Mikhail P. Odesskii ◽  

The article analyzes the publicistic function of the state triumphs in Russian culture. In Peter the First’s epoch those public spectacles were actively used to formalize the new Imperial ideology. Their component element was panegyric dramas, which were prepared in religious schools. In those panegyric dramas Peter the First was compared to ancient heroes, and Russia was glorified as a new type of state (empire).

2018 ◽  
pp. 882-891
Mikhail A. Kiselev ◽  

This is the first publication of the journal-book kept by famous Russian statesman and historian Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev from February 10 to April 2, 1734, after his appointment director of the Urals state-owned metallurgical plants. This document allows to clarify the circumstances of V. N Tatishchev's appointment to the Urals, including its date. According to the document, it was made on February 10 by oral order of the Empress. Immediately afterwards Vasily Nikitich plunged into planning his trip assisted by cabinet-ministers A. I. Osterman, A. M. Cherkassky, and president of the Commerce-Collegium P. P. Shafirov. The journal-book allows to reconstruct the flow of communication within the bureaucratic elite in 1730s. It also shows that internal documentation (minutes and registers) of the Cabinet of Ministers does not fully reflect its activities. It indicates that the Empress took a most active part and interest in Tatishchev’s appointment and his sending away; she thus sought to keep under her personal control all most important state affairs, including management of metallurgical plants. The document is of interest for studying history of Russian culture of the 18th century, as it contains some information about translator and writer K. A. Kondratovich and historian P. N. Krekshin. It intimates that Kondratovich was exiled to the Urals with Tatishchev by oral order from Anna Ioannovna. To this, there is no other documentary evidence, and therefore, Kondratovich attempted to mystify the circumstances of his exile to the Urals and to bury the fact in oblivion. The document is stored in the State Archive of the Sverdlovsk Region, Ekaterinburg.

2014 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 283-298 ◽  
Abdul Ghani Imad

The problematic addressed in this article is the challenge initiated by the Arab revolutions to reform the Arab political system in such a way as to facilitate the incorporation of ‘democracy’ at the core of its structure. Given the profound repercussions, this issue has become the most serious matter facing the forces of change in the Arab world today; meanwhile, it forms the most prominent challenge and the most difficult test confronting Islamists. The Islamist phenomenon is not an alien implant that descended upon us from another planet beyond the social context or manifestations of history. Thus it cannot but be an expression of political, cultural, and social needs and crises. Over the years this phenomenon has presented, through its discourse, an ideological logic that falls within the context of ‘advocacy’; however, today Islamists find themselves in office, and in a new context that requires them to produce a new type of discourse that pertains to the context of a ‘state’. Political participation ‘tames’ ideology and pushes political actors to rationalize their discourse in the face of daily political realities and the necessity of achievement. The logic of advocacy differs from that of the state: in the case of advocacy, ideology represents an enriching asset, whereas in the case of the state, it constitutes a heavy burden. This is one reason why so much discourse exists within religious jurisprudence related to interest or necessity or balancing outcomes. This article forms an epilogue to the series of articles on religion and the state published in previous issues of this journal. It adopts the methodologies of ‘discourse analysis’ and ‘case studies’ in an attempt to examine the arguments presented by Islamists under pressure from the opposition. It analyses the experiences, and the constraints, that inhibit the production of a ‘model’, and monitors the development of the discourse, its structure, and transformations between advocacy, revolution and the state.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-69
Magdalena Ujma

