Contrapuntal Probes As a Special Type of a Music Manuscript

2021 ◽  
pp. 57-82
М.Л. Монич

В середине 1870-х — начале 1880-х годов С. И. Танеев, воодушевленный идеей поиска «русского стиля», активно пополняет теоретические знания в области контрапункта и практикуется в полифонической работе с национальным мелодическим материалом: песенным фольклором и православными церковными напевами. В результате этой деятельности появляются многочисленные рукописи с контрапунктическими опытами, направленными не только на самообучение, но и на создание музыкальных произведений. Материалом для настоящей статьи стали документы указанного периода творчества композитора — черновые автографы к неоконченному циклу хоровых обработок причастных стихов и к Увертюре на русскую тему, хранящиеся в архиве Государственного мемориального музыкального музея-заповедника П. И. Чайковского в Клину. Танеев работает с напевами причастных стихов и трех песен «Про татарский полон» особым образом: многократно и последовательно испытывает каждый сегмент мелодии различными видами контрапунктической техники, в результате чего получает обширный комплект в основном имитационных, но также неимитационных построений и построений, совмещающих оба вида. Для своего времени танеевский метод и порождаемый им графический текст достаточно специфичны. Подобный тип рукописей предлагается обозначить термином контрапунктические пробы. Ориентируясь на форму, скрепленную полифонической техникой, композитор создает текст, имеющий сходство с уже атрибутированными в отечественной музыкальной текстологии образцами композиционных рукописей: набросками, эскизами, черновиками, учебными работами. Тем не менее, танеевские штудии принципиально от них отличаются и нуждаются в более точном описании и определении. In the mid 1870-s — beginning of 1880-s Sergey Taneev, inspired by the idea of the “Russian style,” began to replenish his theoretical knowledge in the field on counterpoint and to practice polyphonic writing based on national melodic material: folk songs and Orthodox church chants. These studies resulted in numerous manuscript fragments, the purpose of which was not just self-training but there were also drafts for future pieces. The article is based on the documents from this period, including the drafts for unfinished choir arrangements of communion verses and an Overture on the Russian Theme, from the archive of Pyotr I. Tchaikovsky’s Museum in Klin. The way Taneev works with the melodies of the communion verses as well as the songs “About the Tatar Captivity” is very particular: he tries each segment of the melody multiple times consistently applying different types of contrapuntal technique; this resulted in a large set of imitative and non-imitative fragments as well as fragments in which both types of polyphony are combined. For Taneev’s time, such a method and the generated graphic text are unique. We would suggest introducing a term contrapuntal probes to describe it. These texts, determined by the polyphonic forms and techniques, are in many ways similar to the drafts, sketches, and exercises by Taneev which have already been thoroughly examined by Russian specialists. However, there are also essential differences, which implies a more precise and specific description and classification.

2020 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 45-56
Abigail Nieves Delgado

The current overproduction of images of faces in digital photographs and videos, and the widespread use of facial recognition technologies have important effects on the way we understand ourselves and others. This is because facial recognition technologies create new circulation pathways of images that transform portraits and photographs into material for potential personal identification. In other words, different types of images of faces become available to the scrutiny of facial recognition technologies. In these new circulation pathways, images are continually shared between many different actors who use (or abuse) them for different purposes. Besides this distribution of images, the categorization practices involved in the development and use of facial recognition systems reinvigorate physiognomic assumptions and judgments (e.g., about beauty, race, dangerousness). They constitute the framework through which faces are interpreted. This paper shows that, because of this procedure, facial recognition technologies introduce new and far-reaching »facialization« processes, which reiterate old discriminatory practices.

Eva Steiner

This chapter introduces the main constitutional institutions and mechanism governing France, taking into account the major overhaul of the 1958 Constitution in 2008. It also shows that legislation is the primary source of law in France, that there are different types of legislation, and that legislative sources are organised hierarchically. Moreover, the chapter also considers, within the constitutional framework, the legislative process and examines the way in which bills are drafted. It also seeks to familiarise readers with the layout of a French statute. In addition, this chapter shows that much of French law though not all of it is codified. Codification is a particular legislative technique common to most civil law systems.

Konrad Huber

The chapter first surveys different types of figurative speech in Revelation, including simile, metaphor, symbol, and narrative image. Second, it considers the way images are interrelated in the narrative world of the book. Third, it notes how the images draw associations from various backgrounds, including biblical and later Jewish sources, Greco-Roman myths, and the imperial cult, and how this enriches the understanding of the text. Fourth, the chapter looks at the rhetorical impact of the imagery on readers and stresses in particular its evocative, persuasive, and parenetic function together with its emotional effect. And fifth, it looks briefly at the way reception history shows how the imagery has engaged readers over time. Thus, illustrated by numerous examples, it becomes clear how essentially the imagery of the book of Revelation constitutes and determines its theological message.

