scholarly journals Geology of South and Southwest part of Uttar Pradesh and its Mineral Significance

G. K. Dinkar ◽  
S. A. Farooqui ◽  
Vinod K. Singh ◽  
A. K. Verma ◽  
Prashant Prabhat

The major part of Uttar Pradesh is covered by Gangatic alluvium in the north whereas the southern part is covered by peninsular terrain. This alluvium cover belongs to Holocene age and is mainly dominated by Varanasi older sediments exposed beyond the river basinal areas and Banda younger sediments exposed around the rivers flowing. The older alluvium comprises finer grained, well compacted and more mature sediments occupying extensive stretches at relatively higher elevations. The drainage pattern in region is subdendritic to dendritic type formed by hills and nalas flowing over the soil cover. The Peninsular part of Uttar Pradesh is covered by the rocks of Archean to Mesozoic age. The Bundelkhand craton nuclei mostly composed of Archean granitoids show heterogeneity in texture and composition, intruded by later phase of magmatic activity. The Mahrauni Group of the rocks exposed around Girar, Manpura and Rajaula areas in Madawara block of Lalitpur region. The Bijawar Group is exposed in Sonrai area district Lalitpur of Uttar Pradesh. The rocks of Dudhi Gneissic Complex and Mahakoshal Group are exposed in Sonbhadra and Mirzapur district. Few exposures of Ajabgarh Group rocks are exposed in Mathura district. These Bijawar Group, Mahakoshal Group and Ajabgarh Group rocks are equivalent to Delhi Supergroup. The Bundelkhand craton is capped by the sedimentary units of Vindhyan Supergroup which is exposed mainly in the southern part of Uttar Pradesh and a few exposures are observed in Agra district. The Deccan Trap rocks are also traces in Lalitpur district of Uttar Pradesh.

2021 ◽  
pp. SP515-2020-199
Vivek Singh

AbstractLandscape adaptation in central India is quite exceptional as more than 300 Lower Palaeolithic occurrences have been reported in different contexts. The present work deals with these assemblages and associated raw material sources in central Narmada valley. The central Narmada valley is rich in various rock types which were used as raw material by various hominin populations. Narmada River divides the region into northern and southern parts. In the north, there are mainly the Vindhyan Supergroup and Deccan Trap, whereas, in the south, there are primarily the Gondwana Supergroup, Deccan Trap and the Mahakoshal Group. Along the river, there are exposures of Vindhyan Supergroup and thick deposits of Quaternary alluvium. The main raw material types in the north of Narmada are quartzite and sandstone (Vindhyan Supergroup), whereas, in the south of Narmada, the main raw materials are quartzite (Gondwana Supergroup) and chert (Deccan Trap). Acheulean sites are mostly found along the foothills of Vindhyan as well as along the banks of the Narmada River and its tributaries. In this chapter, the author has tried to link these raw material sources with the occurrences of Palaeolithic sites to have a better understanding of past hominin land use patterns and ecological adaptations.

1995 ◽  
Vol 31 (10) ◽  
pp. 61-71 ◽  
M. Enell

During the last 20 years there has been an interesting development of the Nordic fish farming, with regard to the feeding and farming technology and to the increase in production quantities. During the period 1974-1994 the production increased from 15,800 to about 250,000 tonnes/year. In 1974 the major part of the production was in Denmark, and in 1994 the major part was in Norway. The nutrient impact of fish farming on surrounding sea areas is mainly a function of the feed coefficient, the feed composition and metabolic processes in the fish. The comprehensive development of the feed composition and the feeding technology has resulted in reduced load of unmetabolized nutrients from fish farms, calculated per tonne fish produced. In 1974 the mean Nordic feed coefficient was 2.08 and in 1994 the coefficient was 1.25. Feed coefficients of 1.0-1.1 are now reported for Danish and Norwegian freshwater and marine fish farms. The nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) content of the feed has decreased, in addition the quality of the nutrient substances in the feed has changed, especially for N. The N content has decreased from 7.8 to 6.8% during the period 1974-1994 and the content of P has decreased from 1.7 to 0.7% during the same period. This development of the feed coefficient and the feed composition has resulted in a present load from a typical Nordic fish farm of 55 kg N and 4.8 kg P/t fish produced. The figures for 1974 were 132 kg N and 31 kg P/t fish produced. The Nordic fish farming production in 1994 resulted in a load of about 13,750 t N and about 1,200 t P on the actual recipients. The load from the Swedish, Finnish and Danish fish farming operations, with the Baltic Sea and the Skagerrak as the recipients, is negligible in comparison with other pollution sources. The quantities of N and P from the fish farming are equal to 0.5% of the atmospheric deposition on the sea surface and 3% of the atmospheric P load. Norwegian, Icelandic and the Faroe Islands fish farming operations are using the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea as the recipients. However, the nutrient load from single fish farms in certain coastal and inland water bodies can be significant and must be considered in the impact assessment together with other sources.

