scholarly journals An Explanation About Canonical Forms and Real Molecule in Resonance Theory, Through Instructors Own Sketches Analogy

faiz ahmed

<p>In elementary chemistry courses students often demonstrate difficulty with real understanding of Resonance Theory i.e. canonical structure vs. real molecule difference, so unanswered puerile questions during lecture made the subject boring. Particularly students unable to understand the difference between a real microscopic moiety and it’s proposed sketch or model at early stages of their learning. In such situations use of suitable analogy other than the subject area make the teaching more effective. Using an analogy from the daily life act as a powerful tool to explain curious questions efficiently to develop the interest of the students in subject. Sharing of personal experiences and analogies among scientific community is an effective way to spread scientific knowledge magnificently.<br></p>

2020 ◽  
faiz ahmed

<p>In elementary chemistry courses students often demonstrate difficulty with real understanding of Resonance Theory i.e. canonical structure vs. real molecule difference, so unanswered puerile questions during lecture made the subject boring. Particularly students unable to understand the difference between a real microscopic moiety and it’s proposed sketch or model at early stages of their learning. In such situations use of suitable analogy other than the subject area make the teaching more effective. Using an analogy from the daily life act as a powerful tool to explain curious questions efficiently to develop the interest of the students in subject. Sharing of personal experiences and analogies among scientific community is an effective way to spread scientific knowledge magnificently.<br></p>

2020 ◽  
faiz ahmed

<p>In elementary chemistry courses students often demonstrate difficulty with real understanding of Resonance Theory i.e. canonical structure vs. real molecule difference, so unanswered puerile questions during lecture made the subject boring. In such situations use of suitable analogy other than the subject area make the teaching more effective. Using an analogy from the daily life act as a powerful tool to explain curious questions efficiently to develop the interest of the students in subject. Sharing of personal experiences and analogies among scientific community is an effective way to spread scientific knowledge magnificently.</p>

2020 ◽  
faiz ahmed

<p>In elementary chemistry courses students often demonstrate difficulty with real understanding of Resonance Theory i.e. canonical structure vs. real molecule difference, so unanswered puerile questions during lecture made the subject boring. In such situations use of suitable analogy other than the subject area make the teaching more effective. Using an analogy from the daily life act as a powerful tool to explain curious questions efficiently to develop the interest of the students in subject. Sharing of personal experiences and analogies among scientific community is an effective way to spread scientific knowledge magnificently.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 57 (3) ◽  
pp. 60-74
Tatiana D. Sokolova ◽  

The article is devoted to the analysis of research approaches and attitudes to the study of the a priori in the philosophy of science. In the first part, I outline the basic premises of this study: (a) scientific knowledge as the highest manifestation of rationality; (b) the normative nature of scientific knowledge. In the second part, I turn to the difference in the subject of philosophical research on the history of science – the history of science as a “history of facts” vs the history of science as a history of scientific thought. The third part discusses the main theoretical and technical difficulty associated with changing the subject of research – the possibility of a transition from historical fact to “scientific thought at the time of its birth” (in Helene Metzger terminology). The forth part is devoted to the analysis of the “model approach” (Arianna Betti, Hein van den Berg) in philosophy as a possible way to overcome this difficulty and includes both theoretical and technical aspects of the future direction of research. In conclusion, consequences are drawn about the possibility of using the “model approach” for reconstruction a priori in the history of science as “constitutive elements of scientific knowledge” (David Stump).

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Nurika Mauliyah ◽  
Arif Wahyudi

This research was conducted in Rejoso village, Binangun sub-district, Blitar district, with research object of sugar cane farmers there. This study aims to find out how the behavior of farmers in Rejoso Village about financing in the management of sugar cane, especially in financing behavior of the plant of sugarcane. In Rejoso village, plant of sugarcane is only done once in the period of 5 to 10 years because once planting sugarcane can be harvested many times even up to 10 times the harvest. The type of research used is qualitative research using Ethnomethodology method. Ethnomethodology is a study of how people create and understand their everyday life and the way they complete daily life. The subject for ethno methodology is not primitive tribal people but people of various situations in our own society. In this study, the subject of research is the sugar cane farmers in the Rejoso Village, Binangun District, Blitar. Data obtained by interview technique then result of the interview then analyzed to know how financing behavior of the plant of sugarcane. Based on the research results obtained from analyzing the results of interviews with sugar cane farmers in Rejoso Village that the financing behavior of the plant of sugarcane is vary depending on each individual. The difference in behavior lies in how to obtain sugar cane seeds, how to prepare the land and how to plant seeds of sugar cane.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Nurika Mauliyah ◽  
Arif Wahyudi

This research was conducted in Rejoso village, Binangun sub-district, Blitar district, with research object of sugar cane farmers there. This study aims to find out how the behavior of farmers in Rejoso Village about financing in the management of sugar cane, especially in financing behavior of the plant of sugarcane. In Rejoso village, plant of sugarcane is only done once in the period of 5 to 10 years because once planting sugarcane can be harvested many times even up to 10 times the harvest. The type of research used is qualitative research using Ethnomethodology method. Ethnomethodology is a study of how people create and understand their everyday life and the way they complete daily life. The subject for ethno methodology is not primitive tribal people but people of various situations in our own society. In this study, the subject of research is the sugar cane farmers in the Rejoso Village, Binangun District, Blitar. Data obtained by interview technique then result of the interview then analyzed to know how financing behavior of the plant of sugarcane. Based on the research results obtained from analyzing the results of interviews with sugar cane farmers in Rejoso Village that the financing behavior of the plant of sugarcane is vary depending on each individual. The difference in behavior lies in how to obtain sugar cane seeds, how to prepare the land and how to plant seeds of sugar cane.

