scholarly journals Educação intercultural indígena: reflexões no contexto escolar Terena da aldeia Ekeruá

Denise Aparecida Corrêa ◽  
Fernanda Zane Arthuso

ResumoEste artigo tem por objetivo trazer reflexões acerca da educação intercultural a partir dos processos educativos da Escola Estadual Indígena da Aldeia Ekeruá. A pesquisa pautada na abordagem qualitativa do tipo etnográfica se configurou na análise dos registros de diários de campo e dos depoimentos de dois interlocutores da Escola Estadual Aldeia Ekeruá. Consideramos que no contexto da Aldeia Ekeruá a Escola é lócus de preservação identitária Terena: de sua língua materna, de suas histórias, de suas danças, de seus jogos, de seus rituais e é também um espaço importante de apropriação da perspectiva ocidental de conhecimento e de obtenção de instrumentos para a leitura desta outra epistemologia. Assim, na imbricada e tensa rede de relações que tecem cotidianamente com a sociedade e o conhecimento ocidental, a escola é o lugar no qual tais conhecimentos são ressignificados a partir da epistemologia indígena Terena, é, portanto, tempo-espaço de interconhecimento, de educação intercultural.Palavras-chave: Educação Intercultural. Escola Indígena. Terena.Intercultural indigenous education: reflections in the Terena village Ekeruá school contextAbstractThis article aims to bring reflections about intercultural education from the educational processes of the State School Indigenous Ekeruá Village. The research based on the qualitative approach of the ethnographic type was configured in the analysis of the records of field diaries and the testimonies of two interlocutors of the Ekeruá Village State School. We consider that in the context of the Ekeruá Village, the School is a locus of identity preservation Terena: of its mother tongue, its stories, its dances, its games, its rituals and is also an important space of appropriation of the western perspective knowledge and instruments for reading this world. Thus, in the imbricated and tense network of relationships that weave everyday with society and western knowledge, school is the place in which such another epistemology is re-signified from the Terena indigenous epistemology, is therefore time-space of inter-knowledge, education intercultural. Keywords: Intercultural Education. Indigenous School. Terena.Educación intercultural indígena: reflexiones desde el contexto escolar Terena EkeruáResumenEste artículo tiene por objetivo traer reflexiones acerca de la educación intercultural a partir de los procesos educativos de la Escuela Estadual Indígena de la Aldea Ekeruá. La investigación pautada en el abordaje cualitativo del tipo etnográfico se configuró en el análisis de los registros de diarios de campo y de entrevistas de dos interlocutores de la Escuela Estadual Aldea Ekeruá. Consideramos que en el contexto de la Aldea Ekeruá la Escuela es locus de preservación de la identidad Terena: de su lengua materna, de sus historias, de sus danzas, de sus juegos, de sus rituales y es también un espacio importante de apropiación de la perspectiva occidental de obtención de instrumentos para la lectura de esta otra epistemología. Así, en la imbricada y tensa red de relaciones que tejen cotidianamente con la sociedad y el conocimiento occidental, la escuela es el lugar en el cual tales conocimientos son resignificados a partir de los conocimientos indígenas Terena, es, por lo tanto, tiempo-espacio de inter-conocimiento, de educación intercultural.Palabras clave: Educación Intercultural. Escuela Indígena. Terena.

2011 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Laura Mateos

This paper analyses the ways transfer of the discourse on interculturality and intercultural education, as it has been coined and shaped by European anthropologists and pedagogues, towards educational actors and institutions in Latin America. My ethnographic data illustrate how this intercultural discourse is currently transferred through intellectual networks to different kinds of Mexican actors who are actively “translating” this discourse into the post-indigenismo situation of “indigenous education” and ethnic claims making in Mexico. On the basis of fieldwork conducted in two different institutions in the state of Veracruz, the appropriation and re-interpretation of, as well as the resistance against, the European discourse of interculturality are studied by comparing the training of “intercultural and bilingual” teachers through the state educational authorities and the notion of intercultural education, as applied within the so-called “Intercultural University of Veracruz”.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 330-342 ◽  
Marcela Georgina Gómez-Zermeño

