scholarly journals Penilaian Ranah Afektif dalam Bentuk Penilaian Keterampilan Menulis dengan Model Pembelajaran Think Talk Write (TTW) Menggunakan Media Audiovisual pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-37
Veronika Unun Pratiwi ◽  
Nofrahadi ◽  
Apri Pendri ◽  
Dina Komalasari ◽  

Permendikbud No. 66/2013 concerning assessment standards explains that the assessment techniques and instruments used in the 2013 Curriculum include competency assessment of attitudes, knowledge, and skills. This means that learning and assessment must develop students' competencies related to the affective, cognitive, and psychomotor domains. Assessment of the affective domain is important because assessing the affective domain must be carried out in learning activities. The education unit needs to design and develop an appropriate affective domain assessment to achieve optimal learning objectives. In this study, the affective domain rating scale uses skills assessment using a Likert scale. Think Talk Write is a learning model that can improve activity and communication among students. Ngalimun argues that the Think Talk Write learning model is a type of learning model that starts with thinking through the reading material, communicated with presentations, discussions, and then reports on the presentation results.

Anak Agung Gde Satia Utama

Abstract— Nowadays many universities in the world apply technology enhanced learning in order to help learning activities. Due to the potentials technology enhanced learning offers, recent education using it and universities in particular are trying to apply it. One of the subjects of this research is The Accounting Department of Airlangga University in Surabaya. The idea of this research is to investigate the students about how they know deeply about e-learning system and learning objectives as a first step to conduct e-learning model. After the model completed, the next step is to prepare database learning. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) can help to explain the model. The purpose of this research was done by using Dick and Carey Design Model. There are nine steps to conduct e-learning model. All steps can be categorized into three steps research: first is the introduction or empirical study, the next step is the design and the last is the feedback after the implementation. The methodology used in this research is using Qualitative Exploratory, by using questionnaire and interviews as data collection techniques. The analysis of the data shows organization requires information about e-learning content, user as a learning subject and information technology infrastructures. E-learning model as one of the alternative learning can help users to optimized learning. Keywords— E-learning Content, Database Learning, Entity Relationship Diagram, Dick and Carey Design, E-learning model and Optimize learning

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Dian Marta Wijayanti

AbstractThe learning activities that use only school textbooks are less effective for the students development. The students are also getting bored so that it requires learning innovation to enhance students' creativity. SAJAK (Satu Jam Aku Kreatif/An Hour I am Creative) game is a learning model utilizes the game as a means of achieving the learning objectives. Through this model students can write geguritan appropriate to their level of Javanese vocabulary mastery. Students can appreciate the work posted on the classroom wall magazine through written and oral. Students' appreciation of the geguritan work provides many character values to the development of motoric, cognitive, emotional, language, social, spiritual, ecological, and moral. SAJAK game can still be developed as an alternative model of innovative learning.Keywords: Game, Geguritan, JavaneseAbstrakKegiatan pembelajaran yang hanya menggunakan buku paket sekolah berdampak kurang efektif bagi perkembangan siswa. Siswa juga merasa bosan sehingga membutuhkan inovasi pembelajaran yang mampu meningkatkan kreativitas siswa. Permainan SAJAK (Satu Jam Aku Kreatif) merupakan model pembelajaran memanfaatkan permainan sebagai alat mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Melalui model tersebut siswa dapat menulis geguritan sesuai tingkat pemahamannya terhadap kosa kata kata Jawa yang dikuasai. Dari hasil karya yang ditempelkan di mading kelas siswa dapat memberikan apresiasi melalui tulisan dan lisan. Apresiasi siswa atas karya geguritan banyak memberikan nilai-nilai karakter terhadap perkembangan motorik, kognitif, emosi, bahasa, sosial, spiritual, ekologis, dan moral. Permainan SAJAK masih dapat dikembangkan menjadi alternatif model pembelajaran inovatif dalam pembelajaran.Kata Kunci: Permainan, Geguritan, Jawa

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 354-365
Maria Ulpah

Like other lessons, mathematics has learning objectives in affective domain besides in cognitive and psychomotor domain. Formally, this can be seen in the formulation of the objectives of mathematics learning, as stated in the curriculum. The success of learning in cognitive and psychomotor is strongly influenced by students' affective condition. Students who have a good interest in learning and a positive attitude towards mathematics will be happy to learn math, so optimal learning outcomes can be achieved. Students of Tarbiya Faculty as prospective teachers should have good affective in order not to complicate students in the future. This article describe about students’ affective in mathematics. According to the data, it can be concluded that students’ affective is good. This condition must be nurtured and enhanced.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 151
Marwah Marwah ◽  
Maryono Maryono ◽  
Army Auliah

