Dynamics of chemiluminescence in the small intestine during anesthetic preconditioning in hemorrhagic hypotension

А.В. Ефремов ◽  
Т.П. Храмых ◽  
Н.В. Говорова ◽  
П.А. Ермолаев

Введение. Ведущим патогенетическим фактором массивной кровопотери является гипоксия, инициирующая активацию процессов свободнорадикального окисления (СРО) в органах и тканях и системный воспалительный ответ. Показано, что одним из универсальных звеньев формирования множественной органной дисфункции при кровопотере является изменение проницаемости кишечной стенки с транслокацией микрофлоры и токсинов в системный кровоток на фоне реперфузии. В последнее время внимание исследователей привлекает эффект анестетического прекондиционирования, в том числе при операциях, сопровождающихся геморрагической гипотензией (ГГ). Цель исследования - оценка в эксперименте динамики процессов СРО в тонкой кишке при геморрагической гипотензии на фоне применения анестетика севофлурана, обладающего эффектом анестетического прекондиционирования. Методика. Эксперименты проведены на 105 белых крысах-самцах. ГГ моделировали, используя в 1-й группе в качестве анестетика эфир во 2-й - анестетик севофлуран. Контролем служили 2 группы интактных животных: одна - с эфиром, другая - с севофлураном. Для оценки процессов СРО через 15 мин, 30 мин, 1 ч, 2 ч ГГ забирали фрагменты тонкой кишки. Исследование хемилюминесценции (ХЛ) гомогенатов тонкой кишки проводили по методу Р.Р. Фархутдинова, используя хемилюминомер “Флюорат АБЛФ-2Т”. Регистрировались показатели СРО: спонтанная светимость (СС), вспышка (В), светосумма (С∑). Результаты. Через 15 мин ГГ (2-я группа,. севофлуран) обнаружено повышение показателя СС в тощей кишке на 33%; снижение показателя В в 12-пк в 2 раза, в тощей и подвздошной кишке - на 24 и 36% соответственно. Показатель С∑ снижался в 12-пк на 36%, в тощей и подвздошной кишке - на 45% и 52% соответственно по сравнению с 1-й группой (эфир). На 30-й мин показатель СС в тощей кишке повышался на 80%. На фоне ГГ при применении севофлурана отмечено снижение показателя В в 12-пк на 38%, в тощей кишке на 22%, а в подвздошной в 3 раза. Через 1 ч ГГ при использовании севофлурана наблюдалось повышение СС в в тощей кишке в 2 раза, в 12-пк и подвздошной - на на 38% и 15% соответственно. Показатель В снижался в 12-пк на 67, в тощей - на 43%; Показатель С∑ в 12-пк и тощей кишке снижался в 2,6 и 2,5 раза, в подвздошной - на 70% по сравнению с группой «эфир». Через 2 ч ГГ в группе «севофлуран» обнаружено увеличение СС в тощей и подвздошной кишках на 80% и в 3 раза, соответственно, по сравнению с эфирным наркозом. При этом наблюдалось уменьшение С∑ в 12-п и тощей кишке - на на 24% и 15% соответственно. Заключение. На фоне ГГ наблюдается активация процессов СРО в тонкой кишке при использовании эфира; прекондиционирование анестетиком севофлураном способствовало значительному ограничению окислительного стресса в тонкой кишке крыс возможно за счет активации антиоксидантной системы. Introduction. The major pathogenetic factor of massive blood loss is hypoxia, which triggers activation of free-radical oxidation (FRO) processes in organs and tissues and the systemic inflammatory response. A universal factor of multiple organ dysfunction in blood loss is altered intestinal wall permeability with translocation of microflora and toxins into the systemic circulation during reperfusion. Recently, much of the attention has been focused on effects of anesthetic preconditioning, including during operations associated with hemorrhagic hypotension (HH). The aim of this study was to evaluate in experiment the dynamics of small intestinal FRO in HH during the use of the anesthetic sevoflurane, which has an effect of anesthetic preconditioning. Methods. Experiments were performed on 105 white male rats divided into two groups; groups 1 and 2 were exposed to HH with ether or sevoflurane as the anesthetic, respectively. Two groups of intact animals treated with ether or sevoflurane were used as the controls. Five animals died during the experiment. To evaluate FRO processes, samples of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum were taken at 15 min, 30 min, 1 h, and 2 h of HH. The chemiluminescence (CL) study of small intestine homogenates was performed according to the Farukhutdinov method on a Fluorate ABLF-2T chemiluninometer. The following FRO indexes were recorded: spontaneous luminosity (SL), flash (F), and light sum (L∑). Significance of differences was determined with the Mann-Whitney test. Results. In the sevoflurane group 2 compared to the ether group after 15 min of HH, SL was increased in the jejunum by 33%; F was decreased in the duodenum by 50%, in the jejunum by 24%, and in the ileum by 36%; L∑ was decreased in the duodenum by 36%, in the jejunum by 45%, and in the ileum by 52%. At 30 min, SL in the jejunum was increased by 80%. In the HH+sevoflurane group, F was decreased in the duodenum by 38%, in the jejunum by 22%, and in the ileum by 27%; L∑ in the duodenum was decreased by 44%, in the jejunum by 45%, and in the ileum by 67%. After 1 h of HH+sevofluran, SL was increased in the jejunum twofold, in the duodenum by 38% and in the ileum by 15%; F was decreased in the duodenum by 67% and in the jejunum by 43%; L∑ in the duodenum was decreased by 62%, in the jejunum by 60%, and in the ileum by 70% compared to the ether group. After 2 h of HH+sevofluran, SL was increased in the jejunum and ileum by 80% and 67%, respectively, compared to the ether group. In this process, L∑ in the duodenum was decreased by 24% and in the jejunum by 15%. Conclusion. The HH+diethyl ether exposure was associated with activation of FRO processes in the small intestine. The sevoflurane preconditioning provided a significant restriction of oxidative stress in the rat small intestine due to activation of the antioxidant system in the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum at 1 h, 15 min, and 30 min of HH, respectively.

