scholarly journals Diagnostics of a teenager's civic activity

2021 ◽  
pp. 277-286
А.П. Землянская

Вопросы формирования гражданских качеств, активной гражданской позиции современной учащейся молодежи приобретают особую значимость в отношении воспитанников, обучающихся в учреждениях интернатного типа. Специфика указанного воспитательного процесса связана с особенностями воспитанников школ-интернатов и среды учебного заведения. Противоречие между объективной потребностью современного общества в молодых людях с высоким уровнем чувства патриотизма, преданности Родине и одновременно чувством принадлежности к мировому сообществу обусловили необходимость определения и обоснования педагогических условий формирования гражданских качеств воспитанников интернатных учреждений. На современном этапе развития демократического правового общества особую актуальность приобретает формирование у молодого поколения ответственной гражданской позиции. Основываясь на теоретических принципах гражданского воспитания в процессе нашей научно-исследовательской работы раскрыты особенности формирования ответственной гражданской позиции школьников. Основная работа будет связана с подростками и будет заключаться в подготовке молодой личности к жизни в демократическом обществе, признании и принятии ценностей, которые являются определяющими для общества, реализации личностных ценностей, собственных прав, свобод и обязанностей, способности к социальному взаимодействию в соответствии с моделью организации Социально-педагогического сопровождения детей, которая будет разработана. The issues of the formation of civic qualities, active citizenship of modern students are of particular importance in relation to pupils studying in residential institutions. The specifics of this educational process are related to the characteristics of the pupils of boarding schools and the environment of the educational institution. The contradiction between the objective need of modern society for young people with a high level of patriotism, loyalty to the Motherland and at the same time a sense of belonging to the world community has led to the need to determine and justify the pedagogical conditions for the formation of civic qualities of boarding school students. At the present stage of the development of a democratic legal society, the formation of a responsible civil position among the young generation is of particular relevance. Based on the theoretical principles of civic education in the course of our research work, the features of the formation of a responsible civic position of schoolchildren are revealed. The main work will be related to adolescents and will consist in preparing a young person for life in a democratic society, recognizing and accepting the values that are decisive for society, realizing personal values, their own rights, freedoms and duties, and the ability to social interaction in accordance with the model of organizing Social and pedagogical support for children, which will be developed.

2015 ◽  
Vol 813-814 ◽  
pp. 1176-1182
Lakshminarayanan Ramanan ◽  
Muniratnam Kumar ◽  
K.P.V. Ramanakumar

Quality is an important dimension or factor in any process or product. Success of the product or process depends on the application of knowledge assimilated on various subjects from theory into actual application; otherwise it would result into a quality defect, as a consequence of knowledge gap. One such quality defect in the product and the process is conversion of student into an Engineer by the Engineering Educational Institution is lower employability, a concern for society, employers and stake holders of the educational process. Causes for such defect, are multi-dimensional, requiring a multi-pronged approach in developing solutions. Regulatory bodies like AICTE, Industrial bodies like CII etc. in India, are working towards delivering solutions at the macro level of the Nation, while the issue also requires solutions to be deployed at the micro level of Institutions. Focus of this research work is to address one such element related to measurement of Quality dimension, quantify such knowledge gap with practicing professionals of the Industry, identify their significant presence by experience segments and relate them with student’s knowledge gap for similar element / dimension as found in literature. The work delivers a simple model which can be adopted in educational institutions that shall benefit the Industry and Engineering graduates. The scope of this work also includes explaining high level process map of the educational process with SIPOC and COPIS Quality model of Six Sigma in bringing out the complexity in educational process. This research work is a part of the ongoing research of the first author.

2020 ◽  
pp. 84-91
Malik Gabdullin

The main direction of the educational process is to develop the education system in accordance with the strategic directions of social and economic development of the republic, integrating it into the world educational space, preserving its national essence through the use of national customs and traditions, as well as cultural values, creating conditions for the formation of a personality in the national spirit, development of a high level of outlook and creative potential of the personality, cognitive competences. The implementation of these tasks requires a review of the content of the educational process in the country's schools from a new methodological standpoint, based on the use of elements of national customs and traditions. Such a new methodological system shows the need for radical changes in the traditional educational process, the development of a creative approach to teaching, and the updating of the content of education on a national basis.In the modern period of the development of society in the educational process of educational institutions the principle of education is implemented, taking into account the comprehensive development of students, such a system of education and upbringing provides an opportunity for the formation of cultural and ethnic identity, it is aimed at an in-depth study of the spiritual culture of the people and the ability to connect it with modern values. This system of education and training is based on the link between national customs and traditions (customs and traditions related to children's upbringing, household customs and traditions, social customs and traditions) and the educational process.

