2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-58
Laksana Arum Nugraheni

Abstract Every citizen has the right to protection against discriminatory treatment. The state guarantees the freedom of each of its inhabitants to embrace their respective religions and to worship according to their religion and belief. The rights of adherents of belief or what is known as the Belief in God Almighty by law in Indonesia have not been fully accommodated and discrimination is still found in social life. The author examines marriage registration from a philosophical point of view based on the values ​​of Pancasila and statutory regulations for Believers. This type of research is a juridical normative that uses a conceptual approach, laws, history and cases. The author analyzes with qualitative methods and deductive thinking methods. The results show that the Constitutional Court Decision Number 97 / PUU-XVI / 2016 is a manifestation of the values ​​in the principles of Pancasila so that it is in line with the goals and ideals of the nation which make Pancasila the guide for the nation's life. The decision of the Constitutional Court Number 97 / PUU-XIV / 2016 is a turning point that provides space for citizens, especially Believers to obtain administrative constitutional rights for inhabitants. Apart from being determined by the teachings of their belief, the validity of marriages must also be carried out in the presence of a Leader of Beliefs in accordance with statutory regulations. Marriages that are not recorded do not fulfill the administrative aspects or formal requirements for the validity of the marriage so that the implication is that the marriage is not legally binding. Keywords : Marriage, Believers in God Almighty, Pancasila   Abstrak Setiap warga negara berhak mendapatkan perlindungan terhadap perlakuan yang bersifat diskriminatif. Negara menjamin kemerdekaan tiap-tiap penduduknya untuk memeluk agamanya masing-masing dan untuk beribadat menurut agamanya dan kepercayaannya itu. Hak bagi pemeluk aliran kepercayaan atau yang disebut dengan Penghayat Kepercayaan Terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa secara hukum di Indonesia belum terakomodasi sepenuhnya dan masih ditemukan diskriminasi dalam kehidupan sosial kemasyarakatan. Penulis mengkaji pencatatan perkawinan dari sudut pandang filosofis berdasarkan nilai-nilai Pancasila dan peraturan perundang-undangan bagi Penghayat Kepercayaan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif yang menggunakan pendekatan konseptual, undang-undang, sejarah dan kasus. Penulis menganalisa dengan metode kualitatif dan metode berpikir deduktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 97/PUU-XVI/2016 merupakan perwujudan dari nilai dalam sila-sila Pancasila sehingga sejalan dengan tujuan dan cita-cita bangsa yang menjadikan Pancasila sebagai pedoman hidup bangsa. Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 97/PUU-XIV/2016 merupakan titik balik yang memberikan ruang bagi warga negara khususnya Penghayat Kepercayaan untuk memperoleh hak konstitusional administratif kependudukan. Keabsahan perkawinan Penghayat Kepercayaan selain ditentukan oleh ajaran kepercayaannya, juga harus dilaksanakan di hadapan Pemuka Penghayat Kepercayaan sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan. Perkawinan yang tidak dicatatkan maka tidak memenuhi aspek administratif atau syarat formil sahnya perkawinan sehingga berimplikasi pada perkawinan tersebut tidak berkekuatan hukum. Kata Kunci : Perkawinan, Penghayat Kepercayaan Terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Pancasila

2013 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-73
Judit Vörös

Nowadays in vitro fertilisation raises relevant controversies at the point of view of jurisprudence as well. The distinct approximations of in vitro embryos, such as to be considered as personae or objects, are also resources of several theoretical and pragmatical questions. It is essential to give a compendious summary about what kind of jurisprudental environment had been contributed to the intrumental comprehension of human embryos too, otherwise it is difficult to understand the scientific quandaries connected to the subject correctly. Merely thereafter the international and the Hungarian regulation of in vitro embryo’s status seems to able to be dissected, in particular the case-law of the Hungarian Constitutional Court related to the right to life and the constitutional funds of the oncurrent re-regulation in our country.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 84
Ari Wirya Dinata