A. M. Pryshlyak ◽  
S. I. Yavorska ◽  
Т. К. Holovatа ◽  
B. Y. Reminetskyy

Introduction. Increased admission of herbal compounds in organism of humans and animals can trigger the development of functional disorders and pathological changes of the digestive system and in particular the colon.The aim of the study – tо evaluate the state of free radical processes and morphological changes in the colon with toxic experimental animals exposed by carbon tetrachloride.Research Methods. The study was performed on 44 white male rats weighing 180–200 g which were divided into 4 groups: group 1 – control (almost healthy animals); group 2–4 – rats with simulated toxic lesion by CCl4. Intragastric CCl4 was administered in 50.0 % oil solution at a rate of 0.2 ml of pure substance per100 g of body weight. The intensity of free radical processes evaluated with the level of malondialdehyde and diene conjugates, determined using spectrophotometric techniques; antioxidant system – with the activity of catalase in blood. According to the conventional method histological preparations were made. For qualitative and morphometric analysis system of a visual analysis of images using camera Vision Color CCD program and Inter Video Win DVR UTHSCSA Image Tool were used.Results and Discussion. The results shows that animals carbon tetrachloride intoxication is accompanied by activation of free radical oxidation of lipids, as evidenced by the increase in blood serum of animal content as malondialdehyde (MDA) and diene conjugates (DC) throughout the experiment, with the maximum concentration observed in malondialdehyde 7 days after poisoning. Under the influence of CC14 catalase activity increases in serum at the second, seventh and fourteenth days of the experiment in 1.3, 1.2 and 2.4 times respectively. Morphometric techniques revealed a significant restructuring of the mucosa, submucosa, muscular layer and serous membrane of the colon, accompanied by severe vascular disorders of alterative, infiltrative processes and changes of morphometric parameters of the colon’s wall structures at tissue and organ levels.Conclusions. In the case of CCl4 damage, the processes of free radical oxidation take place, the accumulation of toxic products of lipid peroxidation in the blood and the weakening of the enzyme system of antioxidant protection occur. A significant structural and morphometric reconstruction of the mucosa, submucosa, muscular and serous membranes of the colon has been established.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 29-32
Marina Samotrueva ◽  
Anna Yasenyavskaya ◽  
Aleksandra Tsibizova ◽  
Jumazia Erizhepova ◽  
Nikolai Myasoedov ◽  

