2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 328-334
Shankar Chatterjee

This study was carried out among the members of self-help groups (SHGs) at Aurangabad District of Maharashtra in the Month of March 2019. Altogether, two SHGs located in two different areas along with the few members of SHGs were contacted to get an idea about the functioning of self-help group (SHG) in the district as well as earning (income) of members after joining in the SHG. The SHGs were part of earlier Swarnajayanthi Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY), a self-employment scheme sponsored under Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India. In view of this few lines about SGSY and its progress are presented here for the benefit of readers. So, the study is based on both primary and secondary data.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
Kailash Chandra Mishra

On the basis of a micro level study for Puri district in Odisha, this paper finds that the Self Help Groups (SHGs) have played a positive and significant role in generation of employment and income of its members engaged in different economic activities such as commercial farming, pisciculture, food processing, trade and commerce, household industry and agriculture. The members are found to have a change in the quality of their lives. Promotion of SHGs therefore, not only helps foster rural development but also go a long way in attaining inclusive growth in India.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Arjun. Y. Pangannavar

Self-Help Group (SHG) program is a pragmatic approach to eradicate poverty. It is initiated as a self-employment program in the jargon of poverty eradication measures as well as empowerment program in the country. The SHG program was initiated in Belgaum District of Karnataka State in 2000 by the Govt. with a view to bring more poor women under this program to make them empowered politically, socially and economically. But the development of Women Self Help Groups (WSHGs) is very slow in terms of its number, membership, accumulation of funds and size of disbursement of funds among beneficiaries. There is a dire need of effective efforts from all sides to make the development process of WSHGs strong and sustainable in the district.

Shankar Chatterjee

<em><span>This article is based on field study based carried out in Kolar district of Karnataka by contacting Self-help Group (SHGs)  formed under Deendayal Antyaodaya Yojana- National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM)/Aajeevika which is presently in implementation in the country.  This DAY-NRLM is the massive self-employment programme which is the off-shoot of restructured scheme of Swarnajayanati Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY). It was launched by the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India based on Prof Radhakrishna Committee.  </span><span lang="EN-IN">The study reveals that DAY-NRLM is yet to start with full swing in Kolar district, Karnataka. However, by contacting the two SHGs formed and nurtured under DAY-NRLM it was observed that they were matured enough and earning substantially. It is pertinent to mention that initially the name of the programme was National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM)/Aajeevika but from 26 February 2016, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India through a notification has rechristened as Deendayal Antyaodaya Yojana so presently it is known as Deendayal Antyaodaya Yojana- National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM). </span></em>

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (05) ◽  
pp. 294-318
Dr. Jai Jayant ◽  
Chandra Dev Bhatt ◽  

Micro finance is playing an important role in India for socio-economic development of those citizens who are economically and socially backward. Micro – finance have become a vital tool for promoting financial inclusion in the country. In India, as per 2011-12 censuses, 21.9% population was below poverty line. Self Help Group – Bank Linkage Program has been continuously working since its inception for alleviating poverty in the country. Self Help Group- Bank Linkage Program was started as a pilot project by National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development (NABARD) in the year 1992. NABARD was established in the country in the year 1982 and since its establishment, it has been continuously working in analyzing most suitable financial policies, loan disbursement methods and other allied services for promoting financial inclusion in the country. The program had been proved an important channel for smooth operation of micro-finance in the country and a yard stick for measuring growth and development of socio- economic conditions of deprived and poor people. As a pilot project, NABARD aimed to finance 500 Self Help Groups in February 1992. It has shown a tremendous growth and reached to landmark increment in number of Self Help Groups which were 55.77 lakhs as on 31-03- 2020. The present study aims to find out the growth of micro finance through SHG- Bank Linkage Program by National Bank for Rural Development in Central Region of India during a decade period ending financial year 2020. The study would analyze the Savings of SHGs’ with Banks, Bank Loans disbursed to SHG’s and Bank Loan outstanding against SHGs’ during above mentioned period.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 90-94
T Karthika

