scholarly journals Analisis Kemampuan Peserta Didik Menyelesaikan Soal Cerita Berdasarkan Indikator Polya

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-142
Yunarti Yunarti ◽  
Lessa Roesdiana

Abstract Human life will never be undone from various problems which are required us to solve them precisely and quickly without any mistakes. Mathematics, which is one of the compulsory subjects in school, take an important role in human life as a process of problem-solving learning. The most experiencing problem for students is the lack of ability to solve mathematics problems in terms of stories. Thus, the research aimed to find out how students’ ability level to solve mathematics problems in terms of story based on Polya indicator. The researcher used the qualitative approach method with descriptive analysis. The subjects of the research are 30 students of 9th-grade students at Junior High School 1 Telagasari who were picked randomly. Based on the Polya indicator, the result of data analysis showed that 23, 33% of students were sufficient to understand the problem, 70% of students were capable to plan the problem-solving, 40% of students were adequate to execute the plan of problem-solving, and 20% students were competent to check the entirety of problem-solving. Keyword: Problem Solving, Story Problems¸ Polya Indicator Abstrak Suatu permasalahan selalu datang setiap harinya yang membutuhkan penyelesaian tepat,cepat tanpa ada kesalahan. Matematika sebagai merupakan mata pelajaran wajib disekolah memiliki kedudukan yang penting bagi kehidupan yakni salah satunya sebagai sarana melatih diri dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan. Permasalahan yang sering mengalami hambatan di kalangan peserta didik adalah rendah nya pemahaman peserta didik dalam menyelesaikan soal matematika bentuk cerita. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat tingkat kemampuan peserta didik dalam menyelesaikan soal matematika bentuk cerita. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini yakni peserta didik kelas IX SMP Negeri 1 Telagasari berjumlah 30 Peserta didik yang diambil secara Randam. Hasil pengolahan data berdasarkan indikator polya, 23,33% peserta didik memahami masalah, 70% peserta didik mampu merencanakan pemecahan masalah, 40% peserta mampu melaksanakan rencana pemecahan masalah, dan 20% peserta didik mampu melihat kembali kelengkapan pemecahan masalah. Kata Kunci: Pemecahan Masalah, Soal Cerita, Indikator Polya.

Destri Mega Arumanita ◽  
Hery Susanto ◽  
Rustanto Rahardi

Abstrak: Kemampuan pemecahan masalah adalah suatu kecakapan atau potensi yang dimiliki dalam diri individu untuk menyelesaiakan suatu masalah dari permasalahan yang berbeda-beda. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan kemampuan pemecahan masalah pada tingkatan sangat baik dan kurang. Kemampuan ini diteliti terkait dengan materi bangun ruang dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan sampel 4 siswa SMPN 1 Papar kelas VIII-I. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sampel berkemampuan: (1) Pada tingkat sangat baik, mengalami kesulitan dalam menstranfer pengetahuan (2) Pada tingkat baik, mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami dan memvisualisasikan konsep matematika karena terbiasa dengan soal-soal rutin (3) Pada tingkat cukup baik, mengalami kesulitan yaitu lemah dalam perhitungan (4) Pada tingkat sangat kurang, mengalami kesulitan yaitu  lemah dalam melakukan perhitungan dan membuat koneksi. Kata Kunci: kemampuan pemecahan masalah, tingkat kemampuan pemecahan masalah, kesulitan, bangun ruang  Abstract: The ability to solve problems is a skill or potential possessed in an individual to solve a problem from different problems. The purpose of this study is to describe problem-solving abilities at very good and poor levels. This ability was examined in relation to space building material using a qualitative approach, with a sample of 4 students of Papar 1 Junior High School class VIII-I. Data collection techniques used in this study are tests and interviews. The results showed that the sample was capable of: (1) at a very good level, having difficulty in transferring knowledge (2) At a good level, having difficulty understanding and visualizing mathematical concepts because they are familiar with routine questions (3) At a fairly good level, experiencing difficulties that is weak in calculation (4) At a very low level, having difficulties is weak in performing calculations and making connections. Keywords: problem-solving ability, level of problem-solving ability, difficulty, building space

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 62
Qorina Widadiyah ◽  
Khujaimah Khujaimah

