New eastern goat’s rue farm ecosystems for hay production

Д.А. Вагунин ◽  
Н.Н. Иванова ◽  
Н.Н. Амбросимова ◽  
Н.А. Епифанова ◽  
О.Н. Анциферова

В условиях осушаемых земель гумидной зоны исследованы сенокосные агрофитоценозы на основе козлятника восточного. Эксперименты проводились в 2014–2019 годах на полигоне ВНИИМЗ — филиала ФИЦ «Почвенный институт им. В. В. Докучаева» (Тверская область). Объектом исследований были многолетние травы при сенокосном использовании: козлятник восточный (сорта Гале, Юбиляр, Кривич), кострец безостый (сорт Вегур), двукисточник тростниковый (сорт Урал), тимофеевка луговая (сорт ВИК 9). Исследования проводились как в травосмесях, так и в одновидовых посевах. Установлено, что козлятник восточный в одновидовых посевах более продуктивен, чем в смешанных агрофитоценозах. Посевы козлятника восточного сорта Кривич на мелиорированных землях в среднем за 5 лет исследований обеспечили наибольшую продуктивность. Травосмесь козлятника восточного с тимофеевкой луговой, кострецом безостым и двукисточником тростниковым формировала урожайность сухой массы на уровне 6,2–8,0 т/га. Одновидовые посевы козлятника восточного всех изученных сортов формировали продуктивность сухой массы до 11,7 т/га. Продуктивность козлятника восточного была наибольшей на глееватой почве. При двуукосном использовании у одновидовых посевов козлятника восточного сорта Юбиляр на глубокооглееной почве, по сравнению с контрольным вариантом, продуктивность была выше на 19%. Менее продуктивными были посевы трёхкомпонентной злаковой смеси на глубокооглееной почве — 4,7 т/га. Установлено, что при посеве смеси козлятника восточного с кострецом безостым, тимофеевкой луговой и двукисточником тростниковым повышалась продуктивность травостоя и улучшалось качество корма. В смеси со злаками четырёхкомпонентные агроценозы были менее засорены несеяными видами трав. Наименьшая доля сорной растительности в бобово-злаковых травостоях на основе козлятника восточного отмечалась в смешанных посевах с участием сорта Юбиляр. Козлятник восточный показал высокую облиственность, которая составила 51,5–56,9%, что способствовало повышению качества кормов сенокосных травостоев. Ключевые слова: козлятник восточный, кострец безостый, тимофеевка луговая, двукисточник тростниковый, глубокооглеенная, глеевая почва, травостой, продуктивность, сенокос. Eastern goat’s rue ecosystems were analyzed on drainage lands of humid zone for hay production. The experiment was carried out at the All-Russian Research Institute of Meliorated Lands — branch of the Federal Research Center “Institute of Soil n. a. V. V. Dokuchaev” in 2014–2019. Perennial grasses performed as the objects of this study: eastern goat’s rue (“Gale”, “Yubilyar”, “Krivich”), smooth brome (“Vegur”), reed canary grass (“Ural”), common timothy (“VIK 9”). Both monocultures and mixtures were tested. Eastern goat’s rue performed better as monoculture. “Krivich” showed the highest productivity. The mixture of eastern goat’s rue, common timothy, and reed canary grass provided 6.2–8.0 t ha-1 of dry mass. Eastern goat’s rue monoculture produced up to 11.7 t ha-1. Eastern goat’s rue had higher productivity on gleyic soil. “Yubilyar” showed yield increase of 19% on gleyic soil under two cuts. Three-component mixture of gramineous had lower yield — 4.7 t ha-1. Seeding eastern goat’s rue with smooth brome, common timothy, and reed canary grass improved sward productivity and feed quality. Four-component ecosystems containing gramineous were less contaminated by weeds. Mixtures of “Yubilyar” had the minimum contamination. Eastern goat’s rue showed high leaf coverage of 51.5–56.9%, positively affecting forage quality.

