2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 40
Rio Priantama ◽  
Yuda Priandani

The conventional learning process carried out face-to-face, is less effective as a source of learning, because the focus of students' interest has now shifted to their device so that students have difficulty repeating learning material. This study aims to produce learning media based on mobile learning on the android platform which is used as a source of learning fiqh applications for students. This mobile learning application is built by applying the Fisher Yates Shuffling algorithm or commonly known as the Fisher Yates algorithm which is now widely used in the process of developing randomization applications. This randomization method is the optimal randomization method in application development, being able to randomize the amount of material about the science of jurisprudence and prevent cheating users who only memorize answers without understanding the material when the questions are fixed or not random. Applications are built using MySQL as a database designed to manage and manipulate data quickly and easily. PHP and Perl are used as scripting programming languages for the internet and collaborate on the Android platform. The system development method used is RUP (Rational Unified Process) by collecting various best practices found in the software development industry.System testing is done using a white box and black box testing shows that the Fisher Yates algorithm can be applied in the mobile learning quiz application as a randomizer about questions. User Acceptance Model (UAT) test results show that this mobile learning application can help the process of learning the science of jurisprudence as well as being a reference in seeing the ability of students to learn the science of jurisprudence. Keywords: Mobile learning, Fisher Yates Algorithm, Fiqih, MySQL, RUP, UML

2015 ◽  
pp. 251-260
Yuni Sugiarti

Abstrak:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kompetensi dosen dalam rangka merancang sharing bahan belajar online untuk meningkatkan kompetensinya, khususnya kompetensi pedagogik dan profesional. Metodologi penelitian menggunakan penelitian deskriptif dan metode pengembangan sistem RAD (Rapid Application Development). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dosen masih kurang menguasai kompetensi pedagogik terutama aspek menguasai teori belajar dan prinsip pembelajaran, kompetensi professional terutama aspek kurang menguasai materi, struktur, konsep, dan pola pikir keilmuan.Kompetensi yang termasuk kategori cukup adalah aspek mengembangkan kurikulum yang terkaitdengan bidang pengembangan yang diajarkan kepada anak didik, menyelenggarakan kegiatan yang mendidik, memanfaatkan hasil penilaian dan evaluasi, serta aspek tindakan reflektif. Kompetensi yang sudah berkategori bagus adalah aspek memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, berkomunikasi secara efektif, empatik, dan santun dengan peserta didik dan evaluasi untuk kepentingan pembelajaran. Selanjutnya perlu dilakukan pengembangan sistem aplikasi website bahan belajar online. Website knowledge manajemen sistem ini sebagai sumber belajar untuk meningkatkan kompetensi dosen yang mudah di pahami, khususnya peningkatan kompetensi pedagogik dan kompetensi profesional.Kata kunci: Berbagi bahan belajar online, dosen, kompetensi dosen. Abstract:This study aims to determinethe competence of lecturers in designing an online learning resource sharing to improve their professional and pedagogical competence. The method used was descriptive research and system development method of RAD (Rapid Application Development). The results showed that the lecturers are still less pedagogically competent, especially in the mastery of learning theory and principles. The results also showed that the lecturers are still less professionally competent,especially in the mastery of learning material, structure, concepts, and scientific mindset. However, the results displayed the sufficient competence in developing curriculum for students, organizing educational activities, utilizing theresults of the assessment and evaluation, as well as implementing reflectiveaction. In contrast, the results of the research showed that the lecturers have excellent competent in utilizing information and communication technology, communicating effectively with empatheticandpoliteness towards studentsas well as conducting the learning evaluation. Furthermore, it is imperative to develop web-based application (website) for online learning resources. This knowledge management website serves as a comprehensible source of learning to improve lecturers’ professional and pedagogical competence.Keywords: online sharing of teaching materials, lecturer, and lecturers’ competence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-71
Annas Setiawan Prabowo ◽  
Lutfi Syafirullah ◽  
Vicky Prasetia ◽  
Hera Susanti

Pertumbuhan industri kreatif di Indonesia terus mengalami kenaikan. Industri kreatif diharapkan dapat menjadi sektor strategis yang mampu meningkatkan perekonomian di masa yang akan datang. Kesulitan yang dihadapi oleh industri kreatif terutama di Kabupaten Cilacap adalah pencarian lokasi industri kreatif yang sulit ditemukan. Industri kreatif mengalami kesulitan didalam mengenalkan produk yang dihasilkan. Berdasarkan masalah diatas perlu dibuat sistem informasi geografis yang mampu menunjukkan lokasi industri kreatif dengan akurat serta mampu membantu industri kreatif dalam mengenalkan produk yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan data secara deskriptif serta mengambil dari jurnal penelitian terdahulu. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan menggunakan Rapid Application Development (RAD) yaitu salah satu pengembangan sistem berbasis System Development Life Cycle dengan kelebihan waktu yang lebih cepat. Pengujian sistem dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode black-box testing. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sistem informasi geografis yang mampu menunjukkan lokasi industri kreatif dengan lebih cepat, serta mampu membantu industri kreatif dalam mengenalkan produk yang dihasilkan.