The experiment is devoted to the study of the antioxidant properties of neuropeptides from melanocortins ACTH(4-7)-Pro-Gly-Pro (Semax) and ACTH(6-9)-ProGly-Pro under conditions of experimental depression. The study was carried out on white outbred male rats. In the process of modeling experimental depression (social stress) inter-male confrontations were observed as a result of which groups of animals with aggressive and submissive behaviors were formed. The free radical oxidation processes were assessed by determining the activity of catalase, the initial content of malondialdehyde (MDA), the rate of spontaneous and ascorbate-dependent lipid peroxidation (LPO) in the hypothalamic and prefrontal regions of the brain by spectrophotometric method. It was found that under the influence of melanocortins, there is a pronounced suppression of the processes of free radical oxidation in the hypothalamic and prefrontal regions of the brain, which arose against the background of a stressful load which is manifested by a decrease in the indicators of the oxidative process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 382-393
Nataliya Volotovska

Among the current medical and social problems, injuries and blood loss occupy a prominent place, causing stress on the antioxidant defenses. Hypoxia, which underlies the pathogenesis of the post-traumatic period of both diseases, leads to a significant imbalance in the work of internal organs. Scientists are increasingly attracted by the need to use a tourniquet or intraoperative ligatures, as reperfusion local and systemic damage develops. Antioxidants are considered a promising means of correction.The aim of the study was to investigate the features of metabolic disorders in the liver in the early post-traumatic period on the background of the use of a tourniquet and the effectiveness of thiocetam correction.Materials and methods. The experiment was perfomed on 130 white male rats (200-250 g), which were divided into 4 groups: control – the CG, the EG-1 – combination of limb ischemia-reperfusion (IR) with blood loss, the EG-2 – combination of limb IR with blood loss and mechanical trauma of the thigh; the EG-3 combination of limb IR, blood loss, mechanical injury and thiocetam administration. The Malonic dialdehide level catalase activity were estimated in the liver.Results. The use of thiocetam, which is able to struggle against of ischemia and lipid peroxidation by reactivating antiradical enzymes: superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase, had a positive effect on the state of antioxidant and prooxidant units in the organ, located far from the place of primary ischemia-reperfusion. If in the group of untrated animals (the EG-2, where massive blood loss was combined with a thigh fracture and the use of hemostatic tourniquet) in the early period, the MDA level exceeded the CG data in 5,4 times, and on the 7th and 14th days remained high – being higher on 2,1 times and on 2,7 times, then in the EG-3 (group of treated animals) on the 1st day the level of MDA exceeded the CG data in 4,3 times, but on the 7th and 14th days was higher by 90,5 % and 64 % respectively. The supportive effect of thiocetam on the activity of catalase in the liver was also noted. Thus, in EG-2 the level of antioxidant enzyme on the 1st day decreased by 71,7 %, and remained almost at this level throughout the all post-experimental period. As for the group of treated animals, the level of activity on the 1st day after the intervention decreased by 44,7%, and was so for almost the entire period. On the 14th day, it remained reduced compared to the CG by 35,1 %, while in EG-2 this index was lower compared to the CG by 70,5 %.Conclusion. Having the positive effect of the introduction of thiocetam in the ischemic area, we can eventually add new complex, given the world experience, which would affect the development of the inflammatory response and the rheological properties of blood.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 133-137
Anastasiya S. Brichagina ◽  
Mariya I. Dolgikh ◽  
Larisa R. Kolesnikova ◽  
Larisa V. Natyaganova