Л. Евстратова ◽  
Г. Евсеева ◽  
С. Смирнов ◽  
А. Камова

В условиях Республики Карелия в 20152018 годах проведены трёхлетние научные исследования по определению оптимальных режимов скашивания и оценке их влияния на продуктивные и качественные характеристики бобовозлаковых травостоев с включением интродуцированных культур Medicago varia Mart. (сорт Таисия) и Festulolium F. Graebn. (сорт ВИК 90). Установлено, что в агроценозах массовая доля люцерны изменчивой при двуукосном режиме скашивания динамично возрастала с 4,029,1 до 34,442,2, а при трёхукосном с 3,927,6 до 48,860,3. Традиционный бобовый компонент Trifolium hybridum L. (сорт Первенец), наоборот, снизил своё участие в травостое с 22,451,4 до 1,315,3 и с 27,440,0 до 0,713,9 соответственно. Фестулолиум доминировал в травостое при трёхкратном скашивании в 1й и 2й годы пользования (56,1 и 69,5) и при двукратном во 2й и 3й годы (58,6 и 54,0). В среднем за 3 года как при двух, так и при трёхукосном режиме скашивания высокие показатели урожайности сухой массы (7,559,13 т/га), энергетической (6,2110,09 тыс. корм. ед./га 79,794,7 ГДж/га) и протеиновой (0,811,31 т/га) продуктивности обеспечили травостои: кострец безостый люцерна изменчивая клевер гибридный фестулолиум люцерна изменчивая клевер гибридный. Рассматриваемые значения превысили контроль (клеверозлаковый травостой) в 1,11,7 раза. Независимо от состава фитоценоза трёхкратное использование травостоев имело преимущество (на 18,661,7) только по сбору сырого протеина. В типичных погодных условиях полевого сезона лучшие результаты получены при двукратном режиме скашивания бобовозлаковых травостоев, а в экстремальных при трёхкратном. Последний обеспечил более равномерное распределение урожая зелёной массы по укосам и высокие показатели питательности корма. The investigations took place in the Republic of Karelia in 20152018. It was aimed to test cutting managements and their influence on grass productivity and quality and determine the optimal one. Legumegramineous ecosystems contained Medicago varia Mart. (variety Taisiya) and Festulolium F. Graebn. (variety VIK 90). The proportion of bastard alfalfa increased from 4.029.1 to 34.442.2 under two cuts, and from 3.927.6 to 48.860.3 under three cuts. The fraction of conventional grass component Trifolium hybridum L. (variety Pervenets) reduced from 22.451.4 to 1.315.3 and from 27.440.0 to 0.713.9, respectively. Festulolium prevailed in the 1st and 2nd years under three cuts (56.1 and 69.5) as well as in the 2nd and 3rd years under two cuts (58.6 and 54.0). Mixtures of smooth brome bastard alfalfa alsike clover festulolium bastard alfalfa alsike clover had the highest dry mass yield (7.559.13 t ha1), energy content (6.2110.09 thousand feed units ha1 79.794.7 GJ ha1) and protein concentration (0.811.31 t ha1). These values exceeded the ones of the control (clovergramineous mixture) by 1.11.7 times. Three cuts provided 18.661.7 more protein. Two cuts gave better results under typical regional climate, but three cuts were advantageous under unfavorable conditions.