This research aims to First, the application of the Sakamoto method to improve students' ability to solve story problems. Second, the results of applying the Sakamoto method to improve students' ability to solve story problems in mathematics. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of Classroom Action Research (CAR) research with 2 (two) cycles. The subjects of this study were students of class III SDN Dukuh Sari I. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, documentation, and tests. Qualitative data consisting of observations, interviews and documentation are analyzed descriptively qualitatively, while data in the form of numbers or quantitative data are sufficiently analyzed using quantitative descriptive analysis. The results of data analysis after the application of the learning method with the Sakamoto method show that the application of this method can improve students 'ability to solve mathematical problems in the form of material questions, summation operations and reduction of counting numbers on mathematical subjects. The results show that there is evidence of an increase in students' ability to solve problems mathematics in the form of story problems. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk; Pertama, penerapan metode sakamoto untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita. Kedua, hasil dari penerapan metode sakamoto untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita dalam mata pelajaran matematika. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dengan 2 (dua) siklus. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas III SDN Dukuh Sari I. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan tes. Data yang bersifat kualitatif yang terdiri dari hasil observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif, sedangkan data yang berupa angka atau data kuantitatif cukup dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil analisis data setelah penerapan metode pembelajaran dengan metode sakamoto menunjukkan bahwa penerapan metode ini dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal matematika yang berbentuk soal cerita materi operasi penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan cacah pada mata pelajaran metematika. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terbukti adanya peningkatan kemampuan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal matematika yang berbentuk soal cerita.

Eko Sugandi

The development of the world of education in Indonesia can not be separated from the influence of globalization, science and technology are always growing rapidly give a comprehensive impact on all aspects of human life, including the sector of education. Resilient and competitive human resources are needed to meet these challenges. Thus, the need to know about Adversity Quotient of a person to know how far a person can survive and overcome the difficulty. Mathematics which is a universal science underlies the development of modern technology and has an important role in various disciplines. The development of problem-solving abilities is also one of the most important aspects in the objectives of mathematics learning, especially on sequence materials and arithmetic series. Arithmetic sequences and series became a very important mathematical concept because of its wide application, so widely used in daily life. So this qualitative research is done with the aim to describe the process of solving the problem of rows and arithmetic series of junior high school students based on Adversity Quotient climber category. Technique of data collection is done by giving of Problem Solving Task (TPM) sequence and arithmetic series and job-based interview. Based on the analysis of research data that has been done, it is concluded that climber students in understanding the problem trend to read the problem twice. In plotting problem solving, climber students have an alternative solution to solve a given problem. At the implementation stage, climber students solve existing problems based on the most appropriate appropriate problem-solving plan and clearly disclose the truth information from the solution of the problem that has been done. The process of re-examining the problem solving, it is clear that the climber's students are re-checking and also trying to find alternative ways to solve the problem by first making an illustration of the drawing before doing the calculation process.   Key Word: Problem  Solving, Arithmetic Sequences and Series, Climber

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 179
Rina Krisnawati ◽  
Euis Eti Rohaeti ◽  
Rippi Maya

This study is a quasi-experimental research, which aims to examine the achievement and improvement of problem-solving skills of mathematics and the independence of junior high school students learning through a realistic approach. The population in this study is all students of class VIII SMPN 4 Subang. Samples were taken by random class, obtained two classes of class VIII H as the experimental class and VIII.F as control class. The instrument in this study is a set of mathematical problem-solving test and a set of learning independence scales. The study found that the achievement and improvement of students' mathematical problem-solving ability and the independence of student learning whose learning using realistic learning are better than that of learning using ordinary learning in terms of the initial ability level of students. There is an interaction of mathematical problem-solving abilities between students whose learning uses a realistic approach with a student's initial ability level. Meanwhile, there is no interaction between realistic learning with the level of initial ability of students in generating student self-reliance. Besides, there is no association between mathematical problem solving ability and student learning independence, both in class that use realistic and classroom learning using ordinary learning. The picture of student's performance during realistic learning is more active, it shows the involvement of students both individually and in collaboration with the group, so that it can improve the problem solving ability of mathematics as well as student's learning independence. The description of the students' difficulties in solving the problem of mathematical problem solving ability lies in the indicator about number 5 which is about making the mathematical model because of the lowest percentage indicator.