Abstract An analysis of the relationship between Jan III Sobieski and the people he distinguished shows that there were many mutual benefits. Social promotion was more difficult if the candidate for the office did not come from a senatorial family34. It can be assumed that, especially in the case of Atanazy Walenty Miączyński, the economic activity in the Sobieski family was conducive to career development. However, the function of the plenipotentiary was not a necessary condition for this. Not all the people distinguished by Jan III Sobieski achieved the same. More important offices were entrusted primarily to Marek Matczyński. Stanisław Zygmunt Druszkiewicz’s career was definitely less brilliant. Druszkiewicz joined the group of senators thanks to Jan III, and Matczyński and Szczuka received ministerial offices only during the reign of Sobieski. Jan III certainly counted on the ability to manage a team of people acquired by his comrades-in-arms in the course of his military service. However, their other advantage was also important - good orientation in political matters and exerting an appropriate influence on the nobility. The economic basis of the magnate’s power is an issue that requires more extensive research. This issue was primarily of interest to historians dealing with latifundia in the 18th century. This was mainly due to the source material. Latifundial documentation was kept much more regularly in the 18th century than before and is well-organized. The economic activity of the magnate was related not only to the internal organization of landed estates. It cannot be separated from the military, because the goal of the magnate’s life was politics and, very often, also war. Despite its autonomy, the latifundium wasn’t isolated. Despite the existence of the decentralization process of the state, the magnate families remained in contact with the weakening center of the state and influenced changes in its social structure. The actual strength of the magnate family was determined not only by the area of land goods, but above all by their profitability, which depended on several factors: geographic location and natural conditions, the current situation on the economic market, and the management method adopted by the magnate. In the 17th century, crisis phenomena, visible in demography, agricultural and crafts production, money and trade, intensified. In these realities, attempts by Jan III Sobieski to reconstruct the lands destroyed by the war and to introduce military rigor in the management center did not bring the expected results. Sobieski, however, introduced “new people” to the group of senators, who implemented his policy at the sejmiks and the Parliament, participated in military expeditions and managed his property.

1967 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 170-188
Alexander Lipski

It is generally accepted that even though rationalism was predominant during the eighteenth century, a significant mystical trend was simultaneously present. Thus it was not only the Age of Voltaire, Diderot, and Holbach, but also the Age of St. Martin, Eckartshausen and Madame Guyon. With increased Western influence on Russia, it was natural that Russia too would be affected by these contrary currents. The reforms of Peter the Great, animated by a utilitarian spirit, had brought about a secularization of Russian culture. Father Florovsky aptly summed up the state of mind of the Russian nobility as a result of the Petrine Revolution: “The consciousness of these new people had been extroverted to an extreme degree.” Some of the “new people,” indifferent to their previous Weltanschauung, Orthodoxy, adopted the philosophy of the Enlightenment, “Volter'ianstvo” (Voltairism). But “Volter'ianstvo” with its cult of reason and belief in a remote creator of the “world machine,“ did not permanently satisfy those with deeper religious longings. While conventional Orthodoxy, with its emphasis on external rites, could not fill the spiritual vacuum, Western mysticism, entering Russia chiefly through freemasonry, provided a satisfactory alternative to “Volter'ianstvo.”

Adriano Toledo Paiva

Este artigo é uma tentativa de entender as relações sociais e de poder na construção de uma escola nos sertões do Rio Doce (Cuieté). Estudamos os processos de instituição do Estado na fronteira colonial, especialmente na gestão da força de trabalho dos povos indígenas. Problematizamos a construção de uma escola sobre os domínios indígenas, avaliando a configuração deste espaço, assim como os conflitos e identidades inerentes a este processo. O principal objetivo de nossos estudos é resgatar a historicidade dos povos conquistados em meio às representações e ações dos empreendimentos de conquista.Schools, catechesis and indigenous work in Minas Gerais (18th century). This article is an attempt to understand the social and power relationships in the construction of a school in the “sertões do Rio Doce” (Cuieté) ("hinterland of river Doce"). We studied the processes of institutionalization of the State in the colonial frontier, especially in the management of the indigenous workforce. We problematized the construction of a school in the indigenous domains, assessing the arrangement of this area, as well as conflicts and identities inherent to this process. The main purpose of this research is to retrieve the historicity of the colonized people amid the representations and actions of the ventures of conquest. Keywords: Indigenous school; Indigenous peoples; Brazil Colonial.

2019 ◽  
Vol 105 ◽  
pp. 01030
Vladimir Tarasov ◽  
Anatoly Fomin

The paper considers a new type of powered roof support unit in the framework of interaction with geomechanical processes within the ground rock, particularly, in the thermodynamic balance capsule. Its novelty in comparison with similar Russian and foreign technologies consists is in the fact that geomechanical system “support–ground rock” is brought into the state of balance, which increases the safety of mining works at a coal extraction face.