Kostiantyn KONDRATIUK ◽  

Academic Gymnasium was found in October 1784 at the University of Lviv. This is a state secondary educational institution of the humanitarian direction. The graduates-maturists had the opportunity to continue their studies at the university after its completion. The Academic Gymnasium was the oldest gymnasium with the Ukrainian language of instruction. The information concerning the gymnasium's organization's functioning and principles till 1848 was lost due to revolutionary events. We can find the data about the organization of the institution's functioning, the number of teachers and students, and their social origin from 1849. At the same time, this date coincides with the secondary school's reform in 1849 based on the «Organizational Essay of High Schools and Actual Schools of Austria» and the «Normative Plan of Education for Gymnasia», which functioned until 1910 with minor changes. Exactly these normative documents regulated the functioning of the gymnasium - the organization of the educational process, the language of teaching, the priority of disciplines, the number and load of teachers, the organization of extra-curricular activities of high school students. Since 1907, the gymnasium is reorganized into the Main Gymnasium due to the number of students' growth and moving into a newly built building on L. Sapieha street and the Branch in the premises of the Narodnyi dim (People's Hall). The educational process in the gymnasium was carried out based on ministerial plans. By the end of the 20th century, more than 60% of the educational time was spent on learning languages, and the natural and mathematical cycle reached 25%, which indicates the humanitarian direction of gymnasium preparation. The situation was changed by the curriculum for classical gymnasiums in 1909, according to which the disciplines of the natural-mathematical cycle were synchronized with the requirements of universities. The article's main thesis is that during the 1849-1914 years, the Tsissar-Royal Academic Gymnasium in Lviv developed into a leading secondary educational institution. Mostly Ukrainian Greek Catholics, natives from Halychyna, studied here. The headmasters of the gymnasium were experienced teachers, skilled administrators. During the second half of the 19th century - at the beginning of the 20th century, the gymnasium was headed by Franz Brugger (1848-1858), Ivan Piontkovskyi (1858-1868), Vasyl Ilnytskyi (1868-1892 ), Edvard Kharkevych (1892-1911) and Illia Kokorudz (1911-1927). The teaching staff was increasing quantitatively and qualitatively. Careful selection, education requirements, and teaching methods provided the gymnasium with qualified specialists and responsible officials. The institution's educational process was provided by about 23-25 ​teachers, 70% of whom were gymnasium professors. Teachers of gymnasium conducted classes on a high professional level with students and created original textbooks in their native language, literature, history, and geography. Many teachers of the gymnasium and later graduates became well-known socio-political figures, scientists, and artists.So, Academic Gymnasium in Lviv is a secondary educational institution of the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. It functioned following Austrian secondary school legislation. The Academic Gymnasium, being in the structure of the Lviv University, provided it with well-prepared entrants. Students received a profound knowledge of normative disciplines in the gymnasium and a good national and religious education. The heads of the educational institution were experienced teachers and organizers who took care of the proper provision of the educational institution with teaching staff. The educational and methodological literature was supported, developed, and implemented in the educational process, together with teachers and public figures. Teachers of the gymnasium constantly worked on self-education and were active socio-political leaders. Keywords: Academic Gymnasium, organization, Krajova Szkolna Rada (Region School Council), teachers, teaching process, students, educational legislation.