Л.П. Евстратова ◽  
Г.В. Евсеева

Работа проведена в 2016–2018 годах на опытном поле лаборатории агротехнологий «Вилга» отдела комплексных научных исследований КарНЦ РАН. Цель работы — установить оптимальный режим скашивания многолетних травостоев с включением интродуцированных видов кормовых трав, обеспечивающий высокие показатели качества кормовой массы в условиях Карелии. В статье представлены результаты научных исследований по оценке питательной ценности биомассы многолетних агрофитоценозов, созданных с включением интродуцированных видов бобовых и злаковых трав — люцерны изменчивой (Medicago varia Mart.) и фестулолиума (×Festulolium F. Aschers. et Graebn.) при двух- и трёхкратном режимах скашивания. Внесение фосфорных и калийных удобрений в дозе Р60К90 на бобово-злаковых и злаковых травостоях проводили однократно перед завершением вегетации растений. Азотные удобрения (аммиачную селитру) в дозе N120 вносили при формировании злакового травостоя дробно под каждый укос: N60 — при двухукосном использовании и N40 — при трёхукосном. Установлено, что в данных условиях травосмеси кострец безостый + люцерна изменчивая + клевер гибридный и фестулолиум + люцерна изменчивая + клевер гибридный обеспечивали высокий уровень урожайности сухой массы (7,55–9,13 т/га), энергетической продуктивности (79,7–94,7 ГДж/га) и питательной ценности (0,81–1,31 т/га сырого протеина) независимо от режима скашивания. На фоне внесения минерального азота в дозе N120 урожайность злакового травостоя выше бобово-злаковых агроценозов, но показатели питательной ценности не соответствовали нормативам кормления высокопродуктивного крупного рогатого скота. В условиях северного земледелия наиболее целесообразным является двухкратный режим скашивания травостоев в период бутонизации – начала цветения бобовых и колошения злаковых трав. Использование агрофитоценозов с включением многолетних бобовых культур без внесения азотных удобрений способствует получению экологически безопасного высокобелкового растительного сырья для заготовки грубых и сочных кормов. Ключевые слова: многолетние травы, люцерна изменчивая, фестулолиум, питательная ценность, режим скашивания. The experiment was carried out at the “Vilga” laboratory in 2016–2018. The goal was to optimize cutting regime for perennial grasses to obtain high-quality forage mass. This article reports on nutritional value of perennial ecosystems with bastard alfalfa (Medicago varia Mart.) and festulolium (×Festulolium F. Aschers. et Graebn.) to be cut twice or three times. Application of Р60К90 was done once before the end of growing season. N120 was divided into two or three fractions and applied before each cut as N60 or N40 depending on cutting regime. Smooth brome + bastard alfalfa + alsike clover and festulolium + bastard alfalfa + alsike clover produced high yields of dry mass (7.55–9.13 t ha-1), energy (79.7–94.7 GJ ha-1) and had high nutritional value (0.81–1.31 t ha-1 of crude protein) regardless of the cutting regime. On the background of N120 gramineous exceeded gramineous-legume mixtures in productivity but had low nutritional value. Cutting legumes at budding – early flowering and gramineous — at heading time twice was more effective under cold conditions. Growing grass mixtures with perennial legumes without fertilization resulted in ecologically-safe high-protein forage mass.

2019 ◽  
pp. 69-72
L. I. Petrova ◽  
Yu. I. Mitrofanov ◽  
N. K. Pervushina ◽  
V. N. Lapushkina

The article presents the results of three-year studies conducted on the experimental field of the All-Russian Research Institute of Reclaimed Lands (VNIIMZ). The purpose of the research was to study the efficiency of various rates of fertilizer usage on winter triticale productivity. There has been studied the effect of rates of mineral fertilizer usage on the elements of the winter triticale yield structure, protein percentage in grain, use of photosynthetically active solar radiation (PAR efficiency), fertilizers’ cost recovery by yield increase. The cultivation of winter triticale was carried out on a drained well-cultivated sod-podzolic light loamy gleyed soil. The winter triticale was sown after one-year-old clover in three variants: the first variant was without fertilizer usage, the second variant was with N15Р15K45+ N30fertilizer usage (in the period of tillering) and the third variant was with N30Р30K90+N60fertilizer usage. In the variant without fertilizer usage the productivity was 3.37 t/ha on average. In the second variant the productivity increased on 56.4% to 5.27 t/ha, in the third variant the increase was on 78.9% to 6.03 t/ha. Due to the use of fertilizer, the number of productive stems raised on 95 and 117 pcs/m2, the number of kernels per head increased on 4.0 and 6.0 pcs. The protein content in grain in the variants with fertilizer usage increased on 1.0–1.7%. The PAR efficiency without fertilizer usage was the lowest (1.34), it was 1.94 with N45Р15K45fertilizer usage and 2.26 with N90Р30K90fertilizer usage. Fertilizers’ cost recovery by winter triticale yield increase which was sown after one-year-old clover in a well-cultivated soil, was the highest with 18.1 kg/kg of N45Р15K45fertilizer usage and with 12.7 kg/kg of N90Р30K90fertilizer usage. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 343-352
Vladimir V. Tolokonnikov ◽  
Galina P. Kancer ◽  
Tatyana S. Koshkarova ◽  
Georgy O. Chamurliev