Purpose The purpose of this study is to identify intercultural competencies in community instructors who serve in CONAFE in Chiapas, México. Design/methodology/approach The study applied a mixed methods method, based on an ethnographic design with a naturalistic approach. The quantitative instrument was applied to 119 community instructors; from these participants, four interviews were conducted with a sample of case-type participants, and four cases are presented. Findings The results show differences between community instructors who demonstrate intercultural skills and those who require developing them. It is concluded that teachers should receive training that strengthens their intercultural competences to enable indigenous children to take advantage of the knowledge they acquire in their community and the pedagogical advantage offered by the use of their mother tongue in the teaching–learning process. Originality/value This educational research about intercultural competences in the field of indigenous education, community education and intercultural education provides significant learning that advances the understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity.

Marcelo Máximo Purificação, Elisângela Maura Catarino, Eduardo Gusmão de Quadros

Este texto, que provém da tese, realizada no âmbito do doutorado em Ciências da Religião na PUC-Goiás (2010-2014), pretende analisar a renovação do pensamento estratégico, no combate a violência vivenciada no ambiente escolar. Os “Peace Studies” ou Estudos da Paz abordam e identificam a concepção de violência e de paz na concepção de alunos do 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola estadual em Luziânia – Goiás. O foco do estudo recai nos Processos Educativos utilizados a partir da disciplina de Ensino Religiosos que através da tríade Escola, Religiosidade e o Sagrado, tem por finalidade o desenvolvimento de uma cultura promotora da PAZ. Procurou-se, através do método explicativo, complementado por uma extensa análise bibliográfica e documental, encontrar e trabalhar os conceitos de violência; paz e do Sagrado. Como hipótese e guisa de argumentação, buscou-se compreender que a educação e todos os organismos que envolvem a construção desta em função da paz, podem ser a solução mais eficaz para o fim dos conflitos vivenciados nos espaços escolares. E o Sagrado, materializado na subjetividade da voz dos sujeitos e expressos e em desenhos, confirma isso.This text comes from the thesis, carried out under the PhD in Religious Sciences at PUC-Goiás (2010-2014), aims to analyze the renewal of strategic thinking in the fight against violence experienced in the school environment. The Peace Studies or Peace Studies approach and identify the conception of violence and peace in the conception of students of the 9th grade of a state school in Luziânia - Goiás. The focus of the study falls on the Educational Processes used from the Discipline of Religious Education that through the triad School, Religiosity and the Sacred, has the purpose of developing a culture that promotes PEACE. Through the explanatory method, it was complemented by an extensive bibliographical and documentary analysis, to find and to work the concepts of violence; Peace and the Sacred. As a hypothesis and as an argument, it was sought to understand that education and all the organisms that involve the construction of this one in function of peace, can be the most effective solution to the end of the conflicts experienced in the school spaces. And the Sacred, materialized in the subjectivity of the voice of the subjects and expressed and in drawings, confirms it.

Retos ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 637-644
Robson Amaral de Silva ◽  
Luiz Gonçalves-Junior ◽  
Jose Maria Pazos Couto