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui cara menerapkan langkah-langkah penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Numbered Head Together (NHT) untuk meningkatkan aktivitas Belajar Peserta Didik kelas X6 SMA Negeri 1 Ajangale Kabupaten Bone. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan sebanyak dua siklus. Data hasil penelitian menunjukkan persentase rata-rata aktivitas belajar siswa pada siklus I sebesar 54.36% dengan kategori kurang aktif dan siklus II sebesar 81.32% dengan kategori aktif. Berdasarkan data hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa langkah-langkah yang diterapkan pada model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Numbered Head Together (NHT) dapat meningkatkan aktivitas belajar peserta didik kelas X.6 SMA Negeri 1 Ajangale Kabupaten Bone. Adapun langkah-langkahnya, yaitu: (1) Fase penomoran (Numbering), Guru membagi peserta didik kedalam 6 kelompok secara heterogen berdasarkan jenis kelamin dan kemampuan akademik, membagikan nomor kepala peserta didik. Guru menyampaian tujuan pembelajaran dan apersepsi. Meminta peserta didik untuk menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan guru dengan cara guru menunjuk langsung peserta didik yang akan menjawab pertanyaan .(2) Fase pengajuan pertanyaan (Questioning) dan penyajian informasi. Guru menyajikan materi pelajaran dan guru mengajukan pertanyaan kepada peserta didik, dengan menyebut nomor kepala peserta didik secara random untuk menjawab. Guru menyebut nomor kepala peserta didik secara acak untuk mengajuka pertanyaan tentang materi yang belum dipahami. (3) Fase berpikir bersama (Head Together). Guru membagikan LKPD kepada setiap kelompok untuk didiskusikan. Guru berkeliling melihat pekerjaan kelompok peserta didik dan membantu menjelaskan kepada peserta didik ketika ada yang tidak dimengerti. Menyebut langsung nomor kepala peserta didik untuk bertanya. (4) Fase pemberian jawaban (Answering). Guru menyebut secara random nomor kepala peserta didik untuk mengerjakan soal, menanggapi dan berpendapat. (5) Fase evauasi,guru menunjuk peserta didik secara random untuk menyimpulkan materi yang telah dipelajari. Kata kunci: N-Gain NHT, aktivitas belajar, reaksi reduksi dan oksidasi. ABSTRACT This research the classroom action the research, which is aims to determine how to implement steps of the cooperative learning Numbered Head Together (NHT) model to increase the activities of students in grade X6 of SMA Negeri 1 Ajangale Kabupaten Bone. This research was conducted for two cycles. The research data indicates that the average percentage of students learning activities in the first cycle is 54.36% with a less active categories and the second cycle is 81.32% in the active categories. Based on the data from these studies indicate that, the cooperative learning model Numbered Head Together (NHT) can increase the activities learning of students in X6 class SMA Negeri 1 Ajangale Kabupaten Bone. The steps of NHT cooperative learning model are: (1) Phase numbering, teacher divides the students into six groups are heterogeneous by gender and academic ability, distributing the head a number of learners. Teacher communication of learning objectives and apperception. Ask learners to answer the questions given by the teacher with the teacher pointing directly learners who will answer the question, (2) Phase asking questions and presentation of information. The teacher presents the subject matter and the teacher asked a question to the students, citing the head a number of students as a random to answer. Teachers call numbers randomly head learners to submit questions about the subject that is not understood, (3) Phase thinking together. Teachers dividing LKPD to each group for discussion. Teachers the go around to see the work of groups of learners and help explain to students when there are not understood. Call the number direct learners to ask the head, (4) Phase giving answers, teachers call the random head learners numbers to answer the question, respond and argue, (5) Phase of evaluation, the teacher pointed the student as a random to concludes the subject learners have been studied. Keywords: N-Gain NHT, learning activities, reduction oxidation reactions.

Fina Khoirunnisa

This research is motivated by the problems experienced by students in learning material mubtada khabar preachers who are difficult to understand in their implementation. The method used by the teacher is less effective. In this situation resulted in students tend to be more passive in teaching and learning activities. However, different conditions exist in Al-Musyawarah Lembang MTs, where students are very enthusiastic about the preaching material, because of the teacher's efforts to apply the discovery learning model. The purpose of this study was to describe the discovery learning model of the seventh-grade students of Al-Musyawarah Lembang preaching material mubtada khabar. Based on the results of the study: planning on the material of mubtada khabar in using the discovery learning model with the 2013 curriculum syllabus, the process on the material of Khubtada Khabar in using the discovery learning model students can focus on during the learning process, so students can apply the material quite well, evaluating the material mubtada khabar in using discovery learning models with assessment techniques namely oral and written tests.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 86
Mujiem Mujiem

