scholarly journals The idea of acceptance of suffering in the works of F. M. Dostoyevsky and its correlation with the theme of schism and the myth on earth

Litera ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 51-63
Svetlana Dmitrievna Snigireva

The subject of this research is the idea of acceptance of suffering described in the works Of F. M. Dostoevsky, and its correlation with the theme of unorthodox religious movements and the myth on earth. The object of this research is the works of F. M. Dostoevsky (“The House of the Dead”, “Crime and Punishment”, “Demons”, “The Brothers Karamazov”) along with preliminary materials, as well as articles from the periodicals dedicated to old believers and sectarianism (“Double-believers of the Holy Rus'” by V. I. Kelsiyev, “Secret Sects" and “White Doves” by P. I. Melnikov,”Zemstvo and Schism. Runners”, “Mentality of the Russian Schism” by A. P. Shchapov). The goal of this research consists in determination of correlation of the idea of acceptance of suffering in Dostoevsky's works with the theme of schism and the myth on earth. The scientific novelty lies in analysis of mythologization mechanisms of the category of earth and the image of Russian people in the writings of F. M. Dostoevsky, associated with the idea of acceptance of suffering that takes its roots in the schism. The author’s special contribution lies in identification of correlation between motifs and images from of the novel “Demons” and sectarianism. The conclusion is made that voluntary acceptance of suffering, associated with the religious context, namely with the idea of accepting suffering for the faith inherent to old believers, is reflected in “The House of the Dead” and “Crime and Punishment”. Beginning with the first novel of “Samaritan Pentateuch”, this motif, entailing with a special for Dostoyevsky mythologem of earth, is implemented in the context of the idea of humanity’s guilt before nature and mankind, and the need for its redemption through suffering. The idea of suffering, essential for salvation of the soul and regaining of the lost faith is also closely related to the ideology of nativism, since it is conveyed to the “out of touch” atheists by the representatives of common people.

Litera ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 89-97
Tszinyan Ma

This article analyzes the resources of application of computer technologies for the purpose of visualization of the text semantic field “laughter”. The concept of “laughter” holds a special place in the works of F. M. Dostoevsky, as well as in one of the central semantic fields in the text semantic space of the novel “Crime and Punishment”. Examination of the semantic field within the space of a particular literary text allows determining the peculiarities of the authorial thesaurus within the structure of his linguistic identity. The subject of this article is the concept of “laughter” as the core of the corresponding text semantic field; determination of saturation of the text with the words belonging to a certain semantic field. Despite the fact that multiple questions related to the theory of semantic field are well studied, the scholars take interests in studying the linguistic material, denoted in field linguistics, namely development of the techniques for visualization of the semantic  network through creating cloud tags, semantic text markup, synoptic patterns, rendering, etc. The article offers one of the techniques – visualization based on construction of a plot using a specifically developed computer software. The graphic image illustrates the distribution of units of the semantic field “laughter” in the novel, which enables new interpretations of the content of Dostoevsky’s novel.

Litera ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Vurgun Georgievich Mekhtiev

The subject of this research is the negative-axiological, satirical layers of the novel “The Islanders”, associated with the image of the demonic character, which M. Y. Lermontov turned into the archetype and poetic myth in the Russian literature. The object of this research is the stylistic techniques and ideological motifs of N. S. Leskov underlying “desacralization” of the romantic myth. The author meticulously examines the following aspects: 1) role of Lermontov's poem “The Demon” and romantic poetry of the 1840s in creation of the myth of the demonic character; 2) semantic deformations that led Leskov to wander from the conventional meanings of the myth ; 3) satirical modus used as the key technique in creation of the the image of Istomin. Particular attention is given to Leskov’s satire in its function of “recoding” of the myth. The conclusion is made that the image of the painter Istomin is appointed with the task to dispel the romantic myth. Therefore, the axiological-emotional lexis, as well as elements of satire that reflect the point of view of the “subjective” narrative are arrayed around him. All of that imparts semantic transparency to the character, which contradicts the “mysterious code” of the myth of romanticism. The author’s special contribution consists in the establishment of correlation between the myth of about the demon and the myth of Prometheus, which is important for assessing the complexity and multifacetedness of the semantic core of the phenomenon under review. The novelty of this research lies in revelation of underlying motif of the satirical style of N. S. Leskov. Its point is not to create a “myth about the myth” or an “anti-myth”; the novel forms the “non-myth” to achieve complete elimination of the literary myth of the demonic character. The writer uses satire for typification, rather than individualization of the character.