А. B. Biarslanov ◽  
Z. G. Zalibekov ◽  
Z. U. Gasanova ◽  
P. А. Abdurashidova ◽  
V. А. Zhelnovakova ◽  

The paper is devoted to soil cover degradation in the northen part of the Republic of Dagestan. Soil degradation is affected by irrational using free flowing underground water of artesians. Intensive extraction of underground water for domestic drinking water supply and pastures watering leads to irreversible processes in the soil cover. The study of salt spreading processes in soils caused by technogenic pressure is mainly considered for humid zone, in arid zone such work was not carried out. In this regard, the aim of the study is to clarify the state of the salt balance of soils for possible technogenic halogenesis under the conditions of a long half-century, continuous impact of artesian sources. The analysis of the territorial spreading of salts is considered on the example of soils of the marine coast and the central part of the Terek-Kuma lowland, represented by varieties of meadow saline and light chestnut soils. Taking into account the conditions of mutual location, experimental plots were selected with reference to artesian sources in the marine coast and in the continental part. Experimental and control sections were laid at experimental plots. Soil samples and artesian water samples were tested for the content of light soluble salts using conventional methods. It was established that under conditions of self-flowing artesian sources the soil of the continental part is characterized by an increased salt content and is 0.26-0.48% according to the profile against the background of the salt content in the samples of control plots – 0.11-0.17%. Coastal soils are characterized by a higher degree of salinization, the influence of mineralized water sources has a desalinization impact. On the test plot the salt content is 0.31–0.51%, in the control plot – 1.22–4.29%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 76 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-79
Steven Bush ◽  
Richard Massey

Excavation revealed four distinct phases of Roman enclosure ditches, of which the earliest were of mid-late 1st-century date. These were subsequently recut and augmented during the later 1st and 2nd centuries, to create a series of contiguous rectilinear enclosures, not all of which may have been in contemporary use. A notable density of finds within the north-central part of the excavated area, together with evidence of a small post-ring structure, suggested a focus of domestic activity. A later phase of post-medieval activity was represented by a probable field boundary ditch and a post-built structure of irregular rectilinear plan.

2003 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  
Barendra Purkait

The Ganga-Brahmaputra river system together forms one of the largest deltas in the world comprising some 59570 sq km. The waterpower resources of the Brahmaputra have been presumed to be the fourth biggest in the world being 19.83 x 103 m3s1. The entire lower portion of the Brahmaputra consists of a vast network of distributary channels, which are dry in the cold season but are inundated during monsoon. The catchment area of the entire river is about 580,000 sq km, out of which 195,000 sq km lies in India. The maximum discharge as measured at Pandu in 1962 was of the order of 72800 m3 s-1 while the minimum was 1750 m3 s-1 in 1968. The drainage pattern in the valley is of antecedent type while the yazoo drainage pattern is most significant over the composite flood plain to the south of the Brahmaputra. The Brahmaputra valley is covered by Recent alluvium throughout its stretch except a few isolated sedimentary hills in the upper Assam, inselbergs/bornhardt of gneissic hills in the Darrang, Kamrup and Goalpara districts and a few inlying patches of Older Alluvium in the Darrang and Goalpara districts. The basin is very unstable. The present configuration of the basin is the result of uplift and subsidence of the Precambrian crystalline landmasses. Four geotectonic provinces can be delineated in the N-E India through which the Brahmaputra flows. These are bounded by major tectonic lineaments such as the basement E-W trending Dauki fault, a NE-SW trending structural feature of imbricate thrusts known as 'belt of Schuppen' and the NW-SE trending Mishmi thrust. Hydrogeologically, the Brahmaputra basin can be divided into two distinct categories, viz(a) dissected alluvial plain and (b) the inselberg zone. The first category is rep resented in the flood plain extending from the south of Sub-Himalayan piedmont fan zone in the north to right upto the main rock promontory of Garo Hills and Shillong Plateau. The inselberg zone is characterized by fractured, jointed and weathered ancient crystalline rocks with interhill narrow valley plains, consisting of thin to occasionally thick piles of assorted sediments. From the subsurface lithological data, two broad groups of aquifers are identified. These are i) shallow water table and ii) deeper water table or confined ones, separated by a system of aquicludes. The shallow aquifer materials, in general, consist of white to greyish white, fine grained micaceous sand and the thickness ranges from 1.2 to 10.3 m. The sand and clay ratio varies from 1: 2.5 to 1:26. The bedrock occurs at depth ranges of 30.4 to 39.5 m. The materials of the deeper aquifers comprise grey to greyish white, fine to medium grained sand. The sand and clay ratio varies from 1:2 to 1:7. The effective size of the aquifer materials varies from 0.125 to 0.062 mm with uniformity co-efficient around 4.00, porosity 38 to 42%, co-efficient of permeability 304 to 390 galls per day/0.3m2. The ground water is mildly alkaline with pH value 6.5 to 8.5, chloride 10 to 40 ppm, bi-carbonate 50 to 350 ppm, iron content ranges from a fraction of a ppm to 50 ppm. Total dissolved solids are low, hardness as CaCo3 50 to 300 ppm, specific conductance at 25 °C 150 to 650 mhos/cm. The yield from shallow aquifers is 1440 litres to 33750 litres/hour and for deeper aquifers ~ 1700 litres/hour at a drawdown of 13.41 m, specific capacity 21 litres/minute. The temperatures of ground water are 23°-25° C during winter, 24°-26° C during pre-monsoon and 27°- 28° C during peak monsoon. The general hydraulic gradient in the north bank is 1:800 whereas in the south bank it is 1: 300-400 The Tertiary sediments yield a range of water from 200 to 300 l.p.m whereas the yield from the Older Alluvium is 500 to 700 1.p.m. The estimated transmissibility and co-efficient of storage is of the order of ~ 800 1.p.m/ m and 8.2 x 10-3 respectively. Depths to water levels range from 5.3 to 10m below land surface (b.l.s). In the Younger or Newer Alluvium, ground water occurs both under water table and confined conditions. Depths to water levels vary from ground level to 10 m b.l.s. Depth to water ranges from 6 m b.l.s. to 2 m above land surface. The yield of the deep tubewells ranges from 2 to 4 kl/minute for a drawdown of 3 m to 6 m. The transmissibility of the aquifers varies from 69 to 1600 l.p.m/m and the storage co-fficient is of the order of 3.52 x 10-2.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 433-441
Sarvesh Patel ◽  
Manoj Kumar Chaubey ◽  
Ishwar Das ◽  
V. N. Pandey

