Effect of various seeding techniques on productivity, nutritional and energy values of festulolium mixtures with legumes in the Kaluga region

В. Лукашов ◽  
А. Исаков

Полевые исследования по изучению влияния черезрядного и смешанного способов посева двойных травосмесей фестулолиума с клевером луговым, люцерной изменчивой и козлятником восточным на продуктивность, питательную и энергетическую ценность корма проведены в 20152018 годах на серых лесных почвах Калужской области. Почва опытного участка серая лесная среднесуглинистая, содержание гумуса 2,8, рН 5,8, валовое содержание азота 0,12, подвижного фосфора 135 мг/кг, обменного калия 100 мг/кг почвы. Способ посева бобовых трав и фестулолиума в двойных травосмесях не оказал существенного влияния на урожайность зелёной массы и сухого вещества. В среднем за 3 года наибольший урожай зелёной массы и сухого вещества получен при посеве смеси фестулолиума и люцерны изменчивой: при черезрядном способе посева он составил соответственно 43,5 и 9,2 т/га, при смешанном посеве 43,9 и 9,3 т/га. Травосмесь с участием козлятника восточного по продуктивности уступала другим вариантам, что объясняется медленным развитием козлятника в первые годы жизни. При черезрядном посеве доля его участия в первый год пользования составляла 30, во второй 40, в третий 59. Клевер луговой имел наибольшую долю участия в травосмесях по сравнению с другими бобовыми: 5557 при черезрядном посеве и 5658 при смешанном посеве. Его присутствие снижалось в смесях во второй год пользования. Клевер луговой сорта Делец отличался более интенсивным развитием и бльшим участием в травосмесях по сравнению с сортом Орловский. Люцерна изменчивая сорта Сарга, начиная с первого года пользования, активно внедрялась в травостой смеси и доминировала в нём во второй и третий годы пользования. Способ посева компонентов в изучаемых травосмесях незначительно влиял на сбор обменной энергии и сырого протеина. Наибольший сбор обменной энергии в сумме за два укоса был получен в травосмеси фестулолиума с люцерной изменчивой: 90,0 ГДж/га при смешанном посеве и 1,71 т/га сырого протеина при черезрядном способе посева. Field trials took place in the Kaluga region in 20152018. The investigation tested productivity, nutritional and energy values of festulolium swards combined with red clover, bastard alfalfa or eastern goats rue as affected by skip-row and mixed seeding patterns. Seeding pattern had no significant influence on green and dry mass (DM) productivity. Festulolium and alfalfa yielded the best for 3 years. Green and dry mass yields amounted to 43.5 and 9.2 t ha-1 under skip-row seeding and 43.9 and 9.3 t ha-1 in mixtures, respectively. Eastern goats rue mixtures had the lowest yield due to slow development in the first years. Eastern goats rue proportion reached 30, 40 and 59 in the first, second and third years, respectively, under skip-row planting patterns. Red clover was more abundant in mixtures compared to other legumes: 5557 under skip-row sowing and 5658 in mixtures. Its proportion dropped down in the second year. Red clover Delets developed faster and better than Orlovskiy in mixtures. Alfalfa Sarga dominated in mixtures in the second and third years. Seeding pattern insignificantly affected exchange energy and crude protein yields. Festulolium-alfalfa mixture had the highest exchange energy content (90.0 GJ ha-1) for two cuts. Under skip-row seeding they produced 1.71 t ha-1 of crude protein.