El objetivo central de este estudio fue comprender el significado atribuido al ocio en la percepción de los integrantes del Movimiento de los Trabajadores Rurales Sin Tierra (MST) de la región de Ribeirão Preto, interior del estado de São Paulo, Brasil, y describir procesos educativos emergentes de esa práctica social en áreas de reforma agraria ocupadas por estos/as trabajadores/as. La metodología utilizada fue de naturaleza cualitativa inspirada en la fenomenología existencial, para la recogida de datos se utilizaron diarios de campo. Para el análisis de resultados construimos dos categorías: A) Ocio como tiempo-espacio de lucha del MST; B) Apropiación desigual del ocio por las mujeres del MST. La práctica social del ocio en el MST es un tiempo-espacio de lucha, no fragmentado de otras luchas del Movimiento, que además de la tierra, lucha también por mejor educación, salud y ocio. Percibimos la contestación de la actual estructura societaria y sus imperativos en la práctica social del ocio en el cotidiano de los/as trabajadores/as rurales con que convivimos en la investigación, pero contradictoriamente, algunas experiencias reprodujeron valores hegemónicos de la sociedad neoliberal.Abstract. The main objective of this study was to understand the meaning attributed to leisure in the perception of the members of the Movement of the Landless Rural Workers (MST) of the Ribeirão Preto region, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, and to describe educational processes that allowed that social practice in areas of agrarian reform occupied by these workers. The methodology used was of a qualitative nature inspired by existential phenomenology. Field journals were used for the data collection. For the results, we constructed two categories: A) Leisure as time-space of struggle of the MST; B) Unequal appropriation of leisure by women of the MST. We consider that social practice of leisure in the MST is a time-space of struggle, not shared with other struggles of the Movement, which besides the land, also fights for better education, health, and leisure. We perceive the answer of the current societal structure and its imperatives in the social practice of leisure in the daily life of the rural workers with whom we live, but contradictorily, some experiences reproduced hegemonic values of the neoliberal society.

Goniuk O.V. ◽  
Sydorenko O.Yu.

Стаття є спробою дослідження провідних складників концептосфери хронотопу війни в книзі малої прози сучасної української письменниці та перекладачки Катерини Калитко «Земля Загублених, або Маленькі страшні казки» на прикладі циклу оповідань із середньовічно-лицарською темпоральністю та оповідання «Мартин», в якому художньо висвітлено сучасну війну на Сході України. Концептний аналіз оповідань дозволяє простежити, яким чином сучасна війна концептуалізується в хронотопі художніх творів покоління українських письменників, передусім Катерини Калитко, та як це позначається на особливостях творчої манери, індивідуального стилю авторки, а також способах взаємодії з читачем. Мета роботи – виявити та дослідити провідні компоненти концептосфери хронотопу війни в книзі короткої прози Катерини Калитко «Земля Загублених, або Маленькі страшні казки».Методи. В основі дослідження – методи біографічного, порівняльного, герменевтичного аналізу.Результати. З’ясовано, що для творчості сучасної письменниці характерне концентроване смислове та вербальне напо-внення хронотопічних концептів, їх герметичність і водночас зовнішня простота. Концептосфера війни в аналізованій збірці складається з концептів води (субконцепти дощу, зливи, річки, моря), субконцептів кам’яного простору (стіни, кам’яної брили та фортеці) та субконцептів-символів національної ідентичності (материнської мови, дерева черешні). Традиційні національні концепти в художньому світобаченні авторки трансформуються та зазнають несподіваних способів переосмислення, що є яскравим індикатором глибоких зсувів у соціальному, духовному, філософському та творчому мисленні письменниці.Висновки. Концептуальними домінантами авторського хронотопу в збірці малої прози К. Калитко є простір землі як притулку в умовах війни не лише як збройної агресії, а і як протиріччя та дисгармонії всередині самої людини, що спричинені усвідомленням своєї інакшості, загубленості, відстороненості й відкинутості соціумом. Моделювання метафоричного та фантасмагорійного часу та простору для письменниці є чи не єдиною адекватною стратегією опису абсурдності війни, як явища у загальнолюдському масштабі: через закладені в оповіданнях багатошарові сенси, переосмислення та конструювання тра-диційних і самобутніх, новаторських, суто авторських концептів хронотопу авторка наголошує на антигуманності будь-якого воєнного конфлікту, що загострює й до того складну екзистенцію людей, переконаних у власній інакшості, несумісності з тією географією, в якій з певних причин вони змушені перебувати.Ключові слова: війна, концепт, субконцепт, художній час/простір, ідіостиль. The article studies the leading components of the conceptosphere of the chronotope of the war in the book of the small prose of the modern Ukrainian writer and translator K. Kalytko “The Land of All Those Lost, or Little Scary Tales” on the example of the cycle of short stories with medieval and chivalrous temporality, and the short story “Martyn”, which artistically enlightens the current war in the East of Ukraine.Purpose of the work is to identify and study the leading components of the conceptosphere of the chronotope of war in the book of short prose by Kateryna Kalytko “Land of the Lost, or Little Scary Tales”.Methods. The study is based on the methods of biographical, comparative, hermeneutic analysis.Results. Short prose of a modern writer is characterized by a concentrated semantic and verbal content of chronotopic concepts, their tightness and at the same time external simplicity. The conceptual sphere of war presented through the concept of water (subconcepts of rain, river, sea), subconcepts of stone space (wall, stone block) and fortress) and subconcepts-symbols of national identity (mother tongue, cherry trees). Traditional national concepts in the author’s artistic worldview are transformed and undergo unexpected ways of rethinking, which is a clear indicator of deep shifts in the social, spiritual, philosophical and creative thinking of the writer.Conclusions. The conceptual dominants of the author’s chronotope short prose by K. Kalytko are the space of the earth as a refuge in conditions of war not only as armed aggression, but also as contradictions and disharmony within man himself, caused by the realization of his otherness, loss, alienation and rejection. Modelling metaphorical and phantasmagoric time and space for the writer is almost the only adequate strategy for describing the absurdity of war as a phenomenon on a universal scale: through the multilayered meanings embedded in the stories, rethinking and constructing traditional and original, innovative, purely authorial concepts – some military conflict, which exacerbates the already complex existence of people convinced of their own otherness, incompatibility with the unelected geography in which for some reason they are forced to be.Key words: war, concept, subconcept, artistic time/space, idiostyle.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 47-57
Хрісто Кючуков ◽  
Баріш Гірай