2021 ◽  
Виктор Михайлович Красноусов ◽  
Леонид Вячеславович Букреев ◽  
Георигий Андреевивич Шпаковский ◽  
Евгений Романович Калюжный ◽  
Наталья Вячеславовна Зариковская

В статье рассмотрены технологии, используемые для реализации мобильных приложений для платформы Android, на языке программирования Kotlin и архитектуры MVVM, а также реализации их серверной части на языке программирования Python. The article discusses technologies for implementing an application for the Android platform in the Kotlin and MVVM programming languages, as well as the implementation of the server side in the Python programming language.

Thipsuda Wongkhamdi ◽  
Nagul Cooharojananone ◽  
Jintavee Khlaisang

The objectives of this study are to develop e-Commerce self-assessment application based on research and to evaluate the adoption of the system by using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) which are designed for SMEs self-assessment and the government agencies are able to retrieve the report. The system development deployed Microsoft .NET CORE Technology with C# language, HTML/CSS/JS for Mobile Web Development. All data will store on Aurora RDS. The web deployed on Amazon public cloud that will automatic scale when a lot of traffic arrived. Since the indicators from the research have been developed as an application, users will be able to use it conveniently anytime and anywhere. The system will help entrepreneurs realize the level of ecommerce knowledge of their own in various areas and help them to know what needs to be improved and more importantly, government officials can allocate budget for training in order to improve entrepreneurs’ performance. The evaluation result of system adoption in 30 cosmetic and supplementary food entrepreneurs showed that for Perceive Usefulness, the use of application systematically revealed the strength, weakness and potential of themselves and was beneficial for self-assessment in online selling skills, <em>xÌ„</em> = 4.50 equally. Perceived Ease of Use, it is very easy to do self-assessment through application, <em>xÌ„</em> = 4.63. Attitude Toward Using, in general, the attitude toward using the application was positive, <em>xÌ„</em> = 4.73. Behavioral Intention to Use, the intention to use this application in the future, <em>xÌ„</em> = 4.57 and 100% of 30 respondents were interested to use the system.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 43
Maulana Ardhiansyah

PT. Satkomindo Mediyasa is a limited liability company engaged in providing satellite-based telecommunications infrastructure networks (Very Small Aperture Terminal / VSAT). In an effort to service customer VSAT network connections, PT. Satkomindo Mediyasa often gets various reports of complaints from its customers. However, the complaints report management process that has been running so far is still not effective, causing the handling of customer complaints to run slowly and require a long time. In formulating the solution to the problem, it is proposed a helpdesk trouble ticket information system to help PT. Satkomindo Mediyasa in managing complaints reports is faster and more effective. Information systems were developed using the PHP and MySQL programming languages. The system development model used is Rapid Application Development (RAD) by being modeled through Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams. The results of this study produce a trouble ticket helpdesk information system that helps PT. Satkomindo Mediyasa in managing customer complaints reports is faster and more effective.

Darman Umagapi ◽  
Arisandy Ambarita ◽  
N Faisal Kharie

 Abstrak:Penilitian ini bertujuan merancang dan mengimplementasikan Sistem informasi Geografis Pemetaan Potensi Tanaman Pangan di Kabupaten Pulau Morotai, dilakukan di Kabupaten Pulau Morotai, Pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi, Metode Analisis Sistem yang digunakan adalah  model driven secara terstruktur dengan pendekatan bottom-up membuat analisa sistem yang berjalan menggunakan alat bantu flowchart serta usulan sistem yang baru menggunakan pendekatan berorientasi objek dengan alat bantu UML, Metode pengembangan Sistem menggunakan Rapid Aplication Development (RAD). Bahasa Pemrograman yang digunakan HTML, PHP, MySQL serta Maps API untuk menampilkan media peta berbasis Web. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi pihak Dinas Pertanian dalam Menginformasikan data Potensi lokasi tanaman pangan agar pengunjung dapat mengkases informasi lokasi Potensi Tanaman Pangan Kabupaten Pulau Morotai secara cepatKata Kunci: Sistem Informasi Geografis, Potensi, Tanaman Pangan, WebsiteAbstract:This research aims to design and implement Geographic Information Systems Mapping Potential Food Plants in Morotai Island Regency, carried out in Morotai Island Regency. Data collection is obtained through observation, interviews and documentation. The System Analysis Method used is a structured driven model with a bottom-up approach making system analysis that runs using a flowchart tool and a new system proposal using an object-oriented approach with UML tools, System development method uses Rapid Application Development (RAD). The programming languages used are HTML, PHP, MySQL and Maps API to display Web-based map media. The results of this study are expected to provide convenience for the Department of Agriculture in Informing the potential data of the location of food plants so that visitors can access information on the location of Potential Food Plants in Morotai Island Regency quicklyKeywords: Geographic Information Systems, Potential, Food Plants, Websites

