scholarly journals Pemberdayaan Kelompok PKK dalam Pemanfaatan Limbah Kulit Nanas menjadi Sampo di Belik, Pemalang, Jawa Tengah

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 181-187
Rina Yuniarti ◽  
Ayu Munti Nilamsari ◽  
Astrid Noviana ◽  
Muhammad Rizqi ◽  
Kisnun Baani ◽  

Pineapple rind is side product from processing pineapple in Belik, Pemalang, Central Java. The group of Family Welfare Empowerment (known in Indonesia as PKK, Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga) facilitated to processed the pineapple rind as the side product into shampoo to decrease the waste. The rind of pineapple contains of bromelin enzymes that can be used as anti-dandruff shampoo. The purpose of this study was to increase capacity of PKK group to process pineapple rind into shampoo, so group can sell the shampoo and get extra income from the activity. The social engineering approach is used in this study, a combination of a social or community development approach with a simple method of processing pineapple rind. The result of this program, PKK group established KUB Sinar Merpati able to process shampoo from pineapple rind. The shampoo from pineapple rind has been rind certified by the Head of Belik District. It can be concluded that from the community service program increasing knowledge and capacity in processing pineapple rind have contributed benefits in terms of socio-economics and environment.

Umi Trisnaningsih ◽  
Siti Wahyuni ◽  
Wachdijono Wachdijono

<p><em>Yard land can be used as a family food barn. One of the efforts to overcome the limitations of land is by cultivating in a limited place (bag culture system) such as polybags, pots or used buckets. In Ciawijapura Village, Susukan Lebak </em><em>Sub-district, Cirebon Regency, purple eggplant is commonly cultivated in dry land, as well as in yards. This Community Service Program (</em><em>Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat/PKM) is aimed at increasing the knowledge of</em><em> Family Welfare Building Motivation Team (</em><em>Tim Penggerak Pembinaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga/TP-PKK</em><em>) cadres and members of Farmer Women Group </em><em>(</em><em>Kelompok Wanita Tani</em><em>/KWT</em><em>) Al Istiqomah about cultivating purple eggplant in a bag culture system. The methods used are training and mentoring. The evaluation results showed that there was a significant increase in knowledge between before and after the training, that is, from 73% to 89% of the total expected value. The participants were able to understand the difference between cultivating purple eggplant on land and in a bag culture system.</em></p>

Bakti Budaya ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Sudibyo Sudibyo ◽  
Cahyaningrum Dewojati ◽  
Novi Siti Kussuji Indrastuti ◽  
Rina Zuliana

This article departs from the findings of the implementation of the community service program of Literary Studies, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada in the form of providing workshop and assistance in writing fiction works for the Komunitas Jejak Imaji (KJI). KJI is a space of community for writers, poets, and students who carry out the routine of gathering, discussing, and producing literary works. This community is located in Yogyakarta — which culturally has a social climate that supports the existence of literary development and the literary community. In the midst of a pandemic, the demands for innovation on the formation of new habits and new knowledge provide a new field for communities to continue to exist in producing literary works. This service was initiated to spark community awareness to revive its literary space amid the pandemic. The implementation of the service program uses lecture, discussion, and practice methods to produce works about Covid-19 that are ready to be published through the application of research and processing of historical data, as well as social facts in literary works. Even though the story ideas from the 14 works of fiction they wrote were a response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the tendency of their works is not far from the social problems surrounding them. The conceptual framework used to see the tendency of KJI's fiction is Laclau and Mouffe's discourse theory which is to answer the question of how the corona is received and responded to in a political space as well as a literary poetic space. The results of these activities show that the entire works of fiction written by the Imaji Literature Community, tend to put the discourse of globality clashed with various social problems experienced by the Indonesian people in general and local communities in particular during the pandemic. ===== Tulisan ini berangkat dari temuan pelaksanaan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat Magister Sastra, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Gadjah Mada berupa pemberian pelatihan (workshop) dan pendampingan penulisan karya fiksi untuk Komunitas Jejak Imaji (KJI). KJI merupakan salah satu ruang sastrawan, penyair, dan mahasiswa yang ‘menggemari sastra’ melaksanakan rutinitas berkumpul, berdiskusi, dan memproduksi karya sastra. Komunitas ini berlokasi di Yogyakarta—yang secara kultural memiliki iklim pergaulan yang mendukung eksistensi perkembangan sastra dan komunitas sastra di dalamnya. Di tengah pandemi, tuntutan inovasi atas terbentuknya kebiasaan baru dan pengetahuan baru memberikan medan baru bagi komunitas untuk tetap eksis dalam memproduksi karya sastra. Pengabdian ini diinisiasi untuk memantik kesadaran komunitas untuk menghidupi ruang sastranya kembali di tengah pandemi. Pelaksanaan program pengabdian menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi, dan praktik hingga menghasilkan karya tentang covid-19 yang siap publis melalui penerapan riset dan pengolahan data sejarah, serta fakta sosial dalam karya sastra. Meskipun ide cerita dari 14 karya fiksi yang mereka tulis merupakan respon atas pandemi covid-19, kecenderungan karya-karya mereka tidak jauh dari persoalan sosial di sekitarnya. Kerangka konseptual yang digunakan untuk melihat kecenderungan karya fiksi KJI adalah konsepsi wacana Laclau dan Mouffe yang untuk menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana korona diterima dan direspon dalam ruang politik sekaligus ruang poetik sastra. Dari hasil kegiatan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa keseluruhan karya fiksi yang ditulis oleh Komunitas Sastra Jejak Imaji cenderung meletakkan wacana global yang dibenturkan dengan berbagai persoalan sosial yang dialami masyarakat Indonesia pada umumnya dan masyarakat lokal pada khususnya selama pandemi.