Ж.С. Нелюбина ◽  
Н.И. Касаткина ◽  
И.Ш. Фатыхов

Наиболее распространённой многолетней бобовой культурой в сельскохозяйственном производстве Среднего Предуралья является клевер луговой. Возделывание клевера лугового в поливидовых посевах имеет ряд преимуществ: повышение сбора зелёной массы и сухого вещества, сбалансированность кормовой массы по сахаропротеиновому отношению и энергии, значительная устойчивость и продолжительность использования травостоев. В 2014–2017 годах на дерново-подзолистой среднесуглинистой почве Среднего Предуралья были проведены исследования, целью которых являлось изучение питательной ценности и продуктивности агрофитоценозов многолетних трав на основе клевера лугового тетраплоидного Кудесник. Метеоусловия в годы исследований были прохладные и влажные, кроме вегетационного периода 2016 года, когда наблюдался дефицит осадков. Было установлено, что питательная ценность трав меняется в зависимости от видового состава, возраста травостоя и укоса. Наиболее ценными по содержанию сырого протеина (17,8–21,7%), обменной энергии (10,0–10,6 МДж/кг), кормовых единиц (0,82–0,90) и переваримого протеина (104–135 г в 1 корм. ед.) оказались одновидовые посевы клевера тетраплоидного, а также его смеси с люцерной изменчивой и лядвенцем рогатым. Травостой второго года пользования обеспечивал получение зелёного корма более высокого качества. Выявлено, что во втором укосе увеличивалось содержание сырого протеина, сырого жира, переваримого протеина по сравнению с первым укосом. В среднем за 3 года пользования наибольшую урожайность сухой массы (6,2–6,3 т/га) сформировали травосмеси клевер + тимофеевка и клевер + люцерна + тимофеевка, что на 0,5–0,6 т/га выше, чем у одновидового посева клевера. Выход с 1 га составил: обменной энергии — 54,6–65,7 ГДж, сырого протеина — 0,72–1,03 т, кормовых единиц — 4,47–5,26 тыс., переваримого протеина — 0,40–0,62 т. Red clover is a perennial legume crop widely cultivated in the Middle Ural region. Growing clover in mixtures has a number of advantages: increased yields of green mass and dry matter, optimal sugar-to-protein ratio and energy in forage, high resistance and viability. The research conducted in 2014–2017 tested nutritional value and productivity of perennial grass ecosystems with tetraploid red clover “Kudesnik”. Weather conditions were cool and wet but 2016 was rather dry. Nutritional value of grasses varied as affected by sward botanical composition, age and cutting. Pure clover stands as well as its mixtures with bastard alfalfa and birdʼs-foot trefoil performed the best producing 17.8–21.7% of crude protein, 10.0–10.6 MJ/kg of exchange energy, 0.82–0.90 feed units, and 104–135 g/feed unit of digestible protein. Swards provided green fodder of higher quality in the second year. Contents of crude protein, fat and digestible protein increased in the second year. Clover combined with timothy or with alfalfa and timothy produced the highest dry mass yield (6.2–6.3 t ha-1) for 3 years, exceeding clover monoculture by 0.5–0.6 t ha-1. Ecosystems provided 54.6–65.7 GJ ha-1 of exchange energy, 0.72–1.03 t ha-1 of crude protein, 4.47–5.26 thousand feed units ha-1, 0.40–0.62 t ha-1 of digestible protein.

В. Волошин ◽  
Н. Морозков

По результатам научных исследований, выполненных за ряд лет в растениеводстве и животноводстве, показана целесообразность интродукции в кормопроизводство Пермского края новой многолетней бобовой культуры эспарцета песчаного. По четырёхлетним наблюдениям (2012 2015 годы) в полевых опытах культура не уступала по урожайности кормовой массы традиционному для региона клеверу луговому, а по концентрации обменной энергии и сырого протеина в сухом веществе была на уровне клевера лугового и люцерны изменчивой, но в разы превосходила их по содержанию сахара. Сенаж это единственный вид зимнего корма, максимально сохраняющий обменную энергию, протеин, сахар, каротин, достаточно концентрированный, чтобы обеспечивать потребности высокопродуктивных животных. В 2018 году на Лобановском молочном комплексе ООО Русь в Пермском районе Пермского края были проведены научнохозяйственный и физиологический опыты по скармливанию сенажа из эспарцета песчаного голштинизированным коровам чёрнопёстрой породы. При использовании сенажа из эспарцета песчаного животные в сутки потребляли сухого вещества на 2,3 3,9 кг на голову больше по сравнению с группой, где в рационе было сено (контроль). В результате использования сенажа из эспарцета песчаного переваримость сухого вещества рациона у опытных групп животных была выше на 2,55 5,80 по сравнению с контрольной органического вещества на 2,54 4,14 . За учётный период научнохозяйственного опыта (120 дней) от коров опытных групп получено по 399327,2 и 414431,9 кг молока, что со средней степенью достоверности выше продуктивности животных контрольной группы (391045,4). По содержанию молочного жира и молочного белка преимущество достоверно также было за опытными группами. Затраты корма на 1 кг молока составили в контроле 0,74 энергетических корм. ед. (ЭКЕ), в опытных группах 0,71 и 0,69 ЭКЕ. Hungarian sainfoin was shown to be an effective perennial legume crop in the forage production of the Perm Territory. For 4 years (2012 2015) this crop produced forage mass, exchange energy and crude protein comparable to the ones of red clover and bastard alfalfa but exceeded them significantly in carbohydrate content. Haylage is the only type of winter forage that has sufficient concentrations of exchange energy, protein, carbohydrates and carotene, satisfying needs of highproductive livestock in nutrients. Haylage from Hungarian sainfoin was fed to Holstein BlackandWhite cows in the frame of experiments conducted in 2018. Cows consumed 2.3 3.9 kg more of dry matter (DM) with the haylage, compared to hay (control). Digestibilities of DM and organic matter were 2.55 5.80 and 2.54 4.14 higher than in the control group, respectively. For 120 days the experimental groups produced 3993 27.2 and 4144 31.9 kg of milk versus 3910 45.4 kg of the control one. The former also exceeded the latter in milk fat and protein contents. Fodder costs per 1 kg of milk amounted to 0.74 energy feed units in the control and 0.71 and 0.69 energy feed units in the experimental groups.