Nguyen Thi Hoan ◽  
Galina G. Yermilova

The article for the first time explores the translation of the ‟evangelical text” of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novel ‟Crime and Punishment” into Vietnamese. The ‟evangelical text” refers to the New Testament quotations, for the first time both in the writer’s work and in the Russian literature of the 19th century as a whole, widely used by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Threeauthoritative translations by Trương Định Cư (1972), Lý Quốc Sinh (1973), Cao Xuân Hạo (1982-1983) are involved. The translation of the Bible into Vietnamese used by translators and involved in the liturgical practice of the Vietnamese Orthodox Church, has been revealed. On the basis of a continuous text sample of the «evangelical text» three translations were compared with the original and reverse translations, followed by an analytical commentary. The subject of the article is a monologue of «drunken» Semyon Marmeladov in the tavern (p. 1, ch. 2), saturated with New Testament quotations, and an evangelical scene about raised Lazarus (p. 4, ch. 4). It is concluded that when translating the «evangelical text» of the novel, the Vietnamese translators experienced serious difficulties due to ignorance of Russian Orthodoxy, which is still perceived in Vietnam to this day as a kind of exotic. Some specific refinements to existing translations are proposed.

Xue Chen

The subject of analysis is the space of death in the “Sun of the Dead,” considered as an existential reality opposite to the vital intentions of a person, a manifestation of social voluntarism, a being category that does not intersect with the space of life. Conclusions are drawn about the relationship between temporal and spatial features in the narrative structure. The parameters of the space of death are presented as characteristics of the discreteness of the artistic space of the story. The boundaries of the space of death, its dominance over time, the influence on the tempo-rhythmic features of the text, the types of character consciousness are described.

Litera ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 55-65
Na Van

This article is dedicated to the problem of the choice of name for a text semantic field formed within a literary text. The goal consists in determination of factors that hinder or preclude the naming of a text field. The subject of this research is the text semantic field observed particularly in the novels of F. M. Dostoevsky “The Idiot” and I. S. Turgenev “Home of the Gentry”. The author establishes that the text semantic field is closely connected to the contexts where elements of the field can be equitable, which complicates determination of the core and periphery of a text field, namely its name. In the course of research, the author applied the methods of analysis of scientific literature, interpretation of literary text as an aesthetic system, and method of semantic analysis. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the author is first to discuss the question of difficulties of naming a text field using the materials of the novels “The Idiot”  by F. M. Dostoevsky and “Home of the Gentry” by I. S. Turgenev. The conclusion is made that in majority of cases a text field can be named by the most frequent element therein. At the same time, the name “Idiot” in F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel does not fully reveal the content of a text field. In some instances it is impossible to name a text field (as in the novel “Home of the Gentry” by I. S. Turgenev), since elements of the field deal with the equitable mutual implication.

Fera Seferova

The study of interrelation between folklore and literature is one of the most relevant trends in literary studies. Folk poetic symbols as the genetic memory of the nation infiltrate consciousness not only as artistic material, but also as a emotions that awaken the writer’s imagination, giving rise to various associations. The subject of this research is the creative activity of folklore is in the works of the Crimean Tatar children's writers. Examination of the folklore-mythological context, determination of the peculiarities of transformation of folklore motifs in a literary reveals the creative laboratory, allowing determining the specificities of personal reflection of the writer, as well as tracing the psychological patterns of the creative process, and the evolution of artistic thinking overall. The scientific novelty is defined by the absence within Russian literary studies of monographic and significant critical works on determination of the folklore-mythological context, transformation, functionality, and interpretation of folklore elements in works of the writers. The conclusion is made that folklore as part of the culture of a particular nation, is an organic element of the artistic world of the Crimean Tatar writers, such as E. Amit and T. Khalilov. The novel by E. Amit presents the new comprehension of myths, paroemias, and legends. An example of interaction of the mythological views and modern perspective in the novel “Last Chance” is the folk legend on the “happy and unhappy stars”. It also encompasses such ancient forms of folklore as cursing and benevolence, as well as the elements that take roots in the ancient taboos, the period of totemism. In the psychological prose by T. Khalilov, an important role is played by the symbolism of birds and plants. The ancient legend of the winged horse Duldul organically intertwines with the author's creative idea without losing its specificity.

