2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-84
Muhamad Tabrani ◽  
Hananda Priyandaru ◽  
Suhardi -

Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam, it is obligatory for every Muslim to do it. In fact, there are still many Muslims who do not understand the types of zakat, zakat calculation, payment and processing of zakat, causing them forget to pay zakat. Moreover, in this modern era, people want do anything fast and practical. Even though if every Muslim and Muslimah is willing to pay zakat diligently, of course it can help improve the economy for the middle to lower class society. And of course zakat must be issued and processed according to the established rules. Information system development uses the Rapid Application Development System method, starting from the requitment planning, system design, and implementation phases, as result an objective information system. This website-based information system was built with HTML, CSS, Boostrap and PHP programming languages ​​and for the database uses MySQL and for its web service uses Apache

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 43
Maulana Ardhiansyah

PT. Satkomindo Mediyasa is a limited liability company engaged in providing satellite-based telecommunications infrastructure networks (Very Small Aperture Terminal / VSAT). In an effort to service customer VSAT network connections, PT. Satkomindo Mediyasa often gets various reports of complaints from its customers. However, the complaints report management process that has been running so far is still not effective, causing the handling of customer complaints to run slowly and require a long time. In formulating the solution to the problem, it is proposed a helpdesk trouble ticket information system to help PT. Satkomindo Mediyasa in managing complaints reports is faster and more effective. Information systems were developed using the PHP and MySQL programming languages. The system development model used is Rapid Application Development (RAD) by being modeled through Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams. The results of this study produce a trouble ticket helpdesk information system that helps PT. Satkomindo Mediyasa in managing customer complaints reports is faster and more effective.

Budi Yulianto ◽  
Rita Layona

The case of lost or missing children when people go traveling or in the hustle often occurs due to lack of parental supervision. These problems can be solved using Global Position System (GPS)-based navigation technology Location Based Service (LBS). This research aimed to determine the position of members of the community (such as family) who were lost or missing by using mobile devices. Rapid Application Development (RAD) was used for system development, which comprised the step of requirement or planning, system design, development, and cutover. The result of this research is a GPS-based application that is able to display the position of members of the community, the route to the location, and the media discussion (comments). The conclusions show that the application provides an easy and useful function in finding the location of the community member, displays the route to the location, and allows the interaction in the form of communication.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 46
Febri Hertana

The purpose of the research is to; 1) Generating a customer information system on Telkomsel GraPARI Banda Aceh, 2) To find out the application of the information system that has been built, and 3) Apply the system that was built using Visual Basic. This research was conducted at Telkomsel GraPARI Banda Aceh and conducted for 9 (nine) months of 2015-2016. The method used for system development, researchers use the methodology Rapid application development (RAD) and Data Flow Diagrams (DAD). This research has succeeded and completed the design of information systems for recording customer data at Telkomsel Grapari Banda Aceh, the application was built using the stages of the Rapid application development (RAD) model. The application was built using Visual BASIC and as a database using Microsoft Office Access. The application of the information system that has been built is still in the prototype and there is still a need for study and development of current technologies such as the use of mobile and cloud databases involving interconnection to make it easier for GraPARI units to connect.Keywords:Information Systems, Customer Data, Telkomsel

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 838
Mochammad Alif Kurniawan ◽  
Iskandar Fitri ◽  
Deny Hidayatullah

Thesis is the result of a scientific research paper written and adapted to the scientific rules that apply in writing and the process of working on a thesis, usually students are guided by two supervisors. Because during the pandemic and the difficulty of consulting with supervisors and the establishment of health protocols to avoid the impact of the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the author intends to build a Thesis Guidance Information System application that can be accessed online and based on a website and facilitates the thesis implementation process. Features contained in the system include students who can submit ideas and thesis titles and can see notifications of ideas and thesis titles being rejected or not. Students who carry out theses can be ensured that they are supervised by their supervisors, therefore supervisors can guide their students using the application and can carry out online sessions and seminars. The thesis guidance information system is designed using the Model View Controller architecture which separates the user interface, data and control. This object-oriented system development model uses the Unified Modeling Language model which aims to analyze and model applications designed using Model View Controller-based architecture. The software development method used in the development of this system is Rapid Application Development because it has relatively simple features. The User Centered Design approach is that users in every stage of system development are also involved, so that the system formed can be used according to system needs.