Various pathologies, in particular hypertension, accompany violation of the processes of free radical oxidation. The state of the system lipid peroxidation – antioxidant protection can be assessed only by a complex of biochemical methods. The chemiluminescent method is used to obtain a faster result. The method has a number of advantages: measurement of chemiluminescence parameters is carried out in natural conditions and does not require sample preparation, is highly selective, it can be used to identify the presence of free radical pathology, analysis of the intensity of lipid peroxidation processes, the effectiveness of treatment with antioxidant medicament. The aim of the research was to study the lipid peroxidation under hypertension and stress by chemiluminescence. The experiment was conducted on male rats of the ISIAH line. The experiment consisted of 2 stages: stage of alarm and stage of chronic stress. We found that, depending on the type of stress, the state of the system lipid peroxidation-antioxidant protection differed. The role of stress in violation of the processes of lipoperoxidation in hypertension was established. The efficacy of the chemiluminescence method as an alternative to a complex of biochemical methods is shown. Express assessment of pro- and antioxidant status is possible for patients with hypertension.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (5) ◽  
pp. 38-42
Dmitriy Gildikov

The aim of the work was to establish the hepatoprotective and antioxidant effect of Mexidol-Vet® in rats with toxic hepatitis. We have reproduced the toxic hepatitis in sexually mature male rats (n = 90) by a single intragastric injection of carbon tetrachloride. For 30 days, we studied reactivity, variations in blood biochemical parameters, the intensity of iron-induced chemiluminescence of homogenates and histological changes in the liver. The experiment confirmed the antioxidant effect and for the first time established the hepatoprotective effect of Mexidol-Vet®. The use of Mexidol-Vet® in rats with tetrachloromethane hepatitis increases reactivity and adaptive capabilities, correction of carbohydrate (lactate dehydrogenase) and protein metabolism (total protein, aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase), inhibition of free radical oxidation and the development of oxidative stress.

2017 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-56
V. Y. Perfiliev ◽  
Y. F. Zverev ◽  
A. Y. Zharikov ◽  
D. Y. Lukiyanenko ◽  
I. V. Lysenko ◽  

THE AIM. To assess the effectiveness of selective agonist of PPAR gamma receptors (Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor) pioglitazone, as a drug of prevention and treatment of experimental urate nephropathy. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The study was conducted on 37 male rats Wistar stock. For the formation of urate nephropathy in rats inhibited uricase by co-administration of uric acid and oxonium. For the prevention and treatment of experimental pathology animals received pioglitazone. On day 21 using biochemical and morphological techniques were evaluated received changes. RESULTS. In the experimental condition were observed significant decrease of urate stones in kidneys, significant decrease of uric acid in blood plasma and urine of rats, increase of the urine pH, increase of glomerular filtration rate and inhibition processes of free radical oxidation in the blood of animals. CONCLUSION. Long-term use of pioglitazone in the preventive and therapeutic modes, significantly improves the experimental urate nephrolithiasis. 

O. M. Kopanytsia ◽  
M. I. Marushchak ◽  
A. A. Shcherbatyy

Introduction. In the scientific literature there is a large number of publications on the chemical modification of carrageenans, the relationship between the chemical structure and their biological activity, and new opportunities for their usage in medicine. That is whyit is modern to study the properties and the state of organs and systems of the body in case of carrageenan intake.The aim of the study – to learn the indices of metabolic processes in the wall of the small intestine, myocardium and liver of experimental animals using 1% carrageenan solution.Research Methods. The study was carried out on 24 white non-linear male rats. The animals of the experimental group were provided with free access to a 1.0% of carrageenan solution for 1 month. In the selected samples of the small intestine, heart and liver was evaluated the intensity of the processes of lipid peroxidation by the content of hydroperoxides and TBA-active products.Results and Discussion. It was found that the intake of a 1% solution of κ-carrageenan led to activation of lipid peroxidation both in the wall of the small intestine and in the tissues of the liver and myocardium, however, their intensity was different. The lipoperoxidation activity was highest in the small intestine wall, while the hydroperoxides and TBA-active products were less in the myocardial tissues. So, the oral usage of carrageenan in the form of a 1% water solution has a direct and indirect damaging effect on the free radical processes in the body.Conclusions. Oral administration of a 1% carrageenan solution in experimental animals leads to statistically significant activation of free radical oxidation processes in the small intestine wall, heart and liver tissues, characterized by an increase in the content of both primary and secondary products of lipoperoxidation (p<0.05).