2018 ◽  
Vol 130 (4) ◽  
pp. 141-156
Corneliu C. Simuț

In December 1989, Communism died in Romania—if not as mentality, it surely met its demise as a political system which had dominated almost every aspect of life in the country for over four decades. Thus, at least in theory, an ideological vacuum was created and concrete steps towards filling it with different values and convictions were supposed to be taken as early as possible. The Romanian Eastern Orthodox Church seized the opportunity and initiated a series of measures which eventually created a distinct perception about what culture, ethnicity, and religion were supposed to mean for whoever identified himself as Romanian. This paper investigates these ideological attempts to decontaminate Romania of its former Communist mentalities by resorting to the concept of ecodomy seen as ‘constructive process’ and the way it can be applied to how the Romanian Eastern Orthodox Church dealt with culture, ethnicity, and religion. In the end, it will be demonstrated that while decommunistization was supposed to be constructive and positive, it proved to be so only for the Romanians whose national identity was defined by their adherence to the Romanian Eastern Orthodox Church and its perspective on culture, ethnicity, and religion. For all other Romanian citizens, however, decommunistization was a process of ‘negative ecodomy’ because their cultural ideas, ethnic origin, or religious convictions were perceived as non-Romanian and non-Orthodox. In attempting to reach decommunistization therefore, the Romanian majority still tends to be xenophobic and even anti-Muslim, as plainly demonstrated by the Bucharest mosque scandal which rocked the country in the summer of 2015.

2008 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9 ◽  
Janaina P. Araújo ◽  
Antonio Souto ◽  
Lena Geise ◽  
Maria Elisabeth Araújo

There is still little knowledge about the behavior of the estuarine dolphins and also the way they react to the presence of different types of vessels. The aim of the present study was twofold: to investigate the behavior of estuarine dolphins in four locations in Pernambuco, Brazil, and also their reaction to the presence of common types of nautical crafts. The data of this study resulted from 48 fieldtrips to each of the four localities studied (ports of Recife and Suape, and beaches of Bairro Novo and Piedade), thus totaling 192 days of observations, with approximately 380 hours of actual sampling. Ten types of behavioral activities were counted for Bairro Novo beach and the port areas, but only four for Piedade beach. The greatest flows of boats were recorded in the port of Recife. Fishing boats were the commonest type in the port area of Recife and Bairro Novo beach, while tourist vessels predominated in the port of Suape and Piedade beach. During the observations of encounters between these boats and the estuarine dolphins, neutral reactions predominated for all the vessel types studied. The same type of reaction predominated when the distances at which the interactions between the animals and vessels occurred were correlated.

2020 ◽  
Vol 69 ◽  
pp. 36-44
Yarema Kravets’ ◽  

Purpose: The article is devoted to the Sorbian studies work of the Italian Slavic scholar of Lusatian origin Wolfango Giusti (1901-1980) “The Folk Lusatian Serbian Song” (1926), totally unknown in Ukrainian Slavic scholars’ circles. The author of a large number of Sorbian studies publications printed in the 1920s and 1930s in the pages of Italian Slavic editions, he became a true popularizer of Lusatian culture, and his works found a special reverberation in the research papers of authoritative Sorbian scholars. W. Giusti’s name as researcher and translator has recently been more frequently mentioned in Slavistic publications, his interest in Ukrainian poetry, esp. in the 1920s, is written about. The interest in W. Giusti’s literary legacy is linked, in particular, to his being interested in T. Shevchenko’s and M. Shashkevych’s lyrics. In the research under analysis, the Italian scholar stressed that “the soul of the Lusatian people has found its best and fullest expression in their folk song”. Also mentioned by W. Giusti were Ukrainian folk songs, rich in their multi-genre samples. Results: The paper presents a classification of the most characteristic folk songs, the classification coming to be basis-providing for the Italian scholar: W. Giusti relied on authoritative research papers, including those by the scholars K. Fiedler and B. Krawc. The Italian Slavicist acquaints us with songs of love between brother and sister, love songs about the way of life of the whole people, songs resonating with the motif of fidelity. Neither has the literary scholar bypassed the issue of the neighbouring peoples’ influence experienced by Lusatian culture, particularly that of a Germanic culture, providing some examples of a “spiritual analogy” with German folk songs. W. Giusti completed his short essay by promising to offer the reader, before long, “other genres of the extremely rich Lusatian folklore”. The promise came to be fulfilled as early as the next year, in the work published under the title “Folk Lusatian Serbian Songs”. Key words: Lusatian folklore, Wolfango Giusti, folk song, motif of fidelity/infidelity, dramatic mood, classification of songs, aspects of “Wendish” folklore, Germanic influence.