Victor Edison Hutagaol ◽  
Sanjaya Pinem

E-recruitment Information System that can produce prospective teachers who have high competence is aim of this research. In addition to making it easier for the selection committee to find the best teacher, another advantage is data transparency, so that the results of prospective teachers obtained will be fully objective and transparent. The development of systems with rapid application development (RAD) models was chosen in developing a system built consisting of 4 stages: 1) Phase Requirement Phase, 2) Phase User Design Phase, 3) Phase Construction Phase, 4) Phase Cutover Phase. System design stages are created using unified modelling language (UML), and system implementations are created using the CodeIgniter framework. With the implementation of e-recruitment information system using rapid application development (RAD) system development model can replace manual recruitment system and can be run in organized way.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Agus Salim ◽  
Jefi Jefi ◽  
Baginda Oloan Lubis ◽  
Jaka Atmaja ◽  
Firstianty Wahyuhening Fibriany

Abstrak: Sebagai penyedia jasa layanan umroh, PT. Galang Saudi Tourism Jakarta menyediakan bebrapa paket pilihan umroh yang dibutuhkan oleh jamaah. PT. Galang Saudi Tourism Jakarta bertanggung jawab terhadap seluruh fasilitas dan pelayanan selama jamaah berada di tanah suci sesuai dengan fasilitas dan pelayanan yang dibutuhkan. Semakin banyaknya calon jamaah yang akan menunaikan umroh semakin banyak pula kebutuhan informasi yang akurat dari perusahaan penyedia jasa umroh. Dengan pengolahan data yang masih konvensional diantaranya pengolahan data master jamaah, data pesanan, data paket, data sertifikat hingga pembuatan laporan selalu terjadi penumpukan dokumen, yang akan memungkinkan kesalahan pengolahan data dan saat pencarian data akan sulit ditemukan yang diperlukan merupakan hal yang menjadi kendala bagi staff pelayanan sehingga berpengaruh terhadap keterlambatan terbentuknya laporan yang akan disampaikan kepada pimpinan perusahaan. Dengan alasan itu maka diperlukan suatu sistem informasi yang dapat mengakomodir kebutuhan layanan umroh berbasis website yang memudahkan staff pelayanan dalam pengolahan data umroh. Perancangan sistem informasi ini dibuat dengan metode pengembangan sistem Model RAD (Rapid Application Development) dengan tahapan pemodelan bisnis, pemodelan data, pemodelan proses, pembuatan aplikasi, pengujian dan pergantian. Hasil dari penelitian ini dengan sistem informasi yang terkomputerisasi tidak ada lagi kerangkapan dokumen, pembuatan laporan layanan umroh lebih cepat tepat dan akurat karena menggunakan sistem komputerisasi dan kontrol data pemesanan, pembayaran dan pelunasan biaya umroh lebih mudah dilakukan dan dapat dengan mobile.   Kata kunci: layanan umroh, sistem informasi, RAD, website.   Abstract: PT. Galang Saudi Tourism Jakarta handles the types of Umrah services that are tailored to the capabilities and needs of the congregation by providing several options for Umrah packages. PT. Galang Saudi Tourism Jakarta is responsible for all facilities and services as long as the congregation is in the holy land according to the facilities and services needed. The more prospective pilgrims who will perform the Umrah, the more accurate information is needed from the Umrah service provider companies. With data processing that is still conventional, including processing congregation master data, order data, package data, certificate data to making reports, there is always a buildup of documents, which will allow data processing errors, and when searching for data it will be difficult to find what is needed is a problem for staff service so that it affects the delay in the formation of reports to be submitted to company leaders. For that reason, an information system is needed that can accommodate the needs of website-based Umrah services that make it easier for service staff to process Umrah data. The design of this information system is made with the RAD Model system development method (Rapid Application Development) with the stages of business modeling, data modeling, process modeling, application development, testing, and replacement. The results of this study with a computerized information system that no longer has duplicate documents, making Umrah service reports is faster, more precise, and accurate because it uses a computerized system and data control for ordering, paying, and paying Umrah fees easier to do and can be done by mobile.   Keywords: umrah services, information system, RAD, website.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Imam Maulana

