scholarly journals Semantic Potential of the Speech Pattern not exactly..., but in the Context of Expressing Opinion

A. E. Bochkarev

The article deals with the logical analysis of a syntactic Russian pattern ‘ne to chtoby..., no’ (“not exactly..., but”, “I would say … a sort of”), the turn widely used in the practical reasoning. Its usage is underpinned by two major reasons - dialogical nature of the speech activity as well as one’s desire to accentuate his or her position in the debate. But it is also related to one’s aspiration to rectify the assessment, to uncertainty in choosing adequate words, and sometimes the need to increase the expressiveness of the message. In its essence, the relationship between the two parts of the pattern separated by conjunction “no” (“but”) is dialogically polemical. The first conjunct signals an approximate character of the chosen nomination or qualification, it represents a kind of preliminary assessment marked by semantics of doubt, while the second makes the necessary adjustments so as to better characterize the subject of speech. This alternative, albeit not always exhaustive definition may belong to categories of knowledge, opinion or belief. Whatever were the subject of evaluation - object, property, state or action, - the “rectifying” description / nomination / qualification placed in the second part of the construction after the conjunction ‘no” (“but”) can be identified in all cases of use as the attitude for understanding a relative accuracy of its expression. Moreover, it is possible to establish how adequate the object’s qualification is in a given context of expressing opinion only within the framework of a given opinion setting, including what the subject of opinion thinks, what he is convinced of, or believes in. It is impossible to know in advance whether such an opinion is reliable or not from the objective point of view, but it is possible to assert its unconditional credibility within the accepted framework of a certain system of ideas, e.g. what should be in an “acceptable situation” properties, activities or states of the object of judgment to be assessed. In this context, it is not the denotatum that is actually brought into focus of attention, but rather its qualifications or characteristics (they is the meaning of the item) within the scope of the propositional attitude of opinion.

Айгүл Турсунова

Баарыбызга маалым болгондой аркылуу мамиле этишке мүнөздүү категория. Мамиле категорияларынын эӊ негизги өзгөчөлүгү - кыймыл-аракеттин субъектиси менен объектисинин ортосундагы мамиле, б.а. сүйлөмдө ээлик милдет аткарган сөздүн же кыймыл-аракеттин чыныгы аткаруучусунун субъект же объект экендигин аныктайт. Алардын ичинен аркылуу мамиле кыймыл-аракеттин башка бирөө тарабынан иштелгенин билдирет. Биз бул эмгегибизде кыргыз тилиндеги мамиле категорияларынан - аркылуу мамилени тарыхый жана маанилик жактан анализдемекчибиз. Маанилерди аныктоодо бул мамиленин байыркы Көктүркчөдөн азыркы убакка чейинки басып өткөн жолу талданып, кандай лигвистикалык методдор менен түзүлөрүнө да кеӊири токтолдук. Макалабызда кыргыз тили менен түрк тили негизге алынды. Категория залога - есть необходимая категория языковой мысли, присущая общению. Важнейшей особенностью категорий залога является отношение между субъектом и объектом действия. В предложении данная категория определяет, является ли реальный исполнитель слова или действия, выполняющий функцию, субъектом или объектом, и означает ли что действие было разработано кем-то другим. В этой статье мы проанализируем категорию залога с исторической и семантической точек зрения в кыргызском языке. Определяя значения, мы будем анализировать историю этих залогов от древнего Коктюрского времени до наших дней и подробно обсуждать лингвистические методы, с помощью которых они сформированы. Наша статья основана на материале кыргызского и турецкого языков. The collateral category is a necessary category of linguistic thought inherent in communication. The most important feature of the categories of collateral is the relationship between the subject and the object of the action. In a sentence, this category determines whether the real performer of a word or action performing a function is a subject or an object, and means that the action was designed by someone else. In this article, we will analyze the category of collateral from a historical and semantic point of view in the Kyrgyz language. By defining the meanings, we will analyze the history of these pledges from ancient Cocturian times to the present day and discuss in detail the linguistic methods by which they were formed. Our article is based on the material of the Kyrgyz and Turkish languages.