2020 ◽  
pp. 139-155
Jonathan Scott

This chapter deals with the circumstances leading to the first of three Anglo-Dutch wars. Beginning with a proposal for political union, the chapter addresses the growing animosity between the English and the Dutch through two major themes. In the first place, from the moment of its foundation the English republic was, and behaved like, an empire. Second, it was the product, as in the Netherlands, of a rebellion and fiscal/military revolution which built the state. More than its Dutch model, the English republic entailed a sharp, indeed spectacular, break with the past, accompanied by a revolutionary as well as an imperial ideology.

Małgorzata Rutkowska

The purpose of the present paper is to analyse epistolary and descriptive conventions in Journal and Letters, from France and Great Britain (1833) by Emma Willard. The article argues that Willard attempts to combine the standards of 18th-century travelogue with its emphasis on instruction with a new type of autobiographical travel narrative which puts the persona of a traveller in the foreground. In this respect, Willard’s Journal and Travels, for all its didacticism, testifies to an increasing value attached to subjective experience, which was to become one of the distinguishing features of nineteenth-century travel writing.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 135-196
Piotr Dymmel

Autor zajmuje się planami Lublina, które przedstawiają cały obszar miasta w historycznym rozwoju. Plany Lublina nie tworzą dziś zwartego zbioru zgromadzonego w jednym miejscu. Ze względu na swoje funkcje, czas i okoliczności powstania, a także postać fizyczną są rozproszone zarówno w sensie przestrzennym, jak i instytucjonalnym. Najwięcej zabytków kartograficznych, przedstawiających obszar Lublina, zachowało się w archiwach państwowych w Polsce, z kolei spośród nich największy zbiór posiada Archiwum Państwowe w Lublinie. Sytuacja ta wynika zasadniczo z urzędowego charakteru tych materiałów, które od początku XIX w. były tworzone głównie dla potrzeb władz i urzędów państwowych oraz miejskich w ramach pełnionych przez nie funkcji. Powstawały one przy okazji dokumentowania różnych czynności, związanych ze zmianami własnościowymi, projektowaniem budowlanym, planowaniem urbanistycznym i zagospodarowaniem przestrzennym. Wiedza na ich temat jest niepełna, co powoduje, że stan rozpoznania i zinwentaryzowania lubelskich planów nie jest jeszcze kompletny. W Archiwum Państwowym w Lublinie jest przechowywanych około 50 planów przedstawiających całą przestrzeń Lublina. Pochodzą one z okresu prawie dwóch stuleci, od końca XVIII do połowy XX w. Plany znajdują się w różnych zespołach archiwalnych, występują w postaci kolekcji tworzonej przez pojedyncze zabytki kartograficzne lub znajdują się w ramach poszczególnych zespołów, jako dokumentacja spraw tworzona w wyniku działalności urzędów. Rozproszenie materiałów kartograficznych powoduje w konsekwencji potrzebę ich rozpoznania i opisania. Zadaniem autora jest wykonanie prac podstawowych związanych z poszukiwaniem i rejestracją oraz analizą i opisem zachowanych zabytków kartograficznych. Historical Maps of Lublin in the Collection of the State Archives in Lublin Part I: the Area of the Entire City The author discusses the maps of Lublin that present the entire area of the city in historical development. Today, the maps of Lublin do not form a coherent collection gathered in one place: on account of their functions, time, and the circumstances of their creation and also of their physical form they are dispersed, both in the spatial and institutional sense. Most of cartographic relics representing the area of Lublin are preserved in the State Archives all over Poland; the greatest collection is in turn stored in the State Archive in Lublin. This situation stems mainly from the official character of these materials which, from the beginning or the 19th century, were created generally for the needs of the authorities and state and city offices as part of their functions. They were created alongside with the documentation of various activities connected with, inter alia, changes of ownerships, construction design, urban planning, and spatial development. The knowledge on their subject is not complete – consequently, the state of identification and inventory of Lublin map is not yet complete. In the State Archive in Lublin about 50 maps representing the entire area of Lublin are stored. They come from the period of almost two centuries, from the late 18th century to the mid-20th century. The maps are kept in various archival fonds, they appear in the form of collections created by single, cartographic pieces or are within particular fonds as the documentation of cases created as a result of the activity of the offices. Consequently, the dispersion of cartographic materials necessitates their identification and description. The author’s task is to carry out the basic work connected with the search, registration, analysis, and description of the preserved cartographic materials.

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