Dharma LPPM ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Eny Endah Pujiastuti ◽  
Humam Santosa Utomo ◽  
Suratna Suratna

The community service program is carried out at one of the SMEs in Wonosobo, Central Java, which produces and markets processed carica food products. The problems faced by SMEs are problems in the aspects of marketing, financial management and production. The purpose of community service is to improve the ability of SMEs to market products, manage company finances, increase the efficiency of the production process, and increase production capacity. The approach used in this community service is training and business assistance. The results felt by SMEs are the wider marketing of carica processed food products, structuring the company's financial system, efficiency in the production process, and increased production capacity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 309
Eva Nuriyah Hidayat

ABSTRAKPengembangan Kapasitas Usaha Mikro Desa Tanjungsari merupakan upaya untuk memberikan pemahaman dan meningkatkan kemampuan pelaku usaha mikro yang ada di Desa Tanjungsari Kecamatan Tanjungsari Kabupaten Sumedang. Termasuk juga membuka akses pemasaraan melalui pemanfaatan kemajuan teknologi informasi. Program pengabdian pada masyarakat ini merupakan bagian dari tanggung jawab perguruan tinggi dalam hal ini Universitas Padjadjaran kepada masyarakat sekitar yang diharapkan memberi kontribusi pada pengembangan perspektif kesejahteraan sosial dalam pengembangan ekonomi lokal. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analisis dengan melibatkan 12 pelaku usaha mikro yang menjadi kelompok sasaran pengembangan. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dan data sekunder yang dikumpulkan dilakukan  pelatihan pembukuan sederhana dan packaging serta pengenalan awal pemasaran melalui berbagai media disambut antusias pelaku usaha dalam rangka meningkiatkan usaha mereka. Pengembangan kapasitas usaha mikro perlu tersu ditingkatkan dan dipertahankan kesinambungannya usaha yang ada di Desa Tanjungsari Kecamatan Tanjungsari Kabupaten Sumedang. Kemajuan dan kesinambungan banyak usaha mikro diharapkan dapat menjadi sumber lapangan pekerjaan dan penghidupan sehingga meningkatkan kesejahteraan sosial masyarakat setempat dan sekitarnyaKata kunci: pengembangan kapasitas, usaha mikro, pelatihan labelling, pelatihan packaging ABSTRACTTanjungsari Village Micro Business Capacity Development is an effort to provide understanding and increase the capacity of micro business actors in Tanjungsari Village, Tanjungsari District, Sumedang Regency. This includes opening access to marketing through the use of advances in information technology. This community service program is part of the university's responsibility, in this case Padjadjaran University, to the surrounding community which is expected to contribute to the development of a social welfare perspective in local economic development. The method used is descriptive analysis by involving 12 micro-entrepreneurs who are the target groups for development. Based on the results of interviews and secondary data collected, simple bookkeeping and packaging training were carried out and the initial introduction of marketing through various media was greeted enthusiastically by business actors in order to increase their business. The development of the capacity of micro enterprises needs to be improved and maintained for the sustainability of existing businesses in Tanjungsari Village, Tanjungsari District, Sumedang Regency. It is hoped that the progress and sustainability of many micro businesses can become a source of employment and livelihoods so as to improve the social welfare of the local community and its surroundingsKeywords: capacity development, microbusiness, labeling training, packaging trainingKey words: capacity building, micro business, labeling training, packaging training