Natalya Dmytryshchuk ◽  
Alla Linenko

The article deals with the problem of improving the quality of training future navigators according to the strategic goals of the modernization of the educational process in Ukraine’s marine higher educational institutions, based on the humanistic paradigm, which requires special attention to the formation of future navigators’ communicative self-efficiency. The study of this problem is of particular relevance, since it is one of the main professional characteristics for representatives of the senior command navigators that enables them to carry out professional activities productively, adequately and at a high level: to organize the coordinated work of the crew, especially consisting of specialists of different nationalities, religious denominations, mentalities; competently and skilfully communicate with seaport employees, representatives of foreign companies, etc. The paper presents the conceptual provisions of A. Bandura, the founder of the theory of self-efficiency, its role and importance in person’s life as well as those of J. Caprari and D. Servon, D. Matsumoto (communication), educators (self-efficiency), (communicative self-efficiency) in the context of importance and the need to develop and form these phenomena for improving the quality of the training aimed at future navigators in higher education institutions of maritime profile. The phenomenon “communicative self-efficiency of the future navigators” has been defined; its essence and structure have been considered, the latter consisting of three components: reflexive (self-identification with navigators as model professionals, the presence of adequate self-assessment of their own actions in the field of professional communication, a stable reflexive position), cognitive-operational (awareness of the communicative sphere of maritime professional activity, skills, professional communication abilities); affective-behavioural (confidence in the possibility of productive communication in professional activities, emotionality, activity, responsibility, ability to self-regulate and self-sustain). The forms and methods for the formation of communicative self-efficiency of cadets of marine universities involved into the experiment have been presented: reflective workshop, keeping a reflective diary, which gave the cadet the opportunity to conduct self-analysis of their own professional actions and enhance self-understanding regarding the presence of the necessary professional personal qualities for performing their future professional activities effectively and building a positive Self-concept of the future navigator; the organizing dialogue “The role of the reflective component in developing future navigators’ communicative self-efficiency”, the technology “Developing confidence in self-efficiency and productive communication of future navigators in their future independent professional activities”, the training module “Communication skills”, etc. Keywords: communication, self-efficiency, communicative self-efficiency, future navigator, marine higher educational institution.

Y. Chernykh ◽  
O. Chernykh

The article examines the quality of training of cadets – the graduates of higher military educational institutions and military educational units of higher education institutions (hereinafter – HMEI). The quality of training is assessed by future officers as the main components of their own competencies. The main factors contributing to the improvement of the quality of military specialists’ training are analyzed.In order to assess the quality of training of military specialists during the implementation of research work among graduates of HMEI, a sociological study has been conducted. The main attention is paid to the problem of identifying the current state of the quality of training of military specialists and the identification of factors that will increase the effectiveness of the educational process in the HMEI. The sample was taken in seven leading HMEI: National Army Academy, Kharkiv National Air Force University, Military Academy (Odesa), Institute of Armored Forces of National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Zhytomyr Military Institute, the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informatization, Military Institute of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.The quality of training of military specialists was considered from the point of view of graduates’ self-examination, namely: awareness of their own professionalism; possibilities of realization of individual abilities and inclinations; mastering the methodology of self-education, self-improvement; psychological readiness for professional activity; competence; ability to perform employment duties in the troops successfully.When planning a sociological study, all questions were brought together into five main blocks: socio-demographic characteristics of respondents; level of readiness of graduates to perform employment duties in troops, forces (the formation of appropriate competencies); changes (directions of improvement) in the content and methods of studying in HMEI offered by graduates to improve the quality of their own training; organizational measures that, in future officers’ opinion, should be used to improve the quality of training of military specialists; factors that are more of a concern for graduates after completing their studies;Key words: quality of training, professional competence, graduate of higher military educational institution, sociological survey

Iryna Usatova ◽  
Vadym Tkachenko ◽  
Artem Vedmediuk

In the article on the basis of scientific and pedagogical sources the ways of perfection of the system of professional education with the purpose of preparing the future specialist for the practical realization of the idea of health saving of the nation at all stages of educational activity are analyzed and solved. New approaches to the development of the content, forms and methods of professional training of specialists of the new formation, as well as introduction of the modern technologies in the educational process of higher educational institutions are studied. It is noted that the educational process should be transformed in the direction of individualization of educational interaction, learning, formation of creative thinking and increase of independent work of students. It is characterized that a specialist-innovator is the bearer of specific innovations, their creator, modifier, it has wide possibilities and has an unlimited field of activity, since in practice it is convinced of the efficiency of existing technologies and teaching methods and can correct them, carry out research work, develop new methods and technology. The focus of this activity is the innovative potential of a future specialist. The directions of introduction into the educational process of modern technologies are revealed, where the teacher becomes more and more the functions of a consultant, counselor, mentor, since in professional activity not only special subject knowledge is realized, but also modern knowledge in the field of pedagogy and psychology, acmeology, technology of education and upbringing. In the course of scientific research, the preconditions for creating a concept for forming the readiness of future specialists for the implementation of innovation as the basis for improving the educational process, the essence of which is the introduction of modern tools and methods into the traditional system of education, is outlined. the pedagogical conditions of effective use of health-saving technologies are formulated, essential characteristics and stages of training of future specialists in educational institutions are highlighted; substantiated the basic provisions, the observance of which provides the training of specialists of the new formation to the implementation of healthcare-saving technologies. It is emphasized that in the educational space of a higher educational institution it is necessary to create conditions that will promote the formation of the right attitude of health professionals to the health of the future as the main value of the person that will significantly stimulate their reflective activity and awareness of personal responsibility for the health of their pupils.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 44-48
O. Pahnevskaya ◽  
A. Romanchenko ◽  
M. Romanchenko