The paper presents and discusses findings from a recent empirical study involving 40 Turkish children aged between 4 and 6 years attending two kindergartens in Berlin in the districts of Wedding and Neukölln. They were tested for their knowledge and comprehension of different grammatical categories in Turkish. Children from Wedding were found to be much better in their knowledge of the grammatical categories in their mother tongue. The differences are statistically significant F (1, 32) = 6. 6258, p = 0. 01488 (p< 0.05). The children from the kindergarten in Neukölln demonstrated lower results in Turkish grammar comprehension and thus their achieved literacy in L1. References Bagdoshvili, S. (2010) Turkish Migrants in Germany. Unpublished MA Thesis. Tbilisi: Institute of European Studies. Barac, R., Bialystok, E. (2012) Bilingual effects on cognitive and linguistic development: role of language, cultural background, and education. Child Development, 83(2), 413-422. Çakir, M. (2002) The use of Turkish as the mother tongue in multicultural settings in Germany. Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences, 2(1), 39-58 Cummins, J. (2001). Bilingual children’s mother tongue: Why is it important for education? Rights and responsibilities of educators of bilingual-bicultural children. In: Making a Difference in the Lives of Bilingual-Bicultural Learners, (pp. 15-20). L.D. Soto, ed. New York: Peter Lang. Cummins, J. (2016) Intercultural education and academic achievement: a fraimwork for school based policies in multilingual schools. Intercultural Education, 26(6), 455-468. Haug, S. et al. (2009) Muslimisches Leben in Deutschland. Nurnberg. Horrocks, D. and Kolinsky, E. (1996) Turkish Culture in German Society Today. Oxford: Berghahn Books. Johnston, J. (2015) Factors that influence language development. In: Encyclopedia of Early childhood development [online], Tremblay, R. E., Boivin, M., Peters R. De V., (eds.). Retrieved from: Schmitz, Anke and Olfert Helena (2013): Minderheitssprachen im deutschen Schulwesen – Eine Analyse der Implementierung allochthoner und autochthoner Sprachen. Zeitschrift für Fremdsprachenforschung, 24(2), 203-227. Skutnabb-Kangas (2005) Skutnabb-Kangas, Tove (2005). Linguistic Genocide. In: Encyclopedia of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity, 3 Volumes, (pp. 653-654). Shelton, D. (ed.). New York: Macmillan Reference, USA. Treffers-Daller J., Sumru Özsoy, A., Roeland van Houtet, R. (2007) (In)Complete acquisition of Turkish among Turkish German bilinguals in Germany and Turkey: An analysis of complex embeddings in narratives. The International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 10(3), 248-276. Yazıcı, Z. (1999). Almanya ve Turkiye’de Anaokuluna Devam Eden 60-76 Aylar Arasındaki Turk Cocuklarının Dil Geli’imi ile Okuma Olgunlugˇu Arasındakiıliskinin Incelenmesi [Investigation of connections between language development and reading readiness ofTurkish nursery school children aged 60-76 months in Germany and Turkey]. Ph.D. thesis, Gazi University. Yazıcı, Z., İlter, B., & Glover, P. (2010). How bilingual is bilingual? Mother-tongue proficiency and learning through a second language. International Journal of Early Years Education, 18(3), 259-268.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  
pp. 70
Kaizo Iwakami Beltrao ◽  
Juliane Sachser Angnes