Fiduciary is one of the guarantees where the debtor has the right to control and take advantage of the goods that are used as fiduciary security objects. Article 15 paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of Law Number 42 Year 1999 concerning Fiduciary Guarantee regulates the execution mechanism for fiduciary security objects when the fiduciary giver (debtor) experiences breach of promise to the fiduciary recipient (creditor). So far, the execution mechanism for fiduciary security objects regulated in the Act creates legal uncertainty and harms the debtor's rights. Because it gives too much power to the creditor. The imbalance of power relations between debtors and creditors towards the handling of the problem of breach of contract actually causes an injustice in existing fiduciary institutions. The Constitutional Court, through decision number 18 / PUU-XVII / 2019, tries to return the fiduciary institution to the spirit of equilibrium relations between debtors, creditors, and fair fiduciary guarantees. After the decision of the Constitutional Court Number 18 / PUU-XVII / 2019. Has there been a harmonious power relationship between two legal subjects in fiduciary guarantees. This paper examines the pre and post fiduciary guarantee institutions of the Constitutional Court and analyzes the legal consequences that occur. This paper uses a type of juridical-normative research using primary data and primary, secondary and tertiary legal material. While the analysis method uses qualitative methods

I Ketut Ngastawa

Paper that had the title: "Juridical implications of the Constitutional Court Decision Number 011-017/PUU-I/2003 on the Legal Protection for the Rights to be Eelected." This explores two issues: 1) how the legal protection of the settings selected in the state system of Indonesia ; 2) what are juridical implications of the Constitutional Court Decision Number 011-017/PUU-I/2003 on the legal protection for the rights to be elected. To solve both problems, this paper uses normative legal research methods. Approach being used is the statute approach, case approach, and a conceptual approach. Further legal materials collected were identified and analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques. Legal protection for the right to be elected in the state system of Indonesia can be traced from the 1945 opening, the articles in the body of the 1945 Constitution, Article 27 paragraph (1), Article 28D (1) and paragraph (3) and Article 28 paragraph (3) 1945 Second Amendment, MPR Decree Number XVII/MPR/1998, Article 43 of Law Number 39 of 1999, Article 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and Article 25 of the International Covenant  on Civil and Political Rights. Discussion of the juridical implications of the Constitutional Court Decision Number 011-017/PUU-I/2003 on the legal protection for the rights to be elected have been included: a) only on the juridical implications of representative institutions no longer marked with specified requirements as stipulated in Article 60 letter g of Law Number 12 Year 2003 in Law Number 10 Year 2008; b) juridical implications of the political field for the right to be elected is the absence of any discriminatory treatment in legislative product formed by the House of Representatives and the President as well as products of other legislation forward.

Pavel Astafichev

The article is devoted to the study of a range of problems concerning the implementation of constitutional human rights and freedoms in the context of the threat of the spread of a new coronavirus infection. The author states that from the point of view of the implementation of the institution of constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen, the legal regulation pattern was likely to be the strengthening of guarantee of the constitutional right to the protection of life and health, in part, to the detriment of other constitutional rights and freedoms, first of all – the right to freedom of movement, personal privacy, work, freedom of individual enterprise, right to education, access to arts, culture and cultural values and use of cultural establishments. In case of COVID-19, preference was forced upon de facto federalism, which implies a reasonable decentralization of the subjects of jurisdiction and powers, vertical sharing of powers to guarantee the constitutional principle of separation of powers. The article proves that the executive power has the right to plan and organize sanitary and anti-epidemiological, preventive and even restrictive measures, but it cannot limit the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens bypassing the will of the representation of the people in a democratic society. In extremis, when circumstances require an immediate solution, it is possible only for a very short time, used by a representative body to fully discuss and make a proper decision.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-212
Yayan Sopyan