Abstract. World soybean acreage increases by 3 million hectares annually with average yield of 2.7 t/ha. Significant growth of soybean production in Russia is constrained by increased climate aridization and a declining yield of up to 1.5 t/ha. An important factor in intensification of soybean production is to expand its crops under irrigation. Introduction of adapted and high-yielding varieties of regional selection, followed by improvement of crop water supply, increases yields up to 34 t/ha. Soybean varieties selected by Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Agriculture and admitted to production in the Lower Volga region: VNIIOZ 86 (since 2002), VNIIOZ 31 (since 2011), Volgogradka 2 (since 2020) were studied. The experiments were conducted at Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Agriculture in 2013-2015. The experiment included two factors: factor A - varieties, factor B - irrigation regime (70-80-70 % of FMC, 80-80-70 % of FMC and control - 80-80-80 % of FMC). Plots of the 1st (600 m2) and 2nd (200 m2) order were sown in 4-fold replication by a wide-row method (0.7 m) in mid-May with a planned yield of 2.53.5 t/ha (N90P90K60 a. i./ha). Soybean varieties differed in peculiarities of crop structure formation. Differentiated irrigation regime resulted in more cost-efficient water consumption followed by yield increase compared to the control. The highest yields were formed by Volgogradka 2 variety (2.873.23 t/ha) and VNIIOZ 31 (2.823.19 t/ha), which was significantly higher than in VNIIOZ 86 variety (2.172.51 t/ha). The variable irrigation regime led to yield increase in all soybean varieties, especially in Volgogradka 2 - by 0.310.36 t/ha (10.812.5 %) as compared to the control. It was due to grain increase to 30.936.2 % in the total biomass compared to the control values - 26.627.5 %. The highest amount of post-harvest plant residues (stems, leaves and roots) remained after harvesting Volgogradka 2 (6.397.63 t/ha) and VNIIOZ 31(6.737.9 t/ha), which improved soil fertility well, and the smallest amount was after VNIIOZ 86 variety (4.415.66 t/ha). Differentiated irrigation regime led to decrease in vegetative mass in soil - 4.417.42 t/ha compared to the control (5.667.9 t/ha). Thus, Volgogradka 2 and VNIIOZ 31 can be recommended for irrigated agriculture in the Lower Volga region, as they provide high yields under differentiated (relatively cost-efficient) irrigation regime and improve soil fertility due to large biomass remained in soil after harvesting.

