebQual method to measure the quality of the learning web used. Data collection is done by conducting a questionnaire on STMIK XYZ Palembang students by giving 2 questions. Measurements are made by comparing the value between performance and importance of the assessment variable. The results showed that the quality of the SIA Simponi STMIK XYZ had not met the expectations of the users, so it was necessary for the manager to improve the services provided for all dimensions, namely usability (U), information quality (I), interaction quality (A) especially for variables which is included in  fourth quadrant.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keyword : </em></strong><em>Academic Information System, WebQual, Importance-Performance Analysis</em></p><p class="SammaryHeader" align="center"><strong><em>Abstrak</em></strong></p><p><em>Sistem Informasi Akademik merupakan sistem informasi pembelajaran online dan interaktif yang dimiliki oleh perguruan tinggi. Fungsinya sangat penting untuk mendukung kelancaran kegiatan akademik maupun peningkatan kualitas belajar mengajar. Layanan  pendidikan yang berkualitas secara fungsionalitas maupun yang mudah dalam penggunaan dapat dilakukan melalui perbaikan dan peningkatan kualitas web pembelajaran. Dalam usaha mengoptimalkan kontribusi teknologi informasi dan memastikan layanan web yang telah diberikan telah sesuai maka perlu diketahui tingkat layanan yang diberikan guna peningkatan kualitas. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode IPA (Importance-Performance Analysis) yang digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan pengguna atas layanan yang diberikan serta menggunakan metode WebQual untuk mengukur kualitas dari web pembelajaran yang digunakan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melakukan kuesioner terhadap mahasiswa STMIK XYZ Palembang dengan memberikan 2bentuk pertanyaan. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan membandingkan nilai antara performance dengan importance dari variabel penilaian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa </em><em>kualitas SIA Simponi STMIK XYZ belum memenuhi harapan dari pengguna sehingga perlu upaya dari pihak pengelola untuk memperbaiki layanan yang diberikan untuk semua dimensi yang ada yaitu </em><em>usability(U), information quality(I), interaction quality(A) terutama untuk variabel-vararibel yang termasuk dalam kuadran empat</em></p><strong><em>Kata kunci : </em></strong><em>Sistem Informasi Akademik, WebQual, Importance-Performance Analysis</em>

Primadani Viandra ◽  
Titi Sriwahyuni ◽  
Muhammad Anwar

This study is aimed to describe user satisfaction on application applied at BKD Kota Padang, based on system quality, information quality, service quality, service quality and structure of organization aspects. This research has also analysed the effect of Human Organization Technology method to users’ satisfaction of SKP Online system. Survey method was used by sampling to end user of SKP Online as the population. By purposive sampling technique, this research selected limited respondent of 55 users. Descriptive analysis, inferential analysis and multiple regression have utilized to analyse the data and making decision as research result. However, the study result have shown that system quality, information quality, service quality and structure of organization are simultaneously affecting the users’ satisfaction variable and giving contribution of 48,4%. It means that improving many factors as above will absolutely increase the quality and users’ satisfaction of online SKP system as well.  Keyword     : Human Organization Technology, SKP Online, User Satisfaction.

2021 ◽  
pp. 10-21

The e-Raport system is used as an information system designed by schools to inform parents of student development by schools, which has been implemented in all state schools in various provinces in Indonesia including Banten province. SMPN 5 Tangerang is one of the public schools in Tangerang city that uses the e-Raport System as a substitute for reports of students' learning outcomes manually. The problem raised in this study is whether the quality of the e-Raport System affects user satisfaction. This research focuses on user satisfaction e-Raport system using webQual 4.0 method consisting of 3 variables namely usability, information quality, and interaction quality. The data used in the primary data, namely by distributing questionnaires using a likert scale with 20 points of statement to 400 respondents. Data obtained and processed using multiple linear regression analysis techniques using SPSS software. Based on webqual variable 4.0, the analysis results showed that the quality of usefulness, information quality, and interaction quality influenced user satisfaction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Devitasari Devitasari ◽  
Theresia Wati ◽  
Sarika Sarika is an e-commerce company that provides merchandise manufacturing services by sending a design image of the product that we want to buy or sell. The purpose of this research is to measure the quality of the website owned by To see the quality of a website, it is necessary to measure based on the quality based on the users using Webqual 4.0 method which consists of 3 variables (usability, information quality, service interaction quality), and 22 question indicators. The technique used by researchers is Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method which provides an overview of what indicators need improvement or needs to maintain their quality based on user perceptions and expectations. Based on the results of the analysis of Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), it shows that the 22 items analyzed using the importance-performance analysis method are divided into quadrant I (8 items), quadrant II (6 items), quadrant III ( 5 items), and quadrant IV (3 items). Items that are considered very important and need to be improved are in quadrant I, namely the sense of data or information security when accessing the website. These outcome show that the quality of the Tokome. id website is still lacking and has not met user expectations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Siti Mubiroh

Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) RI mempunyai peran penting dalam meningkatkan akuntabilitas keuangan negara. Dalam menjalankan tugasnya, BPK menghadapi permasalahan yaitu sumberdaya manusia yang terbatas dan waktu pemeriksaan yang terbilang singkat. Oleh karena itu BPK mengembangkan sistem informasi e-audit dalam pelaksanaan pemeriksaan pengelolaan dan tangungjawab keuangan negara. Penelitian ini menggunakan Model Kesuksesan Sistem Informasi DeLone dan McLean (2003) dengan menggunakan enam komponen yaitu System Quality, Information Quality, Service Quality, Information System Use, User Satisfaction, dan Net Benefits. Perbedaan penelitian ini dengan penelitian sebelumnya adalah penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metoda studi kasus dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi e-audit secara mendalam. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan snowball sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah auditor BPK RI Perwakilan DIY.  Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa fitur pencarian utama dan fitur data antar efektif digunakan dalam proses pemeriksaan keuangan pemerintah daerah, sedangkan fitur LKPD belum efektif digunakan dalam proses pemeriksaan  keuangan pemerintah daerah.Kata Kunci: E-audit, DeLone and McLean Models, Audit Sistem Informasi

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