The article reveals the main problems of organizing mentoring in a secondary vocational educational institution, suggests ways to solve these shortcomings on the example of the Novosibirsk College of Food Industry and Processing. The situation of staffing of regional enterprises is highlighted, mentoring is analyzed as the activity of educational institutions and enterprises in solving problematic issues related to providing enterprises with in-demand specialists. The promising areas of activity and efforts of employers and educational institutions in terms of introducing the institution of mentoring are determined and evaluated. The potential for improving the efficiency of the educational process as a priority task of modern society is analyzed.

Nataliya Holovko ◽  
Anna Cherepakha

This article explores the problematic form of students, higher education institutions, a responsible attitude to learning. The concept of motivation from the point of view of scientists, the problem of preventing student motivation, emotions, as well as all the motivations that are in the port, and we who provide recommendations to students, as well as the responsibility for training. The professional formation of a young person during studying at a higher educational institution is an important stage in its socialization, where the leading kind of activity becomes educational-professional. Motivation is one of the leading factors in successful learning. But its features and inefficiencies differ at different stages of the educational process through which students go. From the first to the last course education and professional activity and its change of motivation. Experimentally investigated features of the motivation of learning in institutions of higher education of applicants of various courses, found dynamic changes in the dominant motives of learning in a specially organized impact. The results suggest that the motivation of students to succeed during the academic period tends to increase. Their educational activity is influenced by the system of internal motives, which ensures the effective assimilation of the future specialty.

2021 ◽  
Vol 45 (3) ◽  
pp. 46-72

This study aimed to identify the difficulties that parents of students in the elementary stage faced during their distance learning and to identify statistical differences according to the study variables. The researcher used the descriptive method and prepared a questionnaire that included 22 items consisting of three subscales. The participants comprised a total of 456 parents of elementary school students in the Eastern Region, Riyadh, and Asir. The results showed the difficulties were at a high level, and the difficulties were in the following order: the organizational difficulties related to the learning environment, the difficulties related to the educational process, and the difficulties associated with technology. The results also showed statistically significant differences due to the gender, region, age, and educational level variable and that there were not statistically significant differences due to the number of children variable. The researcher recommends the necessity of intensifying efforts from educational institutions to prepare for distance education especially for the elementary stage and providing courses at the elementary stage using distance education to develop study skills and self-learning. Keywords: Distance learning, elementary stage, parents of pupils

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (6) ◽  
pp. 56-68
О. В. Бутурліна ◽  
Т. В. Лисоколенко ◽  
С. А. Довгаль

The article is devoted to the research of trends and mechanisms of STEM-innovations implementationin Ukraine. STEM – a series or sequence of educational programs designed to solve the problem of thescientific and engineering specialists lack for high-tech industries and raise the competitiveness of thestate. It is a priority in state policy towards economy strengthening and state social order to the educationalsector. Consequently, relevance of STEM in the modern European institutional space is beyond doubt. Inthis regard, attention is focused on measuring the understanding of STEM and its essence, on the prospectsand difficulties of implementing these social technologies in Ukrainian realities. The paper presents theresults of quantitative research conducted on the basis of author’s methodologies, members of teachingstaff, student youth, expert group and parents of high school students. On the basis of conducted monitoringresults calculation, comparing the answers of different categories of respondents, the authors attempt tosummarize the STEM technologies state in modern Ukrainian society and come to the conclusion that theimplementation of relevant innovations contributes to the dissemination of dialogue among all participantsin the educational process, parents and potential employers. Conducted research makes it possible to statethe following. Educators of experimental educational institutions have a sufficiently high level of motivationto innovate, open to cooperation and understand the importance of innovations in the modern Ukrainianschool. STEM topics of interest to students are clearly outlined. Therefore, the majorities of polled studentssupport the STEM direction and understand its prospects but do not understand in what sphere and wherethey will work in the future, even choosing the STEM profession. The results of the study showed thatmodern parents are motivated to influence the future profession choice their own children. However, thedirect parents’ influence on the future profession choosing is limited because a significant number of highschool students have their own opinion on this issue, which is in part or does not coincide, with parents.STEM innovations create a new space for a steady dialogue between educators, parents and employers forthe development of the economies of the states and engage youth in STEM industry.

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