Rikke Gottfredsen

ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Mindfulness is a phenomenon increasingly attracting interest in Denmark. It is offered by many different types of providers. This research categorizes in a complete sample of mindfulness providers in Aarhus the way in which these providers communicate their affiliation with mindfulness as respectively Buddhism, spirituality or a-religious technique. This is done using the criteria’s authorization, text reference and visual reference. The article's research shows that mindfulness is offered as a-religious technique, but claims simultaneously, based on Hornborg and Durkheim, that even this alleged a-religiosity can be considered religious.DANSK RESUMÉ: Mindfulness er et fænomen i vækst. Den udbydes af mange forskellige typer af udbydere. Denne undersøgelse kategoriserer i et komplet sample af mindfulness-udbydere i Aarhus måden hvorpå disse udbydere kommunikerer deres tilhørsforhold til mindfulness som henholdsvis buddhisme, spiritualitet eller a-religiøs teknik. Dette gøres ved hjælp af kriterier inden for autorisation, tekst- og visuelle referencer. Artiklens undersøgelse viser, at mindfulness udbydes som a-religiøs teknik, men hævder samtidigt med udgangspunkt i Hornborg og Durkheim, at selv denne påståede a-religiøsitet kan kaldes religiøs.

Muzikologija ◽  
2004 ◽  
pp. 121-152
Vesna Peno

In notated collections of Serbian church hymns from the 19th and 20th century there are, among others, communion songs with texts that were not regulated by the Typicon. These so-called "arbitrary communion songs" have been very popular in the recent tradition of Serbian church chanting. They have been gradually pushing out the hymns that are regulated for singing on concrete days and feasts during the church year. Analysis of possible influences that determined the way texts and the melodies delved into the recent Serbian church chanting follows two possible directions. The first commenced from late-Byzantine singing tradition; more specifically, from a group of songs that although based on liturgical texts, were performed in extra-liturgical occasions. These are calophonic irmoi which were composed by a great number of known late-Byzantine masters of singing. The second direction had its beginning in Russian spiritual music that generated a new melodic genre kant, based on western models. The majority of those compositions have freely written spiritual texts, too, and not part of the liturgy. Kanti were, namely, singing numbers in liturgical dramas - theatrical pieces with Christian historical themes. The majority of arbitrary communion hymns from Serbian collections have texts from the psalms or use texts for irmoi of specific canons. There is only one text that does not belong to the output of church hymnography. In spite of that, the melodies of the analyzed hymns reflect the presence of traditional compositional procedures characteristic of late-Byzantine and Serbian traditions. On either side, they possess atypical musical phrases that relate them to the the kanti. The usage of paraliturgical songs instead of communion hymns is commentated upon from the liturgic aspect also. That song belongs to the central part of the Liturgy and most fundamental during the service of the Orthodox church. Therefore the deviation in Serbian practice from the rules that define its place and role demonstrate the distancing from the tradition, raises a fundamental question: is liturgical meaning being compromised.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 192-203
Martin Holubčík ◽  
Jakub Soviar

Abstract Modern controlling is an interdisciplinary field that allows management to manage properly, thereby creating the basis for good decision-making. Logistics operations in smart companies need to be not only properly set up, but also properly controlled and improved. The purpose of the article is to analyze the controlling environment in a selected company and point out possible improvements in logistics activities and devices, with a view to preventing different types of problems. For this purpose, observations of the internal logistics processes in a selected company were used and quantified to assess its internal state. On the basis of the data, controlling measures are put forward to improve the management of the company’s logistics activities. The results of the research highlight the opportunities that exist through controlling activities to collect and analyze information about the logistics activities of a company. By doing so, employees can be given greater responsibility for the fulfilment of their tasks and contribute to the streamlining of logistics processes. For managers, the implementation of controlling represents a change in the way of thinking and managing a company.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 4919-4922
Shilpa Patil ◽  
Ajikya Bahulekar

Acute infections of the nervous system are among the hugest issues in the medicine considering the way that early affirmation, gainful dynamic and speedy association of the treatment can be lifesaving. Standard routine assessment of CSF in meningitis doesn't commonly give speedy definitive information without a doubt. Therefore there was need for additional tests. The present study conducted in Department of Medicine. The study included clinical appraisal and CSF assessment of 65 occurrences of meningitis. Lumbar cut was done in each consistent case and CSF was assembled in sterile containers.In majority cases of meningitis sugar less than two third of blood sugars, and majority of TBM cases had sugar level between 40-60 mg%. Higher cell count was seen in pyogenic meningitis cases. In context to LDH levels among the different types of meningitis, significant increased CSF LDH levels was observed in TBM and PM as compared to VM and CM but no noteworthy distinction between TBM and PM. Overall conclusion of study was that estimation of CSF LDH levels is not only supplementary aid but diagnostic and differentiating aid for meningitis.

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