К.М. Ибрагимов ◽  
М.А. Умаханов

Нерациональное использование природных ресурсов вызвало масштабную деградацию Кизлярских пастбищных угодий, которая резко усилилась в последние десятилетия. Между тем они являются важным источником дешёвых кормов для отгонного и стационарного животноводства Республики Дагестан, где на площади 1,5 млн га в осеннее-зимне-весенний период содержится не менее 2 млн голов овец. Продуктивность пастбищ в этой зоне не превышает 0,10–0,15 т/га сухой кормовой массы. В настоящее время чрезвычайно актуальна разработка новых технологий фитомелиорации деградированных кормовых угодий. Предлагается внедрение многокомпонентных двух-трёхъярусных агрофитоценозов путём посадки кустарников (джузгуна безлистного Calligonum aphyllum (Pall.) Gurke), полукустарников (терескена серого Eutoria ceratoides (L.) С. А. Mey.), посева многолетних злаковых (пырея удлинённого Agropyron elongatum (Host) Beauv) и бобовых (эспарцета песчаного Onobrychis arenaria (Kit) D. C.) трав. Данный приём способствует ослаблению деградационных процессов и получению максимального выхода кормовой массы с единицы площади. Целью наших исследований являлось изучение продуктивности фитомелиоративных кормовых культур (пырея удлинённого и эспарцета песчаного) в многолетних двух-трёхъярусных агрофитоценозах разных сроков использования. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о том, что джузгун безлистный и терескен серый благоприятно влияют на урожайность пырея удлинённого и эспарцета песчаного. В опыте с пыреем удлинённым это увеличение составило 1,67 т/га зелёной массы по сравнению с контрольным вариантом (естественное кормовое угодье), а в исследованиях с эспарцетом — 3,44 т/га. Наиболее перспективным оказалось создание трёхъярусных агрофитоценозов: в них наблюдали самые высокие показатели облиственности растений, длины соцветий и количества стеблей пырея удлинённого и эспарцета песчаного. Environmental abuse has caused large-scale degradation of the Kizlyar grasslands, sharply increasing in recent decades. These pastures are an important source of cheap fresh green and rough feed in the Republic of Dagestan, where at least 2 million heads of sheep are kept on 1.5 million ha from autumn to summer. The pasture productivity does not exceed 0.10–0.15 t ha-1 of dry mass in this zone. Currently, the development of new technologies for degraded land restoration is extremely important. It is proposed to introduce multicomponent ecosystems of various height by planting shrubs (Calligonum aphyllum (Pall.) Gurke), semi-shrubs (winterfat Eutoria ceratoides (L.) C.A.) Beauv), perennial grasses (tall wheatgrass Agropyron elongatum (Host) Beauv) and legumes (Hungarian sainfoin Onobrychis arenaria (Kit) DC). This practice has a potential to improve the land quality and provide the maximum yield of feed. The research aimed at studying the productivity of tall wheatgrass and Hungarian sainfoin as components of perennial multi-layered agrophytocenoses of different periods of use. It was revealed that Calligonum aphyllum and winterfat had a positive effect on the yield of tall wheatgrass and Hungarian sainfoin. The yield increase was 1.67 t ha-1 of green mass for tall wheatgrass, and — 3.44 t ha-1 — for Hungarian sainfoin. Three-layer agrophytocenoses were the most promising: tall wheatgrass and Hungarian sainfoin showed the highest plant foliage, length of inflorescences and number of stems.

G. M. Saenko G. M. ◽  
T. P. Shuvaeva T. P. ◽  
I. V. Gajtotina I. V.

The article presented information on the main diseases of mint, as well as those diseases that were identified in the collection of the Voznesensky branch of the Federal Research Center “V.S. Pustovoit All-Russian Research Institute of Oil Crops”. Varieties of mint was affected by such diseases as rust, powdery mildew, anthracnose, of phyllostictosis and fusarium wilt.

2021 ◽  
Sarmite Rancane ◽  

To develop the scientific work, field trials were performed at the Research Institute of Agronomy of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, in Skriveri in the time period from 2012 to 2016. Hypothesis of the thesis By using by-products of bioenergy production in fertilisation - fermentation residues or digestate and wood ash, it is possible to partially cover the requirements of energy grasses for nutrients, as well as to ensure their reuse. The aim of the thesis To find out the possibilities of growing reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) 'Bamse' and festulolium (× Festulolium pabulare) 'Felina' for energy production by using bioenergy production by-products in fertilisation – fermentation residues or digestate and wood ash, as well as to study possibilities of plant nutrient reuse in the system: soil – plants – digestate / ash – soil – plants. Research tasks 1. To evaluate digestate and wood ash as energy grasses fertilisers. 2. To find out the optimal norm and the regime of use of digestate in reed canary grass fertilisation. 3. To study the nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium circulation cycle in the system: soil – plants – digestate / ash – soil – plants. 4. To perform economic evaluation of reed canary grass and festulolium fertilisation. The structure of the research paper Chapter 1 - The literature review includes five subchapters. The chapter provides a brief overview of bioenergy production technologies, examines perennial grasses in the context of bioenergy production, evaluates agrotechnical measures to ensure adequate grass biomass yield and quality for biogas and fuel feedstock production, examines plant nutrient circulation in bioenergy crop production systems, and provides agronomic assessment of by-product – digestate and ash fertiliser for use in energy grass plantations. Chapter 2 - Materials and Methods includes two subchapters. The chapter describes the methodology of test establishment, the studied material, the observations and analyzes performed, describes the meteorological conditions and describes the statistical analysis of data. Chapter 3 - The results and discussion include six subsections. The chapter analyzes the obtained results on reed canary grass and festulolium yield and changes in yield structure and quality due to the use of different fertilisers, norms and regimes, performing grassland dry matter yield inventory by mowing once and twice a year. The remove of plant nutrients from soil with dry matter yield, as well as changes in soil agrochemical parameters due to fertilisation were evaluated. An economic evaluation of reed canary grass and festulolium fertilisation has been performed. The conclusions include answers to the research tasks. The paper contains 34 tables, 41 figures, 53 annexes and 353 scientific source references.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (5) ◽  
pp. 44-50
L. D. Urazova ◽  
O. V. Litvinchuk