2005 ◽  
Vol 21 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 89-96
Zorica Tomic ◽  
Zorica Nesic ◽  
Vesna Kmjaja ◽  
Miroslav Zujovic

This paper presents the results obtained in testing of new selection of four most important and most common species of legumes used for animal feeds in Serbia. Alfalfa, red clover, bird's trefoil and sainfoin are also high quality plants regarding both nutritive substances and yield of dry matter. We have investigated three new selections of alfalfa, two selections of red clover, two selections of bird's trefoil and one of sainfoin in relation to standard ones. Trial lasted two years (2003-2004), designed according to standard methods for testing and recognition of new sorts. The production of green mass through four cuts per year was determined, together with the variation coefficient among cultivars. In the cuts of the second year the quality parameters were determined by standard lab analyses. The content of protein in all three new selections of alfalfa was higher in relation to standard (16,01%). while the standard of red clover with 20,03% was better than new selection. New selections of bird's trefoil are of better quality than standard (22,08 %), which is the case also with sainfoin (19,71 %). On the basis of obtained production and quality parameters the assortment of perennial legumes will be enriched by new cultivars.

L. P. Evstratova ◽  
Е. V. Nikolaeva ◽  
G. V. Evseeva ◽  
I. V. Evstratov

The productivity of legume-grass stands (with the participation of meadow timothy, boneless stalk, hybrid clover or variable alfalfa) and joint crops of the above-mentioned perennial grasses with jerusalem artichoke in the conditions of Karelia was evaluated. Inclusion of new ones for the Republic of Medicago varia Mart. and Helianthus tuberosus L. in the composition of agrophytocenoses with a long period of economic use will contribute to solving the problem of increasing the volume of harvesting and the quality of feed. It was found that in the first year of plant life, the highest indicators of productivity and quality of aboveground dry mass (5.9 t/ha and 6.5 thousand fodder units) were provided by single-species planting of jerusalem artichoke. In the second year of life, the growth rates of plants differed in mowing and depended on the heterogeneity of meteorological conditions, the biological characteristics of the species and the composition of the herbage. In the first mowing (June 25), when harvesting only perennial grasses, the differences in the biomass yield in the experimental variants relative to the clover-grain control were insignificant. In conditions of long daylight, the process of forming the leaf-stem mass of H. tuberosus continued until the second alienation of grasses (August 18). In total, for two mowing operations with strip joint cultivation of perennial grasses and jerusalem artichoke, the yield of dry forage mass increased almost twice relative to the single-species agrophytocenosis of H. tuberosus, while the maximum productivity per hectare (8.1 tons of dry mass, 8.46 thousand feed units, 95.58 GJ of exchange energy, 1.45 tons of crude protein) was obtained in the variant with the participation of hybrid clover.

2016 ◽  
Vol 67 (3) ◽  
pp. 121-131
Martin Gierus ◽  
Birgit Eickler ◽  
Reinhard Resch ◽  
Ralf Loges ◽  
Friedhelm Taube ◽  

SummaryTwoin vitromethods were tested to establish their potential to predict the metabolizable energy (ME) content of forage legumes: the Tilley and Terry (TT) method and the pepsin-cellulase method (CM). Different samples of white clover (Trifolium repensL.), red clover (Trifolium pratenseL.), kura clover (Trifolium ambiguumM. Bieb.), lucerne (Medicago sativaL.), and birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatusL.) were derived from field trials with several defoliation systems at two sites. The CM was more precise due to its repeatability within and between analysis runs, but eventually overestimated the ME contents of the samples, as it was shown for the standard samples with knownin vivodigestibility. ME contents were found to be consistently higher based on CM, with a difference of up to 1.5 MJ ME/kg DM compared to TT. Although white clover was, in general, the species with the highest ME content, the influence of legume species over all cuts and defoliation systems was inconsistent. Such observations may influence the method of choice for ME estimation for large datasets.