Self Help Groups are small voluntary associations of rural people, preferably womenfolk from the same socioeconomic background. They come together to solve common problems.The empowerment of women through Self Help Groups (SHGs) would lead to benefits not only to the individual women but also for the family and community as a whole through collective action for development. This paper is an attempt to analyze the women empowerment through self-help group. A simple random sampling technique is used to collect data. Both primary and secondary data were used. Fifty self-help group members’samples were collected through a structured questionnaire. Data were analyzed through statistical tools such as a percentage. This study concludes that the economic activities of the Self Help Group are quite successful. In this way Self Help Group in Sankarankovil Taluk Velappanadaroor area the very successful develop women empowerment and rural areas.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Yusuf Efendi ◽  
Errix Kristian Julianto

ABSTRAKDiera perkembangan jaman saat ini, beberapa keluarga dihadapkan dengan permasalahna tentang adanya angggota keluarga yeng mengaami gangguan jiwa, tak jarang keluarga tidak mengetahui bagaimana merawat angota keluarga dengan gangguan jiwa. Self help group pada keluarga dengan gangguan jiwa perlu dilakukan untuk membantu keluarga mengatasi permasalahannya yang diselesaikan bersama dalam kelompok. Manfaat yang didapatkan pada terapi ini adalah terdapatnya peningkatan pengetahuan keluarga tentang Skizofrenia. Peningkatan pengetahuan ini akan berdampak terhadap kemampuan keluarga dalam merawat klien Skizofrenia..Desain penelitian ini menggunakan desain pre eksperimental dengan rancangan one group pre-posttest design. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah keluarga penderita Skizofrenia di PKU Jiwa Kalitidu yang berjumlah 32. . Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji Wolcoxon sign dengan tingkat kemaknaan 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi responden sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan intervensi dengan self help group pada kemampuan merawat dengan  nilai uji wilcoxon sebesar 0,001 yang berarti ada pengaruh dari intervensi self help group dengan merawat keluarga dengan gangguan jiwa. Kata Kunci       : Self Help Group, Kemampuan Merawat, Skizofrenia   ABSTRACT. In the current era of development, some families are faced with problems about family members who suffer from mental disorders, often families do not know how to care for family members with mental disorders. Self help groups for families with mental disorders need to be done to help families overcome the problems that are solved together in a group. The benefit of this therapy is that there is an increase in family knowledge about Schizophrenia. This increase in knowledge will have an impact on the ability of families to care for Schizophrenia clients.The design of this study used a pre-experimental design with one group pre-posttest design. The sample in this study was the families of Schizophrenics in  Kalitidu public helath centre, amounting to 32.. Data were collected using a questionnaire and then analyzed using the Wolcoxon sign test with a significance level of 0.05.The results showed that the condition of the respondents before and after the intervention with self help group on the ability to care for Wilcoxon test value of 0.001, which means there is an influence of self help group intervention by caring for families with mental disorders. Keywords: Self Help Group, Caring Ability, Schizophrenia

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Efri Widianti ◽  
Taty Hernawaty ◽  
Titin Sutini ◽  
Aat Sriati ◽  
Nur Oktavia Hidayati ◽  

Kondisi yang dialami oleh klien gangguan jiwa seringkali menyebabkan ketakutan dan kecemasan pada keluarga dan masyarakat sehingga diperlukan suatu upaya untuk bisa membantu keluarga beradaptasi dengan proses perawatan keluarganya yang mengalami gangguan jiwa. Proses adaptasi keluarga lebih cepat diwujudkan ketika keluarga dengan masalah yang sama berkumpul dan sharing untuk mengatasi masalah yang sama dalam sebuah kelompok swabantu yang disebut self help group. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk memfasilitasi pembentukan self help groups keluarga klien gangguan jiwa di wilayah kerja puskesmas Sukamerang Kabupaten Garut. Tahapan dalam kegiatan terdiri dari sosialisasi kegiatan nersama tokoh masyarakat setempat, pelatihan kader kesehatan, psikoedukasi keluarga, terapi suportif keluarga, dan proses pembentukan self help group. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah psikoterapi kelompok (group therapy) yang dimana dalam kelompok tersebut dilaksanakan diskusi, sharing experience, role play, dan tanya jawab. Luaran yang akan dihasilkan dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah terbentuknya self help group atau kelompok swabantu pada keluarga klien dengan gangguan jiwa. Kesimpulan dari kegiatan ini adalah self help group yang terbentuk pada keluarga klien dengan gangguan jiwa merupakan suatu cara untuk menurunkan dampak psikososial pada keluarga dalam perawatan klien gangguan jiwa dan meningkatkan adaptasi dan produktifitas keluarga dalam merawat klien gangguan jiwa di rumah Kata Kunci: Gangguan jiwa,  kelompok swabantu,keluarga, self help group.