Abstract: Questioning the Religious Freedom and blasphemy in Indonesia. The presence of the Constitutional Court in the reform era is the strengthening of the foundations of constitutionalism in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945. The Court in this case a role to enforce and the protector of the citizen's constitutional rights and the protector of the human rights. Including in this case, the right to religion and religious practices and teachings of their respective religions, in accordance with the constitutional mandate. However, on the other hand there is the discourse of freedom of expression and freedom of speech includes freedom to broadcast religious beliefs and understanding of the "deviant" and against the "mainstream" religious beliefs and understanding in general, as in the case of Ahmadiyah. The Court in this case is required to provide the best attitude when faced judicial review in this case still required in addition to guarding the constitution in order to run properly.   Abstrak: Menyoal Kebebasan Beragama dan Penodaan Agama di Indonesia. Kehadiran lembaga Mahkamah Konstitusi di era reformasi merupakan upaya penguatan terhadap dasar-dasar konstitusionalisme pada Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. MK dalam hal ini berperan menegakkan dan melindungi hak-hak konstitusional warga negara (the protector of the citizen’s constitutional rights) dan pelindung HAM (the protector of the human rights). Termasuk dalam hal ini, hak untuk memeluk agama dan menjalankan ibadah serta ajaran agamanya masing-masing, sesuai dengan amanat konstitusi. Namun, disisi lain ada wacana kebebasan berekspresi dan kebebasan berpendapat termasuk didalamnya kebebasan untuk menyiarkan keyakinan dan pemahaman keagamaan yang “menyimpang” dan bertentangan dengan “mainstream” keyakinan dan pemahaman keagamaan pada umumnya, seperti dalam kasus Ahmadiyah. MK dalam hal ini dituntut untuk mampu memberikan sikap terbaik saat dihadapkan judicial review dalam kasus ini selain tetap dituntut untuk mengawal konstitusi agar dapat berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. DOI: 10.15408/jch.v2i2.2314

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 858
Muhammad Reza Winata ◽  
Intan Permata Putri

Jaminan konstitusi terkait hak konstitusional untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan dalam Pasal 28D ayat (2) UUD NRI 1945 dan hak konstitusional untuk membentuk keluarga dalam Pasal 28B ayat (1) UUD 1945 telah dibatasi dengan adanya ketentuan Pasal 153 ayat (1) huruf f Undang-Undang No 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan. Keberadaan perjanjian kerja menghalangi hak pekerja untuk menikah dalam satu institusi karena pekerja harus mengalami pemutusan hubungan kerja untuk dapat melaksanakan haknya membentuk keluarga yang sebenarnya dijamin dalam konstitusi dan peraturan perundang- undangan. Pengujian Pasal 153 ayat (1) huruf f UU No 13 Tahun 2003 dalam Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 13/PUU-XV/2017 telah menyatakan frasa "kecuali telah diatur dalam perjanjian kerja, peraturan Perusahaan, atau perjanjian kerja bersama" bertentangan dengan UUD 1945. Artikel ini hendak menjawab kekuatan mengikat dan akibat hukum putusan, sekaligus Penegakan putusan dengan memetakan penyelesaian terkait peraturan perundang-undangan dan perjanjian kerja yang tidak tidak sesuai dengan putusan dan bertentangan dengan prinsip kebebasan berkontrak. Penelitian ini didasarkan pada penelitian kualitatif, dimana sumber analisis yakni Putusan MK terkait permasalahan yang diangkat, peraturan perundang-undangan, buku dan artikel ilmiah. Artikel ini hendak memetakan penyelesaian yang sesuai terkait kepada perjanjian kerja yang tidak menjamin hak pekerja yang dijamin dalam konstitusi, serta bertentangan dengan prinsip kebebasan berkontrak. yakni: pertama, penyelarasan peraturan perundang undangan di bawah Undang-undang judicial review di Mahkamah Agung, kedua, penyelesaian perselisihan hak melalui Pengadilan Hubungan Industrian yang akan menguji penegakan putusan dalam perjanjian kerja, peraturan perusahaan, atau perjanjian kerja bersama.The constitutional guarantee regarding constitutional rights to obtain employment in Article 28 D paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and the constitutional rights to form a family in Article 28 B paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution has been limited by the provisions of Article 153 paragraph (1) letter f Law No. 13 of 2003 concerning Labor. The existence of a work agreement prevents the right of workers to get married in one institution because workers must experience termination of employment to be able to exercise their rights to form a family which is actually guaranteed in the constitution and legislation. Testing Article 153 paragraph (1) letter f of Law No. 13 of 2003 in the Decision of the Constitutional Court Number 13/PUU-XV/2017 has stated the phrase "except as stipulated in work agreements, company regulations, or collective labor agreements" contrary to the 1945 Constitution. This article is about to answer the binding and consequent legal power of the decision, as well as Enforcement of decisions by mapping out solutions related to legislation and work agreements that are not incompatible with decisions and are contrary to the principle of freedom of contract. This research is based on qualitative research, where the source of analysis is the Constitutional Court Decision related to the issues raised, legislation, scientific books, and articles. This article intends to map appropriate solutions related to work agreements that do not guarantee workers’ rights guaranteed in the constitution, as well as contrary to the principle of freedom of contract. namely: first, alignment of legislation under the judicial review law in the Supreme Court, secondly, settlement of rights disputes through the Industrial Relations Court which will test enforcement of decisions in work agreements, company regulations, or collective labor agreements.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 763
Ade Irawan Taufik