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 240
Eviatiwi Kusumaningtyas Sugiyanto ◽  
Sri Yuni Widowati ◽  
Ratna Wijayanti

<em>The purpose of this study is to provide insight into how the management pattern of CSR programs that can improve the competitiveness of SMEs. The method used is qualitative research with phenomenological approach. The informants were chosen based on purposive, consisting of the Social Fund Management Team of Central Java Bank, the recipients of the UMKM program, and the intellectuals who will be represented by the academics. The results showed that the pattern of CSR leads to the form of partnership with the concept of community development. The form of partnership requires the participation between donors and beneficiaries. While the program formed through CSR of human resources, production and technology and financial capabilities</em>

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 102
Agus Nugroho Setiawan

Pojok is one of village of Wonokerto, Turi, Sleman, DIY which is growing. The Pojok people realize that a good lifestyle will improve their health and a longer life expectancy, so they will continue to try to improve their knowledge and insight about health. Some of the problems faced are the insight and knowledge of the Pojok community about clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) is still limited and has not been implemented as a whole, and family welfare program (PKK) activities related to clean and healthy living behavior and the number and skills of Health Cadres are still limited. To realize PHBS in Pojok, Community Service activities was conducted in the form of KKN PPM, for 6 months starting from January to June 2020. To achieve the goal, community service was conducted with several stages, i.e. KKN student training, coordination and socialization to the community, implementation of the field consisted as extension, training, facilitation, and assistance. The results of community service show that the activity has been going well with several activities, i.e. coordination, socialization, counseling, training and facilitation of supporting equipment, assistance, and monitoring and evaluation. The community of Pojok, Wonokerto, Turi gave a good response by participating in activities and implementing PHBS in their daily lives well. The community feels they have gained insight, experience and skills in the application of PHBS. The community service program of KKN PPM has provided more benefits, when the Covid-19 pandemic occurred, the community was ready to do a clean and healthy lifestyle

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-48
Santi Sarni ◽  
Jujuri Perdamaian Dunia ◽  

Community service program was conducted in Kaloling Village, Bantaeng Regency (200 km from Makassar City). Kaloling village has the characteristics of a religious community, hardworking, open-minded, and supported by educational facilities available at all levels of education. However, kaloling villagers do not have the opportunity to study the Qur'an intensively because of their daily routine and busy work. therefore, the activities of KKN STIBA Makassar in Bantaeng Regency are focused on community development programs to study the Qur'an, called "Gemar Qur'an". In its implementation, PkM began by using soar analysis approach to the needs of local community empowerment. From the analysis, the Qur'an learning movement program consists of two activities, Tahsinul Qiro'ah (improvement of qur'an reading) for Muslims and Daurah Memorization and muroja'ah Al-Qur'an for children. the result of this PkM activity is formed several learning groups of the Qur'an consisting of various age levels for tahsinul Qiro'ah activities. Other results are increased motivation and enthusiasm of children in learning, as well as playing and having fun while learning.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 242-246
Kartika Pradana Suryatimur ◽  
Siti Afidatul Khotijah ◽  
Panji Kusuma Prasetyanto

This community service program aims to provide an understanding of financial reports to BUMDes administrators. This program is implemented for BUMDes management in Balesari Village, Windusari District, Magelang Regency, Central Java Province. The service method used is training and discussion. The result of this activity is that BUMDes administrators can understand and prepare financial reports well. Previously, BUMDes management only recorded cash disbursements and income, did not classify transactions that occurred, so that the financial reports could not provide appropriate financial information. By having a basic understanding of accounting, BUMDes management can classify each transaction and record it according to the account, so that BUMDes' financial reports are tidier and can provide good information to their users.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-31
Slamet Arofik

The community service Program (PkM) bases on the theme of "Skill enhancement assistance by" and takes the location of assistance by in the youth community (members of the Dibaiyah and IPPNU) Hamlet Kedungrwants Village of Drenges Kertosono District of Nganjuk. The target of devotion is focused on improving the skills of the youth to the utilization of used goods into useful and even worth selling. That effort is based on the observation that a lot of potential can be developed considering the available assets are also very abundant. But during this time there are still constraints and can not be maximization of the preaching. In this study, this type of research is qualitative research using ABCD (asset based community development) approach. Data collection is carried out in the youth community of Kedungrwants from among the young women members of Jamiyah, Dibaiyyah and local IPPNU members by conducting in-depth interviews to informant, observations, documentation studies and recordings. The results of analysis and interpretation of research data mention that the potential and skill of teenagers can be encouraged and optimized so that with this program, not only keep the environment clean from the pile of useless used goods into useful goods and have a high selling value.

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