Sigma ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 114
Rahma Wahyu

This study aims to analyze the steps for solving mathematical problems by students' understanding of the geometric material in story problems based on the Polya technique. This research was conducted in one of the Islamic elementary schools in Batu City on six students in grade 6. The approach taken is to use a descriptive qualitative approach. The research was carried out using triangulation methods, namely observing the problem-solving process, interviews, and reviewing documents (students' work). Interviews in this study were conducted with several students, namely two high ability people, two low ability people, and two medium ability people. The analysis was carried out by concluding the data obtained based on the observations that have been made. The study results showed that the Polya technique showed different results on the results of solving the problems of each category of students in solving story problems about the area of squares and rectangles. Based on these results, it can be seen that students' understanding of the geometry material on the story problem.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 210
Evi Hulukati ◽  
Siti Zakiyah ◽  
Ali Rustam

This experimental study aims to compare problem-solving abilities between students that are taught with guided discovery learning models and conventional learning models. This study involved all eighth graders as the research population. Furthermore, the sampling technique used is the simple random sampling technique in two classes in Junior High school SMPN 1 Kota Gorontalo by employing Superitem essay test as a data collection tool. This descriptive analysis is described in the frequency distribution and histogram tables, whereas inferential analysis was performed by using ANCOVA test. The results showed that guided discovery learning model is preferable to compare to the conventional learning model in improving mathematics problem-solving ability.

Sri Maryani ◽  
Ikrar Pramudya ◽  
Isnandar Slamet

This research aims to obtain information about the influence of emotional intelligence on the ability of students' mathematical problem-solving. This research was conducted at Junior High School State for class eight students. This research is a quantitative survey research with descriptive analysis method. The data obtained is data from the retrieval of the questionnaire then analyzed the results. The results showed that there was an influence of emotional intelligence on students' mathematical problem-solving abilities because the value t count 15.76 > t table 2.021 with a significant level of α = 5%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-70
Wina Fajriah

The purpose of this study was to analyze the problem solving abilities of SMP Kartika I-6 grade VIII students, who learn with problem solving strategies based on Polya steps in solving story problems. This research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The subject of this study was class VIII1 student. After  problem solving learning strategy are  applied, given test problem solving ability in participants and the results are analyzed based on the steps of pattern.Test results raising students in three levels of problem solving skills, namely a high level of 25 %, medium 50 %, lower 25%. Based on the indicator of problem solving, it is known that the ability of students in understanding problems and arranging settlement plans is in the high category, while in implementing the completion plan it is categorized as being moderate and checking the answers back at a low level.

MATHEdunesa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 402-411
Safirah Viki Amalina ◽  
Rooselyna Ekawati

Problem solving is one of several important abilities a student must have. Problem solving is a planned process that mustbe done in order to get a certain solution of a problem that is not obtained immediately. One type of problem studentsmust solve is an open-ended problem. Open-ended problem solving for every student is certainly different from oneanother. The level of mathematical ability of students is one of the factors that influence these differences. This type ofresearch is a qualitative descriptive with the purpose to describe the profile of open-ended problem solving based onPolya’s steps viewed from mathematical ability level of junior high school students. Three students from grade VII arethe subjects in this research (one student having high mathematical ability, one student having moderate mathematicalability, and one student having low mathematical ability). This research uses instruments mathematical ability test, openended problem solving test, and interview guidelines. The results showed there were differences in the open-endedproblem solving profile on students with high, moderate, and low mathematical ability. Student with high mathematicalability can carry out all the steps of Polya’s problem solving. Student with moderate mathematical ability are able to carryout the step of understanding the problem, devising a plan, carrying out the plan, however there are indicators that are notfulfilled at looking back’s step they are using the other way to solve the problem and make conclusion. Student with lowmathematical ability can not show the adequacy of the data at understanding the problem’s step and can not carry out thesteps of devising a plan, carrying out the plan and looking back.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 433-441
Tri Rahayu Agustina ◽  
Sri Subarinah ◽  
Nurul Hikmah ◽  
Amrullah Amrullah

The research was aims to describe the problem solving in mathematics ability on open ended with circle material based on the early mathematical ability of the students at 9th grade junior high school 8 mataram. The type of the research is a descriptive study with quantitative approach. The research subject are 28 students which selected with purposive sampling. The subject is grouped according to early abilities of high, moderate, and low mathematics using the midterms. The data-collection method used is an open-ended problem-solving test on a loop of 2 terms of description and interview methods. The results were analyzed based on an indicator of problem solving capability according to Polya. Based on the data analysis, student problem solving capabilities with advanced mathematical abilities fall into good category, averaged 79.69. The student problem-solving capability with the early math skills is in good category, with an average score of 77.50. Student problem solving with early abilities of low math falls in the less category, with an average value of 48.30. The students with advanced math skills and are filling indicators of understanding the problem, planning a settlement and carrying out a completion plan, but have not yet met the checking indicator.

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