 Timbulnya pengakuan kesehatan sebagai hak asasi menunjukan perubahan paradigma yang luar biasa, karena kesehatan tidak lagi dipandang hanya sebagai urusan pribadi namun sebagai bentuk tanggung jawab negara dan hak hukum (legal rights). Tujuan diberlakukannya berbagai undang-undang terkait kesehatan adalah untuk memberikan jaminan konstitusionalitas hak atas kesehatan, namun dengan diberlakukannya berbagai undang-undang tersebut tidak berarti terjaminnya hak konstitusional atas kesehatan, hal ini tergambar dengan banyaknya uji materi terhadap berbagai undang-undang tersebut. Banyaknya permohonan uji materi tersebut menarik untuk diteliti terhadap prinsip-prinsip atau asas-asas yang melandasi materi muatan berbagai undang-undang terkait kesehatan dan konsistensi antar putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) dan konsistensi Putusan MK dengan prinsip atau asas yang melandasi materi muatan undang-undang terkait kesehatan. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif disimpulkan bahwa prinsip-prinsip atau asas mempunyai arti penting sebagai landasan materi undang-undang sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai batu uji dalam melakukan pengujian undang-undang. Kesimpulan lainnya yakni terdapat inkonsistensi antar putusan MK dan inkonsistensi putusan MK dengan prinsip atas asas yang melandasi materi muatan berbagai undang-undang terkait kesehatan.The emergence of the recognition of health as a human right shows an extraordinary paradigm shift, because health is no longer seen only as a private matter but as a form of state responsibility and legal rights. The purpose of the enactment of various laws related to health is to provide a constitutional guarantee of the right to health, however, the enactment of these various laws does not mean the guarantee of constitutional rights to health, this is showed by the number of judicial review of various laws. The number of requests for material tests is interesting to be examined on the principles that underlie the contents of various health related to laws and consistency between decisions of the Constitutional Court (MK) and consistency of decisions of the Constitutional Court to the principles that underlie the content of laws related to health. By using the normative juridical research method, it can be concluded that principles have an important meaning as a basis for the material of the law so that they can be used as a touchstone in conducting the testing of laws. Another conclusion is that there are inconsistencies between the Constitutional Court's decisions and the inconsistency of the Constitutional Court's decision to the principle on the basis of the material content of various laws related to health.

Kobolo J Selala

The Labour Appeal Court in Kylie v CCMA decided the vexed question as to whether or not the CCMA has jurisdiction to resolve a dispute of unfair dismissal involving a sex worker. Both the CCMA and the Labour Court had declined to assume jurisdiction to resolve the dispute on the basis that the employee’s contract of employment was invalid and therefore unenforceable in law. The Labour Appeal Court, on the other hand, overturned the Labour Court’s decision and held that the CCMA has jurisdiction to resolve the dispute, regardless of the fact that sex work is still illegal under the South African law. For this decision, the Labour Appeal Court relied on section 23(1) of the Constitution, which provides that everyone has the right to fair labour practices. According to the Labour Appeal Court the crucial question for determination by the court was if a person in the position of a sex worker enjoyed the full range of constitutional rights including the right to fair labour practices. In the court’s reasoning the word everyone in section 23(1) of the Constitution is a term of general import and conveys precisely what it means. In other words everyone, including a sex worker, has the right to fair labour practices as guaranteed in the Constitution. A critical analysis of the judgment is made in this case note. The correctness of the court’s judgment, particularly insofar as it relates to the approach to and the determination of the issue of jurisdiction, is questioned. It is argued that the Court lost focus on the main issue in the appeal, namely jurisdiction, and instead proceeded to place heavy emphasis on the employee’s constitutional rights. Relying on a handful of cases of the Supreme Court of Appeal and the Constitutional Court, the case note concludes that the approach adopted by the Labour Appeal Court in the determination of the appeal was incorrect - hence its decision. Given the critical importance of the matter, and the attendant implications of the judgment for labour litigation in South Africa, it is hoped that a similar case will soon come to the attention of a superior court and that a definitive pronouncement will be made.