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-84
Muhamad Tabrani ◽  
Hananda Priyandaru ◽  
Suhardi -

Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam, it is obligatory for every Muslim to do it. In fact, there are still many Muslims who do not understand the types of zakat, zakat calculation, payment and processing of zakat, causing them forget to pay zakat. Moreover, in this modern era, people want do anything fast and practical. Even though if every Muslim and Muslimah is willing to pay zakat diligently, of course it can help improve the economy for the middle to lower class society. And of course zakat must be issued and processed according to the established rules. Information system development uses the Rapid Application Development System method, starting from the requitment planning, system design, and implementation phases, as result an objective information system. This website-based information system was built with HTML, CSS, Boostrap and PHP programming languages ​​and for the database uses MySQL and for its web service uses Apache

Desi Puspita ◽  
Yogi Isro' Mukti

The purpose of this research is to create a Web-based Literature Culture Information System Besemah Pagar. Besemah Literary Culture comes from the besemah tribe that grew up in Kota Pagar Alam. Besemah literature is now rarely heard by the Pagar Alam people inside and outside the City of Pagar Alam and is also almost unknown to the public, especially Pagar Alam among young people today. The system development method used is Rapid Application Development. With the web-based information system program, the public will gain knowledge about the literary culture that is weak in the City of Pagar Alam, and also help disseminate information in the introduction of the culture and literature to the public at large to increase outside tourists in supporting the City of Pagar Alam program. Tests carried out using Black Box Testing with no error results. The results of research in the form of Web-based Literature Culture Information System Weak Besagar Pagar that can be implemented and used by the general public.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 235-256
Nooralisa Mohd Tuah ◽  
Ainnecia Yoag ◽  
Dinna@Nina Mohd Nizam ◽  
Cheang Wan Chin

Having a system to process and store information securely is crucial for an e-learning environment in a higher learning institute. Data recorded manually is deemed unsuitable as it may lead to mishandling of documents, poor record of documents movements, and even missing documents. A final year project (FYP) subject for a particular university’s course would need a specific management system to alleviate the work processes of supervision and monitor student progress. This system would reduce cost, paperwork, staffing and even simplify the workflow process. Therefore, introducing a student dashboard-based system for the FYP course is proposed in this study. This paper presents a smart system utilizing data analytics and a dashboard that enables the students to self-monitor, track progress and manage important information related to their FYP. The system development followed stepwise Rapid Application Development (RAD) methodology in developing the system. The developed system has been designed, developed, and tested by university students taking FYP courses. A Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was adopted in the testing phase to examine the system acceptance and user behavior intention in using the proposed system. The results showed a significant effect on a positive implementation in the faculty’s course management and monitoring the student’s FYP progress. For the dashboard-based system to reach its full potential, it is highly recommended to implement the system in its course management fully.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (01) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Abdullah Ardi ◽  
Ayu Safitri

Posyandu, which stands for Integrated Health Family Planning Service Post, is a basic health activity organized for people who are assisted by health workers, one of which is the Posyandu Teratai Putih Bahalayung Village. There are several obstacles in this manual system, including Posyandu cadres who often experience difficulties in the data search process, this is because these cadres may not remember the location of the data being searched for or do not understand the data written by other cadres. The system development method used is the Waterfall methodology, from the requirements analysis stage to system testing. For system requirements analysis, the data taken is posyandu data from 2019. For the system design stage, using ERD and DFD, namely Context Diagram and DFD Level 1. For the implementation stage of the system using the Codeigniter framework, programming languages ??PHP, HTML, and Javascript, and the MySQL query language. And the last stage for testing the system uses the Black Box Testing technique.

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