2011 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-118
Lakshmi R ◽  
Vadivalagan G

Women empowerment is a process in which women challenge the existing norms and culture, to effectively promote their well being. The participation of women in Self Help Groups (SHGs) made a significant impact on their empowerment both in social and economical aspects This study addresses women empowerment through self help groups in Dharmapuri district of Tamilnadu . The information required for the study has been collected from both the primary and secondary sources A multistage random sampling method has been followed. Average and percentage analysis was carried out to draw meaningful interpretation of the results. Garret ranking technique was used to find the reasons for joining the Self help group. Factor analysis was used to measure thedetermine the relationship between the observed variables The results of the study revealed that the SHGs have had greater impact on both economic and social aspects of the beneficiaries.

2012 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-39
Kavitha S ◽  
P Laxmana

For the Empowerment of women, government has come up with many schemes. Among those, Self Help Group (SHG) is found to be the strongest route. The purpose of the Programme is to endow women economically and socially by bringing them in self-help groups, and it spent corers of rupees at a time in the project taken up for the development of  women and organizing women empowerment in such huge number.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 92
Tesaviani Kusumastiwi ◽  
Lilis Suryani ◽  
Denny Anggoro P

Diabetes melitus merupakan penyakit metabolik yang memiliki prevalensi yang cukup tinggi di Indonesia. Penanganan jangka panjang pada penyakit ini dapat memberikan beban baik fisik maupun mental pada penderitanya. Munculnya masalah kesehatan mental pada pasien diabetes melitus akan memperburuk prognosis pasien. Penanganan holistik baik fisik dan mental diharapkan dapat dilakukan pasien diabetes melitus, salah satunya melalui kelompok swabantu (self help group) yakni kelompok yang terdiri dari para penderita diabetes melitus yang saling berbagi permasalahan dan memberikan dukungan satu sama lain. Program pengabdian masyarakat kelompok swabantu  penderita diabetes mellitus dilaksanakan di Desa Bogoran, Trirenggo, Bantul. Kegiatan swabantu berisi tentang sharing dari masing-masing penderita yang dipantau/dimonitor oleh dokter ahli jiwa. Pada kelompok swabantu di Desa Bogoran, Trirenggo, Bantul ditemukan komorbiditas gejala klinis depresi dan cemas pada penderita diabetes. Beberapa permasalahan yang dialami oleh para penderita adalah manajemen stres, gangguan tidur, kepatuhan minum obat, ketakutan akan komplikasi dan penyesuaian gaya hidup. Kegiatan kelompok swabantu selain dapat membantu para penderita diabetes dalam menangani permasalahan yang dihadapi terkait dengan diabetes melitus, juga dapat memberikan rasa kebersamaan dan saling menguatkan antar penderita diabetes.Kata kunci: diabetes melitus, kelompok swabantu, kesehatan mentalAbstractDiabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease that has a high prevalence in Indonesia. Long-term treatment of this disease can provide physical and mental burden on the sufferer. The emergence of mental health problems in patients with diabetes mellitus will worsen the patient's prognosis. Holistic handling both physically and mentally is expected to be carried out by patients with diabetes mellitus, one is through self-help groups (self-help group), which is a group consisting of people with diabetes mellitus who share problems and provide support for each other. The community service program for self-help groups with diabetes mellitus was carried out in Bogoran Village, Trirenggo, Bantul. Self-help activities are about sharing from each sufferer who is monitored by a psychiatrist. In the self-help group in the Bogoran Bantul area, comorbid clinical symptoms of depression and anxiety were found in diabetics. Some of the problems experienced by sufferers are stress management, sleep disorders, compliance with medication, fear of complications and lifestyle adjustments. Self-help group activities besides being able to help diabetics in dealing with problems faced with diabetes mellitus, they can also provide a sense of togetherness and mutual support among diabetics.

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