One reliable way to restore eroded soils and technogenic land is to reclaim it by sowing perennial grasses. Samples of reed canary grass suitable for reclamation of coal dumps in the Kemerovo region have been studied and identified. Experimental work was carried out in the Tomsk region (5811 N, 8300 E) during the period of 2017-2020. The research subjects are represented by samples of reed canary grass taken in 2016. A nursery of study samples suitable for reclamation of coal dumps was laid in 2017 with six numbers - KM-1, KM-2, KM-3, KM-4, KM-5 (Tomsk region), the variety Vityaz (Tomsk region) was used as a standard. The soils of the experimental plots were sod-podzolic acidic loamy sandy loam and loamy with a humus content of no more than 2% in the arable horizon. When evaluating the samples, the main attention is paid to studying the traits and properties that limit their cultivation under taiga conditions: grass density, plant height, foliage, winter hardiness, lodging resistance, seed productivity, green mass yield, resistance to the most common diseases. Over a 3-year study of selections of reed canary grass based on a set of the main economically important traits, the KM-5 sample has been identified. This specimen has a complex of valuable features in creating an adaptive variety suitable for reclamation of coal dumps (foliage - 61.4%, green matter yield - 38.5 t/ha, dry matter - 11.9, seeds - 0.21 t/ha). The selected number has annual reliable additions to the standard in terms of green matter yield of 8.5 t/ha, dry matter yield of 3.3, and seed yield of 0.04 t/ha. Samples KM-1, KM-5 showed high resistance to these diseases: helminthosporiosis - 6.0-6.1%, septoriosis - 2.6-4.2%.

2020 ◽  
pp. 31-32
Mikhail A. Levchenko ◽  
Natalia A. Sennikova ◽  

Toxicological assessment is a mandatory research step in the development of new insecticidal drugs. At the All-Russian Research Institute of Veterinary Entomology and Arachnology, a prototype of the insecticidal bait Mukhnet IF was obtained with an active ingredient content of 0.06% ivermectin and 0.015% fipronil, which showed a highly effective effect against houseflies. This work presents the results of the study of acute oral toxicity of the above agent. For this, male white mice with a live weight of 16-26 g were selected. They were kept on a starvation diet for one day in individual houses with water. The drug was given in mg/kg body weight the next day. A total of 33 doses have been tested, ranging from 100 mg/kg to 40,000 mg/kg. The animals were observed for 14 days. According to the research results, it was revealed that at doses up to 20,000 mg/kg there were no signs of intoxication, but when tested at 25,000 mg/kg in some mice, these signs were noted, and at 30,000, 35,000 and 40,000 mg/kg deaths were recorded 20±10, 45±30 and 60±20%, respectively. It was not possible to test the drug over the last above dose due to incomplete eaten by mice. According to the degree of danger for warm-blooded animals, the drug belongs to the 4th class of low-hazard drugs (average lethal dose of 5000 mg/kg or more) in accordance with the classification of GOST 12.1.007-76. When analyzing the literature data on the toxicological characteristics of preparations containing ivermectin and chlorfenapyr, it was revealed that the insecticidal agent in its acute toxicity for warm-blooded animals is comparable to known analogues.

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