Vera Savchenko ◽  
Oleksandr Gai ◽  
Oksana Yurchenko ◽  

The article considers the essence of accounting theories, approaches to their separation, the relationship of accounting and economic theories, and the direction of development of accounting theories in accordance with the needs of economic and social development. The approaches to the classification of accounting theories are generalized, as well as the approaches to the interpretation of «accounting theory», the peculiarities of the interpretation of the subject of accounting from the point of view of different accounting theories are revealed and the objectivity of expansion of accounting objects is substantiated. In the context of the formation and development of accounting theories, the category of «social costs» is considered as an accounting object.

1981 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-46 ◽  
D.P. Fourie

It is increasingly realized that hypnosis may be seen from an interpersonal point of view, meaning that it forms part of the relationship between the hypnotist and the subject. From this premise it follows that what goes on in the relationship prior to hypnosis probably has an influence on the hypnosis. Certain of these prior occurences can then be seen as waking suggestionns (however implicitly given) that the subject should behave in a certain way with regard to the subsequent hypnosis. A study was conducted to test the hypothesis that waking suggestions regarding post-hypnotic amnesia are effective. Eighteen female subjects were randomly divided into two groups. The groups listened to a tape-recorded talk on hypnosis in which for the one group amnesia for the subsequent hypnotic experience and for the other group no such amnesia was suggested. Thereafter the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale was administered to all subjects. Only the interrogation part of the amnesia item of the scale was administered. The subjects to whom post-hypnotic amnesia was suggested tended to score lower on the amnesia item than the other subjects, as was expected, but the difference between the mean amnesia scores of the two groups was not significant.

1996 ◽  
Vol 22 ◽  
pp. 235-260
Geneviève Nootens

Asserting the relationship between liberalism and nationalism is no easy matter. Liberal philosophers have been very suspicious of the phenomenon of nationalism, partly for historical reasons (e.g., national socialism) and partly for philosophical ones (amongst which a belief that liberal principles would override people's need for identification with ethnocultural communities). But even if some still consider the expression ‘liberal nationalism’ to be an oxymoron, most of current Anglo-American liberal work on the subject leans toward a more nuanced approach, trying to specify how hospitable liberalism should be to nationalistic claims. The challenge, from this point of view, is to explain why and how political philosophy can incorporate national attachments to amoralargument on people's identity and distributive justice. In fact, it seems that nationalist rhetoric has found in identity politics a rather safe (even if narrow) way of entering liberal discourse.

Татьяна Черкашина ◽  
Tatiana Cherkashina ◽  
Н. Новикова ◽  
N. Novikova ◽  
О. Трубина ◽  

The article considers the conceptualization of the world from the point of view of its methodological paradigm assessment in the context of the globalizing world. A retrospective analysis of the relationship between language and human speech activity is given. The authors explain the role of language as a socio-cultural phenomenon in the formation of worldview systems that develop in the consciousness with the help of minimal units of human experience in their ideal meaningful representation in special concepts, which allows the individual to think within the boundaries of a certain linguistic picture of the world. Analyzes the problems of the functioning of communicative norms with regard to the hierarchy of the spiritual representations of the world. The article attempts to consider the impact of the “blurring” of the information boundaries of the globalizing world on the cognitive abilities of the individual in the nomination, qualification of the subject, phenomenon, process.