The document search function in the quality assurance unit's information system uses the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm. This KMP algorithm is a search algorithm that will match the pattern or arrangement of words to be searched from left to right at the beginning of the text and then shift the order of words until the word order is at the end of the text. The KMP algorithm has the advantage of matching matches on large files. The system development method used is the Rapid Application Development method. This RAD method is a life cycle strategy aimed at providing development that is much faster and gets results with better quality compared to results achieved through traditional cycles. Application of School Administration Information System is expected to be able to overcome problems arising from conventional document control processes to make it easier and more precise. Abstrak: Fungsi pencarian dokumen pada sistem informasi unit jaminan mutu menggunakan algoritma Knuth-Morris-Pratt. Algoritma KMP ini merupakan algoritma pencarian yang akan mencocokkan pattern atau susunan kata yang akan dicari dari kiri ke kanan pada awal teks dan kemudian menggeser susunan kata sampai susunan kata tersebut berada di ujung teks. Algoritma KMP memiliki keunggulan pencarian kecocokan pada file yang berukuran besar. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan yaitu metode Rapid Application Development. Metode RAD ini adalah strategi siklus hidup yang ditujukan untuk menyediakan pengembangan yang jauh lebih cepat dan mendapatkan hasil dengan kualitas yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan hasil yang dicapai melalui siklus tradisional. Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Administrasi Sekolah ini diharapkan dapat mengatasi permasalahan yang timbul dari proses pengendalian dokumen secara konvensional agar lebih mudah dan tepat.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-112
Muhammad Syaifullah Mahfudz ◽  
Zainul Arham ◽  
Eva Khudzaeva

In recent years, the number and scope of events in the Asia and Middle East / North Africa region has increased significantly. Events are one of the things that attracts the attention of foreign tourists to come to visit a country as a tourist destination. Refers toMinister of Tourism Regulation Number 2 Year 2017on Guidelines for Venues for Meetings, Incentive Trips, Conventions and Exhibitions, explains that criteria and indicators are needed to increase the competitiveness of venues for meetings, incentive trips, conventions and exhibitions at the regional and global levels. This is done to increase the number of visits, length of stay, and expenditures for domestic and foreign tourists. Therefore, visual indicators or data are needed that can present the location of the event and a list of events in DKI Jakarta. From these problems, this study aims to produce a web-based spatial information system for the distribution of tourism industry events to map event locations in DKI Jakarta. The methodology used in collecting this data is the method of observation, interviews, and literature studies. While the system development methodology uses PHP and MySQL with the Rapid Application Development (RAD) approach and uses the Unified Modeling Language (UML) which is a tool for system description and design, as well as the Google Maps API for digital maps. The results of this study are in the form of a spatial information system that can display a map of the distribution of event locations in DKI Jakarta based on event data and event categories at the DKI Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Department. While the system development methodology uses PHP and MySQL with the Rapid Application Development (RAD) approach and uses the Unified Modeling Language (UML) which is a tool for describing and designing systems, as well as the Google Maps API for digital maps. The results of this study are in the form of a spatial information system that can display a map of the distribution of event locations in DKI Jakarta based on event data and event categories at the DKI Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Department. While the system development methodology uses PHP and MySQL with the Rapid Application Development (RAD) approach and uses the Unified Modeling Language (UML) which is a tool for describing and designing systems, as well as the Google Maps API for digital maps. The results of this study are in the form of a spatial information system that can display a map of the distribution of event locations in DKI Jakarta based on event data and event categories in the DKI Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Department.

Berliana Nafarita Hapshakh ◽  
Dwi Novia Prasetyanti ◽  
Prih Diantono Abda'u

Graduation is an inauguration activity for students who have finished studying at a university. Graduation registration at the Cilacap State Polytechnic is still done conventionally, causing problems such as students who are not registered in the toga data collection, students who do not return the toga according to the specified time limit. In addition, the large number of students makes the data collection process take longer. In this case, the authors conducted research that aims to build a website-based graduation registration information system. Making this system requires a research methodology. Among them are data collection methods that include literature studies, observations, and interviews as well as the system development method used, namely Rapid Application Development (RAD). The results of the questionnaire with a total score of 182 show that the system is very good in assisting BAAK in graduation registration services and monitoring the number of graduates, as well as helping students register for graduation and their completeness, and the system can help submit and confirm trouble-free forms. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 139
Teguh Tamrin ◽  
Akhmad Khanif Zyen ◽  
Maula Hashina Dina

<p>Jepara is a city called carving city because it has a large furniture and carving industry</p><p>potential. Tahunan Subdistrict is an area located in Jepara regency with the biggest potential of the furniture industry compared to other districts. Everyone who wants to buy furniture from Tahunan may visit the showroom which is located not far from the main road because of the limited information about the potential of furniture, especially small and medium business category in less strategic locations. Judging from these problems, it is necessary to make an information system about the potential of furniture in Tahunan district based on android that is easy to use and integrated with Geographic Information System (GIS) to make it  easier for users to find directions to the location. The system development method used is Rapid Application Development (RAD) with Construct 2 as the maker of the application.</p>

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