The colour of fruits and vegetables represent a lot about their nutritional value. These nutritional values are due to presence of bioactive substances like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals. Among natural dietary supplements, fruits and vegetables, in spite of low in calorific value, play very important role in human diet as a major source of biologically active compounds. Now a days, fruits and vegetables are gaining popularity and new ways of using as nutraceutical, antioxidants and medicines for treating diabetes, atherosclerosis, mastitis, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, foot and mouth disease, gastric disorders, night blindness, skin allergies, hypersensitivity reaction, food poisoning, retention of placenta etc. The medicinal benefits are suitable for both the human as well as animals, being cost economic without side effect. The North Eastern Terai region of Uttar Pradesh harbors green lush vegetation having coloured fruits and vegetables. Till date 25 fruits and 21 vegetables plants are reported, which have enormous biological power and potential of nutraceutically active biomolecules. Therefore, the present study has undertaken to ascertain the possibilities of nutraceutical potential of coloured fruits and vegetables. Keywords; Nutraceuticals, Antioxidants, Phytochemicals, Bioactive molecule.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 10961 ◽  
Subrat Debata ◽  
Tuhinansu Kar ◽  
Kedar Kumar Swain ◽  
Himanshu Shekhar Palei

The Indian Skimmer is a globally threatened bird native to Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, and Vietnam.  In India, it is more confined to the north, from Punjab through Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh to West Bengal, extending up to Odisha.  Earlier, the bird was known to breed only in Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, we confirm here the breeding of the Indian Skimmer along the river Mahanadi near Mundali, Odisha, eastern India.  So, further monitoring at the breeding site and survey along the entire Mahanadi River are essential to understand the status of the Indian skimmer in Odisha.  The information will also aid in reassessing its global status and formulating conservation plans.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 42-46
M. Mammadova

The Zayamchay basin is selected by its complex structure, various climatic conditions, rich vegetation and soil–rich rocks. This variation of soil–forming factors has led to the formation of various forms of soil cover structure within the basin. Therefore, the study of land and its space manifestation — the soil cover structure, detail mapping, evaluation and optimization — both scientifically–theoretical and practical. The Zeyamchay basin, which is located on the north–western slope of the Lesser Caucasus, is the object of the research. The Zeyamchay basin is selected by its complex relief structure, various climatic conditions, rich vegetation and soil–rich rocks. The area of the basin is 94200 hectares. The basin covers part of Tovuz, Shamkir and Gadabay districts from the administrative point of view. These kind of soil–forming factors have led to the formation of different forms of soil cover structure within the basin. During the research, empirical information is collected from cartographic, soil research, aerospace, landscape and geomorphological methods and so on was used.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-22
Sanjay Kumar

The verdict of 2019 indicates that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) not only managed to retain its support base which it built in 2014, but also expanded it both geographically and socially. It managed to win seats in states where it had not performed well in earlier elections, and to get more votes amongst communities which had not voted for it earlier. The Congress could not improve upon its 2014 performance, but it is important to note that neither its votes nor its tally of seats decreased. The BJP improved upon its performance of 2014 largely at the cost of regional parties. The combined vote share of the regional parties witnessed a decline. Some regional parties did manage to hold onto their support base but others could not secure the support base they had held in 2014. In states like Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh (UP), Karnataka and Maharashtra, the regional parties performed badly despite some of them having formed an anti-BJP alliance. The BJP’s gain in terms of vote share and seats, largely at the expense of regional parties in many states, begins a new debate about whether this is the beginning of the end of the dominance of regional parties in the North Indians states, or if it is a passing phase in Indian elections. If this decline in the importance of the regional parties is largely in respect of national elections, could there be a reversal in the trend during state assembly elections?

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