This research is a classroom action research that aims to improve the ability of teachers to apply the problem centered learning model of learning in the Elementary School 187/ X Bangun Karya, Academic Year 2019/2020. The subject of this study was a teacher at 187 / X Bangun Karya Elementary School, Rantau Rasau District, Tanjung Jabung Timur District, Jambi Province. This class action research was carried out in two cycles, each cycle consisting of two meetings. The results of the evaluation are converted into a recapitulation table of the results of cycle I. The conversion results state that the research has not yet reached the target, it needs to be continued with cycle II. The results of observers in the implementation phase of the second cycle showed that all parts of the learning activities were going well, so that there were no more parts of the learning activities that needed to be improved. While the results of the second cycle are converted with the results of the recapitulation table states that the study has reached the target limit of completeness criteria in the first cycle that is equal to 50% and an average of 68.7 in the initial conditions of improvement in the second cycle completeness criteria to be 100% and the average namely 91.7 states that the Focus Group Discission can improve the ability of teachers to apply the Problem Centered Learning learning model in learning in 187 / X Public Elementary School Build Work Year 2019/2020.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Zerri Rahman Hakim

The objectives of this research were to determine: 1) Students’ learning activities in social studies after using Question Student Have (QSH) in Cooperative Learning Model, 2) Students’ learning outcomes in social studies after using Question Student Have (QSH) in Cooperative Learning Model. The method used in this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR) with Stephen Kemmis and Mc. Taggart Model which consists of four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. This study was conducted by the researcher in two cycles. Instruments used in this research are observational sheet, interview, and test in the last cycle. From the analysis of the data, the researcher found that there is an improvement in students’ learning outcomes. On the basic value, there was only 43,33% students who achieve the learning mastery. In the first cycle, the students who achieve the learning mastery were increased, it was about 30% from the basic value, it reached 73,33%. On the second cycle, the student who achieve the learning mastery were increased about 26,70% from the first cycle, become 100%. The same thing also happened to the students' learning activities. In the first cycle, students’ learning activities is 71,42% and on the second cycle, students’ learning activities were incrased about 21,43% from the first cycle, become 92,85%. Based on the analysis of data of this study it can be concluded that the use of Question Student Have (QSH) in Cooperative Learning Model can improve students’ learning outcomes and learning activities fourth grade students of SDN Saga V in social studies.Keywords: social studies learning outcomes, cooperative learning QSH type.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 591
Narko '

This research was motivated by lack of civics student learning outcomes. Low learningoutcomes are caused by: (a) students do not really follow civics and they talk to each othersawaktu teacher explains the lesson; (B) students are not active in learning; (C) if the teacherasking questions, very few students who answered; and (d) very few students were askedabout the learning that has not been understood, in addition to the learning activities in theclassroom dominated by teachers and children are much more powerful. This study aims toimprove learning outcomes civics through cooperative learning model NHT. This study is aclass action, which was conducted in 018 primary schools Ukui 1 Subdistrict Ukui. This studyfocused on students' learning outcomes data civics. Based on the results of the study revealedthat the civic education learning outcomes of students has increased. This is evidenced by:Improved student learning outcomes at the preliminary data the number of students who passare 15 students (50%), increasing in the first cycle increased to 26 students (87%) and incycle II further increased up to 27 students (90 %).

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-52
Rifda El Fiah ◽  
Saiful Bahri

This research was conducted based on the problems that often arise in formal education learning. This problem has an impact on learning achievement results obtained by students. This research was conducted at MAN 1 Bandar Lampung. The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of the instructional model nuanced guidance data collection techniques using expert rating scale and user rating scale. The results of this study indicate that the nuanced learning model meets the achievement of student learning outcomes in MAN 1 Bandar Lampung, by developing students' knowledge and skills in the form of soft skills and hard skills. Guidance nuanced learning model design consists of learning process planning standards, learning process implementation standards, learning process outcome standards, and learning process control standards. 

Sri Wahyuningtyas ◽  
Wahid Saputra

This literature study aims to find out whether the Teams Games Tournament learning model with task and forced strategies influences the development of Teams Games Tournament modifications and the tasks and forced students in the class. The problem in this learning is the activeness and creativity of students. The task strategy and force are chosen to complement the shortcomings of the Teams Games Tournament Learning Model. With the modifications can improve the quality of student learning, making students responsible and disciplined so that this learning is achieved. For educators, it is recommended to apply the Teams Games Tournament learning model to the task strategy and force at school, so that the learning objectives can be achieved optimally.

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