Kseniya Sergeevna Oparina

The goal of this article consist in interpretation of the major metaphor in Günter Grass’ novel “The Tin Drum”,  and coverage of its interrelation with symbolism of the image of the protagonist Oskar Matzerath. The subject of this research is the metaphor of stopped time. The time stops for Oscar with regards to physical and emotional development. Special attention is given to the fact that the protagonist of the novel, who comes into the world with adult intelligence, deliberately stops his development at the age of three. Using the indicated metaphor, the author of the novel forms the key traits of the image of the protagonists: perpetual child, demiurge, trickster. The novelty of this research and special contribution of the author consists in revelation of direct correlations between the aforementioned traits of the main character of the fundamental problems of human existence. A child who refuses to grow up, symbolizes infantilism and denial of the generally accepted socio-ethical norms. At the same time, G. Grass describes dissolution of the surrounding world and blames specific nation in the crimes against humanity, endowing Oskar Matzerath with the traits of trickster and demiurge. The acquired results can be used in textbooks on the history of foreign literature and culturology; as well as in writing term and graduation theses by students majoring in the humanities.

Litera ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 210-216
Zabikhat Magomedovna Otsomieva

The subject of this research is the semantics of toponymic lexemes, methods of their formation, semantic relations of nominations in the lexical-thematic group “characteristics of man”, and their propensity to reflect the worldview of the Avar dialect speakers. The goal of this work consists in the analysis of various characteristics of man captured in toponyms, which is expressed in determination of lexical composition of nominations that describe man by certain personality traits, behavior patteerns, appearance, types of activities, property status, etc. The article also reveals the role of units that characterize a person from different perspectives, and reflect certain qualities of a man, which allow depicting his behavior pattern and lifestyle in the toponymy of Gergebilsky, Gumbetovsky, Kazbekovsky, and Khunzakhsky districts of Dagestan. The scientific novelty consists in determination of unites in the toponyms that characterize a person from different perspectives. Analysis is conducted on the Avar toponymic lexicon that reflects various characteristics of man. This work is a valuable and public source for information retrieval and further research within the framework of studying various aspects of the image of man. The author’s special contribution to the research of Avar toponymy lies in determination and systematization of the corresponding lexical-thematic subgroups in the context of broad theme “the characteristics of man" in the indicated dialects.

Viktoriya Vladimirovna Nomogoeva ◽  
Altyna Munkozhargalovna Shoidonova

The subject of this research is examination of the activity of the Soviet pedagogues in teaching foreign students based on the materials of the Mongolian worker’s faculty. The object of this research is the Soviet-Mongolian cooperation in educational sphere that developed in the 1920s – 1930s. The Mongolian worker’s faculty was formed in Verkhne-Udinsk for teaching Mongolian and Tuvan students. It is noted that the academic staff was represented by the prominent pedagogues of the Buryat ASSR. The teaching of foreign students was carried out within the framework of international cooperation and allowed distributing Soviet ideology. The Mongolian People's Republic and Tuvan People's Republic viewed the USSR as the model for further development. The analysis of activity of the pedagogues of Mongolian worker’s faculty allowed reveals the key vectors of work with foreign students from the Mongolian People's Republic and the Tuvan People's Republic. Besides intense educational and upbringing activity, the teaching staff paid special attention to the adaptation of students and formation of worldview in the spirit of socialist values. The authors’ special contribution lies in determination of the peculiarities of organizing political and educational activity in the institution. The novelty of this consists in examination of the contribution of the pedagogues of the Mongolian worker’s faculty to the establishment of friendly relations with the neighboring states – Mongolia and Tuva.

Litera ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Anna Vladislavovna Lamzina ◽  
Lyubov' Gennad'evna Kikhnei

The subject of this research is the hidden allusions to the novels of Edgar Poe in Anna Akhmatova’s “Poem without a Hero” and poems later period. The research material contains the framework text of the “Poem without a Hero” – the set of epigraphs to different parts of the poem, authorial commentaries, history of used and discarded epigraphs at various stages of revision of the poem, text of the “Poem without a Hero”, as well as the author's “Prose about the Poem” and a number of poems created during the work on the “Poem without a Hero” and afterwards. A. Akhmatova was interested in the works of Edgar Poe, and researched the references to Edgar Poe in the works of N. S. Gumilyov. The article employs comprehensive methodology, such as comparative-historical and biographical approaches, as well as intertextual and hermeneutic methods for determination of literary allusions and interpretation of meanings hidden by the author. The main conclusion lies in revelation of the profoundly concealed connection of the “Poem without a Hero” with the range of narratives of Edgar Poe, united by the cross-cutting motif of being buried alive and coming back from the dead: “The Black Cat”, “The Fall of the House of Usher”, “Morella”, “Ligeia”, “Berenice”, “The Oval Portrait”. This gives a new perspective on the literary characters that one after another appeared to the lyrical heroine in plot of the poem; and explains the fragment of one of the most mysterious works in Russian literature of the XX century, and some other poems of Anna Akhmatova.

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