O. Kosilova

The article analyzes human dignity as a legal category and fundamental natural human right. The place and role of the right to human dignity in the system of constitutional rights of Ukraine and Germany are compared. The scientific substantiation of the right to human dignity in Ukraine and Germany, its normative protection in both countries, is investigated. The approaches to defining and interpreting the right to human dignity in the practice of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany are compared. The relationship between the right to human dignity and other human rights is determined, as well as the sphere of protection of this right. In particular, there are parallels between the right to life and the right to human dignity, and their relationship is determined. It is substantiated that the human life and dignity of each person enjoy the same constitutional protection regardless of the duration of the individual's physical existence. It is established that among Ukrainian scholars there is no unified view of the right to dignity as a fundamental natural right. The right to human dignity in Ukraine is enshrined in the norms of constitutional, civil and criminal law. For the most part, the protection of the right to human dignity is correlated with the right to the protection of honour and goodwill. The right to human dignity and honour are not clearly distinguished. The legisla- tion of Ukraine does not contain a legal norm defining the concept of the right to human dignity. The case-law of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in this area is not sufficiently developed and does not constitute a proper legal framework. In Germany, the right to human dignity is a decisive and fundamental human right that is fundamental to all other rights. Human dignity is the supreme fundamental value and the root of all fundamental rights. The right to human dignity enshrined in Article 1 of the Constitution of the Fed- eral Republic of Germany defines it as an absolute value, which means that it cannot be restricted by any other norm, even by another fundamental right that follows from human dignity.

2020 ◽  
pp. 45-58

The article analyzes the implementation of the principle of equality in the constitutional legal proceedings of Ukraine nowadays. It has been established that this principle is reflected in the decisions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine: 1) equality of citizens before the law, which does not exclude differentiation of legal regulation, is guaranteed by the prohibition of «negative discrimination» and is not absolute in scope; 2) equality of everyone (i.e. citizens of Ukraine, foreigners, stateless persons) before the court, including equality of all participants of the judicial process; 3) equality of citizens in duties, which means their equal subordination to the laws of Ukraine; 4) equality (equal significance) of rights and freedoms, the manifestation of which is the equality of material and procedural rights, the equality of positive and negative rights. On the basis of the analysis of the decisions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, a number of «ontological factors» that determine the principle of equality and are considered methodologically important for legal characterization, have been identified. The first of the proposed factors is the sphere of social life, i.e. the part of the public space that has become «discriminatorily vulnerable», and in light of this the legal positions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in respect of the principle of equality in the sphere of realization of electoral rights, labor rights, property rights etc. have been systematized. The second factor can be considered the peculiarities (nature) of legal rights that are «in the area of discriminatory risk», which affects the functions of certain legal means of ensuring equality, in particular, the functions of the so-called legislative qualifications. A third reviewed factor is the relationship between human and civil rights. The dependence of the content and scope of the principle of equality on the joint realization of the right to education and the right to free development of one’s personality; the right to housing and freedom of movement and free choice of place of residence. The fourth factor of the substantive content of the principle of equality is the criteria of differentiation of legal regulation, namely, «appropriateness» (economic, political, social), «justifiability in a democratic society» and «relevance». The fifth factor is associated with the specificity of guarantees of ensuring the principle under consideration, among which — «accessibility», «free-of-charge» basis of education and health care. As the sixth factor, the correlation of the principle of equality with other principles of law, in particular, with the principles of justice, freedom, presumption of innocence and inadmissibility to hold a person responsible for refusing to testify against him/her, has been substantiated. Keywords: rule of law, legal principles, human rights and freedoms, The Constitutional Court of Ukraine, principle of equality.

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