This dossier presents results of studies that glimpse the experiences of indigenous peoples in the task of satisfying their specific needs in indigenous school education and indigenous education, incorporating from that, their history, beliefs, value system and organizational culture. The socio-historical trajectory for indigenous peoples to achieve their pedagogical autonomy involves the appropriation of educational processes that are linked to both indigenous school education and indigenous education (own learning processes). For indigenous peoples, this path might seem simple, at first, due to the new paradigm of indigenous school education that privileges cultural diversity. However as the indigenous people advance towards the achievement of their own conquest projects, they come across several bureaucratic and difficult issues. In this sense, the guidelines presented here do not reflect all the complexity of the scenarios in which the indigenous populations of Brazil and Latin America find themselves, nor the multiple facets that they can assume. However we hope that the studies socialized here can help and expand the reflections, in addition to serving as an invitation for more and more indigenous populations to have visibility in academic scientific circles.

Suzi Dornelas e Silva Rocha ◽  
Andresa De Souza Ugaya

ResumoO presente artigo traz reflexões acerca de um processo pedagógico fundamentado na perspectiva da Educação para as Relações Étnico-Raciais e Educação Intercultural. Realizamos uma pesquisa qualitativa que objetivou identificar e compreender processos educativos decorrentes de uma intervenção com elementos culturais de matrizes africanas junto a estudantes de uma turma de 5.º ano do Ensino Fundamental nas aulas de Educação Física. Ela foi realizada em uma escola estadual da cidade de Bauru com 26 estudantes e suas respectivas famílias. No levantamento de dados, utilizamos os cadernos de registros dos/as estudantes, os diários de campo e os questionários. Essa investigação nos permitiu compreender a relevância do ensino de jogos, brincadeiras e outros conhecimentos de matrizes africanas nas aulas de Educação Física já que contribuem para a superação de preconceitos relacionados à África e na (re)construção de outros entendimentos sobre esse continente que se mostra tão diverso.Palavras-chave: Processos Educativos. Educação das Relações Étnico-Raciais. Cultura Africana e Afro-brasileira. Educação Física Escolar.Africa for usAbstractThis article reflects on a pedagogical process from the perspective of the Education for Ethnic-Racial Relations and Intercultural Education. It is a qualitative research in order to identify and understand the educational processes of an intervention using cultural elements from African backgrounds. It has involved 26 students, during the Physical Education classes, from the 5th year of the Elementary School in a State school at Bauru, SP. The research has also encompassed the students’ families. During the data collection, students’ notebooks, researchers’ field diaries and questionnaires were used. These procedures have allowed researchers to understand the relevance of teaching African games and the importance of spontaneous play activities in Physical Education classes, in order to lead students overcoming prejudices related to Africa and to (re) build their comprehension about this continent, which is so diverse.Keywords: Educational Processes. Teaching of Ethnic-Racial Relationships. African and Afro-Brazilian Culture. School Phisycal Education.África para las personas ResumenEste artículo trae reflexiones sobre un proceso pedagógico fundamentado en la perspectiva de la Educación para las Relaciones Étnico-raciales y la Educación Intercultural. Utilizamos la investigación cualitativa que tenía como objetivo identificar y comprender los procesos educativos resultantes de una intervención con elementos culturales de origen africano con estudiantes de un curso de 5to año de Enseñanza Básica en las clases de Educación Física. Se realizó en una escuela estatal en la ciudad de Bauru con 26 estudiantes y sus respectivas familias. En la recopilación de datos, utilizamos los cuadernos de registro de los(as) estudiantes, los diarios de campo y los cuestionarios. Esta investigación nos permitió comprender la relevancia de enseñar juegos y jugarretas africanas en las clases de Educación Física para contribuir a superar los preconceptos relacionados con África y en la (re)construcción de otros entendimientos sobre ese continente que muestra ser tan diverso.Palabras clave: Procesos Educativos. Educación de las Relaciones Étnico-Raciales. Cultura Africana y Afro-Brasilera. Educación Física Escolar. 