E.N. Morozova ◽  
V.N. Morozov ◽  
A.V. Tverskaya

The aim of the study is to analyze morphometric parameters and histological structure of Peyer's patches in the small intestine of rats after imunofan administration under immunosuppression caused by cyclophosphan. Materials and Methods. The study was carried out on 36 white male rats (210–250 gramms). The animals were divided into two groups. Rats of Group 1 were injected with cyclophosphamide on the 1st day of the experiment (200 mg/kg). On the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th days they received imunofan (0.7 μg/kg). Group 2 consisted of intact rats. The animals were withdrawn from the experiment on the 7th, 30th, and 90th days after imunofan administration. The authors measured the length and width of Peyer's patches, and the distance from the ileocecal angle to the first patch. We also examined the height and width of lymph nodes and internodal zones on histological sections. Results. On the 7th and 30th days of our study the length and width of Peyer's patches increased by 18.71 %/16.94 % and 3.56 %/24.22 % respectively in mature animals, compared with the intact rats. At the same time, the distance from the ileocecal angle to the 1st Peyer’s patch decreased by 6.15 % and 19.80 %. The micrography showed that the height and width of the lymph nodes of Peyer's patches in experimental animals increased by 29.79 %/12.73 % (Day 7) and 10.49 %/12.46 % (Day 30) in comparison with the intact rats. The linear sizes of internodal zones increased by 39.35 %/10.33 % (Day 7) and 4.77 %/4.25 % (Day 30). By the 90th day, the macroscopic parameters of Peyer's patches, the height and width of their lymph nodules and internodal zones approxomated those of intact animals. Conclusion. When using imunofan under experimental immunosuppression, macro- and micromorphometric parameters of Peyer's patches of the small intestine of mature rats gradually approximated those in intact rats, which indicated the leveling of cyclophosphan immunosuppressive effect. Key words: rats, small intestine, Peyer's patches, imunofan, cyclophosphan. Цель исследования – изучение морфометрических параметров и гистологического строения пейеровых бляшек тонкой кишки крыс после введения имунофана на фоне иммуносупрессии, вызванной циклофосфаном. Материалы и методы. Исследование проводилось на 36 белых крысах-самцах массой 210–250 г. Животные были разделены на две группы. В I группе крысам в 1-е сут эксперимента вводился циклофосфан в дозе 200 мг/кг, на 2, 4, 6, 8, 10-е сут – имунофан в дозе 0,7 мкг/кг массы тела; II группу составили интактные крысы. Животные выводились из эксперимента на 7, 30, 90-е сут после завершения введения имунофана. Измерялись длина и ширина пейеровых бляшек, а также расстояние от илеоцекального угла до первой из них, а на гистологических срезах – высота и ширина их лимфатических узелков и межузелковых зон. Результаты. У половозрелых животных на 7-е и 30-е сут наблюдения длина и ширина пейеровых бляшек увеличивалась на 18,71 и 16,94 % и 3,56 и 24,22 % соответственно по сравнению с данными интактных крыс, а расстояние от илеоцекального угла до первой из них уменьшалось на 6,15 и 19,80 %. При микроскопическом исследовании высота и ширина лимфатических узелков пейеровых бляшек были больше по сравнению с данными интактных крыс на 29,79 и 12,73 % (7-е сут), 10,49 и 12,46 % (30-е сут), а линейные размеры межузелковых зон – на 39,35 и 10,33 % (7-е сут), 4,77 и 4,25 % (30-е сут). К 90-м сут макроскопические параметры пейеровых бляшек, а также высота и ширина их лимфатических узелков и межузелковых зон приближались к данным интактных животных. Выводы. При использовании имунофана на фоне экспериментальной иммуносупрессии значения исследуемых макро- и микроморфометрических параметров пейеровых бляшек тонкой кишки половозрелых крыс в ходе эксперимента постепенно приближались к аналогичным показателям интактных крыс, что свидетельствует о нивелировании иммуносупрессивного эффекта циклофосфана. Ключевые слова: крысы, тонкая кишка, пейеровы бляшки, имунофан, циклофосфан.