Haris Ch. Papoulias

  Two events, apparently distant one from the other and without any direct link between them, but nevertheless strictly connected by a common spiritual legacy, constitute the subject of this paper. The first one, took place in 1971, when a very special «ecumenical chapel» opened its doors to the public. It is known under the name of «Rothko Chapel», due to the general project, undertaken by the painter Mark Rothko. Since that time, it has become one of the most precious artworks that represent the contemporary religious aesthetics. The black Rothko’s paintings, the Greek-cross building designed by the architect Philip Johnson, the Broken Obelisk of the artist Barnett Newman standing right out of the Chapel and the music composed for this ambient by the composer Morton Feldman, have replaced what traditionally has been called an «imago templi»; but contrary to all Christian tradition they represent (literally) no-thing. The second event, took place in 1795, when two young friends, Hegel and Schelling, were making a kind of oath under the sign of an Invisible Church, actualizing an ambiguous concept that, even if rooted in the Holy Scriptures, it had been condemned for its consequences as heretical. The relationship between these two events is given by contemporary art historians which have established that modern abstract painting, from a formal point of view, is rooted in the Romantic tradition. With this paper I would like to contribute to the establishment of this connection, not only by formal means, but by showing a common spiritual attitude towards images. Christianity, essentially figurative in its religious aesthetics, has always had to deal with the Jewish prohibition of image-making. This difficulty has been inherited to contemporary debates in which artist with classical readings and education, often of Jewish origins but active in Christian societies, try to create a new kind of art, above all traditions and free of dogmas. According to my suggestion, Rothko Chapel should be considered as the realization of a fragile balance in which both «aniconism» and «need of images» have simultaneously sublated their one-sidedness, producing a higher spiritual stage. Thus, such a chapel would not be a simple space where all religions could only meet and undertake a dialog, but should be considered as something more surprising: a unique realization of what logically appears as a pure contradiction: the realization of an Imago Templi for an Invisible Church. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 179-192
Marie Louise Stig Sørensen

The active and discursive nature of material culture is the subject of this paper. It will, however, be approached from the point of view of typology and in particular the debate about the 'Swedish Typology’ (Gräslund 1974). Typology is probably the archaeological method or theory through which the discipline has most explicitly stated its view on the nature of the archaeological object. Inspired by the idea of naturalised epistemology as the basis for understanding how knowledge is constructed within the sciences (as discussed by Thomas 1996: 194), it is here argued that what we do, as archaeologists, is of importance rather than the theorising about our actions. Through a discussion of typology as expressed in archaeological practice, this paper will propose that the relationship between the object and typology is much simpler and more complex than our habitual use of the concept tends to suggest. It is proposed that the creation of typologies reveals the quite decisive influence which the object has upon the archaeological constructions. Typologies, moreover, are intimately connected to prehistoric production strategies. It is the relationship between these two dimensions of typologies, that we must understand in order to fully realise their potentials and understand their roles in archaeological practice.

Rodolfo Basile ◽  
Ilmari Ivaska

Abstrakti. Artikkeli tarkastelee löytyä-verbin konstruktioiden nominatiivi- ja partitiivisubjektin vaihtelua. Aineistona on korpuksista poimittu 779 havainnon satunnaisotos, jota tarkastellaan sekä kvantitatiivisesti tilastollisin menetelmin että kvalitatiivisesta näkökulmasta. Tutkimus pyrkii selvittämään, mitkä muuttujat vaikuttavat löytyä-verbin sisältävien lauseiden subjektien sijanvalintaan. Valikoidut muuttujat ovat subjektin luku, subjektin jaollisuus, subjektin sanaluokka, sanajärjestys, aikamuoto, subjektin ja verbin välinen kongruenssi sekä subjektin lemma, joka toimii satunnaismuuttujana. Regressioanalyysin keinoin subjektin sijanvalintaa ennustetaan mainittujen muuttujien ja niiden välisten vuorovaikutussuhteiden avulla. Laadullisessa analyysissa käsitellään myös näiden morfosyntaktisten ja semanttisten seikkojen vaikutusta lauseen eksistentiaalisuuden sekä subjektin kvantiteetin ja definiittisyyden tulkintaan. Abstract. Rodolfo Basile, Ilmari Ivaska: Subject case alternation in constructions containing the Finnish verb löytyä. This article examines the nominative-partitive subject alternation occurring with constructions containing the Finnish verb löytyä. The material used is taken from corpora and consists of a random sample of 779 observations, analyzed both quantitatively by means of statistical methods, and from a qualitative point of view. The research aims at investigating which variables influence the case alternation of subjects of constructions containing the verb löytyä. The chosen variables are subject number, subject divisibility, subject part of speech, word order, tense, agreement and subject lemma, the only random variable. With the help of regression analysis, the subject case is predicted on the basis of said variables and of interactions between them. The qualitative analysis will also discuss the relationship these morphosyntactic and semantic variables have with the existential interpretations of the clause as well as with the subject quantity and definiteness. Kokkuvõte. Rodolfo Basile, Ilmari Ivaska: Subjekti käändevaheldus löytyä-verbiga konstruktsioonides. Artiklis uuritakse nominatiivi- ja partitiivikujulise subjekti vaheldumist soome keele löytyä-verbi sisaldavates konstruktsioonides. 779 vaatlust sisaldavat korpustest pärinevat juhuvalimit analüüsitakse nii kvantitatiivsete kui ka kvalitatiivsete meetoditega. Uurimuse eesmärk on välja selgitada, millised tegurid löytyä-verbi sisaldavate konstruktsioonide subjekti käändevalikut mõjutavad. Käsitletavad tegurid on subjekti arv, loendatavus, sõnaliik, konstruktsiooni sõnajärg, ajavorm ning subjekti ja verbi ühildumine. Juhusliku muutujana kaasatakse ka subjekti lemma. Regressioonanalüüsi abil ennustatakse subjekti käändevalikut mainitud tegurite ja nendevaheliste koosmõjude kaudu. Kvalitatiivse analüüsi käigus arutletakse ka selle üle, milline on nimetatud morfosüntaktiliste ja semantiliste tegurite mõju lause eksistentsiaalsele tõlgendusele ning subjekti kvantiteedile ja definiitsusele.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. 169-198
Livia Dioșan