Marcos Eduardo Miranda Santos ◽  
Karina Cristina Silva Braga

Maranhão is one of the Brazilian states with the highest prevalence and new cases of leprosy, being therefore a hyperendemic state. Being a problem that can be aided with help of the educational mechanisms of health in classroom that become important to promote the participation of students in the knowledge process, discussion about the disease and contribute to its prevention and early diagnosis. In this context, the present study aimed to present the importance and the need to approach the themes related to health and daily life of students, as well as make a survey of the knowledge they bring to the classroom about leprosy theme. Two schools were analyzed, one from the state network and one from the private network, with application of questionnaires and subsequent lectures on the subject for clarification and doubts. The results obtained confirmed that students have low scientific knowledge about leprosy. In relation to the presence of the subject prejudice, we obtained relatively high indexes. Referring to advertising campaigns they were considered limited, for only revealing information about the initial symptoms of the disease, being able to treat aspects of prophylaxis, contagion, treatment and physical incapacities related directly to the disease.

2012 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-175 ◽  
Kristīne Dreija

The title and contents of this article have emerged after trying to summarize international scientific knowledge and theory, regulations by relevant international organizations, as well as several national legislative provisions issued in the area of development of historical landscapes, environment and sites. Various definitions related to the subject, changing and newly introduced terminology have originally caused some embarrassment and provoked a series of questions, such as: who is who and what is the difference? In this respect, a historical garden or park as a significant area is defined as a ‘Living Monument’, ‘Tangible Heritage’ or even ‘Intangible Heritage’, because there is no doubt that the garden is a dynamic and ever changing environment. The applied terminology and definitions on historical gardens and parks are also undoubtedly related to the issues of heritage awareness. Differences in the national legislations are significant too, whereas historical gardens and parks are classified both, as architecture and natural monuments and heritage immovable property. An analysis at the theoretical level of the legislation and scientific statements provided in conclusion gives a certain insight into the significance of each projective aspect in the planning development of the historical gardens and parks and forms the base for further relevant issue researches. Santrauka Straipsnio pavadinimas ir turinys susiformavo apibendrinant mokslines žinias ir teoriją tarptautiniu mastu, tarptautinių organizacijų teisinį reglamentavimą, taip pat kelis nacionalinius teisės aktus, reguliuojančius istorinio kraštovaizdžio, aplinkos ar vietovės kaitą. Įvairūs susiję apibrėžimai, besikeičianti ir atnaujinama terminologija iš pradžių kelia sumišimą ir nemažai klausimų: kas yra kas ir kokie skirtumai? Šiuo atžvilgiu istorinis sodas ar parkas, kaip reikšminga teritorija, apibrėžiama kaip gyvas paminklas, materialusis paveldas ar net kaip nematerialusis paveldas, nes nėra abejonių, kad sodas yra dinamiška ir nuolat kintanti aplinka. Probleminė yra istoriniams sodams ir parkams taikoma terminija ir paveldo sampratos apibrėžimai. Akivaizdžių skirtumų esama valstybių teisės aktuose, kur istoriniai sodai ir parkai klasifikuojami kaip architektūros ar gamtos paminklai ar nekilnojama kultūros vertybė, atitinkamai skirtingai reglamentuojant. Teorinio teisės aktų ir mokslinės minties tyrimo apibendrinimas leidžia suvokti kiekvieno projektavimo aspekto svarbą istorinių sodų ir parkų plėtrai ir yra tolesnių aktualių tyrimų atspirtis.

Dmitriy A. Babichev

The article discusses a number of conceptual provisions devoted to the definition of a decision-making mechanism. The author analyses the terms "mechanism" and "decision making" developed by representatives of different areas (branches) of scientific knowledge – philosophy, psychology, cybernetics, sociology, control theory. The opinions proposed by the scientific community regarding the stages (elements) of the decision-making mechanism are studied. Such an approach made it possible to establish the broad and narrow values of the decision-making mechanism: a specific institution of a specific field of activity, consisting of elements; local interaction procedures, consisting of operations to achieve the set goal. A general analysis of the reviewed scientific studies allowed the author refracting the results obtained in the course of the research into the sphere of prosecutorial oversight of the legality of the operational-search activity. The concept and elements of the mechanism for making operational-search decisions are proposed. We formulated provisions reflecting the attitude of the mechanism for making operational-search decisions to the subject of prosecutorial oversight.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 13-16
V.G. Kuznetsov ◽  

The paper examines the problem of the criteria for the scientific nature of humanitarian knowledge and its demarcation from natural science. The goal is to determine the specifics of the humanities. The author proposes to discuss the texts as a subject of the humanities. The classical understanding of the text presents it as written works, taken in different genres of literature. Cognitive strategies for studying such texts are called textual methodologies. It is impossible to give a general justification for all the humanities with this approach. Therefore, author proposes to consider an expanded understanding of texts as outwardly objectified results of a person’s spiritual activity. Such an extension will allow to explore a vast subject area, which will include classical texts. With this approach, the category of “understanding” becomes the central unifying category. It is also subject to the creation of a comprehensive understanding methodology capable of explaining the difference be­tween the humanities and the natural sciences. The subject universality of the textual nature of the humanities makes possible the “transfer” of hermeneutical methodology to the whole world of humanitarian culture.

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