Ye. O. Loza ◽  
M. I. Marushchak

Introduction. Wound healing according to modern concepts is a coordinated process that passes through certain stages with the participation of different cells and products of its vital functions that regulate the healing process. It is well known that in patients with diabetes there is a violation of the process of wound healing, although until now, all the features of diabetes underlying such an inclination have not been fully understood.The aim of the study – to identify the features of oxidative stress on the background of diabetes mellitus in the rat's homogenate when different methods of closing wounds had been used. Research Methods. The experiment was conducted on 60 male rats weighing 280–320 g, which pre-simulated diabetes mellitus and surgical wounds. To detect the activation of free radical oxidation processes, the content of active forms of oxygen (AFC), lipid hydroperoxides (HPL), diene conjugates (DK) and trienic conjugates (TC) and oxidation modifications of proteins (OMP370 and OMP430). To study the antioxidant defense system, activity of superoxide dismutase was determined. Also, the activity of catalase and sulfhydryl groups (SH-groups) was determined.Results and Discussion. The research conducted by us showed that during the wounded process, on the background of diabetes, the activity of free radical oxidation processes increased. However, in the animal skin homogenates, which are labeled "Dermabond", all indices are significantly lower than in the group of animals that have been sewed over the course of all research periods. In the early stages of scar formation (3 days), an increase in the activity of the antioxidant defense system in both groups was observed. At the same time, in the experimental group of animals, which imposed the nodal seams, the activity of SOD and catalase significantly exceeded the skin index of animals, which applied glue and made (199.81±7.59) UM and (175.02±8.31) cat/kg, respectively.Conclusion. The use of skin glue reduces the intensity of the course of free radical oxidation in the cells of the scar tissue of the postoperative wound in conditions of diabetes mellitus in comparison with the imposition of nodal sutures on it: in the skin of animals, which is applied to the "Dermabond" glue, all indicators are significantly lower than in the group of animals, which imposed seam joints, throughout all research periods. 

V. H. Hryn

Introduction. The structure of the small intestine in humans and white rats are quite similar. The study of its specific features in white rats is important to supplement and update modern morphological science with data on the course and modelling of certain pathological conditions. Purpose. A detailed study of the anatomical features of the small intestine in white rats is a prerequisite for planning and conducting certain experimental studies. Material and methods. The study was performed on 80 white male rats. The material for the study included removed stomachs with the distal segment of oesophagus, the small and large intestine. Following the removal the organs were fixed with 10% neutral formalin, outer and inner (mucosal) surfaces then were photographed. In other cases, the gastrointestinal tract of animals was filled through the oesophagus with air, physiological saline, and autopolymer plastic (Latacryl-S), and then exposed to acid corrosion, obtaining three-dimensional casts of internal cavities of the stomach, small and large intestine. Results. Having studying the anatomical features of the small intestine of white rats we can distinguish two parts: the initial extra mesenteric part, which can be called the duodenum only by analogy with a similar human section, and its other mesenteric part, in the looped segment of which the border between which the ileal and jejunum division was not found. This segment seems to be designed mainly for the transitive movement of food into the cecum, where their final processing and the formation of faecal masses occur. On the outer surface of the mesenteric small intestine, there are clearly visible groups of lymphoid nodules, known as Peyer's patches.

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