"“What is a father?” That is the question. This paper discusses Hamlet emphasizing the concept of desire and its formation for any human being. From a Lacanian psychoanalytical point of view, a difference between need, demand, and desire will be considered, in order to better understand how desire appears from the fabric of a topological surface and takes its place in the reality of the subject. Then the matheme of phantasy and the various objects that present themselves in Hamlet, namely Ophelia and others, as well as the stages of the relationship between Hamlet and his object will be analyzed. The analysis of the obsessional structure allows a better understanding of the movement of desire and action in Hamlet, without stating an obsessional structure in the character itself because what is interesting in the end is that Hamlet actually illustrates the place of desire for any human being. Following Lacan’s seminars, the paper will approach the relationship between faith and death, as well as the Borromean place of the Symbolic, with the consequences that emerge when the Symbolic crashes. This way, one could get closer to the fundamental question, pertaining to the function of the father and the unfortunate lifting of the veil that places Hamlet in an impossible position from which he cannot act to fulfill his destiny because the existence of desire is conditioned by the faith in death. The answer to the question would be that a father is seen in the context of actioning as a function, like a mathematical function, to orient the desire of the mother. Instead, in Hamlet, there is only legacy of a sin. Keywords: desire, phantasy, phallus, object, father, law, symbolic, veil, matheme. "

2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (04) ◽  
pp. 39-55
Rosa Lagos Torres

Este artículo muestra los efectos de la época y la cultura actual sobre la relación con el cuerpo, considerado como una unidad de valor en el mercado. Desde el psicoanálisis, en un recorrido por la noción de cuerpo tanto en Freud como en Lacan, se presenta una noción de cuerpo distinta a la de la medicina, diferenciando cuerpo y organismo, estableciendo que no hay El cuerpo, sino tantos cuerpos como sujetos, siendo el cuerpo concebido como una construcción a partir de la palabra y de la imagen, dando lugar al síntoma (Freud) como metáfora alojada en el cuerpo y como sinthome (Lacan) en tanto acontecimiento del cuerpo que empalma al sujeto con su modalidad de gozar, al hablante ser en su singular modalidad de satisfacción pulsional. This paper shows the effects of the times and the current culture on the relationship with the body, considered as a unit of value in the market. From the psychoanalysis point of view, on a tour of the notion of the body, with Freud, and Lacan both, the notion of body is different from the body presented by the medicine, distinguishing between body and organism. Stating that there is not A body, but many bodies as subjects, being the body, conceived as a construction from the word and the image, resulting in the symptom (Freud) and housed in the body as a metaphor and as a sinthome (Lacan) in all events of the body, that matches the subject with its way jouissance to the parletre in its singular modality of pulsional satisfaction.

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