R.А. Idrisov ◽  

The correct construction of agrophytocenoses on the slopes of the steppe trans-Urals helped to create maximum productivity. In the arid climate, the most productive were the double mixtures of alfalfa with brittle sitnik, wheatgrass is syd, providing an average of 41.6 and 40.2 quintals per hectare (c/ha) of hay, 32.1 and 31.0 GJ/ha OE (exchange energy per hectare), 4.5 and 4.3 quintals per hectare of boiled protein (c/ha) over 5 years. Single-species steppe ecotypes, brittle sieve and wheatgrass sieve in productivity slightly gave way to double components, providing respectively hay- 32.2 and 37.2 cents per hectare, exchange energy 22.2 and 25.7 GJ/ha, digested protein 1.93 and 2.53 c/ha. The enrichment of agrophytocense by the legume component allowed to increase the metabolic energy content to the level of 32.1 and 31.0-GJ/ha, digested protein to 4.5 and 4.3 quintals per hectare, which is 14 times the nutritional value of the metabolic energy, the digested protein is 10 times higher than the natural herb.

1955 ◽  
Vol 47 (5) ◽  
pp. 224-228 ◽  
James H. Torrie ◽  
Earle W. Hanson

2017 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 412-419 ◽  

ABSTRACT The intensive cultivation of vegetables with frequent chemical fertilization may cause accumulation of nutrients in the soil. This, in turn, may reduce crop yields and damage the environment due to contamination of ground water and rivers. Thus, to increase the effects of P (0, 100, 200, 300 and 400 kg ha -1 of P2O5) and K (0, 60, 120, 180 and 240 kg ha-1 of K2O) doses on the growth and productivity of radish cultivars (Sakata 19 and Sakata 25) in a soil with high levels of these nutrients, two experiments were conducted in randomized blocks with the factors cultivars and doses arranged in a 2 x 5 factorial design with three replications. Number of leaves per plant, leaf area, shoot and root dry mass, total and commercial productivity, percentage of cracked roots and P and K contents in the plant and in the soil were evaluated. The Sakata 19 cultivar performed better than the Sakata 25 in both experiments. The fertilization with P or K did not influence the growth and the productivity of both radish cultivars. Therefore, both cultivars of radish evaluated do not need to be fertilized with P and K when planted in a Latosol with high levels of these nutrients.

2012 ◽  
Vol 90 (11) ◽  
pp. 1351-1358 ◽  
R.S. Luna ◽  
A. Duarte ◽  
F.W. Weckerly

Scaling relationships between body mass and gut capacity are valuable to predicting digestive efficiency. Interspecific scaling relationships between body mass and gut capacity have consistently estimated a slope of 1.0; however, intraspecific scaling relationships between body mass and gut capacity have been highly variable. We examined the influence of demands of growth and production on scaling relationships of body mass and rumen–reticulum characteristics in white-tailed deer ( Odocoileus virginianus (Zimmermann, 1780)) because little is known about how juvenile and subadult ruminants accommodate increased digesta masses. We sampled 108 animals over a 2-year period and assessed the influence of body mass, time of kill, crude protein (%), and acid detergent fiber (%) in the rumen, lactation, sex, and back fat on rumen–reticulum organ mass, rumen–reticulum capacity, wet mass of the digesta, and the dry mass of the digesta. Juvenile and subadult white-tailed deer had rumen–reticulum organ masses, capacity, and digesta masses that were similar to adults because body mass and rumen–reticulum scaling relationships all had scalars similar to 1.0. Thus, under the confines of our study, ontogeny plays only a minor role in the physiological characteristics of the rumen–reticulum and the scaling relationships of body mass and rumen–reticulum capacity.

1966 ◽  
Vol 66 (3) ◽  
pp. 351-357 ◽  
W. Ellis Davies ◽  
G. ap Griffith ◽  
A. Ellington

The primary growth of eight varieties of three species–white clover (3), red clover (4) and lucerne (1)–was sampled at fortnightly intervals and the percentage dry matter, in vitro digestibility, crude protein, water soluble carbohydrates, P, Ca, K, Na and Mg were determined.Differences between species were nearly always significant and the general order of merit was white clover, red clover and lucerne. The exceptions were for dry-matter percentage where this order was reversed, and red clover had the lowest Na and highest Mg content.

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