Vany Rizkita Laily

This research aims to analyze the relationship between the novel written by John Bellairs entitled The House With A Clock In Its Walls and the magical elements of realism. By using Wendy B. Faris magic realism theory which focuses on the five characters of magic realism, namely, irreducible, phenomenal world, unsettling doubt, merging of nature, and the disturbance of time, space and identity. This research also uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Through this approach, this research can find the results that the five elements or characters of magical realism can be found in the novel.

Danielle Bastos Lopes

Resumo: O movimento institucional indígena tem ganhado variadas expressões desde sua criação nos anos 1980, período de abertura política no Brasil. Este artigo analisa uma dessas expressões. Analisa-se a busca da escolarização indígena pelo movimento social Guarani, criado por dois irmãos na década de 1990, no estado do Rio de Janeiro. Grande parte das sociedades Guarani são oriundas do Paraguai, Bolívia, Uruguai e Argentina, cujas famílias mantêm uma circulação não fixa por todos esses territórios. A noção de escolarização é atravessada por ritos, seres cósmicos e lógicas sensíveis que desconstroem os sentidos puramente racionais dos modelos de educação indígena que têm povoado a América Latina. Conclui-se que há um mundo invisível e cosmológico que subsume os processos de escolarização e o movimento popular indígena. Os mundos invisíveis são, portanto, condições essenciais e indivisíveis ao entendimento de política, organização e humanidade Guarani.Palavras-Chave: Educação Indígena. Movimento Social Guarani. Cosmologia. THE REVOLUTION OF SENSES AND THINGS: A GUARANI - MBYÁ MOVEMENT IN SEARCH OF INDIGENOUS SCHOOLING Abstract: The indigenous institutional movement has gained varied expressions since its creation in the 1980s, a period of political beginning in Brazil. This paper studies one of these expressions. This study analyzes the search for indigenous schooling based on the popular Guarani movement, created by two brothers in the 1990s in the state of Rio de Janeiro / Brazil. The most Guarani societies came from Paraguay, Bolivia, Uruguay and Argentina, where families maintained a non-fixed circulation for all these territories. The notion of schooling is crossed by rites, cosmic beings and sensible logics that deconstruct the purely rational meanings of the models of intercultural education that have populated Latin America. It’s possible to conclude that there is an entire invisible and cosmological world, which subsumes the processes of schooling and the indigenous movements. The invisible worlds are, therefore, essential and its indivisible conditions are mandatory to the understanding of Guarani politics, organization and humanity.Keywords: Indigenous Education. Guarani Social Movement. Cosmology.

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